Site Traffic Stats Low Today for USA

by 6 replies
So I'm up in Canada here and have noticed that ALL our blogs, forums, etc. have lower traffic levels, and low activity.

It's like holiday traffic you know...

Is there a holiday down in the US that I don't know about, or has Martin Luther King day celebrations started early.

Is there a big sporting event like Football going on??

Your input would be appreciated.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #low #site #stats #today #traffic #usa
  • Superbowl is in Feb, that's the biggest football event of the year and playoffs are every sat and sun until then. Not sure if traffic is low in US, don't really care, just care about traffic going to my sites =)
  • Thanks Much Kiloh,

    Just a low day for our niches I guess.

    Oh well..can't complain. Adsense was $238.73 yesterday

    Usually after a good day it drops the next. As Stewie would say,

    "World keeps spinin'"
    • [1] reply
    • Nothing that I know of, the east coast is buried in snow, maybe that's the problem?
  • Thanks TGRO,

    That's it for sure -- ugly weather;

    National and Local Weather Forecast, Hurricane, Radar and Report

    Most all our traffic is on the east coast.


  • I wouldn't be bothered if I was making aprox 100$ of passive income each day already.

    Nature is acting freaky tho.
  • If there is bad weather, wouldn't that result in more traffic since people are stuck inside and will be on the computer surfing the web?

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