how to make your first 1$ or your first sale?

32 replies
Hey warriors,

I'm wondering if any experienced warriors can tell me how you can make your first dollar or your first sale online?

#make #sale
  • Profile picture of the author JulianKane
    Affiliate marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Roland Hop
    From one or maybe a few adsense clicks
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesWilder
    Yeah, Affiliate Marketing.

    Or, create your own product and sell it in WSO!!

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    • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
      It's really too difficult to help you without knowing your skill level.

      Its easy for us to say to go do keyword research, start a blog, get hosting, submit to eza etc but if you don't know the technical it will be a nightmare for you and barely useful to you.

      Anyway for a nebwie I'd say article marketing can work well if you choose a good niche and are willing to learn.
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      • Profile picture of the author bradlean
        Sign up for a free blog.

        go to

        join affiliates then never forget to insert your affiliate link.
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      • Profile picture of the author George Sepich
        Create your own valuable product and put it in your Warrior Forum Sig File. Then make a bunch of good posts with great content. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.


        Need Help? Digital Marketing Solutions From George Sepich.

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        • Profile picture of the author Jason Carter
          If you just want to make your first few dollars to see that this internet marketing thing is for real I would go to the fiverr dot com website. They hire people on that site to do all kinds of odd jobs.

          I am sure if you search around in it you will find something that you would enjoy to do.

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        • Profile picture of the author ECoatTech
          Originally Posted by George Sepich View Post

          Create your own valuable product and put it in your Warrior Forum Sig File. Then make a bunch of good posts with great content. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

          I have seen that many members here with their products. Do certain products sell better than others???
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    • Profile picture of the author moonguy
      Originally Posted by JamesWilder View Post

      Yeah, Affiliate Marketing.

      Or, create your own product and sell it in WSO!!


      i like this method.... with WSO

      can you show us the tree process.. next after next..what kind of WSO you use until...the payment process..
      i believe you have i mind-map that kind of process. would you like to share...

      I just back active here .. after a long time 'sleep' offline
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    • Profile picture of the author Talinn
      Originally Posted by JamesWilder View Post

      Yeah, Affiliate Marketing.

      Or, create your own product and sell it in WSO!!

      A WSO created by someone who is yet to make his or her first sale in Internet Marketing?

      "Here Are Incredible Secrets of Those People Who Have No Idea About Internet Marketing... Massively Powerful Insight Into 'Their' World! Know The Enemy - Sell to The Enemy! Written From Personal Experience."
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      • Profile picture of the author alwaysready
        I always advice newbies to start making their first money online with getting jobs from people , you can be hired (and many sites can offer this) so you can discover more about it and learn ! Try PTC sites (but) only if you have patience to get referrals .. writing articles !... G.Luck
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      • Profile picture of the author scott33
        Originally Posted by Talinn View Post

        A WSO created by someone who is yet to make his or her first sale in Internet Marketing?

        "Here Are Incredible Secrets of Those People Who Have No Idea About Internet Marketing... Massively Powerful Insight Into 'Their' World! Know The Enemy - Sell to The Enemy! Written From Personal Experience."

        Sometimes I Wonder If Most The Products Out There Are Made By People Who Have No Idea What There Talking About Lolz
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  • Profile picture of the author rana.zahid
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    • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
      Originally Posted by rana.zahid View Post

      Actually creating your own product is pretty simple but there really is no need to yell about it

      "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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  • Profile picture of the author Lazy
    There are endless ways to make a buck online. What are you good at? Head over to a freelancing website and see if anyone has an ad looking for a skill that you have.
    WARRIORS ONLY: Get up to 100,000 verified high PR backlinks as soon as tomorrow! RAVE REVIEWS!

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  • Profile picture of the author TheHawk
    Select a best selling product in any niche.. Promote it using blog.. Earn Commissions.. Hardly takes 1 hour to set-up a blog and 5 hours to drive traffic and get your first sale.. use free traffic sources to drive traffic to your blog.. Within 24 Hrs you will get your first sale..
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    • Profile picture of the author moonguy
      Originally Posted by TheHawk View Post

      Select a best selling product in any niche.. Promote it using blog.. Earn Commissions.. Hardly takes 1 hour to set-up a blog and 5 hours to drive traffic and get your first sale.. use free traffic sources to drive traffic to your blog.. Within 24 Hrs you will get your first sale..
      i'm so sorry because i'm quite skeptical here..

      how you drive your traffic ?
      how come that fast organic traffic in 5hrs...?
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  • Profile picture of the author jonibravo
    Try with your own product. Then you will get a lot of money online. First time earning will require patience from you. So be prepared and do some work to earn money. Best of luck!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Bekah Howard
    Originally Posted by co-creator View Post

    Hey warriors,

    I'm wondering if any experienced warriors can tell me how you can make your first dollar or your first sale online?

    Stop asking, start doing.

    You need to start learning for yourself instead of expecting knowledge to be handed to you.

    If I come across as harsh here it's because I'm giving you tough love. Yesterday alone you posted at least three separate threads basically saying the same thing. "Tell me how to make money". If you don't at least invest time in learning then you are not going to take anything seriously.

    No one is going to hand you the magic bullet that will make you instant money. You need to read through the forum, pick something, and go with it. If you need a guide, look for threads that give you guidelines like this one:

    I wish you luck, but you need to start working for yourself.

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  • Profile picture of the author donhx
    Originally Posted by co-creator View Post

    Hey warriors,

    I'm wondering if any experienced warriors can tell me how you can make your first dollar or your first sale online?

    Ask your Mom to buy whatever you offer.
    Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Rodney
    First you have to know something. Money is reward received for service rendered.
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    • Profile picture of the author co-creator
      Thanks warriors!

      I am doing. I am doing!

      I did some keyword research.
      Found a product to promote.
      Built a blog around that affiliate offer.
      Built 5 backlinks to the blog.(going to add 5 more backlinks every single day)
      Now, I'm learning how to drive free traffic to this blog.

      I'll let you know when I make my first sale!
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      • Profile picture of the author Roland Hop
        Originally Posted by co-creator View Post

        Thanks warriors!

        I am doing. I am doing!

        I did some keyword research.
        Found a product to promote.
        Built a blog around that affiliate offer.
        Built 5 backlinks to the blog.(going to add 5 more backlinks every single day)
        Now, I'm learning how to drive free traffic to this blog.

        I'll let you know when I make my first sale!
        Hey atleast you started, thats better than most of the IMers out there :rolleyes:
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      • Profile picture of the author Bekah Howard
        Originally Posted by co-creator View Post

        Thanks warriors!

        I am doing. I am doing!

        I did some keyword research.
        Found a product to promote.
        Built a blog around that affiliate offer.
        Built 5 backlinks to the blog.(going to add 5 more backlinks every single day)
        Now, I'm learning how to drive free traffic to this blog.

        I'll let you know when I make my first sale!
        Keep it up! My best advice at this point is to stay focused on your plan and not let yourself get distracted by the "latest, greatest" new methods. I'm looking forward to hearing about your first sale!

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  • Profile picture of the author scott33
    yahoo answers doesn't allow direct affiliate links no more...
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  • Profile picture of the author WilliamLark
    @JamesWilder hit the nail on the head just from creating a quality WSO you can have sales instantly if your product is good and if you have a website by placing the url either in the post or in your signature it will give a backlink and generate some traffic from the forum to your site.

    FREE Mobile Marketing Products at
    Top Selling WSO - See What Products Are Hot On The Warrior Forum:
    WP QRCodez - FREE Wordpress Plugin To Create QR Codes In Posts & Pages..Click Here!

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  • Profile picture of the author scott33
    Free WSO's FTW!
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  • Profile picture of the author prostock81
    Bottom line is implement things you have learned. Like some others have stated TAKE ACTION. No sales if no action-good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author cheaterscode
    adsense click will do the job.
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  • Profile picture of the author driven247
    The best thing you can do is focus on that blog and niche right now. Don't jump around.

    I would definatly answer some questions at yahoo answers and link to your blog. Then write a couple articles based off your keyword research. I would suggest a minimum of 5 articles but the more you can write the better your results will be. Submit 1 to ezine articles maybe 2. Use 1 or 2 and submit them to quality blogs for a guest blog post. Use another one to mass submit to article directories. Rinse and repeat that process.

    You should see a few sales from that as long as your site is set up correctly.

    Biggest thing is to stick to that one blog until you make some money.
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  • Profile picture of the author PCM
    You need a $5 investment for this one

    Find an online printing company and order 100-250 business cards for FREE*.
    They say it's free but it usually costs around 4 bucks. (that's Vista print I believe)
    Type your real information and your 'short link' for Pet Health Cookies.

    A Saturday afternoon, visit the pet shops around your home and talk with the clients. Whoever has a scheduled pet shop visit (Saturday is the best day for this assumption), cares about his/her pet. Talk about your Pet Health cookies for 1 minute (each). Give away your business cards that have your short affiliate link to Pet Health *free trial* deal on them.

    That's not BS. My ROI was 12%. They usually pay around $27 per free trial sign up.
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    • Profile picture of the author fatboy
      I see in post #22, you decided to take action. That is the second hardest step in IM. The first hardest step is seeing a project through.

      Do not get discouraged, and make sure you stick with it. There are a million different ways to skin a cat (code for - make money online) and in all honesty I have found that out of all of the people that I have helped get started in Internet Marketing, the ones that go their own route are the one's that do the best.

      I wish you luck and hope that you figure out your method. If you need help keep reading. You can always also PM me.
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