When people ask you to JV
Here's my take on it. If I don't know the person at all and have had no prior dealings with them whatsoever, this makes me a little nervous. I know I'm a relative unknown also, and I know it's hard to start out from this position. But still.
If I JV with someone or partner with someone, I am basically giving my wholehearted recommendation about them to the world. I am saying this person is trustworthy and can deliver the goods. If the first time I've ever dealt with this person is when they sent me a message suggesting a JV, how can I possibly know this? Of course I can't.
Once I've been communicating with someone for a little while, emailed them, read through their posts on here and gotten to know them better, it's a different story. I can get a feel for them and whether they are someone I could and should work with.
What about the rest of you? How do you determine if a potential JV partner is someone you want your name attached to for internet eternity?
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