by cjm18
21 replies
About a week ago I decided to give Fiverr a go by offering a gig. It started off with no interest from buyers and I got bored. So I developed a number of gigs that complemented each other and suddenly I started to get some interest.

The best, worst and most interesting part of this is that I have suddenly gotten really busy.

My first client added me on Skype and is keen to do a lot more work at a far higher price (her suggestion). The next two clients seem to be one off orders because they never returned and both orders automatically processed. Now I have three more clients who want to send me in excess of 20 gigs per week each.

While this is good as I am getting business, I started this as a test to see if I could deliver a product that people would be happy to pay for. Apparently they are, at least they are at Fiverr's rates.

Now I have found myself in the situation with too much work at too low a rate.

My question to all those warriors who have any ideas is, what would be the best way to bring these clients away from Fiverr and also to increase the rates to something worthwhile?

***Note Fiverr forbids contact outside the website so I have to be careful not to get banned and lose my revenue.
#advice #fiverr
  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    LOL you are aware that it is against their terms yet you still ask us, right? I dont have a solid comment on this as i never attempted to do it but you can try to ask them if they want to hire you in freelancing portals like Odesk and have a more flexible rates via hourly or fixed basis.

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    • Profile picture of the author cjm18
      Originally Posted by Andrea Wilson View Post

      LOL you are aware that it is against their terms yet you still ask us, right? I dont have a solid comment on this as i never attempted to do it but you can try to ask them if they want to hire you in freelancing portals like Odesk and have a more flexible rates via hourly or fixed basis.

      Yeah fair call. I suppose the first client was luck as we had to use Skype to transfer a large file that Fiverr's services couldn't handle. I started this thread and then realised that it was against TOS to share contact information etc.

      I guess I'm caught in a bit of a tight spot. I have some people offering a lot of work some of which willing to pay a lot more that $5 - yet I don't want to get banned and lose my current revenue.
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    Suspend your gigs, send your clients a note telling them you are temporarily suspending your gigs and if they have any questions about their current or past orders to contact you at your email address since you are unlikely to be checking Fiverr while you work on projects for your other clients. The ones who wish to do business with you will take the hint...
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author cjm18
      Originally Posted by Barry Unruh View Post

      Suspend your gigs, send your clients a note telling them you are temporarily suspending your gigs and if they have any questions about their current or past orders to contact you at your email address since you are unlikely to be checking Fiverr while you work on projects for your other clients. The ones who wish to do business with you will take the hint...
      Thanks. That sounds like a good way to do it without blatantly waving it in Fiverr's face.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ouroboros
    When you deliver your work via the attachment function include your promotional communications in the attachment.

    Need a Simple Product/Service to Market to Offline Clients? Sell Them DFY Custom Videos.

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    • Profile picture of the author sonic74
      Originally Posted by Ouroboros View Post

      When you deliver your work via the attachment function include your promotional communications in the attachment.
      this sounds good !
      Get Instant Access to over 500 PLR, FREE Resell Rights Products Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidPSmith
    Fiverr has no way of knowing who you do business with outside of Fiverr.

    My gig descriptions include links to my full-priced services on my website. I also request first contact with buyers to be through my support ticket system. Everyone familiar with these systems knows that they require a name and email address. (I am actually getting rid of the ticket system request, though).

    Knowing this, Fiverr has approved all of my gigs, so far. Within my first 9 days, I received 15 orders and I've received no complaints from Fiverr staff or buyers.

    You've got your own business to run; a business which PAYS. Use Fiverr as a means to attract clients.

    Of course, I'm not suggesting that you (or anyone) blatantly ignore or abuse Fiverr's terms. But, who approves and denies gigs? Fiverr staff. So, if they approve your gig with full-price links in the description and a support link in the buyer instructions, then you are not violating anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author newmovies
    Can i ask you which service your are providing.
    I have only got 30 orders in a month maximum.
    Btw congrats .
    The answer is given by Ouroborus.
    Make a picture in paint with email id texted on your pic. and attach it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rashell

      the gigs he was doing are in his sig. All of them are "no longer available". So while you wouldn't be able to see the exact gig details you can see the type of gig he was doing.

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      • Profile picture of the author DavidPSmith
        @ newmovies,

        If you're referring to 15 orders in 9 days, I'm doing the same as cjm18. When you sell $97 ecovers for $5, people buy...

        Which is a problem. I'm busy most of the time and the tiny pay is not at all worth the time it takes to put out quality graphics. But, on the other hand, it is good for promotion, portfolio, etc. So be it.
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  • Profile picture of the author VijayNadaGuru
    Cjm18, are you currently advertising in the Warriors For Hire section? If not, you SHOULD.

    That is a great place for you to build your portfolio and get higher paying clients.

    Moreover you can also create a PLR graphics package and offer them as WSOs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Heavenstorm
    I too have many gigs and when I want to client to contact me directly, the best way I found is when you deliver the report or whatever document to them, advertise in the document stating your email or contact. This way fiverr will not find out. I am very cautious as I did receive a warning from fiverr but so far this method is fool proof to get clients to contact you directly.
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  • Profile picture of the author shabit87
    You got some good suggestions here. Basically I'd do a combination of some of these suggestions. Create a PDF with your gigs or rather services and rates. Give it as an attachment in the fiverr column. You can also have a simple website showing your services and rates.

    I would however stay away from doing this for their first order. Let them order your $5 gig and follow up with them a few days later. "Hey by the way I have some other services you might be interested in. Many that ordered this gig also liked the fact I do ____ as well. Check out my site

    Hope this helps. Congrats on your success and if any of your services can be outsourced for a great rate that still allows you to make some profit then do so while increasing business. Free up your time and increase your income!

    Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    that person is right, if you have a good service use fiverr and here in the warrior forum section. You can double your income. Yes you might be busy, but it is well worth it.
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  • Profile picture of the author ahnalia
    Congratulations on your success A lot of work is definitely better than sitting around doing nothing and worrying! I really hope you can find a way to expand your business outside of fiverr, but still not lose your revenue if fiverr catches you.
    Be careful.. and here's to your continuing success

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  • Profile picture of the author pmbrent
    In your description you can put a link to an outside website that charges higher rates then Fiverr, as someone else said post your outside link in messages so they may still purchase from you. If they like your work they'll pay higher for future projects.
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    Special WSO Price!

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  • Make a website where you promote your services and put a decent price on it.


    "A budget tells us what we can't afford, but it doesn't keep us from buying it"

    William Feather

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  • Profile picture of the author DocReed
    Originally Posted by cjm18 View Post

    About a week ago I decided to give Fiverr a go by offering a gig. It started off with no interest from buyers and I got bored. So I developed a number of gigs that complemented each other and suddenly I started to get some interest.

    The best, worst and most interesting part of this is that I have suddenly gotten really busy.

    My first client added me on Skype and is keen to do a lot more work at a far higher price (her suggestion). The next two clients seem to be one off orders because they never returned and both orders automatically processed. Now I have three more clients who want to send me in excess of 20 gigs per week each.

    While this is good as I am getting business, I started this as a test to see if I could deliver a product that people would be happy to pay for. Apparently they are, at least they are at Fiverr's rates.

    Now I have found myself in the situation with too much work at too low a rate.

    My question to all those warriors who have any ideas is, what would be the best way to bring these clients away from Fiverr and also to increase the rates to something worthwhile?

    ***Note Fiverr forbids contact outside the website so I have to be careful not to get banned and lose my revenue.

    You may want to consider subcontracting the unprofitable gigs to other fiverrs (offshore workers?) but provide info to the customers about your other work that is not offered on Fiverr.

    Doc Reed
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  • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
    Originally Posted by cjm18 View Post

    About a week ago I decided to give Fiverr a go by offering a gig. It started off with no interest from buyers and I got bored. So I developed a number of gigs that complemented each other and suddenly I started to get some interest.

    The best, worst and most interesting part of this is that I have suddenly gotten really busy.

    My first client added me on Skype and is keen to do a lot more work at a far higher price (her suggestion). The next two clients seem to be one off orders because they never returned and both orders automatically processed. Now I have three more clients who want to send me in excess of 20 gigs per week each.

    While this is good as I am getting business, I started this as a test to see if I could deliver a product that people would be happy to pay for. Apparently they are, at least they are at Fiverr's rates.

    Now I have found myself in the situation with too much work at too low a rate.

    My question to all those warriors who have any ideas is, what would be the best way to bring these clients away from Fiverr and also to increase the rates to something worthwhile?

    ***Note Fiverr forbids contact outside the website so I have to be careful not to get banned and lose my revenue.
    Well it does violate TOS but plenty of people do it.

    One issue you will have is as you say is the hurdle of the very low rate, they have become accustomed to on Fiverr.

    To handle this, secure a number of off line customers and remove the gig's availability at Fiverr.

    Once you have developed trust and done some work without Fiverr for them at the low rate. Simply say that your services are in high demand, requires a lot of time and you are raising your prices.

    Don't be surprised if you lose a client or so.

    And be sure to charge at least half up front.

    Plenty of people use Fiverr as jumping off point. You won't be the first.

    On a side note....I saw one enterprising Fiverr worker set up a tip jar. She charged the nominal Fiverr $5.00 for an article and put in her notes that if her service was exceptional to please tip her with a link to her tip jar.
    Not sure if this is allowed or what she got..but it was interesting.

    Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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  • Profile picture of the author corycrabb
    yeah good job on that change of approach. You can get very busy using Fiverr with the right approach and offer.

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Rickfold
    too much work? outsource it for cheaper...

    getting higher paying clients? add an .pdf attachment to every completed gig... this can basically be a salesletter or additional resources/ more info, etc. where you add your email address/ skype or contact info... also write about your other gigs/services in there

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