I've finally made money online !!
I just wanted to share my excitement with you all
About 5 weeks ago I started my own blog after attending an internet marketing seminar for the first time
The blog is coming on very well ( in my opinion ) and is gathering followers daily.... In fact i'll say this with a big grin on my face .. Im hitting between 140 - 320 visits a day right now

Sorry not bragging im just proud of that ... So my other big news ...
I finally made sales as an affiliate too

I just cant believe it, finally after trying so long it proves money can be made online..
But I have work SOOO hard to build my business, so dont think it was done easily. Many hours were put it but Im loving every minute of it
Hope you dont mind me sharing that with you all
Just shows anyone really can do it ( I used to think that was just something the 'gurus' said )
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