Mark Zuckerburg's Facebook Account Hacked... appreciate the security Mark

by LMC
33 replies
Ok this should lead to an interesting conversation...

Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Account hacked!!

What are your thoughts on this?
Especially with the IPO leaks for Facebook? Goodbye Investors....
#account #facebook #hacked #mark #security #zuckerburg
  • Profile picture of the author officer_iron
    That's pretty funny
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  • Profile picture of the author wmc19872010
    I bet Mark is a bit embarrassed by all this. I feel a little bad for the guy, because i got my ebay account hacked from my ex-gf and as a result my account got suspended....... not the same obviously but the point is it sucks.
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  • Profile picture of the author quiescen
    My thoughts are this... anyone with the right skill set and determination can hack any website anywhere. It's just a matter of time. Pretty scary huh?

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  • Profile picture of the author stealthpromo
    Wish the article posted more detail on how the attack was done. I'm curious now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Orator
    This hacker might want to watch out, Zuckerburg could bankroll a bunch of ex-delta forces guys to do a snatch and grab if he is annoyed enough. I honestly think in the grand scheme of things, this is amusing but a non-issue for him.
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    • Profile picture of the author just Zer0
      Originally Posted by Orator View Post

      This hacker might want to watch out, Zuckerburg could bankroll a bunch of ex-delta forces guys to do a snatch and grab if he is annoyed enough. I honestly think in the grand scheme of things, this is amusing but a non-issue for him.
      hahaha this made me laugh. excellent post bro.

      Zer0: Creative Geniu$.
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  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    Originally Posted by TZ View Post

    That guy is a douche bag. Period.
    Mark is? He's richer than you and much smarter also! Any site can get hacked man.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3255818].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Orator
      Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

      Mark is? He's richer than you and much smarter also! Any site can get hacked man.
      The man built a website that has 500,000,000 users, and is a billionaire. He must be doing something right.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3255875].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author l23bc
        Originally Posted by Orator View Post

        The man built a website that has 500,000,000 users, and is a billionaire. He must be doing something right.

        he never built it alone!
        watch this video and see for your self

        No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3255891].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Orator
          Originally Posted by l23bc View Post

          he never built it alone!
          watch this video and see for your self
          YouTube - Winklevoss Twins - Facebook was our idea - Tyler & Cameron

          As I recall these gentleman got a nice court settlement in the millions, so I'm not exactly crying for them.

          Also you might be right he didn't build it by himself, but he was smart enough to take the concept along enough to earn his billion. That is something to be admired and studied.
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        • Profile picture of the author Mike Baker
          Originally Posted by l23bc View Post

          he never built it alone!
          watch this video and see for your self
          YouTube - Winklevoss Twins - Facebook was our idea - Tyler & Cameron
          You believe everything people say?

          Mark might have stolen the very basic idea that the Winklevoss boys had in mind, but who did all the coding and added all the other features that they hadn't thought of?

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        • Profile picture of the author oldwarrioruser1
          Originally Posted by l23bc View Post

          he never built it alone!
          watch this video and see for your self
          YouTube - Winklevoss Twins - Facebook was our idea - Tyler & Cameron
          He still built the website alone. You seen the movie?

          Supposedly he stole the idea from those guys. Whether he did or not is not the point, he built it alone at first until the interns came along.
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          • Profile picture of the author l23bc
            Originally Posted by korypearman View Post

            He still built the website alone. You seen the movie?

            Supposedly he stole the idea from those guys. Whether he did or not is not the point, he built it alone at first until the interns came along.

            The movie is hollywood fiction. just like Braveheart and william wallace,ah the power of film is amazing.

            You believe everything people say?

            Mark might have stolen the very basic idea that the Winklevoss boys had in mind, but who did all the coding and added all the other features that they hadn't thought of?

            Weither he stole the idea or not all my point is he never made that site alone. And in my option julian assarge of wikileaks should of got time 2010 man of the year yet mark zuckenbeg did?

            Btw this is the reason why Facebook is on top but its a fade sure 500 million users at the present time but all it takes is a new social network to com along and they will drop happened at myspace, and other networks.

            No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3256066].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author oldwarrioruser1
              Originally Posted by l23bc View Post

              The movie is hollywood fiction. just like Braveheart and william wallace,ah the power of film is amazing.

              You believe everything people say?

              Mark might have stolen the very basic idea that the Winklevoss boys had in mind, but who did all the coding and added all the other features that they hadn't thought of?

              Weither he stole the idea or not all my point is he never made that site alone. And in my option julian assarge of wikileaks should of got time 2010 man of the year yet mark zuckenbeg did?

              YouTube - Sean Parker: Facebook Should Not Have Won, MySpace Blew It

              Btw this is the reason why Facebook is on top but its a fade sure 500 million users at the present time but all it takes is a new social network to com along and they will drop happened at myspace, and other networks.
              I'm aware most of it was fiction.

              So you are going to ask me if I believe everything people say, then you link 2 youtube videos about what PEOPLE ARE SAYING.

              Very intelligent. Do you believe every YouTube video you watch?

              Technically, neither of us know what went down behind the scenes.

              Pointless debate.
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              • Profile picture of the author l23bc
                Originally Posted by korypearman View Post

                I'm aware most of it was fiction.

                So you are going to ask me if I believe everything people say, then you link 2 youtube videos about what PEOPLE ARE SAYING.

                Very intelligent. Do you believe every YouTube video you watch?

                Technically, neither of us know what went down behind the scenes.

                Pointless debate.
                Not at all pointless, You have your options i have mine, That what makes us human I take what people say indifferent and make my own mind up, Just like how everyone does. That's what makes the warrior forum very intresting because everyone has their own options on the subjects which makes a good disscussion in the long term run.

                No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

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                • Profile picture of the author oldwarrioruser1
                  Originally Posted by l23bc View Post

                  Not at all pointless, You have your options i have mine, That what makes us human I take what people say indifferent and make my own mind up, Just like how everyone does. That's what makes the warrior forum very intresting because everyone has their own options on the subjects which makes a good disscussion in the long term run.
                  This would be a pointless debate because no matter how long we discuss it, neither of us are benefiting in the long run.

                  I'd honestly like to know exactly how it all happened though. I'm sure it's a pretty interesting story!
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      • Profile picture of the author scrofford
        Originally Posted by Orator View Post

        The man built a website that has 500,000,000 users, and is a billionaire. He must be doing something right.
        Yeah that's what I was saying.
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    • Profile picture of the author scrofford
      Originally Posted by emigre View Post

      So someone who is rich and smart cannot be a douche bag?
      I never said that....What I said was he is richer and smarter than you. If you think he's a douche bag that's your gig. I think he is genius and I don't think you really can criticize someone who has elevated themselves to that kind of level.

      How do you know he's a douche bag? Do you know him personally? Are you one of the people that feels they got screwed out of a business that he created?
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  • Profile picture of the author A P Geofrey
    Well I hope the hacker can continue targeting Mark and Facebook and leave my little website in peace.

    Because I don't have the resources that he does.

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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    This is why you are always getting spam messages from your real "friends" on Facebook that they have never posted themselves.

    That's Facebook for ya...
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  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    Maybe this is a setup?

    He hacks his own site because in the pipeline has has this new software that users can install on their facebook pages that will make their pages encrypted and unbreakable. Just a thought.
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    • Profile picture of the author stevemarino
      Originally Posted by donnan View Post

      Maybe this is a setup?

      He hacks his own site because in the pipeline has has this new software that users can install on their facebook pages that will make their pages encrypted and unbreakable. Just a thought.
      That was my initial thought. I guess we'll see over the coming weeks if Facebook roll out some new protections methods.
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    • Profile picture of the author schttrj
      Originally Posted by donnan View Post

      Maybe this is a setup?

      He hacks his own site because in the pipeline has has this new software that users can install on their facebook pages that will make their pages encrypted and unbreakable. Just a thought.
      Well, sure it can be!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Lambert
    So he got hacked? Now he will make sure that his FB will have a better fortification.
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  • Profile picture of the author darkwizgemz
    This is really an interesting topic. I could only say that mark really is a genius for making facebook and let us also thanks the twins for ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author tubeincreaser
    If you have haters you are doing something right.
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  • Profile picture of the author EliteIM
    This is hilarious actually. I mean just think about it- Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook profile was hacked lol. Say what you want to, but this has pretty much sealed the verdict about Facebook account security.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkAnderson
    Are you sure that is it original Mark Zuckerburg's FaceBook account?
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  • Profile picture of the author bobby_shahzad
    Finally the person who hired only Hackers who he thinks are best programmers has been sting by them. A lesson for Kido I guess...
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  • Profile picture of the author evollusion
    Never evah... evah-evah-evah-evah-evah. Put an overabundance of personal data on FB. It is far to easy to get that information. For instance lets say we have Mr. Jones is CEO of Acme Incorporated who has a very active facebook account. Mr. Jones also uses it to keep in touch with family and friends, so naturally he has put all his information such as name, birthday, hometown etc.

    Then we have Mi$kre@nt, a hacker who uses his skills to make him some pocket money. Mi$kre@nt decides that he is going to go after Mr. Jones' bank account. So, first he has to find out where Mr. Jones might do his banking. Mi$kre@nt then goes to Acme's website and discovers that Mr. Jones got his bachelor's degree from Weaksauce University class of 1979. Mi$kre@nt then makes up a phony facebook account using photos of an attractive woman around Mr. Jones' age and enters that she's an alumni of Weaksause U. (Goooo Fieldmice!) Mi$kre@nt sends Mr. Jones a friend request and (after the inevitable friend request acceptance) then has access to his photos, posts, and most importantly his facebook places. After trolling facebook places for a bit Mi$kre@nt notices that Mr. Jones uses Countdemoney Federal Credit Union for his banking.

    From there it's not that difficult for Mi$kre@nt to use social engineering tactics to guess passwords and multifactor authentication questions from Countdemoney FCU's online banking website. Mi$kre@nt initiates a fund transfer and BOOM. Easy money baby!
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