Do you recommend any WordPress plugins?

23 replies
Hi guys. I finally made the move to switch to WordPress. I am serious about this blogging thing so I think switching is the best move. I am just wondering if you recommend any plugins for traffic, seo or overall.

Please recommend any plugins you recommend or cannot live without. Thanks!
#plugins #recommend #wordpress
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  • Profile picture of the author DMCAPROS
    I have a few plugins I typically use on most of my sites, SEO Images and All in one SEO are my two favorites for SEO purposes.
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  • Profile picture of the author altoro80
    all-in-one- SEO worked good for me exit-popup good too
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  • Profile picture of the author cbjack
    I am using these wordpress plugins :
    1 akismet
    2 all-in-one-seo-pack
    3 official-statcounter-plugin-for-wordpress
    4 sitemap-generator
    5 wp-db-backup
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  • Profile picture of the author chiwawa
    For me its all-in-one SEO... its worked well for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author hireava
    akismet and all-in-one-SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author Leslie B
    I'm going to give you my standard answer for this:

    Not one plugin is essential if you don't need it to reach the goal you have set for your site. Confusing? Thought so.

    Honestly, there are about 4 plugins I use on practically all my blogs, all the rest depends on what I want to do with my blog. I always use All in one SEO (or you could use Platinum SEO pack, both help improve the on site SEO), then I have the Simple Google Sitemap plugin, the Easy Contact plugin ('cause I always want a contact page) and the WP Syndicator plugin ('cause I'm too lazy to build my own backlinks LOL).

    Besides those it depends, do I want a page with youtube videos in my niche, I'll use Tubepress, if I need a privacy policy, I'll use Easy Privacy Policy, but I'll delete the plugin once the page is created.

    The one rule I have is this: I ask myself the question "Am I adding this plugin because I want it or because I need it?". If I only want it, I usually don't get it, if I need it, I'll add it.

    The same for my clients. I have a list of plugins I mention in my salespage, but if they don't need them all, I'll tell them so and don't add them. No need to slow down the blog for nothing.

    Taking it one day at a time!
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    • Profile picture of the author suemax
      Excellent and most useable content here. I too have been dazzled by "candy store" of plugins. All-in-one-SEO and Akismet seem to be standard, but the sky's the limit and too many can cause the site to be VERY slow to load, and of course, very slow to put together in the first place!

      Master Resale Rights are so versatile, and these are educational, too. All kinds of IM material. Read, sell, break up into articles, combine into bundles, and there are 250 of them, complete with MRR, here for a bargain price! I'm even throwing in the sales page. Only £37 for Warriors.

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  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    Search meter is the absolute must. Will tell you what people are searching for on your site and then simply give it to them.

    Search Meter: a WordPress plugin « Semicolon

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  • Profile picture of the author WikiWarrior
    Here's a few I like:

    1) Tweet & Like - combined Twitter and Facebook plugin and auto tweets new/updated posts
    2) Akismet
    3) Pretty Link - automates cloaking links, replace keywords etc
    4) All-in-one-SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Thank you everyone for all your suggestions. I really appreciate it.

    If anyone still wants to put something in, please do so
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  • Profile picture of the author Art Peterson
    Here is how a guy that makes $20,000+ a month sets up his wordpress site for seo and traffic
    19 WordPress Plugins – Some You Probably Didn’t Know About

    His name is Pat Flynn.
    He is straight forward. Check him out.


    See How I'm Making Money Arthur Peterson

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  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    Like others have said, it depends on the ultimate purpose of the site. I try to keep plugins to a minimum and find the usage of plugins such as those that add Google Analytics code to your site a bit baffling when it's so simple just to open your footer file and paste it in yourself, but the two I would not want to be without are Yoast's WordPress SEO and Ozh's Admin Drop Down Menu.

    I'm particularly lost without the horizontal drop down admin menu. It's how the WordPress admin should have been, and I've been using it for so long that in the rare instances where I need to deactivate it (usually because I'm doing an instructional video and don't want to confuse the viewer by having them see something different to what I do), it feels like I'm trying to knit with jelly.

    Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    I use All in one SEO, Sitemap generator, Akismet, Contact7, Privacy policy and Analytic plugin for all WP blogs.

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  • Profile picture of the author RoyChan
    Jeff Johnson's Traffic Getting Plugin
    Launch Plan: Watch Me Build A Business From Zero To 5k Per Month​​​
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  • Profile picture of the author infohog
    Originally Posted by kytro360 View Post

    Hi guys. I finally made the move to switch to WordPress. I am serious about this blogging thing so I think switching is the best move. I am just wondering if you recommend any plugins for traffic, seo or overall.

    Please recommend any plugins you recommend or cannot live without. Thanks!

    Although I'm sure there is a better way, for every blog I set up I install each plugin below individually. Below is a snapshot of my list I go through. After experimenting with hundreds of various plugins these are the ones I discovered work best for me with very few installation issues.

    Once you go through the set up process a couple of times it takes only about 5 minutes to install them all and another 10-15 to set them all up with monetization.

    If you want my actual excel list along with my ping list just PM me or grab it here:

    With the excel list it makes it easier to cut/paste in the 'Add new' box when searching for these plugins. There are also numerous plugins with very similar names so I included the author to ensure I install the right one.

    Again, this is what I do that works for me. Hope it helps. Good luck!

    Matthew D.

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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    for SEO purpose the all in one seo is enough and great.
    actually i don't like this type of plug-ins and use only some essential ones.
    where are you changing from? blogger? are you feeling any effect in visitors and number of impression, clicks?
    i am also thinking about changing my blog. plz suggest.
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  • Profile picture of the author JonMills
    all-in-one seo PRO as it provides support for custom post and categories vs the free one which doesnt
    Signature Persuasion at it's best! Organize your entire online business - Super affiliates give it the thumbs up!
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