How to Become An Internet Marketing Smart Ass In 3 Simple Lessons

21 replies
Internet Marketing is NOT rocket science, you just need to break it down into a series of simple components. new people to IM tend to over complicate it so much, they just plain old give up before they get a chance to ever really get going:


1) You produce content, either your own, or you use PLR - Private Label Rights

2) You monetize the content - Google Adsense, Clickbank Affiliate Products etc, or you turn it into a product and SELL it.

3) You drive traffic to where the content is at: SIMPLE, why make it hard?

Now here are 3 steps to make you an IM Smart ASS!

Step 1) EXPAND the content you produce into several items of content. i.e one simple Blog post on my Blog can become

a) An article to be distributed through multiple article sharing sites

b) A Video that I share through many video sharing sites

c) A post on your Facebook fan page leading back to your blog

d) An audio recorded through Audio Boo, distributed to my Facebook wall & distributed later to my blog

e) A post on my squidoo lens

f) A post on my hub page

g) A post distributed to up to 42 social network sites through Only Wire

h) A post distributed to up to 80 sharing content sharing sites thorugh Pixelpipe

Step 2) Create FREE Reports, use some as incentives to get people to opt into your list and use others to simply give away with your affiliate

links embedded. Create the free reports from the content you have already written. Always include a link to your website/squeezepage.

Step 3) Develop content in a related niche. My main Niche is IM, however I do also write in the relationship niche.

My head sometimes becomes a content free zone and sometimes, I can't always think of new content. This is where I always have a back up niche to start writing about. Once I have spent time producing content for my back up niche, my mind tends to allow me to start thinking clearly in my original niche again, and I'm away, producing content in the original niche again

I hope some of these ideas help

#intenet #lessons #marketing #simple #smart
  • Profile picture of the author Matt Morgan
    Easy when you know how

    Some good points though, which can givepeople many ideas.
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    • Profile picture of the author sparrow

      that is what it takes, more you do of this the more you will get

      Newbies many times make it too complicated

      But what I find is they get caught with the holy grail of the next best thing

      Business operates the same whether on the internet or brick and mortar, basics

      Great post it says it all

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3174268].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Maddi
      Great post Keith. I love a read that simplifies the processes into bite sized chunks.

      Look at any successful business model and you can basically state the main processes involved into simple steps just like you have done.

      But we tend to over complicate things by nature. Most people seem to think that a successful business can't run with such simple steps and rather look for a complicated solution, or the next 'push button' to press.

      Originally Posted by Matt Morgan View Post

      Easy when you know how
      Matt, I suppose than it doesn't take a genius to do this.

      1. Take part one of this post (using the post in context, but can be done with any model, blueprint or WSO)

      2. Learn how to do it best. (Do it by reading on this very forum, applying and testing or simply buying a product to do such task)

      3. Implement

      4. Move on to the next part and repeat steps 1 to 3

      However, it may be a challenge to not get distracted while at it. But like you said "Easy when you know how", then simply "KNOW" first and Implement to make it easy

      My 2 cents worth
      Maddi Murtaza
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  • Profile picture of the author imediazone
    Thanks for sharing, that is a lot of work, don't know where to start
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    • Profile picture of the author Keith Everett
      Originally Posted by Matt Morgan View Post

      Easy when you know how

      Some good points though, which can givepeople many ideas.
      Originally Posted by sparrow View Post


      that is what it takes, more you do of this the more you will get

      Newbies many times make it too complicated

      But what I find is they get caught with the holy grail of the next best thing

      Business operates the same whether on the internet or brick and mortar, basics

      Great post it says it all

      Originally Posted by imediazone View Post

      Thanks for sharing, that is a lot of work, don't know where to start
      Matt Morgan - Thanks Matt

      sparrow - I think we all tend to overcomplicate things at some time or another. KISS Keep It Simple Stupid!... not you sparrow LOL!

      imediazone - it seems like al ot of work but believe me when you do it daily you can do the whole thing, including coming up with the original content in under 2 hours... what's 2 hours to spend on your business?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3174313].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author imediazone
        Originally Posted by kweb777 View Post

        Matt Morgan - Thanks Matt

        sparrow - I think we all tend to overcomplicate things at some time or another. KISS Keep It Simple Stupid!... not you sparrow LOL!

        imediazone - it seems like al ot of work but believe me when you do it daily you can do the whole thing, including coming up with the original content in under 2 hours... what's 2 hours to spend on your business?
        Well i think this kind of work it can't be done in 2 hours, maybe in 10.
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        • Profile picture of the author Keith Everett
          Originally Posted by KaiArora View Post

          If new Internet Marketers have plan as you layout its easy but most new Internet marketers feel there are hidden bullet they want to discover and become expert overnight.

          If you have plan you can succeed
          Originally Posted by Maddi View Post

          Great post Keith. I love a read that simplifies the processes into bite sized chunks.

          Look at any successful business model and you can basically state the main processes involved into simple steps just like you have done.

          But we tend to over complicate things by nature. Most people seem to think that a successful business can't run with such simple steps and rather look for a complicated solution, or the next 'push button' to press.

          Matt, I suppose than it doesn't take a genius to do this.

          1. Take part one of this post (using the post in context, but can be done with any model, blueprint or WSO)

          2. Learn how to do it best. (Do it by reading on this very forum, applying and testing or simply buying a product to do such task)

          3. Implement

          4. Move on to the next part and repeat steps 1 to 3

          However, it may be a challenge to not get distracted while at it. But like you said "Easy when you know how", then simply "KNOW" first and Implement to make it easy

          My 2 cents worth
          Maddi Murtaza
          Originally Posted by imediazone View Post

          Well i think this kind of work it can't be done in 2 hours, maybe in 10.
          KaiArora. This is the problem. When someone is new to Internet Marketing, some people tend to want to listen to all the crap out there and BUY their way into all those shiny objects being thrown at them, thinking that they are the holy grail.

          There is no such thing in Internet Marketing, it takes work but it also take focus, don't try to be an expert at everything, pace yourself and simplify the process by not getting bogged down with the mechanics.

          Maddi - Exactly, chunk it down into bite sized chunks and work on each one at a time.

          Imediazone. It sounds a lot of work, I agree but it's like anything - At first it would take me hours just thinking of a half decent blog post, but with practice (and the help of the Warrior forum) I can come up with a subject and get it down on my blog in a few minutes... then you add to it and turn it into your article, this can take another 20 minutes or so, you then use you Camtasia or whatever software you have to produce the video.

          Before I had Camtasia, I just used to point and click the camcorder and I used to just TALK the video,. It takes a while to do at first but with practice and plenty of automation - i.e Article sharing software and video sharing software, you can do it fairly quickly with practice. OK, everyone is different - some people may take 4 hours to do what I do in 2, does it really matter?

          You are getting a hell of a lot done in a fairly short space of time

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          • Profile picture of the author sonic74
            Hi Kweb777,

            thanks for sharing this....

            some stuff that I find it difficult for me to implement.....I out sourced them

            pretty cheap
            Get Instant Access to over 500 PLR, FREE Resell Rights Products Now!
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          • Profile picture of the author KaiArora
            Very true Keith, Almost 80% of Newbie internet marketers are opportunity seeking entrepreneur/marketers they don't want to think strategically and look at real problem.

            As you said they keep searching online for magic bullets and try advice of each expert.... sooner or later they are frustrated and no results.

            I always suggest every newbie to stick with one expert advice and start acting.... they keep reading but never act.

            So all newbie internet marketers, act as you read don't want for weeks to act.

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  • Profile picture of the author Charlotte Jay
    Very nice post there Keith. I agree it is as simple as just the 3 steps you mentioned above. And I love the title of this thread haha
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  • Profile picture of the author KaiArora
    If new Internet Marketers have plan as you layout its easy but most new Internet marketers feel there are hidden bullet they want to discover and become expert overnight.

    If you have plan you can succeed
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    • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
      Originally Posted by KaiArora View Post

      most new Internet marketers feel there are hidden bullet they want to discover
      There are hidden and magic bullets available for overnight success. The only problem is you have to go to the shooting range, practice for weeks and weeks, then once you have learned to hit the target with every shot you can pull out those special bullets. (I think the Pro's call those Product Launches.)
      Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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      • Profile picture of the author KaiArora
        Originally Posted by Barry Unruh View Post

        There are hidden and magic bullets available for overnight success. The only problem is you have to go to the shooting range, practice for weeks and weeks, then once you have learned to hit the target with every shot you can pull out those special bullets. (I think the Pro's call those Product Launches.)
        Barry, that's how so called guru's make newbie fool. They show introduction video.. how to they made $xxxxxxxx over night or 2/3 days but they never tell how long it tool to learn that.

        In my early days of learning Internet Marketing, I purchased a product telling how to make money overnight selling affiliate products but they easy make us fool.

        He told to have list and copy-writing tips for email that sells but didn't told how to create list or how long it took them to create list...

        I'm glad I learned this by just spending $37 for that first idiotic purchase.... I learned there are not magic bullets to be rich overnight without hard work.

        I'm always excited to know what internet marketers did and failed because that teach you a good lesson and always tell what they did wrong so you won't do that again.

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  • Profile picture of the author mrman101
    wow! Okay this is very helpful!!!! This may sound like a dumb question because it probably is but: Do all websites have a web analyzer?
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    Your basic lessons are excellent! However, there are many details missing. Depending on each niche, the number of visitors a website needs in order to convert them into buyers can be huge.

    There is too much competition online in all fields. You need a lot of traffic if you want to succeed. This is a basic truth. And, you must convert a great percentage of your visitors into customers, otherwise, nothing has any meaning.

    These details complicate everyone’s life.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3175004].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author butch04
    Nice post. Those are pretty basic and easy steps to follow.

    To me to make money online you need to just "SELL" something.

    People will buy anything online just look at the things on Ebay.
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    • Profile picture of the author Keith Everett
      Originally Posted by sonic74 View Post

      Hi Kweb777,

      thanks for sharing this....

      some stuff that I find it difficult for me to implement.....I out sourced them

      pretty cheap
      Originally Posted by mrman101 View Post

      wow! Okay this is very helpful!!!! This may sound like a dumb question because it probably is but: Do all websites have a web analyzer?
      Originally Posted by clever7 View Post

      Your basic lessons are excellent! However, there are many details missing. Depending on each niche, the number of visitors a website needs in order to convert them into buyers can be huge.

      There is too much competition online in all fields. You need a lot of traffic if you want to succeed. This is a basic truth. And, you must convert a great percentage of your visitors into customers, otherwise, nothing has any meaning.

      These details complicate everyone's life.

      Originally Posted by butch04 View Post

      Nice post. Those are pretty basic and easy steps to follow.

      To me to make money online you need to just "SELL" something.

      People will buy anything online just look at the things on Ebay.

      sonic74 - Sure outsourcing is an option, this is a basic outline aimed at new marketers who may not have the funds initially to outsource, although has been useful to me in the past and at only $5 a gig can be very useful

      mrman - Hi, are you talking about analytics, to tell where traffic is coming from? No but you can find several analytical tools such as Google Analytics, this is free. Your C-panel (website back office)may come with a statistical program attached such as aw stats..

      clever7 - It wasn't intended as a complete guide, just an outline - sure, once you get the visitors, they have to convert to buyers and as you say, this can vary a lot depending on the Niche.. good point!

      butch04, absolutely, but with eBay - the traffic is already there, with IM, you need to get the traffic. I have sold on eBay a while back - It used to be good, I don't know if it still is, do you?

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        My head sometimes becomes a content free zone
        I often have moments like that - love that comment!

        Good post - two groups always show up in threads where the big picture is in full color. The first sees any instruction beyond a one liner as "too difficult - too much work".....the second can't move without every tiny detail down to which thumb to use on the space bar

        There are hopeful new marketers who will earn a little, others will earn a lot, and some will end up asking "do you want fries with that?".

        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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        • Profile picture of the author Keith Everett
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          I often have moments like that - love that comment!

          Good post - two groups always show up in threads where the big picture is in full color. The first sees any instruction beyond a one liner as "too difficult - too much work".....the second can't move without every tiny detail down to which thumb to use on the space bar

          There are hopeful new marketers who will earn a little, others will earn a lot, and some will end up asking "do you want fries with that?".

          Kay, thanks for your reply.... that is very thought provoking, it's all about BALANCE, isn't it - it's about finding the balance between getting the ball ROLLING but not over complicating the process once it's rolling

          It's actually getting started in the first place that seems to throw a lot of people..

          I had noticed that when you leave a strategy on here, the head of the "OH NO - not Work" beast does rear it's ugly head now and again...

          and no fries with that! LOL!

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  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    Hi Keith,

    Well that sums it up pretty well k.i.s.s. I wish I had of learned that when I started I bounced from one thing to the next before I got a hold of myself and decided what I wanted to do. Then I made a plan of how to do it, then took action. And still do

    I am a guy that needs to write things down or I forget to do them:p
    Being in business online though I found is the same as offline it is all about supply and demand and offering something better than your competition.

    Thanks for the pointers many will benefit from it

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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