Banned from Facebook Ads?
Our security systems have detected suspected fraudulent activity on your account and have shut down the payments functionality as a result. For this reason, you will no longer be able to make purchases on Facebook. This decision is final. For security reasons, we cannot provide you with the specific actions that have been deemed abusive. Please review our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities (xxxx://xxx.facebook.com/terms.php) and Payment Terms (xxxx://xxx.facebook.com/terms.php#!/payments_terms/) if you have further questions.
I can no longer use Facebook Ads and the wording they've used in the email suggests to me that no matter what I say/do I'm not getting it back...
I quote "This decision is final".
And it appears I'm not allowed to question them about why it happened...
I quote "For security reasons, we cannot provide you with the specific actions that have been deemed abusive"
Has anyone else experienced something similar? And what can I do about it?
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