Banned from Facebook Ads?

28 replies
I've never knowingly done anything fraudulent within my Facebook ads account and I've been using it for about 3 months without issues. Yet, out of the blue I received this email today:

Our security systems have detected suspected fraudulent activity on your account and have shut down the payments functionality as a result. For this reason, you will no longer be able to make purchases on Facebook. This decision is final. For security reasons, we cannot provide you with the specific actions that have been deemed abusive. Please review our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities (xxxx:// and Payment Terms (xxxx://!/payments_terms/) if you have further questions.

I can no longer use Facebook Ads and the wording they've used in the email suggests to me that no matter what I say/do I'm not getting it back...
I quote "This decision is final".

And it appears I'm not allowed to question them about why it happened...
I quote "For security reasons, we cannot provide you with the specific actions that have been deemed abusive"

Has anyone else experienced something similar? And what can I do about it?

#ads #banned #facebook
  • Profile picture of the author Rich Struck
    It doesn't sound like there is anything you can do. I'll never understand why so many big companies take this approach to dealing with their customers. For all they know, a 2 minute phone call could have cleared this all up but instead now they have one less customer. It makes no sense.

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    • Profile picture of the author Roaddog
      Originally Posted by Rich Struck View Post

      It doesn't sound like there is anything you can do. I'll never understand why so many big companies take this approach to dealing with their customers. .

      Because they can!

      Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

      Until Google and Facebook get some kind of worthy competition,
      they will dictate.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3236618].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ben Armstrong
        Originally Posted by Roaddog View Post

        Because they can!

        Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

        Until Google and Facebook get some kind of worthy competition,
        they will dictate.

        Why don't more people use Bing or Yahoo's equivalent of Adwords? Assuming the have them.

        I don't know much about PPC etc.

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        • Profile picture of the author celente
          Originally Posted by Ben Armstrong View Post

          Why don't more people use Bing or Yahoo's equivalent of Adwords? Assuming the have them.

          I don't know much about PPC etc.
          We do not invest a lot of time in PPC, because our free traffic methods are doing well.

          But We do find yahoo is very good, as long as you test small scale get yourself a winner and then go all out. :-)
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          • Profile picture of the author Samuru
            Originally Posted by celente View Post

            We do not invest a lot of time in PPC, because our free traffic methods are doing well.

            But We do find yahoo is very good, as long as you test small scale get yourself a winner and then go all out. :-)
            What free traffic methods do you use?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8748338].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MarkJ321
      Originally Posted by Rich Struck View Post

      It doesn't sound like there is anything you can do. I'll never understand why so many big companies take this approach to dealing with their customers. For all they know, a 2 minute phone call could have cleared this all up but instead now they have one less customer. It makes no sense.
      Unfortunately It looks like you're right. I feel there's some under-lying reason why they don't want me and It's nothing to do with fraud, but I can't think what It could be, I've never done anything against their T&Cs.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
      Originally Posted by Rich Struck View Post

      It doesn't sound like there is anything you can do. I'll never understand why so many big companies take this approach to dealing with their customers. For all they know, a 2 minute phone call could have cleared this all up but instead now they have one less customer. It makes no sense.
      Actually it makes perfect sense. Despite what many marketers egos might lead them to believe, it is the small guy's who create the most problems that cost the most to deal with and take the most time to solve.

      This is true of all advertising platforms, Adwords etc.

      I laugh, and so must the risk departments of all these companies that provide advertising and payments processing such as PayPal and Facebook, every time a marketer complains about being banned despite paying heaps of fees to X company(often times a negligible amount of money compared to bigger clients, $4000 a month for example), all the while failing to realize the reason they were banned was because the risk and other costs they created far outweighed any profits generated off said marketer.

      Ever heard of the 80/20 principle? Focus on the 20% of customers who generate 80% of your income, although it can be argued that it is more 90/10 depending who you ask.


      Did you read the ToS and did you make sure you were in full compliance?


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    • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
      Originally Posted by Rich Struck View Post

      It doesn't sound like there is anything you can do. I'll never understand why so many big companies take this approach to dealing with their customers. For all they know, a 2 minute phone call could have cleared this all up but instead now they have one less customer. It makes no sense.
      In their eyes they probably view that customer as replaceable anyway, so to them a lost customer today will easily be replaced tomorrow.

      Many companies think this way. When I worked at Disneyland you have no idea how many managers had this mentality. "It has to come from somewhere," I would think to myself. Pretty much summed up that it was from the top level executives--behind closed doors that is.

      For every Guest that felt pissed on and never returned five more would come through the gate after them.
      You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author daangertenaar
    I agree with Roaddog, the big guys dominate.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mo Goulet
    I don't want to sound condescending but have you checked to see if this has happened?

    Are your payment links disabled?

    Have you searched the help files or even attempted to contact them?

    Did they message you or send you an email?

    I'd look into this a bit deeper.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3236639].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MarkJ321
      Originally Posted by proapc View Post

      I don't want to sound condescending but have you checked to see if this has happened?

      Are your payment links disabled?

      Have you searched the help files or even attempted to contact them?

      Did they message you or send you an email?

      I'd look into this a bit deeper.
      Thanks for the reply.

      There was an issue with my card yesterday, it got blocked by the bank, not my fault, they've done it before because they suspect someone has access to my card details (it's because I make payments on a lot of different websites, this triggers alarms with bank security systems, understandable). Unfortunately during the the 4-5 hours my card was blocked before I rang the bank and sorted it out Facebook tried to take an automatic payment from me for ads and it got declined, my Facebook ads where paused.

      As soon as I sorted out the card I went onto Facebook and made the payment manually, my ads then resumed, all seemed well...

      Today I check my FB Ads account and I get a big red message saying something like "Payments have been disabled on this account and you will no longer be able to use Ads, please contact us (link to contact form) for more info." So I sent them a nice message through the form asking what had happened, their reply, via email was what I've put in the first post.

      I've emailed them back asking politely for an explanation but they haven't replied (sent the email over 4 hours ago).
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      • Profile picture of the author Harlan
        Write back during the week. There will be a different team answering the emails.

        I've found Facebook very responsive and good to deal with.

        Harlan D. Kilstein Ed.D.
        Free NLP Communications Course at
        Get Fit In Four Minutes
        Learn how to build a Super Site Without SEO

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3236679].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MarkJ321
          Originally Posted by Harlan View Post

          Write back during the week. There will be a different team answering the emails.

          I've found Facebook very responsive and good to deal with.
          I'll try that, thanks for the suggestion.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3236686].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Targeted Traffic
          Originally Posted by Harlan View Post

          Write back during the week. There will be a different team answering the emails.

          I've found Facebook very responsive and good to deal with.
          Yes, I do agree...if you can present yourself innocent and definitely a professional then I'm sure you can get your account back.
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  • Profile picture of the author KConstantin
    i had this happen to me..and in the end i was able to get my account back. if you cant figure out anything then let me know and i can help you out.
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  • Profile picture of the author vok
    You have to remember that the people that work at Facebook are still human. It's highly likely that it's some kind of automated system, that deals with all that kind of thing anyway.

    Mistakes do happen and Facebook may believe that their fraud algorithm is perfect, but untill you contact them you'll never no if it was a human or a machine that disabled your account.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryder553
    The same exact think happened to me.
    Does anyone have a solution for this? I'd very much appreciate it!
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  • Profile picture of the author SocialMediaOwls
    My reaction would be....

    You mean I can keep my money and use it more wisely on other PPC networks? Cool!

    Health and Fitness niche Affiliate Program | High CTR/EPC | Personal Account Manager 24/7 support

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  • Profile picture of the author barligea
    Make new account just for the ads with new ad, new page, and new cc
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    • Profile picture of the author ryder553
      Originally Posted by barligea View Post

      Make new account just for the ads with new ad, new page, and new cc
      I did that, but they banned me two days later for a "fake account".
      Now I can't use either of my two CCs on Facebook ads!
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  • Profile picture of the author barligea
    And yes I agree , FB ads are overpriced compared to Adwords and they seem to convert less. FB clicks are more curiosity clicks
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  • Profile picture of the author vok
    Any real business person who cares about their business will be on the phone right away, and getting the issue resolved. They write that email because a lot of people will just roll over and get their tummy tickled and most people won't bother fighting back. They know the serious advertisers will be blowing up their phone lines as soon as anything like that happens.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Originally Posted by MarkJ321 View Post

    I can no longer use Facebook Ads and the wording they've used in the email suggests to me that no matter what I say/do I'm not getting it back...
    I quote "This decision is final".

    And it appears I'm not allowed to question them about why it happened...
    I quote "For security reasons, we cannot provide you with the specific actions that have been deemed abusive"

    Has anyone else experienced something similar? And what can I do about it?

    Nothing you can do ... they said there's nothing you can do. And nothing we can do. So you're done with Facebook Ads.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4342798].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Matthew Loop
      Ouch... not good. Facebook usually gives a warning or two before banning you unless you're totally abusing the system. I actually have an account manager assigned to me and I just email or set-up a call if I have questions. I agree with Harlan, as I've found it easy to connect and the replies are usually prompt.

      You could always open a new account and run the ad there. If you have a new card, I wouldn't see why you'd have issues.

      For the newest Facebook marketing tips that rapidly grow your online business visit my blog

      Click here to automate every aspect of your online marketing including, SEO, PPC, social media marketing, Facebook ads, article marketing, etc.

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  • Profile picture of the author michaelhearne
    welcome to the club!

    Chris is right - facebook could fire 80% of their ad buyers and keep 80% of their revenues with way less hassles...

    good luck getting your account back...

    maybe a better option is to spend it somewhere else - like solo ads...
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    I am shocked, I didn't know Facebook would ban anyone specially advertisers. Honestly, I have no experience getting banned on facebook and I am not intending too.

    It is a shame that they follow this stupid method, Advertiser = Seller and seller is always right but apparently not in their world
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  • Profile picture of the author tylerjaysen
    Originally Posted by MarkJ321 View Post

    I've never knowingly done anything fraudulent within my Facebook ads account and I've been using it for about 3 months without issues. Yet, out of the blue I received this email today:

    Our security systems have detected suspected fraudulent activity on your account and have shut down the payments functionality as a result. For this reason, you will no longer be able to make purchases on Facebook. This decision is final. For security reasons, we cannot provide you with the specific actions that have been deemed abusive. Please review our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities (xxxx:// and Payment Terms (xxxx://!/payments_terms/) if you have further questions.

    I can no longer use Facebook Ads and the wording they've used in the email suggests to me that no matter what I say/do I'm not getting it back...
    I quote "This decision is final".

    And it appears I'm not allowed to question them about why it happened...
    I quote "For security reasons, we cannot provide you with the specific actions that have been deemed abusive"

    Has anyone else experienced something similar? And what can I do about it?


    Ugh dude I was just forwarded your thread I just put up a thread on this very topic.

    Yeah this is so frustrating and as a marketer it would be nice to know exactly what happened to make them send out this message. I got the exact same email sent to me as well when setting up an ad to a FB fan page that was evergreen for sure.

    I emailed them to try and get an answer and they just replied with the same generic message. So I still have no clue why they banned my account.
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