Help with Autoresponder/Passworded Download?

by pdrs
6 replies
Hey Guys,

Could someone help me out or point me in the right direction. I want to setup a simple site that when I give someone a link, it gets them to signup to my mailing list (im going to use mailchimp i think). Then when they confirm their signup it sends them a link to a download page which is password protected.

Is this hard to do/expensive? any insight would be greatly appreciated!


  • Profile picture of the author Brian Alaway
    Easy, just have the first message in your autoresponder series deliver the link.
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    • Profile picture of the author moonguy
      it seem so complicated with password...

      i just set up mine.. web (cpanel included) -- inside cpanel (GUI) .. autoresponder provided (with simple 1-2minutes settings with video guided )


      use free -- feedback form wizard (feedback.php) to associate with cpanel auto responder

      you create backlink (your Ebook.pdf file @ web subdirectory etc) in your autoresponder

      i'm just sharing of what i'm doing
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      • Profile picture of the author pdrs
        thanks! appreciate the help
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      • Profile picture of the author ecdiscounts
        Originally Posted by moonguy View Post

        it seem so complicated with password...

        i just set up mine.. web (cpanel included) -- inside cpanel (GUI) .. autoresponder provided (with simple 1-2minutes settings with video guided )

        The autoresponder that is in cpanel is not for marketing, it is a simple autoresponder that sends out a message to those that send email to you.

        A true Email Marketing Autoresponder conforms to the Can-Spam act by sending out a confirmation email to those that sign up via a form to your list and if the person does not opt-in then they are not added to your list.

        If you use some php script to harvest email addresses you will violate the Can-Spam act and could be shut down and now that the new spam law in Canada has passed you could get a fine of upto 1 million dollars per email for sending an email to a non confirmed opt-in address.

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        Need a Reliable Autoresponder Service that won't rape you? Check out DirectResponders
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        • Profile picture of the author moonguy
          Originally Posted by ecdiscounts View Post

          The autoresponder that is in cpanel is not for marketing, it is a simple autoresponder that sends out a message to those that send email to you.

          A true Email Marketing Autoresponder conforms to the Can-Spam act by sending out a confirmation email to those that sign up via a form to your list and if the person does not opt-in then they are not added to your list.

          If you use some php script to harvest email addresses you will violate the Can-Spam act and could be shut down and now that the new spam law in Canada has passed you could get a fine of upto 1 million dollars per email for sending an email to a non confirmed opt-in address.

          thanks for good advise...

          this is the basic method i used when i have not enough money. at least .. i got listed subscribers email.. ^_^
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    Get a membership site script that is compatible with the autoresponser you want to use.

    That the product is protected, and the sign-up process adds the person to your list.

    The person will get 2 emails, 1 with details of the site, and the 2nd asking them to confirm their email so you can follow-up with them.
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