Best Way to Make Money Without Spending Money

133 replies
I often get asked by people what I think the best way to make money without spending money is. Luckily I haven't had to ask myself this for a while but I end up coming up with a pretty stock standard response such as "writing reviews/article marketing"

What are some other methods (you don't have to go into great detail just a ball park/general method) you have used to make $$$ from $0 or do you think Article Marketing is the way to go?
#make #money #spending
  • Profile picture of the author Marian
    I love blogging - and it works!

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  • Profile picture of the author Alfred Shelver
    I would start offering any services and using that money to set up all your domains and hosting. Then concentrate on article marketing.... there are some here who make very good money doing it.
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Cathy Shelver View Post

      I would start offering any services and using that money to set up all your domains and hosting. Then concentrate on article marketing.... there are some here who make very good money doing it.
      Cathy, I feel that there are at least several services (besides article writing) in IM where there is constant demand. You could offer a blog set up service, or offer to do backlinking, among other things. These services can be offered both here as well as at other IM forums and Fiverr, and what I'd do is browse through the various popular services there to see if there are any additional ones I could provide.

      You really can't be selective in the beginning, so just do whatever you can to generate cash initially. You can afford to be choosy later on once you've started earning money, but not when you're in 'desperation' mode.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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    • Profile picture of the author DMCAPROS
      Niche blogs are a great way to make money without spending a dime!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    I agree that writing articles/reviews is something you can do with no start up capital. I would only add that you should have some skill in this area if you're going to attempt it. If you don't provide quality, you won't get very far.
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  • Profile picture of the author chrismarcans
    Today, it is impossible to make money without spending. Even if you are applying for work. I think if you want more money then you must be willing to spend much also.
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  • Profile picture of the author JonWebContent
    Post ads on Craigslist offering up services of something you are good at.

    Get an affordable and reliable Web Content Writer to help grow your online business.

    Learn how to play WINNING poker from me!

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  • Profile picture of the author King Shiloh
    I don't think there's really any way you can make money without spending money.

    After all, time, they say and I believe it's true, is money.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by King Shiloh View Post

      I don't think there's really any way you can make money without spending money.

      After all, time, they say and I believe it's true, is money.
      I don't think it's too good to be true, I have successfully made money from Article Marketing which I started for free, as well as many people who I have told to do the same have seen results.
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      • Profile picture of the author co-creator
        Originally Posted by JacksonRiddle View Post

        I don't think it's too good to be true, I have successfully made money from Article Marketing which I started for free, as well as many people who I have told to do the same have seen results.

        can you tell me where I can learn to make money with article marketing starting for free please? I'd really appreciate it
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        • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
          Originally Posted by co-creator View Post


          can you tell me where I can learn to make money with article marketing starting for free please? I'd really appreciate it
          Yeah sure, I'll PM you some helpful resources
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    • Profile picture of the author Ray Erdmann
      Originally Posted by King Shiloh View Post

      I don't think there's really any way you can make money without spending money.

      After all, time, they say and I believe it's true, is money.
      Have to disagree w/you here on this one buddy!

      If someone has even the slightest bit of knowledge regarding IM, one can easily go to and post a job to do some bookmarking, write articles, etc., etc.

      Just last week I went to that site, created a new account, found someone who had done quite a few social bookmarking requests....took a look at their 'gig description', reworked into my own words and then added it to my gig description, place the gig live and w/in a day I had two offers.

      Got them completed well w/in the stated time line and made money. Just proof that one can make money when you think outside the box!

      "Whether you think you can or'll always be 100% right!" |

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    • Profile picture of the author old bald dreamer
      Originally Posted by King Shiloh View Post

      I don't think there's really any way you can make money without spending money.

      After all, time, they say and I believe it's true, is money.
      The trouble, for me is that it seems you have either one or the other. That means using what you have in excess to create something of value that can be made available to other people. If you do not have any gainful employment, anything, even $1-2 per hour is a better proposition.
      As someone who has excess time on their hands, to say I will only do it for $15-20 per hour is a ridiculous proposition that would probably be laughed at. Time is only money when someone is prepared to pay you in exchange for the use of your time.
      Having said all that, let me get back to the original question. I have personally worked at getting an online business up and running on an aglet budget (an aglet is the small metal piece at the end of a shoestring, so an aglet budget is considerably smaller than a shoestring budget). I have found it to be very slow and particularly frustrating but it can be done.
      Combining good quality articles with adsense or affiliate marketing, as unpalatable as it may seem is probably your best, even your only option.
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      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by old bald dreamer View Post

        The trouble, for me is that it seems you have either one or the other. That means using what you have in excess to create something of value that can be made available to other people. If you do not have any gainful employment, anything, even $1-2 per hour is a better proposition.
        As someone who has excess time on their hands, to say I will only do it for $15-20 per hour is a ridiculous proposition that would probably be laughed at. Time is only money when someone is prepared to pay you in exchange for the use of your time.
        Having said all that, let me get back to the original question. I have personally worked at getting an online business up and running on an aglet budget (an aglet is the small metal piece at the end of a shoestring, so an aglet budget is considerably smaller than a shoestring budget). I have found it to be very slow and particularly frustrating but it can be done.
        Combining good quality articles with adsense or affiliate marketing, as unpalatable as it may seem is probably your best, even your only option.
        I couldn't agree more. When you're starting out, you cannot afford to be choosy with what you do, or say that you're worth $x per hour of work. You have to humble yourself and do whatever is necessary for the time being.

        Typically when you're in desperation mode, you've lost your job and have plenty of time on your hands, and if this is the case it is far better to work online for what amounts to a low hourly rate rather than get nothing at all.

        With that said, there is also the danger of remaining in this same mindset after you've dug yourself out of your financial hole. Once you're able to afford it, then it is time to reinvest some of your earnings and scale it up by investing in advertising and/or tools that make what you do online faster and easier.
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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    • Profile picture of the author pruitts
      Originally Posted by King Shiloh View Post

      I don't think there's really any way you can make money without spending money.

      After all, time, they say and I believe it's true, is money.

      Yes I do believe that time is money...
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  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    PTC's aka Paid To Click's are free and no investment is required to earn. However they pay around .50 cents to visit 1000 sites. Some may pay more but the few I saw were 0.50/1000. Also Traffic Exchanges are free and pay per upgrade you referred to them from 5% to 30% commission.
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    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      Originally Posted by alcymart View Post

      PTC's aka Paid To Click's are free and no investment is required to earn. However they pay around .50 cents to visit 1000 sites. Some may pay more but the few I saw were 0.50/1000. Also Traffic Exchanges are free and pay per upgrade you referred to them from 5% to 30% commission.
      Are there any good PTC site's though? Most seem ridiculous like you can only click on 4 banners per day so you need loads of referals to earn any decent money.

      They usually pay 1 or 2 cents per visit so i think .50 cents would be 50 around site's not 1000.

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  • Profile picture of the author Wide
    Most options require at least some basic web hosting.
    Even writing articles require a domain to place them on.

    There is however always blogger and similar, but it's always better to use your own domain.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    True.. need money to make money indeed.. Beside article writing, blogging, posting.. I think writing copy ads and or making video can be easy way for you to earn some cash.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author spoiledkid01
    i am also new and looking for a good way to earn online , i can invest some money too .
    i can hire good article writers , an SEO or backlink building team . What else i should do . I am completely new to the internet marketing world . any kind of help would be appreciated
    thanks in advance .

    My Goal Is To Make 90 Grand A Year - At Least

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  • Profile picture of the author jonibravo
    There are so many websites that provide free accounts.

    Joining them will be free and you can get work their to earn money.

    It is actually building team and do work it will provide free access to different sites.

    Also search on google about sites providing information.
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  • Profile picture of the author jwhitebiz
    Joint ventures, and I don't mean with other IM'ers' email lists, but rather with sites or products in your niche or demographic that you can cross promote another product or do a rev share deal with.
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  • Profile picture of the author chiwawa
    I think blogging is pretty cool and i way of making money without spending any.
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  • Profile picture of the author masterofinternate
    There's a huge number of way in internet to earn without invest any currency.Such as-Freelancing,article writing,blogging,affiliate marketing and so on whose name is also unknown to me.So you should gather more information from the website to find a profitable and suitable job for you.But among them above i personally prefer blogging.You can also make a better carrier there.
    Good Luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author theemperor
    Originally Posted by JacksonRiddle View Post

    I often get asked by people what I think the best way to make money without spending money is. Luckily I haven't had to ask myself this for a while but I end up coming up with a pretty stock standard response such as "writing reviews/article marketing"

    What are some other methods (you don't have to go into great detail just a ball park/general method) you have used to make $$$ from $0 or do you think Article Marketing is the way to go?
    Try forum marketing. Find a niche forum. Become a trusted expert in that niche by giving and helping people. Have a sig link to your site. People will visit. Occasionally do a promotional post - promote a page on your site that offers value (doesn't sell) and you'll get some serious traffic and a few opt-ins / sales or whatever it is you are after.
    Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    I often get asked by people what I think the best way to make money without spending money is.
    If you look around, the vast majority of things "you can do on the internet" are indeed free. The basics (if any) cost very little, like hostings/domains etc.

    Thin about spending money (invest) WAY, WAY late after you already make some money. Rule #1:

    * You want to MAKE MONEY, not spend it. If you dont know what to do to make money and you *think* you fist have to spend some money you already make a big mistake. The "I need to spend money" is nothing but a mental block...because the real hurdles in IM success are not spending money. (As said, you can do that later, ads, outsourcing etc..etc..)

    You could eg. make several web sites using wordpress, article marketing, sign up at several social sites for SEO/ this for some years not even spent a dollar.
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    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    I think you guys have to check my signature =)

    I found a nice info in forex trading world

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author arcadiasmith
    You get paid to complete surveys, the sign up is FREE! you have to be 13+ No Credit Card Required and it has a great referral program. They also recently added a Bonus Points Offers which you can use to purchase Gift Cards, Ipod's, PSP's etc...You can make $50 a week on your spare time and you can do it anytime you want! :rolleyes:
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    • Profile picture of the author Najmi
      Start by providing services for people like making videos,writing short articles,etc
      Promote your service by posting in forums
      Make a twitter page,facebook fan page,etc

      The best way is just to do gigs until you have enough money to start investing.
      After that just make a website,hire an article writer,promote your website and "flip" it at
      Then you got cold hard cash

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  • Creating your own product, then promoting it yourself works.
    Pick a product. Pick ANY product! -> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
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  • Profile picture of the author mattlaclear
    Set up a free wordpress blog and add a cool cpa offer. Then start writing articles and submitting them with backlinks to your blog. You'll be amazed at how effective this can be if you have the ability to write good articles.

    Free Training for SEO Providers in the United States -

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  • Profile picture of the author RunningBear
    I would say blogging on a free platform and then selling your own digital products or becoming an affiliate. Some people seem to have success fairly quickly with little investment, while others have to spend money to see success years down the road.
    Getting to Zen - Simple Strategies for Conscious Living.
    Bringing you articles on enlightenment, awareness, productivity, organization, motivation and spirituality.
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    Create many Squidoo lenses and Hub pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author NikkiDelgado
    I have worked on freelance sites before such as oDesk, Elance, and peopleperhour. You can sign up for free, apply for jobs, get paid and learn at the same time.
    Its a great option for internet marketers who are just starting out and need to make money whilst learning new skills and then consider your own venture.
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    • Profile picture of the author cyberdenizen
      Originally Posted by NikkiDelgado View Post

      I have worked on freelance sites before such as oDesk, Elance, and peopleperhour.
      Writing is one of the skills you can use to earn money without spending a red cent. Aside from working on Freelance sites, you can sell your articles on article marketplaces such as Constant Content.
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  • Profile picture of the author AverageGuy
    goto these freelance site, check what people want, then ask yourself a question, can I do it without spending money? if yes, then bid it. for starting, bid low, I mean really low since your competitor will do this. once started, you will get more experience and understand how it works.

    basically, if no $ to spend, then work harder, more time. push-button-$-comes solution does exist for certain people, but for more general people, it does not.

    good luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author TZ
    That is as easy one;

    - free blogspot blog
    - free Adsense account

    Get writing!!!!!!

    $php_coding = "consistent cash";

    echo ("Give me" . " " . $php_coding . "!");

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  • Profile picture of the author Biggy Fat
    You can't make money without money unless you get a "real" job. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.
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    • Profile picture of the author TZ
      Originally Posted by Biggy Fat View Post

      You can't make money without money unless you get a "real" job. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.
      Really? My wife and started with two blogspot blogs back in 2005. That leveraged our business to current day. The whole thing. NO seed money.

      We quit our "real jobs" in 2006 all together, and make between $4000 - $9000 a month depending on the season of the year in respect to the domains we manage. (see Google Trends)

      Anyone tells you that you can't make money online without an initial cash lay out is either "very inexperienced", or "very frustrated".

      $php_coding = "consistent cash";

      echo ("Give me" . " " . $php_coding . "!");

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    • Profile picture of the author DylanJames
      Originally Posted by Biggy Fat View Post

      You can't make money without money unless you get a "real" job. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.
      That's one of the furthest things from the truth I've ever heard. TIME is money. If you are willing to invest your time (sweat equity), plenty of money can be made.
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      • Profile picture of the author RogerAderholdt
        Just discovered the Website Fiverr this week myself.

        Great place to go to get stuff done for $5.00.

        You can also put your service up there and make some money.

        Just don't expect to get RICH... but if you need and extra $4.00 every now and then go for it.

        Probally a good place to start to find out what works for YOU.

        As you will discover, there are literally millions of ways to make money.
        Get entire State B2B Leads for only $20.00 or get 1,000 Surveyed MLM Leads for your business for only $20.00. Check it out at:
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Biggy Fat View Post

      You can't make money without money unless you get a "real" job. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.
      I'm afraid that I'll have to disagree with you there. I'm not just spouting theory here either, as I know of at least several marketers that started the free/low cost route, and then progressively built their business by reinvesting some of their profits into resources and advertising.

      Let's take an obvious example from this forum. Tiffany Dow (I'm sure she won't mind) started off by ghostwriting, and she didn't spend a single dime when she started doing this, and it then blossomed into bigger projects, her PLR store, and now she also has created and launched products of her own.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author DylanJames
    The best way to make money without investing anything besides time is BROKERING DEALS. By far, this is the most profitable and simplest way to make money very quickly without investing anything.

    There are plenty of people (me included) that own brokerage companies that do this full time. It's a serious business but no investment is required.
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  • Profile picture of the author Biggy Fat
    Haha, I'd like to see proof to the contrary.
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    • Profile picture of the author TZ
      Originally Posted by Biggy Fat View Post

      Haha, I'd like to see proof to the contrary.
      You asked - you recieve;

      $php_coding = "consistent cash";

      echo ("Give me" . " " . $php_coding . "!");

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      • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
        At 14 I was faced with the same question. I had heard legends of people making money online and I wanted in. There was once catch though, I did not want to spend a single dime. Its been several years later since then, and the internet has become an integral part of my income.

        Here are two best ways I feel people can make money online without a start fee:

        1. Freelance
        The Internet has become the freelancers dream. If you have any particular talents (writing, marketing, graphic design, etc.) then you can start a career as a freelancer. Websites such as Elance and Guru also make it very simple to met and connect with new clients, and both have options for free membership plans.

        2. Blogging
        Yes, it seems that everyone is blogging these days, but that does not diminish the success that you can have with blogging. There are platforms such as Blogger or Yola that host blogs for free. Put great content, ad a monetization solution such as Google Adwords or Adbrite, and you will have a source of income that requires very little time to keep it going.

        As someone previously mentioned, all of these methods might not cost you money per say, but they will cost you time. However, with the right tools and education, you can get back a great return for your investment.
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        • Profile picture of the author TZ
          Originally Posted by Devid Farah View Post

          At 14 I was faced with the same question. I had heard legends of people making money online..............
 I'm feeling really old


          My pic was taken Halloween 1980 (Victoria B.C.)

          $php_coding = "consistent cash";

          echo ("Give me" . " " . $php_coding . "!");

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      • Profile picture of the author alwaysready
        I do actually believe in the power of writing articles ! when, it comes to blogging , you only need some skills , so just learn and keeping reading
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  • Profile picture of the author neojr
    A great way to make money online is blogging.
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  • Profile picture of the author oatmeal
    It seems to me that the three basic things needed to make money are:
    1. an offer that people are interested in or that solves a problem
    2. a place to present that offer and...
    3. traffic going to that offer.

    Now the trick is, not to spend any money doing this.

    Here's one approach that could work, assuming you have an offer or product to promote.

    Start with a free blog from to put your offer on. Next use
    free traffic driving methods like article writing, and free classified ad sites such as
    US Free Ads and one that I just discovered that pulls well for me is

    Article writing and ad posting will start the flow of traffic without spending anything
    but your time. Then after you have a small amount of cash flow, get your own hosting account and domain name and ramp things up using these same methods.
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  • Profile picture of the author tritrain
    You could completely use revenue sharing sites and free web site/blogger sites (see the bottom of the page) without paying a dime.

    You could hang out in coffee shops and libraries to get free computer/internet use to build on various sites, such as Squidoo, Hub Pages, Blogger, Google Sites, etc. Couple all of these together and they can feed themselves traffic. Throw on a sprinkle of Facebook and Twitter and you have a nice steady flow of visitors.

    Of all of them, I have found that Hub Pages provides the most income overall.

    Spend a little and now you open yourself up to a lot more potential income, with your own domains hosted on inexpensive (but good!) web hosts.

    Domains for sale - see
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3140384].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
    One thing with freelancing is its really a short term solution, especially for writing articles. While you can earn around $5-$10 per article or if you are really good, maybe a bit more.

    Wouldn't you prefer to write for yourself for either revenue sharing sites, your own site or for directories and promote products i.e. article marketing, as this provides a potential long term income?
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    • Profile picture of the author Charles E. White
      There are many ways to get started without spending money as mentioned above article marketing, blogging and etc but if you keep that mindset you are going to limit yourself and your growth.

      Charles E. White
      Internet Money Making Programs
      ^Find out the programs and products we have found to be worth the money^
      Join our FREE newsletter and get up-to-date details.

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      • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
        Originally Posted by Charles E. White View Post

        There are many ways to get started without spending money as mentioned above article marketing, blogging and etc but if you keep that mindset you are going to limit yourself and your growth.
        Yes, I think once you have the ball rolling scale up/reinvest or try some other things.
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  • Profile picture of the author YoichiSpeaks
    I think article marketing is the best because its all about the value and content you put out. If you have an interesting article you can get good traffic, and if not, it will be reflected on the amount of traffic you get. No Traffic No Money.

    Plus with all the junk floating around the net, you'll get what you put out in article marketing.
    Create Your Own Proven, Dependable and Profitable Online Income Stream...MapForMoney.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by YoichiSpeaks View Post

      I think article marketing is the best because its all about the value and content you put out. If you have an interesting article you can get good traffic, and if not, it will be reflected on the amount of traffic you get. No Traffic No Money.

      Plus with all the junk floating around the net, you'll get what you put out in article marketing.
      I really enjoy seeing articles perform for months on end aswell.
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    • Profile picture of the author cookingdiva
      It is possible to make money without spending any money, it just takes longer.

      1. Start free blogger account, or hubpages
      2. join a few affiliates, adsense program for free. Start writing.
      3. you do not need a website also. Once you make money invest first in buying your own domain and hosting.

      Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author dake
    Blogging and social bookmarking your sites through onlywire.
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    • Profile picture of the author omk
      Video marketing is a pretty good way to get some mileage without spending money. There are plenty of video sites and people love watching videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishalduggal
    There are many many ways to make money online without spending a penny.
    However i will not reveal all. Some of them are
    1. Buy some PLR and MRR products rewrite them and then use free webhosting site like bythost or Use ejunkie's 7 day trial and then sell it for 5$.
    Get some bulk traffic and u are done.
    2. Use simple article marketing.
    3. Read some Bla**khat stuff :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    Selling services is the way to go when there is no money to be spent. Getting started is free when you are in Odesk. Its a highly reputable company and i do work for them every now and then.

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  • Profile picture of the author Eamon Diamond
    If you really want, you can use owned by Google, they give you a free domain but it's hashy looking in the top address bar, but if anyone was looking to start out and had zero to spend you can go this way about it. When you're signed up, open yourself an account with Google adsense free also and place the ads on your blog.

    Start then and use all the methods talked about in these replies, article marketing, open a twitter account, blog commenting etc, there's some really good advice here in some of the posts on how to go about this.

    I personally wouldn't use this way, I work with the paid method of purchasing a domain around $7 to $10 then sign up for a hosting service where you are the controller.

    But your question was how to do this spending no money at all.

    My Nephew asked me once how to do this as he was still graduating, he was 18, he put this into pratice with zero start up with-in 1 month he was earning around $40 a day. He's since switched to the paid method after he gathered the money to do so, but directed all his traffic over before he changed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ayaba
    Belive me, your initial spending will be nothing to be compared with your final money.
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  • Profile picture of the author jerrywilhelm
    I'd recommend getting a job so you have a little money to spend on domains. then do some physical product review sites via Amazon or Commsion junction, thats about as free as its gonna get, unless you reaalllly like writing articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonWright
    It takes money to make money.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kezz
    Well, when I got started I had very little money to spend. I was in a very tight situation but I managed to scrape together a small amount of money for domains & hosting, which got me started. I mean, pretty much everybody has a little money or else they wouldn't be eating or have an internet connection in the first place...

    So if an initial $30 investment counts, you can do what I did in the beginning.

    1. Get a Hostgator 1c coupon and buy a keyword rich domain name - total expense about $10

    2. Install WordPress

    3. Install free plugins to create an autoblog from a selection of around 20 quality RSS feeds. (Get permission from the site owners)

    4. Integrate promotions for Amazon, AdSense and ClickBank

    5. Wait until the end of the month or until you have decent proof of revenue

    6. Sell on Flippa or here under "Complete Sites For Sale" for around $200 to $300 (more if you have the revenue and traffic) at a cost of about $20.

    7. Repeat as often as possible

    The more you do this the more you'll learn about internet marketing, site creation and so on.

    You'll be able to build more appealing and valuable sites, and be more able to make ongoing money from sites you keep.

    When I started in IM I was absolutely dead broke and this got me out of the doo doo.

    It's very achievable for anyone, and as long as your sites earn at least little money they will sell to experienced marketers who know how to grow them.
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    • Profile picture of the author MegInOregon
      Dear Kezz,

      I think this is an excellent reply. I'm too new to WF to be able to add my "Thanks" but I'm saying that, too. I firmly believe that newbies (which I am not) have to be more proactive in the beginning than just writing articles or blogging. The article directories have become glutted over the years and an independent blog takes nurturing to be "found". I think the site-flipping aspect, if done well, is the fastest way to get started, as long as the newbie can learn back-room at their host etc.find a great theme and a worthy niche, then follow the strategy you described.

      Meanwhile, my heart goes out to all the Aussies on this Forum, and beyond. Are you in the flood zone? I grew up in Brisbane and Melbourne, and I hope my former Brisbane home, in Ascot, is doing well. It was a classic tropics home, on stilts, so maybe it's weathering the flood. Thank you for your part in helping Australia's flood victims. It's a terrible time, for a beautiful place.
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  • Profile picture of the author gvannorman
    Making money with no money is very possible. You just need a service that you can offer to others. I believe that just about any service can be offered, with no working capital. Not here on WF (because you have to pay to post in the BST section) but on other forums.

    The key is to be honest and conduct yourself business like. I personally have been down the road of offering a writing service. I made a few bucks doing this, but I got caught up in other things and got side tracked. This caused me to produce less than quality to get the job done, I now know that this is no way to conduct business. So, I quit doing that.

    I am now concentrating on blogging and making money with Adsense and Amazon Affiliates. I hope that I can produce a few income streams that can keep money coming in each month.
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  • Profile picture of the author RaptorGabe
    Gota love, after finding them I suggest to most newbies to post at least one gig on there. No you will not get rich but you can at least cover your monthly hosting cost and if your good your "must have the latest product" crave
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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by RaptorGabe View Post

      Gota love, after finding them I suggest to most newbies to post at least one gig on there. No you will not get rich but you can at least cover your monthly hosting cost and if your good your "must have the latest product" crave
      While I do like Fiverr, the two main problems I see are the

      1. the wait for the payment
      and more importantly

      In general you'll only earn money when you work ($3.90 or thereabouts per gig).

      Where as article Marketing and other low/no cost methods can earn you money for months on end.

      But Fiverr is a good place to start for a few people especially if you can sell something that can be done super quickly, so its not bad.
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  • Profile picture of the author gvannorman
    Success is often the result of taking a misstep in the right direction.

    This is what I just read on Twitter. Now, it is true that you can make money with little or no money out of pocket. Just be prepared to fail, and the best part is when you do fail you will be losing nothing or very little.

    But, it is what you do after you fail. This will ultimately determine how much you can make.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eno
    I think you can make money without spending money with blogging and article marketing. It will require time though.
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    • Profile picture of the author gvannorman
      Originally Posted by Eno View Post

      I think you can make money without spending money with blogging and article marketing. It will require time though.
      It does require time and patience to make money with blogging. You will require some knowledge of traffic generation also. This is because without traffic, no money.

      You can search the forum here for traffic generating ideas.

      Blogging is my project right now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3152714].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Eno
        Originally Posted by gvannorman View Post

        It does require time and patience to make money with blogging. You will require some knowledge of traffic generation also. This is because without traffic, no money.

        You can search the forum here for traffic generating ideas.

        Blogging is my project right now.
        Thanks. I totally agree with you.
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      • Profile picture of the author polrbearz
        Originally Posted by gvannorman View Post

        It does require time and patience to make money with blogging. You will require some knowledge of traffic generation also. This is because without traffic, no money.

        You can search the forum here for traffic generating ideas.

        Blogging is my project right now.

        After reading your post, it seemed that you might be interested in helping us advise a friend who we think would really benefit from taking her business online. She is an experienced cookbook editor working freelance with mainstream publishing companies. What immediately became obvious to me is that she could put her expertise on the Net with a blog about cooking. She could use this blog to showcase her talents. She could post articles, do cookbook reviews, make her availability known for editing and other collaborations--etc.

        I have become excited about the possibility of setting all of this up for her. Either that or just guiding her to a simple method of getting started. Either way--- helping a good friend who is super-talented but not Net-savvy.
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  • Profile picture of the author azwar
    Article marketing.
    Free email marketing --> Although it's not convert very well, but with good offer and strategies it can make sale
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    • Profile picture of the author tritrain
      There are a variety of really good revenue sharing sites. Just do a search for a list of em.

      The best one I've found is Hub Pages for earning potential of just one site.

      However, I think it's important for a number of reasons to spread yourself out. Many of these revenue sharing sites also act to send backlinks and traffic to your other revenue sharing sites. The same visitor could follow one link after another, earning you money all along the way. That's why it's so important to write valuable content. Trust goes a really long way!
      Domains for sale - see
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    • Profile picture of the author PLRgirl
      There is one thing that has not been said enough times in all of the gazillion replies floating here.


      It's a laugh-out-loud scenario if ANYONE says otherwise!

      You could make 50 cents by writing about 150 words at some sites - but you will make it ASAP - that's my point.

      Sure, if you have enough dough to dole out for your online biz., you'll get 'there' (read - destination success) way sooner.

      But if you Sweat It Out, you'll learn while you grow.

      Enjoy the journey.

      Full Spin-Syntax Versions Per Pack @ Incredible Rates

      PM me for more details or Skype me - It's PLR that's QUALITY + QUANTITY - Hurry!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3152916].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PLRgirl
        Btw, I am not encouraging or advising you to opt for the 50-cent sites!

        That was an example to portray to the 'non-believers' (you know who you are) money can be earned today - even if it's the most basic of amounts.

        AdSense, Amazon, Affiliate Marketing, Craiglist, eBay - all great ideas and huge in their own league.

        Read and research as much as you can.

        Don't dive anywhere blindly.

        Just because something is free, does not mean its worth your time!

        Your time is important. Use it wisely.

        Full Spin-Syntax Versions Per Pack @ Incredible Rates

        PM me for more details or Skype me - It's PLR that's QUALITY + QUANTITY - Hurry!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3152960].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
        Originally Posted by PLRgirl View Post

        There is one thing that has not been said enough times in all of the gazillion replies floating here.


        It's a laugh-out-loud scenario if ANYONE says otherwise!

        You could make 50 cents by writing about 150 words at some sites - but you will make it ASAP - that's my point.

        Sure, if you have enough dough to dole out for your online biz., you'll get 'there' (read - destination success) way sooner.

        But if you Sweat It Out, you'll learn while you grow.

        Enjoy the journey.
        Yeah, those are good but it runs into the main problem that its a small one time payment (which I guess is ok, write 10 and reinvest), but I'd choose article Marketing over this any day.
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  • Profile picture of the author navyseal
    For me I have a powerful method making money for free at zero cost.

    I wouldn't actually share it.

    Most professionals work for me every time they make money or get paid, I also have a commission. Probably less than a month I can generate $100 to $200 dollars.

    This method really works! 100 percent free! But before I arrive this situation, I also do a lot of research, I also bought a product from different site before I came across about this technique.

    I plan to sell this product but Im afraid a lot of guys would compromise by the time they already purchase. But some of them get jealous and report you and then your paypal will suspended.

    I don't know what type of term you called that a person would try to pissed you off even thou they already benefited from your product.

    But I guess I have to enjoy this money making opportunity for free for myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author adelainewatson
    Try Blogging. There are lots of CWS sites that can be used for free.
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  • Profile picture of the author M Stevens
    I've had some success with Article Marketing too, I think I will try and scale up what I've done with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author bigslamgyrl
    I personally love facebook fan pages - provided you have an affiliate product to promote. Some people say that you need to put up facebook ads, but I have had people find my fanpages before I even started promoting them. It is really a powerful tool.

    I also like article marketing, blogging, lenses, etc., but I think facebook works the fastest, in my opinion.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3158673].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by bigslamgyrl View Post

      I personally love facebook fan pages - provided you have an affiliate product to promote. Some people say that you need to put up facebook ads, but I have had people find my fanpages before I even started promoting them. It is really a powerful tool.

      I also like article marketing, blogging, lenses, etc., but I think facebook works the fastest, in my opinion.
      Yeah, that's something I will probably look into aswell. I just need to work out what I can link to i.e direct or my own squeeze page.
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  • Profile picture of the author bsuperiority
    I agree. Article Marketing is where it's at. I've also made quick videos with powerpoint and put them online to drive traffic and garner backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author prostock81
    Would have to jump on the blogging method myself, but that works better with your own domain, which does require a little investment, but I do use blogger which is free and simple to get something online quick.
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  • Profile picture of the author jerrywilhelm
    Get a job? sorry I couldn't resist.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by jerrywilhelm View Post

      Get a job? sorry I couldn't resist.
      Haha, if you want to limit your earnings to the hours you work instead of trying to exponentially grow your income.
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  • Profile picture of the author alysemackie
    Blogging I think is the best way...
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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by alysemackie View Post

      Blogging I think is the best way...
      The problem with blogging I find (while not bad) is reaching an AdSense payout quickly. It can be done, but you'll want to consider other monetization methods for your blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author WilliamLark
    I would say to build up a Twitter, Facebook and other popular Social network profiles in a certain niche and market affiliate products to your friends, fans and followers.

    FREE Mobile Marketing Products at
    Top Selling WSO - See What Products Are Hot On The Warrior Forum:
    WP QRCodez - FREE Wordpress Plugin To Create QR Codes In Posts & Pages..Click Here!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3165766].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by WilliamLark View Post

      I would say to build up a Twitter, Facebook and other popular Social network profiles in a certain niche and market affiliate products to your friends, fans and followers.
      Can this be done for free? I guess you could direct the traffic to your free blog, something I will consider though as I do have numerous guides/info on twitter so I should probably try and maximise it more.
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  • Profile picture of the author gvannorman
    I personally have yet to figure twitter out. I post a link there, but really do not get much traffic from the source. This is probably due to all the fake followers that I have.
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  • Profile picture of the author rockfuse
    go down town and beg for change , when I was in college in Boston we use to ask the tourist for change for the meter lol and we would make our beer money for the weekend. lol
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  • Profile picture of the author jaegirl75
    I want to get into Brokering - I hear it's great!
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  • Profile picture of the author Syamsul Alam
    I think, get real world job where you can learn, or spend one year to learn first. (no capital needed)

    Then you turn your knowledge into product and sell it to fiverr (no capital needed again)

    Got five jobs in fiverr, invest it on domain and hosting, and start building your own business.

    Scale it up. (Total time = 1 year or more to get started, income potential = unlimited.)
    Signature Here...
    Move your cursor to my link and it will magically turned red when you do it. Try (and click) it!
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  • Profile picture of the author donhx
    Originally Posted by JacksonRiddle View Post

    I often get asked by people what I think the best way to make money without spending money is. Luckily I haven't had to ask myself this for a while but I end up coming up with a pretty stock standard response such as "writing reviews/article marketing"

    What are some other methods (you don't have to go into great detail just a ball park/general method) you have used to make $$$ from $0 or do you think Article Marketing is the way to go?
    "It takes money to make money." That's Capitalism 101. It's all about getting a return on an investment (ROI)--but you need to make an investment since IM is a business.

    How do you get capital? Capital formation comes though savings or by getting investors.

    There is also human capital. You can develop something though using a skill you already have, and that's "sweat equity." I think human capital is often over-rated, however. I mean, if you can build a web site that's good, but what is the value of that? A few hundred dollars? That's not much of an investment.

    IM attracts a lot of get-rich quick-people. But it is a business, and not always an easy one. It requires all the same elements as any other business which include marketable ideas, capital, skills and other resources .
    Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3213953].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by donhx View Post

      "It takes money to make money." That's Capitalism 101. It's all about getting a return on an investment (ROI)--but you need to make an investment since IM is a business.

      How do you get capital? Capital formation comes though savings or by getting investors.

      There is also human capital. You can develop something though using a skill you already have, and that's "sweat equity." I think human capital is often over-rated, however. I mean, if you can build a web site that's good, but what is the value of that? A few hundred dollars? That's not much of an investment.

      IM attracts a lot of get-rich quick-people. But it is a business, and not always an easy one. It requires all the same elements as any other business which include marketable ideas, capital, skills and other resources .
      "But to spend money you have to HAVE money". I'm not sure if you've read through this entire thread (or if its been posted in another thread) but I do agree that you should treat IM like a business, where by you do invest the money that you earn back into your business to make more (which is another reason why writing articles for others is hard to scale up (unless you outsource to other writers)).

      But to get that initial cash flow running in the right direction, Article Marketing could be the right way to go.
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      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by JacksonRiddle View Post

        "But to spend money you have to HAVE money". I'm not sure if you've read through this entire thread (or if its been posted in another thread) but I do agree that you should treat IM like a business, where by you do invest the money that you earn back into your business to make more (which is another reason why writing articles for others is hard to scale up (unless you outsource to other writers)).

        But to get that initial cash flow running in the right direction, Article Marketing could be the right way to go.
        I couldn't agree more. Too many people seem to be making this an "either-or" type of proposition. Article marketing can be a great viable strategy that complements what you're already doing, and it can also be a way for you to get some cashflow coming in while you're trying to get your IM business of the ground.

        It is also scalable if you can find the right article writers to do some or all of the work for you. This strategy shouldn't be treated as an isolated one, as it can be scaled up and also used to supplement and enhance what you're already doing in IM.
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author donhx
        Originally Posted by JacksonRiddle View Post

        "But to spend money you have to HAVE money". I'm not sure if you've read through this entire thread (or if its been posted in another thread) but I do agree that you should treat IM like a business, where by you do invest the money that you earn back into your business to make more (which is another reason why writing articles for others is hard to scale up (unless you outsource to other writers)).

        But to get that initial cash flow running in the right direction, Article Marketing could be the right way to go.

        This is over 100 messages long now... I did read a lot, but it's a lot to read.

        You may have missed what I was saying. To have money to invest you need to save or borrow it from investors who will expect a return. Capital invested brings a return (if you're good and/or lucky), and that's what you re-invest. I think the OP was asking how to make money without spending any, and that's not very realistic.

        If the OP is able to make extra money through articles, the OP must save it until there is enough to actually doing something. I'm not sure if the teach economics in school anymore, but this is a basic idea--capital formation. If the OP has no money to invest, it is likely any income will be needed to live.

        Too many people expect to make money without spending any. But to be in business means you must invest capital, expertise and time. The percentages of each may change, but all three are required.
        Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3214644].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
          Originally Posted by donhx View Post

          This is over 100 messages long now... I did read a lot, but it's a lot to read.

          You may have missed what I was saying. To have money to invest you need to save or borrow it from investors who will expect a return. Capital invested brings a return (if you're good and/or lucky), and that's what you re-invest. I think the OP was asking how to make money without spending any, and that's not very realistic.

          If the OP is able to make extra money through articles, the OP must save it until there is enough to actually doing something. I'm not sure if the teach economics in school anymore, but this is a basic idea--capital formation. If the OP has no money to invest, it is likely any income will be needed to live.

          Too many people expect to make money without spending any. But to be in business means you must invest capital, expertise and time. The percentages of each may change, but all three are required.
          Ok to use your Economics then, when you referred to using "human capital" to make you money, isn't this essentially using your skills to receive some sort of economic benefit as a result. I.e. using your skills to write articles and receive monetary compensation afterwords?
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        • Profile picture of the author J.M.Wilson
          Originally Posted by donhx View Post

          This is over 100 messages long now... I did read a lot, but it's a lot to read.

          You may have missed what I was saying. To have money to invest you need to save or borrow it from investors who will expect a return. Capital invested brings a return (if you're good and/or lucky), and that's what you re-invest. I think the OP was asking how to make money without spending any, and that's not very realistic.

          If the OP is able to make extra money through articles, the OP must save it until there is enough to actually doing something. I'm not sure if the teach economics in school anymore, but this is a basic idea--capital formation. If the OP has no money to invest, it is likely any income will be needed to live.

          Too many people expect to make money without spending any. But to be in business means you must invest capital, expertise and time. The percentages of each may change, but all three are required.
          That's the key here... you CAN make money without spending any but in order to build a business you WILL need to invest money to grow and acquire the tools and resources that will allow you to do so.

          But, yes, you CAN make money without spending a dime.
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  • Profile picture of the author jjoshua
    I personally started with zero investment, i took part in a forum which rewards members for participating and soon got a free domain. I built a web directory with that free domain and got a bunch of backlinks through articles and forum signatures.

    Soon, my domain name rose in pagerank and I sold listings on my web directory...that's the story of how I actually made money online without putting any money in
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  • Profile picture of the author darkwizgemz
    Blogging is other way to show your opinion to something.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by jjoshua View Post

      I personally started with zero investment, i took part in a forum which rewards members for participating and soon got a free domain. I built a web directory with that free domain and got a bunch of backlinks through articles and forum signatures.

      Soon, my domain name rose in pagerank and I sold listings on my web directory...that's the story of how I actually made money online without putting any money in
      Nice, very well done. I have always considered making some sort of link directory out of a high pr sites but I think that really limits the income you can make per site.

      i.e. sell 10 links on the front page for $10/month could be the maximum amount you receive.

      So the only way to scale up is to either boost the pr of inner pages or on new domain names.

      Originally Posted by darkwizgemz View Post

      Blogging is other way to show your opinion to something.
      The thing I always see about blogging is they really have to be unique and appealing to gain any attention. While you may have some great information it may go unnoticed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    I would have to say that, for instant results (clearing time notwithstanding) there is no easier way for a broke newbie to make his or her first online dollars than with Fiverr.

    It will do a number of things:

    1. Very quickly give the thrill of actually selling something
    2. Instill confidence in the new marketer
    3 Provide some seed money to use to invest into the online business basics.

    Done correctly, there is no reason why someone can not be getting a good, steady income stream happening within a couple of weeks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3220143].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
    Yes, I agree Fiverr can be a pretty good way to make money.

    The thing I always remind people that when they are selling their goods and services on Fiverr, they will only recieve about $3.80 per gig sold as Fiverr takes a $1 cut, and then paypal takes a small fee aswell.

    So I generally try and include somewhere in the gig a link to either my list or another back-end product to make sure I keep in tough with the buyers.

    It would be easier to do this with Fiverr's messaging system but it is against their TOS to do this in their message system (I've recieved a warning on some of my accounts when I was trying to work out what I was allowed to do).
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  • Profile picture of the author clarkw
    In the past week, I have had nothing but trouble with both listjoe and adtrackz - I would stay away.

    I got adtrackz as a download bonus from listjoe and it is is very old... last update 2008 and none to follow. That's probably why even the captcha form for submitting a ticket doesn't work. It may be good in it's final version but I can't find out because the installation manual is WRONG and I can't submit a ticket.

    I have submitted 3 tickets to listjoe about it and have gotten NO RESPONSE.

    I am contacting my credit card company about getting my money back and will be looking for supported alternatives.

    By the way, I'll be glad to publish the support tickets here if anyone is interested. PM me.

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  • Profile picture of the author musiclyons
    Setting up a Wordpress Blog works great. The search engines love Blog with Original Content. They tend to rank high in the search engines.
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Writing reviews and article marketing is great, and one of the best ways is getting hold of a list of potential consumers
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  • Profile picture of the author cyberdenizen
    Want to have some money to start your business but don't want to work for anybody? Write some articles and sell them at Constant Content. I was able to buy a domain and pay for hosting by doing this. Just make sure that the topics you write about are in demand.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by cyberdenizen View Post

      Want to have some money to start your business but don't want to work for anybody? Write some articles and sell them at Constant Content. I was able to buy a domain and pay for hosting by doing this. Just make sure that the topics you write about are in demand.
      Yeah I've seen that site but haven't really ever looked to much into it.

      How much commission does the site take of your sale?
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  • Profile picture of the author Nail Yener
    For me, the best way to make money without spending money in a short time is to offer services like writing articles, web design, coding, SEO, consultation etc. Possibilities are limitless and the more you are skilled the easier it will be to make money online.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    best way I have found is to hang out with other people with big lists.

    Make friends....become good friends. Then you dont have to beg them to get them to send your offer to their clients.

    WHAMMO....made 7k in one day by doing this. But it is not easy...just have to gain someones respect and friendship and you will see big changes.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3652109].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by celente View Post

      best way I have found is to hang out with other people with big lists.

      Make friends....become good friends. Then you dont have to beg them to get them to send your offer to their clients.

      WHAMMO....made 7k in one day by doing this. But it is not easy...just have to gain someones respect and friendship and you will see big changes.
      Gerald, engineering JVs as stated above starts with relationship building, and this definitely does not occur overnight. You have to be pretty proactive about reaching out and perhaps even offering to do something for them initially, as this is what will get their attention and make you stand out from the crowd.

      With the proper amount of persistence and faith, this will pay off very well though. This is something we should all strive for, and we should be constantly attempting to build relationships with people in our niche(s). Even though we are marketing on the internet, we need to remember that we'll get much further if we build rapport and trust with our peers, just like what occurs in offline business!

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author nerrutis
    Best way is to make Phone App business!
    Make once gain forever...

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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    Personally I'm looking into getting a domain to host my stuff on but since I have no start up money, I'm working for ChaCha answering questions. I make between $2.50 and $4.00 an hour doing some pretty easy work and a lot of people there can do $6/hr or more if they are fast. People ask questions and you click an answer down below where it lists similar questions that have already been answered. Click my blog in my sig if you want to know more about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author mark healy
    i would day article marketing is the most effective, blogging also.

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  • Profile picture of the author magnates
    Article marketing worked for me . Wrote loads of articles and never made a dime . You got to do it right but Youtube Marketing is a great way to go . is the way I go works Like a miracle if you implement it .
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    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by magnates View Post

      Article marketing worked for me . Wrote loads of articles and never made a dime . You got to do it right but Youtube Marketing is a great way to go . is the way I go works Like a miracle if you implement it .

      Through youtube I make about $30 a month with a simple CPA offer, should probably try and scale it up
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  • Profile picture of the author brendan9971
    if you can write. write some article reviews of products submit them to a ton of article sites and put your affiliate link in the bottom... this is a good method but you will only make what you put in when making money in general.. if you put in $10 you might make $15 back but if you invest $0 you will be lucky to make $3...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3912769].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by brendan9971 View Post

      if you can write. write some article reviews of products submit them to a ton of article sites and put your affiliate link in the bottom... this is a good method but you will only make what you put in when making money in general.. if you put in $10 you might make $15 back but if you invest $0 you will be lucky to make $3...
      Only $3?

      From affiliate commissions you can be making much more than that starting with $0
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  • Profile picture of the author ThinhPhanHuynh
    Well, if you want to make uncomplicated money online go ahead and open Fiverr. You can offer something particular at that place like doing testimonials, writing, building backlinks and stuff like that for $5. Another way is going to Sharecash, sign up an account then start uploading files and contribute it with other people or your friends. You could earn $300 a day with Sharecash. I made $239 a day with Sharecash before.
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  • Profile picture of the author mannenb
    i am a new marketer, so a free way to earn money would be perfect
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  • Well I would say the best way to make some money (and get your beak wet) would be to create your first residual cash flow, and not just "some money" - you can write an article with the Elance system and get paid ONCE, but learning how to create a residual income for ZERO cost is where you want to go.

    SO go get a Blogger account free, create ONE niche blog, and start writing. Write your brains out for a week in the ONE niche blog, and then apply for your Adsense acccount.

    Before you know it you will have a small residual income, and you will not have spent a cent.

    Oh, I'm sorry.......did I forget to mention that making money online requires work.

    Personally I write over 3000 words of content a day on my main blogs, and we have between 4000-5000 words written for us daily by our writers. So, in the end if you get serious (full time) you WILL be putting money back into your business, and you WILL be working every day.

    It's called "WORK at home business" - not "lay around and smoke dope and watch Idol home business."
    Adsense screenshots - Finally make a serious income with your own business blogs - we write your content and get you started and OUT OF THE GATE the RIGHT way! No gimmicks. Clean and safe work process.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3913623].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
      Originally Posted by TurnkeyBusinessBlogs View Post

      Well I would say the best way to make some money (and get your beak wet) would be to create your first residual cash flow, and not just "some money" - you can write an article with the Elance system and get paid ONCE, but learning how to create a residual income for ZERO cost is where you want to go.

      SO go get a Blogger account free, create ONE niche blog, and start writing. Write your brains out for a week in the ONE niche blog, and then apply for your Adsense acccount.

      Before you know it you will have a small residual income, and you will not have spent a cent.

      Oh, I'm sorry.......did I forget to mention that making money online requires work.

      Personally I write over 3000 words of content a day on my main blogs, and we have between 4000-5000 words written for us daily by our writers. So, in the end if you get serious (full time) you WILL be putting money back into your business, and you WILL be working every day.

      It's called "WORK at home business" - not "lay around and smoke dope and watch Idol home business."
      yeah, I think your right to approach it with a "business" sense, however what you can try and do is base it in a niche which interests you to make it more enjoyable while you "work"
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  • Profile picture of the author mavmav
    You can offer SEO services which don't cost you a dime and there is demand for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author xtortionx50
    Facebook fanpages works well for me I found a method online that helps a lot by creating a fanpage on what your offering and join relevant groups for promotion.

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  • Profile picture of the author eagertolearn
    There's not enough gratitude being expressed. I am one who is on the receiving end of all the great material and I have to say thank you very much. You helping quite a bit. At least in my case your efforts at sharing are not being waisted.
    Thank You
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3913810].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HappyHourInfo
    Best bet is writing your own blog and monetizing that blog. But be ready for some WORK. And make sure you like doing that.
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