Quick Question about E junkie

4 replies
Hi, just a quick question about ejunkie, I am setting up a simple sales page and just wondering on the pricing section it says:

number of products: 10
Storage space: 50MB
Price: $5 monthly

Just wondering this 10 products is 10 different sites not 10 sales of the same product?

And 50MB of space is this enough for a simple payment page and on confirmation page a download link of a 30 page ebook?

Thanks Warriors.
#junkie #question #quick
  • Profile picture of the author VilPietersen@
    Number of products would mean; number of products i.e. 10, you've got one and I'm guessing that 50MB is enough to store a PDF

    You should get in touch with ejunkie, they've got good support...
    I build and deploy smart AI "customer service" ChatBots
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  • Profile picture of the author natin
    Upload your ebook (usually less than 1MB) to e-junkie and grab your payment link (looks like this: https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php...cl=xxxxx&ejc=2) to put on your web/salespage/Buy Now button... e-junkie does the rest if someone makes a purchase!
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  • Profile picture of the author webfighter
    Yeah, 10 products means 10 different products, where each one of them may have unlimited sales.

    Also, a 30 page pdf would come out at a maximum of 10 mb (if you have lots of images). You might want to search for a coupon code that gives one month of e-junkie service free.

    Good luck.
    - Webfighter
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Originally Posted by TomBuck View Post

    Hi, just a quick question about ejunkie, I am setting up a simple sales page and just wondering on the pricing section it says:

    number of products: 10
    Storage space: 50MB
    Price: $5 monthly

    Just wondering this 10 products is 10 different sites not 10 sales of the same product?

    And 50MB of space is this enough for a simple payment page and on confirmation page a download link of a 30 page ebook?

    Thanks Warriors.
    Hi Tom,

    Number of products refers to the number of products you UPLOAD to eJunkie, regardless of how many copies you sell.

    Storage space if the TOTAL file size for ALL products (up to 10 in this case) combined.

    If you are only uploading an e-book, then you will be well within those limits. The confirmation page would not count toward the 50MB limit because you don't upload that to eJunkie. Only the file size of the product is applied toward the limit.

    Hope that helps.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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