Magic Bullet = FAIL??

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I have been wanting to say this for a long time...

There is no magic bullet!!

I don't care what some "guru" told or promised you...

I don't care what type of slick sales copy told you that it is possible to make 24k in a month from nothing with only working a few hours...

It's all BS...

I'm not standing on my sandbox here saying that I'm perfect and haven't fallen for this stuff before.

I have read these sales letters and went head strong into a project thinking of how easy it was going to be to rank a keyword because some "guru" with a fancy brand new system has figured out the secret...

There is no secret..... Actually wait there is a secret.

What is the secret to success in affiliate marketing or anything else you try?

Work! Then fail, then work some more, then fail, then work some more, then fail then work some more... Seeing a trend here...

Anything work doing will require work, plain and simple.

It took me a long time to realize this and I still catch myself getting shiny object syndrome by some slick sales copy...

If you want to make it you have to earn it, and earning it requires work..

If you want to rank in google it will take time, in most cases it WON'T happen overnight... If you pick a low-medium competition keyword expect it to take 1 to 2 months to rank all the while working daily on backlinking...

If you want to make money from paid advertising expect to have your butt handed to you a few times, and expect to LOSE money for a while...

The point of this whole post is for newbies to learn that anything in Internet Marketing isn't going to be easy, it is going to be one of the most frustrating yet rewarding experiences of your life...

If you have the gumption and will power you WILL make it... If you bounce from system to system and buy every new "guru" product out there you WILL FAIL
#bullet #fail #magic

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