How to Become An Internet Marketing Smart Ass In 3 Simple Lessons
1) You produce content, either your own, or you use PLR - Private Label Rights
2) You monetize the content - Google Adsense, Clickbank Affiliate Products etc, or you turn it into a product and SELL it.
3) You drive traffic to where the content is at: SIMPLE, why make it hard?
Now here are 3 steps to make you an IM Smart ASS!
Step 1) EXPAND the content you produce into several items of content. i.e one simple Blog post on my Blog can become
a) An article to be distributed through multiple article sharing sites
b) A Video that I share through many video sharing sites
c) A post on your Facebook fan page leading back to your blog
d) An audio recorded through Audio Boo, distributed to my Facebook wall & distributed later to my blog
e) A post on my squidoo lens
f) A post on my hub page
g) A post distributed to up to 42 social network sites through Only Wire
h) A post distributed to up to 80 sharing content sharing sites thorugh Pixelpipe
Step 2) Create FREE Reports, use some as incentives to get people to opt into your list and use others to simply give away with your affiliate
links embedded. Create the free reports from the content you have already written. Always include a link to your website/squeezepage.
Step 3) Develop content in a related niche. My main Niche is IM, however I do also write in the relationship niche.
My head sometimes becomes a content free zone and sometimes, I can't always think of new content. This is where I always have a back up niche to start writing about. Once I have spent time producing content for my back up niche, my mind tends to allow me to start thinking clearly in my original niche again, and I'm away, producing content in the original niche again
I hope some of these ideas help
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"As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"