Help with StudioPress Lifestyle theme

9 replies
Is there anyone out there who is a StudioPress Lifestyle theme guru? I love the theme but trying to manipulate the theme sometimes has me baffled.

I would like to get in touch with someone who has EXPERT knowledge on this theme and be able to ask questions on a continuing basis.

Thanks in advance!

#lifestyle #studiopress #theme
  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    Your chances of finding a SP Lifestyle theme pro are pretty low here. At StudioPress there's an area that lists StudioPress-approved professionals. That might help a bit more.

    StudioPress Support

    Click on the Theme Customization link.


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  • Profile picture of the author VegasGreg
    Agreed that StudioPress Support is the best place for support. They usually help and answer questions within minutes/hours and solve all questions. (If they aren't already answered there).

    There are 2 versions of that theme. The 'Genesis" version and the 'Classic' version. I know the classic version inside and out, but the genesis version is a bit tougher without knowing all the extra codes to add.

    Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...

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  • Profile picture of the author rainman
    Originally Posted by DianneH View Post

    Is there anyone out there who is a StudioPress Lifestyle theme guru? I love the theme but trying to manipulate the theme sometimes has me baffled.
    Not a "guru", but I used to use their themes... What's the problem?
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    • Profile picture of the author DianneH
      On the right hand side, I am trying to put a .jpg where the ad is supposed to be. I have the .jpg on the page but can not center it within the box underneath--the placeholder for the ad (or get rid of the box altogether and just have the .jpg). I have gone into every header title in the css stylesheet and the actual header.php file and still can't figure it out. Any ideas? You can see it here: Wish Upon A Star Scrapbooking

      Dianne Humphries

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  • Profile picture of the author brandony
    Yeah, I'm not a guru either, but have used the themes.

    I ended up eventually just moving away from them due to some of the "issues" I had. It just didn't seem to be robust enough for me with what I was looking to do for some of my clients.

    Maybe it was just me. I'd also try the tech support, but if I remember right, that was one of the things I was hoping would be better.

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    • Profile picture of the author DianneH
      One more additional item. If you go to Rosalind Gardner's, she is using the Lifestyle theme on her site. I like the look and feel of her page and am trying to model my site after hers. Hope this helps.
      Dianne Humphries

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    • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
      Originally Posted by brandony View Post

      I ended up eventually just moving away from them...
      What did you move to?

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  • Profile picture of the author brandony
    sorry for delay...I just used Flexsqueeze, with an "eShop" plugin. Wasn't ideal, but at least it functioned.

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    • Profile picture of the author cody123
      Hi Dianne:

      I had the Studiopress Lifestyle theme and spent more time than I can say customizing it. The Studiopress support is very good and you can get all the help you need at StudioPress Support.

      I switched to Woo Themes because they're much easier to customize and I love the way they look.

      Good luck.
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