How Come I am Saving an HTML File in Windows 7 But it Won't Show UP?

4 replies

I use NVU as my html editor. I save the html file and everything looks all fine. Then I go to upload the file with filezilla and realize that the file isn't in the folder. I refresh over and over again in filezilla and it doesn't appear. So I go back and open the folder it's saved at in windows and it's not there.

So of course I go back to NVU and check 10x to make sure the file is saved in the correct folder and it is, at least it shows up that it is but still no luck. Then I create another html file and try and do the same thing but yet the file won't show up in windows anywhere.

I've never had this problem until today. I even tried it with another html editor and it saved fine too but when you go to c:/programs/folder the file is no where to be found. Any advice? Thanks


On another note, I can save documents in word and notepad fine and find them right in the folder where I save them.
#file #html #saving #show #windows
  • Profile picture of the author Owen Smith
    What is the file? Can you give more detail, maybe a screenshot of your ftp infile.

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  • Profile picture of the author stev0z
    Try running NVU as administrator then saving the file, could be some sort of permissions issue I imagine
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  • Profile picture of the author patey88
    It could be that the file is being written to your virtual store instead of to the real location you specify. This mostly happens when you run an editor or configuration app that tries to write out a file to c:\program files\something. Windows 7 doesn't think that files under \Program Files should be edited by users.

    (I know you wrote c:\programs\folder, but I figure there's a chance you just weren't typing the whole path out.)

    To see if that's what is happening to you, look for it under here:

    You can google "virtual store" to learn more about why this happens.

    -- Patey88
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  • Profile picture of the author ZerosToHero
    Running it as admin did the trick. Also, it would save everywhere else but program files. Don't know why this happened today all of the sudden but at least I have a fix. Thanks
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