This Is Why You Fiverr Fail

by Orator
57 replies
There is a lot of opinion about Fiverr around here, some people like it and others think it's a waste of time. For me personally Fiverr is a site that is near and dear to my heart. I made my first money there, I launched my first WSO about it and I still make good money there.

That being said, there are some things you need to understand when you use Fiverr.

1) Fiverr Isn't A Primary Source of Income

Fiverr will not replace a primary source of income, and you shouldn't expect it to. I've not see one single gig that has made enough of a splash to support a person full-time and even people doing multiple gigs would be hard pressed to make enough to live off.

2) Fiverr Is An Excellent Source of Extra Income

Fiverr pays my hosting, outsourcing, and domain bills. I'm using the income I make there to invest in other IM ventures. Do you realize how much expert outsourcing you can get done here on WF from the money you make from a few gigs?

3) Gig Design Matters

If your gig is ugly, and the summary doesn't make any sense then you won't get any clients. If you promise the moon, and then can only deliver a drawing of the moon in crayon, your gig is not specific enough.

Taking a few minutes to properly design your gig is well worth it.

4) Your Gig Won't Be Unique

You're an article writer, or perhaps you can install wordpress. There are plenty of other people who do this to. It's becoming really hard to come up with creative ideas for gigs that appeal to a large group of people. This isn't a good reason not to try, it's just something you should be aware of.

5) You Have Better Luck When You Reach Out

There is a little bar on the side of the main fiverr page that is filled with people requesting specific stuff. If you have a gig for this, then please for all that is holy send them a message. I get the majority of my work simply by sending a polite message, with a sample attached.

6) Treat Fiverr With Respect

I don't care if your just writing an article, or editing a pdf. You should always treat the people who buy your gigs with a courtesy. If your courtesy is not returned, then walk away from the gig. I used to be worried about this, but nowadays I refuse to get into a protracted battle over $4.

I always remain polite, but firm. If you've delivered what they asked for, and they still have an issue, it's time to move on.

Fiverr is a great source of income, and outsourcing for me. I hope this post will help make it one for you. Any questions I will answer to the best of my ability.
#fail #fiverr
  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    I agree completely... I never even gave fiverr a shot until this week. Sold a couple blog posts. $20-30 a week from fiverr can help fund quite a few tasks that I don't want to do myself!
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    • Profile picture of the author Orator
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      I agree completely... I never even gave fiverr a shot until this week. Sold a couple blog posts. $20-30 a week from fiverr can help fund quite a few tasks that I don't want to do myself!
      It's also nice that you can use funds you make there to buy other gigs. It saves a lot of time.
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    I agree... I like fiverr, but the only thing I'm going to attempt to do is just get a few a week, and just reinvest it. That money is for IM... nothing else.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shane N
    I've made great money from Fiverr and related sites... It's all about figuring out what works best and what people want. And if you can find a task that takes you 2 minutes to do and then make $5 over & over again from it... You're in the money!

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Shane Natan View Post

      I've made great money from Fiverr and related sites... It's all about figuring out what works best and what people want. And if you can find a task that takes you 2 minutes to do and then make $5 over & over again from it... You're in the money!

      Shane, you hit the nail on the head there. In order for Fiverr to be a profitable venture, you should only offer gigs that take you 10 minutes or less to complete, in effect making you around $24 per hour (6 X $4) or more. When you offer gigs that don't take up too much of your time, Fiverr can be very profitable indeed.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author venturer
    This post came in timely as I am figuring out how to obtain extra cash to fund my IM venture. I'll definately use my existing skill to give fiverr a go.
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  • Profile picture of the author feliciayapsl
    Thanks for the great info.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    I use fiverr to make a small profit. Because I can reuse it to buy items from others. Usually I like ecovers, articles, FB, twitter related gigs. Those are very useful for me

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    • Profile picture of the author YoichiSpeaks
      Originally Posted by blog8491 View Post

      I use fiverr to make a small profit. Because I can reuse it to buy items from others. Usually I like ecovers, articles, FB, twitter related gigs. Those are very useful for me
      I use the same concept.
      Create Your Own Proven, Dependable and Profitable Online Income Stream...MapForMoney.
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  • Profile picture of the author FriendlyRob
    Originally Posted by Orator View Post

    5) You Have Better Luck When You Reach Out

    There is a little bar on the side of the main fiverr page that is filled with people requesting specific stuff. If you have a gig for this, then please for all that is holy send them a message. I get the majority of my work simply by sending a polite message, with a sample attached.

    This is one that I have considered but I found that people ask for far too much for $5

    See What I'm up to Now The New Blog

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    • Profile picture of the author Orator
      Originally Posted by FriendlyRob View Post

      This is one that I have considered but I found that people ask for far too much for $5
      Some people do in fact ask a lot more then it's worth, if that's the case then I suggest a friendly goodbye and moving on. Some people are just serial negoiators, and want to squeeze the pulp out of everything.

      Not worth your time for $5.

      I agree totally by what's been said about fiverr and you shouldn't go in thinking it will make you a full time income. I've started with fiverr nearly two weeks ago and I'm getting gigs for my advertised tasks and it's always my aim to complete each task within half an hour of starting. If can can complete a task within half an hour then, you can realistically make $10 a hour or £6.28 otherwise you'll become a busy fool! I've already had more orders than expected, but my aim is for about 20/30 orders a week which gives me a monthly income of around $400/600, which isn't going to change my life, but is a realistic target and some nice additional income.

      Your right, it really is a nice source of extra income, and it's important to only do gigs that can be completed fairly quickly.

      Shane, you hit the nail on the head there. In order for Fiverr to be a profitable venture, you should only offer gigs that take you 10 minutes or less to complete, in effect making you around $24 per hour (6 X $4) or more. When you offer gigs that don't take up too much of your time, Fiverr can be very profitable indeed.


      I always recommend newbies to fiverr when their first starting out. Actually making money for your effort is a big confidence boaster, and the psychological effect from that will spill over into your other work.
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    • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
      Originally Posted by FriendlyRob View Post

      This is one that I have considered but I found that people ask for far too much for $5
      I posted a gig i was looking for, not asking for anything special and the replies were mostly people claiming they could do the work and yet their current gigs were no where near related, they seemed to just jump on any request and make out they could do the gig ?

      I ended up dropping a message to another 5 er who did have the right credentials and popped $50 for the gig into his account no problems and that will probably turn out to be a long standing gig where we both have a win win.
      | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    Originally Posted by Orator View Post

    If you promise the moon, and then can only deliver a drawing of the moon in crayon, your gig is not specific enough.

    Bah, bang goes my little crayon moon-drawing sideline!

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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  • Profile picture of the author shmeeko69
    I agree totally by what's been said about fiverr and you shouldn't go in thinking it will make you a full time income. I've started with fiverr nearly two weeks ago and I'm getting gigs for my advertised tasks and it's always my aim to complete each task within half an hour of starting. If can can complete a task within half an hour then, you can realistically make $10 a hour or £6.28 otherwise you'll become a busy fool! I've already had more orders than expected, but my aim is for about 20/30 orders a week which gives me a monthly income of around $400/600, which isn't going to change my life, but is a realistic target and some nice additional income.

    The Rock n Roll of Marketing Reviews
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  • Profile picture of the author Orator
    Originally Posted by John McEachern View Post

    Very inspiring quote in your signature!
    It's a great piece of writing, and so bluntly true that I just have to agree.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
    Originally Posted by Orator View Post

    There is a lot of opinion about Fiverr around here, some people like it and others think it's a waste of time. For me personally Fiverr is a site that is near and dear to my heart. I made my first money there, I launched my first WSO about it and I still make good money there.

    That being said, there are some things you need to understand when you use Fiverr.

    1) Fiverr Isn't A Primary Source of Income

    Fiverr will not replace a primary source of income, and you shouldn't expect it to. I've not see one single gig that has made enough of a splash to support a person full-time and even people doing multiple gigs would be hard pressed to make enough to live off.

    2) Fiverr Is An Excellent Source of Extra Income

    Fiverr pays my hosting, outsourcing, and domain bills. I'm using the income I make there to invest in other IM ventures. Do you realize how much expert outsourcing you can get done here on WF from the money you make from a few gigs?

    3) Gig Design Matters

    If your gig is ugly, and the summary doesn't make any sense then you won't get any clients. If you promise the moon, and then can only deliver a drawing of the moon in crayon, your gig is not specific enough.

    Taking a few minutes to properly design your gig is well worth it.

    4) Your Gig Won't Be Unique

    You're an article writer, or perhaps you can install wordpress. There are plenty of other people who do this to. It's becoming really hard to come up with creative ideas for gigs that appeal to a large group of people. This isn't a good reason not to try, it's just something you should be aware of.

    5) You Have Better Luck When You Reach Out

    There is a little bar on the side of the main fiverr page that is filled with people requesting specific stuff. If you have a gig for this, then please for all that is holy send them a message. I get the majority of my work simply by sending a polite message, with a sample attached.

    6) Treat Fiverr With Respect

    I don't care if your just writing an article, or editing a pdf. You should always treat the people who buy your gigs with a courtesy. If your courtesy is not returned, then walk away from the gig. I used to be worried about this, but nowadays I refuse to get into a protracted battle over $4.

    I always remain polite, but firm. If you've delivered what they asked for, and they still have an issue, it's time to move on.

    Fiverr is a great source of income, and outsourcing for me. I hope this post will help make it one for you. Any questions I will answer to the best of my ability.

    Couldn't agree more with this...Fiverr is great but many jump in with crazy expectations. I did a little bit back in the day thinking it'd be an easy way to pick up a few extra clients.

    I have 2 solid ones that have paid me a ton but that's it. I don't even contact past customers because they don't reply back even though I got great feedback.


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  • Profile picture of the author dremora
    The trick is to hook the clients with the cheap work, keep in touch with them (send them to your newsletter signup, your portfolio page etc) and upsell them later.

    Some of the top providers there use fiverr as a special promotions showcase, and list the cheap quick stuff there. They list their web page portfolio in their infos, so you can go to their site and buy better, more sophisticated packages for more money. One guy I worked with was designing quick cheap web banners and logos, and listed a very nice portfolio on his fiverr profile. I ended up buying more sophisticated and expensive graphics packages from his web site.

    I offer cheap wordpress install and plugin config sort of services, and upsell interested clients for more expensive services later on. A lot of times people ask "can you do this as well? can you add this too?" I say no, sorry this is not included but i can certainly do it for a fee, and if it's new site setup they always need some regular maintenance. I charge them monthly maintenance fees. If they need stuff like video editing, I use a Filipino guy on odesk to do it for $5/hr and I charge the client middleman fees on it.

    Think of fiverr as groupon. Put in cheap offers to hook the clients and then direct them to your web site where you can sign them up, upsell, offer back end services/products etc.

    Fiverr is a cheap advertising method to get clients.

    I signed up clients I found on fiverr for $200-$250 services and monthly maint deals.
    Overdeliver on $5 stuff, make them happy, and most people would buy the more expensive service from you -since you have already proven yourself. People would rather hire someone they are familiar with, than a complete stranger.

    Can't tell you how great fiverr is both as a provider and as a customer.
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    • Profile picture of the author shmeeko69
      Originally Posted by dremora View Post

      The trick is to hook the clients with the cheap work, keep in touch with them (send them to your newsletter signup, your portfolio page etc) and upsell them later.

      Some of the top providers there use fiverr as a special promotions showcase, and list the cheap quick stuff there. They list their web page portfolio in their infos, so you can go to their site and buy better, more sophisticated packages for more money. One guy I worked with was designing quick cheap web banners and logos, and listed a very nice portfolio on his fiverr profile. I ended up buying more sophisticated and expensive graphics packages from his web site.

      I offer cheap wordpress install and plugin config sort of services, and upsell interested clients for more expensive services later on. A lot of times people ask "can you do this as well? can you add this too?" I say no, sorry this is not included but i can certainly do it for a fee, and if it's new site setup they always need some regular maintenance. I charge them monthly maintenance fees. If they need stuff like video editing, I use a Filipino guy on odesk to do it for $5/hr and I charge the client middleman fees on it.

      Think of fiverr as groupon. Put in cheap offers to hook the clients and then direct them to your web site where you can sign them up, upsell, offer back end services/products etc.

      Fiverr is a cheap advertising method to get clients.

      I signed up clients I found on fiverr for $200-$250 services and monthly maint deals.
      Overdeliver on $5 stuff, make them happy, and most people would buy the more expensive service from you -since you have already proven yourself. People would rather hire someone they are familiar with, than a complete stranger.

      Can't tell you how great fiverr is both as a provider and as a customer.
      Hi Dremora

      You're spot on with what you say and it's definitely a trust thing with people. It helps in getting the initial sales if you have a website and proof links of you work. I'm surprised at the orders I've received in the first two weeks and have had excellent feedback and people asking me to provide other services away from fiverr, so if you're new to IM or want to earn additional imcome then, fiverr is certainly worth considering. If you go in thinking that, you'll make a full time income then, you'll probably be sadly mistaken, but if you want to earn $500 - $1000 a month then, this is the place to be. My aim is to treat it as a Monday to Friday business and base getting an average 25 orders per week for my gigs = $125, so if I complete each task in half an hour then, I'm basically getting $10 a hour less fiverr's 20% handling fee, which isn't great but you'll still be making use of your quiet periods, honing your marketing skills and being productive at the same time.

      The Rock n Roll of Marketing Reviews
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3266708].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Scoop
      I have only ever used Fiverr as a customer and I've been very happy so far. I never thought of actually providing services through it though, but then again...

      Originally Posted by dremora View Post

      The trick is to hook the clients with the cheap work, keep in touch with them (send them to your newsletter signup, your portfolio page etc) and upsell them later.
      That sounds like good advice. IF you can make it a platform for your other services then maybe it's a good thing but always be wary of being distracted from your main focus.

      There have been some good points in this thread but I can't thank anyone apparently as I don't have enough posts yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author RaptorGabe
    Yep I love Fiverr. If you are unique and you can find a popular service or product to sell that takes less then 10 minutes of your time to prep, you are golden. At LEASY try it
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  • Profile picture of the author tsuccess
    I think this is a good informative post, thanks for the information.
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  • Profile picture of the author stealthpromo
    Its not $5 though, its $4...which makes it even less appealing. I have a secret few fiver gigs that literally take 60 seconds to complete leaving you with a profit of $2-3 per sale though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamie Drew
    Liking this post. I have Fiverr bookmarked and never even once thought of using it to generate funds for outsourcing/re-investing.

    Awesome stuff guys!

    I'm new to the WF btw so hello to everyone

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  • Profile picture of the author CMCarlin
    I tried offering a few services that I already do for my business using programs to automate certain tasks. I still found it to be a waste of time (for me).

    I love to go there and look for services though, as a buyer. Excellent place and you can get some really cool things done for you. I find all of the bizarre gigs interesting.

    edit: I got a high res graphic done for me for 5 bucks. I got an excellent article done for me for 5 bucks as well, which would have cost closer to 10 bucks on textbroker. Good stuff!
    I can help your business grow. Spend less time backlinking and more time focusing on your clients. Skype me anytime for more details. Custom packages available.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel F. Lavoie
    Unless you are using Fiverr as a way to acquire customers in your funnel so you can sell them pricier items, you are making a big mistake selling your precious time at 5$ a pop!
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    • Profile picture of the author ForeignProfessor
      I recently had a good experience with Fiverr. I was mostly using it out of curiousity as $4 isn't really worth my time. However I met a client who I started working with outside of Fiverr. A few minutes work on there has turned into a whole ebook and work which will continue over the coming months. I will not be charging $4 a time for this work.

      I guess I was lucky
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  • Profile picture of the author Orator
    I know some people use Fiverr to upsell some of their other services, but I've refrained I prefer to use the money for outsourcing, software, and hosting for my other ventures. Still it's a very lucrative market for those who have something really good to offer outside the confines of the gig.
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    • Profile picture of the author JonWebContent
      Originally Posted by Orator View Post

      I know some people use Fiverr to upsell some of their other services, but I've refrained I prefer to use the money for outsourcing, software, and hosting for my other ventures. Still it's a very lucrative market for those who have something really good to offer outside the confines of the gig.
      Waukee, ey? I'm out there pretty much every day! Good to see a fellow Central Iowan on this board!

      Get an affordable and reliable Web Content Writer to help grow your online business.

      Learn how to play WINNING poker from me!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3267081].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Orator
        Originally Posted by JonWebContent View Post

        Waukee, ey? I'm out there pretty much every day! Good to see a fellow Central Iowan on this board!
        Yep, always nice to see Iowa represented.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3267138].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mumford
          Hey warriors,
          i've been lurking around on this forum for a while now but never posted anything before. I'm really interested in IM and have been for a while, gonna try my luck in affiliate marketing when i think i'm ready for it.
          But since i'm a broke student i can't afford anything right now but after reading this post and checking out fiverr i'm hoping that will change!
          I'm studying multimedia design and i'm sure i can offer people something there

          I've got one question though,
          in the "Request Gigs" section, how do you get those gigs?
          do you start a gig yourself and send a link to that gig to that person,
          or do you just contact the person?

          Thanks in advance and thanks for pointing out this interesting site

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Orator View Post

      I know some people use Fiverr to upsell some of their other services, but I've refrained I prefer to use the money for outsourcing, software, and hosting for my other ventures. Still it's a very lucrative market for those who have something really good to offer outside the confines of the gig.
      This is one of the keys to making Fiverr profitable - selling related services on the back end and/or only providing gigs that can be done in a reasonable amount of time (10 mins or less).

      If you're providing services that take you half an hour or more to complete, then Fiverr is going to be nothing more than an exercise in frustration and exhaustion.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author bjgran
        I just posted a gig on Fiverr last week -- but I didn't hang around long enough to see all the information you just posted. I'm going back to take another look at how it might benefit me.
        For example, I didn't know about the postings on the side requesting specific services, etc.
        Once again, I didn't utilize a great service for the best advantage.
        Thanks for bringing this to everyone's attention.
        Beverly G.
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  • Profile picture of the author soferauto
    There is a lot of opinion about Fiverr around here, some people like it and others think it's a waste of time. For me personally Fiverr is a site that is near and dear to my heart. I made my first money there, I launched my first WSO about it and I still make good money there.

    I remember when fiverr started. Now it is ok. Even some people said it is not. One year ago, was a lot of people who said it is not good, what is it?? ...why to sell something for $5 .. why to buy something who not worth for sure??? ...almost everybody said it is a joke and will be a joke for the next 3 days...

    Yes, Orator, I was from the first wave, even was not my first money but for sure I was amazed about rhythm and $5 sound in my pocket, gig after gig, hour after hour, night and day...

    On my site was first public information about how to make money online with fiverr, and yes, still my site and my life goes around amazing fiverr concept...

    That being said, there are some things you need to understand when you use Fiverr.

    1) Fiverr Isn't A Primary Source of Income

    Fiverr will not replace a primary source of income, and you shouldn't expect it to. I've not see one single gig that has made enough of a splash to support a person full-time and even people doing multiple gigs would be hard pressed to make enough to live off.

    I respect your opinion but I don't agree. Let me explain in simple words. If you'll be registered at ALL micro job sites (fiverr clones), sites like fiverr,etc and if you TEST one or more gigs at one site and find it useful to the world, well, it is very possible to live decent using ONLY this activity.

    On the other hand if you do what everybody does .. jump from one biz to another .. and don't have patience to receive a page with good testimonials, well, yes fiverr it is not for you like a base, it is only like a simple other biz to jump on.

    That's why fiverr it is like a school ..
    2) Fiverr Is An Excellent Source of Extra Income

    Fiverr pays my hosting, outsourcing, and domain bills. I'm using the income I make there to invest in other IM ventures. Do you realize how much expert outsourcing you can get done here on WF from the money you make from a few gigs?

    You have absolutely right, I agree 100%, and actual crisis make this very easy to understand.

    3) Gig Design Matters

    If your gig is ugly, and the summary doesn't make any sense then you won't get any clients. If you promise the moon, and then can only deliver a drawing of the moon in crayon, your gig is not specific enough.

    Taking a few minutes to properly design your gig is well worth it.

    Again I agree with just a few words to complete: ugly means not so sale targeted and psychological expose but when we talk about what I promise to deliver and what my client receive after all, well I believe the opposite win ===> promise less and deliver more and for sure people will fight for your service...

    4) Your Gig Won't Be Unique

    You're an article writer, or perhaps you can install wordpress. There are plenty of other people who do this to. It's becoming really hard to come up with creative ideas for gigs that appeal to a large group of people. This isn't a good reason not to try, it's just something you should be aware of.

    I'm sorry but again I must not agree... it is not about inventing the wheel, nothing new under sun at least for us simple people ... but what make you special it is your style, your way to do things and yes it is possible to set you up WP platform better and quicker and safer for you than other friends ..or it is possible to have 3 extra twitter accounts just in case if from some bad reason, twitter suspend your account because of me and so on...

    I agree you must DO not try...

    5) You Have Better Luck When You Reach Out

    There is a little bar on the side of the main fiverr page that is filled with people requesting specific stuff. If you have a gig for this, then please for all that is holy send them a message. I get the majority of my work simply by sending a polite message, with a sample attached.

    I don't know enough English to warn you about this : DO NOT DO IT!!! If you don't know my story please take a walk to my site. Then come back and think again. You don't need few people, you need a whole WORLD, matter a fact a whole world expect you to make good job for $5...

    Yes, they are targeted, but think again, like a good seller you don't need to send multiple messages ...if you feel like a whole world need you ===> you will receive a lot of messages, and you'll not have time to spend sending messages...

    In this way nobody will cut your account for some imaginary reason.

    And yes, maybe in the future, when fiverr concept will be understand by fiverr himself will be simple to say : hi.

    Orator, I don't know you, please be aware people follow your advices... and I know you have good intentions but think again...
    6) Treat Fiverr With Respect

    I don't care if your just writing an article, or editing a pdf. You should always treat the people who buy your gigs with a courtesy. If your courtesy is not returned, then walk away from the gig. I used to be worried about this, but nowadays I refuse to get into a protracted battle over $4.

    I always remain polite, but firm. If you've delivered what they asked for, and they still have an issue, it's time to move on.

    It is not possible to have an issue if you overdeliver, but yes, people to often judge their efforts cent by cent.

    Yes treat fiverr concept with respect and really use all sites out there

    Thank you


    Fiverr is a great source of income, and outsourcing for me. I hope this post will help make it one for you. Any questions I will answer to the best of my ability.
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    • Profile picture of the author Orator
      Originally Posted by soferauto View Post

      There is a lot of opinion about Fiverr around here, some people like it and others think it's a waste of time. For me personally Fiverr is a site that is near and dear to my heart. I made my first money there, I launched my first WSO about it and I still make good money there.

      I remember when fiverr started. Now it is ok. Even some people said it is not. One year ago, was a lot of people who said it is not good, what is it?? ...why to sell something for $5 .. why to buy something who not worth for sure??? ...almost everybody said it is a joke and will be a joke for the next 3 days...

      Yes, Orator, I was from the first wave, even was not my first money but for sure I was amazed about rhythm and $5 sound in my pocket, gig after gig, hour after hour, night and day...

      On my site was first public information about how to make money online with fiverr, and yes, still my site and my life goes around amazing fiverr concept...

      That being said, there are some things you need to understand when you use Fiverr.

      1) Fiverr Isn't A Primary Source of Income

      Fiverr will not replace a primary source of income, and you shouldn't expect it to. I've not see one single gig that has made enough of a splash to support a person full-time and even people doing multiple gigs would be hard pressed to make enough to live off.

      I respect your opinion but I don't agree. Let me explain in simple words. If you'll be registered at ALL micro job sites (fiverr clones), sites like fiverr,etc and if you TEST one or more gigs at one site and find it useful to the world, well, it is very possible to live decent using ONLY this activity.

      On the other hand if you do what everybody does .. jump from one biz to another .. and don't have patience to receive a page with good testimonials, well, yes fiverr it is not for you like a base, it is only like a simple other biz to jump on.

      That's why fiverr it is like a school ..
      2) Fiverr Is An Excellent Source of Extra Income

      Fiverr pays my hosting, outsourcing, and domain bills. I'm using the income I make there to invest in other IM ventures. Do you realize how much expert outsourcing you can get done here on WF from the money you make from a few gigs?

      You have absolutely right, I agree 100%, and actual crisis make this very easy to understand.

      3) Gig Design Matters

      If your gig is ugly, and the summary doesn't make any sense then you won't get any clients. If you promise the moon, and then can only deliver a drawing of the moon in crayon, your gig is not specific enough.

      Taking a few minutes to properly design your gig is well worth it.

      Again I agree with just a few words to complete: ugly means not so sale targeted and psychological expose but when we talk about what I promise to deliver and what my client receive after all, well I believe the opposite win ===> promise less and deliver more and for sure people will fight for your service...

      4) Your Gig Won't Be Unique

      You're an article writer, or perhaps you can install wordpress. There are plenty of other people who do this to. It's becoming really hard to come up with creative ideas for gigs that appeal to a large group of people. This isn't a good reason not to try, it's just something you should be aware of.

      I'm sorry but again I must not agree... it is not about inventing the wheel, nothing new under sun at least for us simple people ... but what make you special it is your style, your way to do things and yes it is possible to set you up WP platform better and quicker and safer for you than other friends ..or it is possible to have 3 extra twitter accounts just in case if from some bad reason, twitter suspend your account because of me and so on...

      I agree you must DO not try...

      5) You Have Better Luck When You Reach Out

      There is a little bar on the side of the main fiverr page that is filled with people requesting specific stuff. If you have a gig for this, then please for all that is holy send them a message. I get the majority of my work simply by sending a polite message, with a sample attached.

      I don't know enough English to warn you about this : DO NOT DO IT!!! If you don't know my story please take a walk to my site. Then come back and think again. You don't need few people, you need a whole WORLD, matter a fact a whole world expect you to make good job for $5...

      Yes, they are targeted, but think again, like a good seller you don't need to send multiple messages ...if you feel like a whole world need you ===> you will receive a lot of messages, and you'll not have time to spend sending messages...

      In this way nobody will cut your account for some imaginary reason.

      And yes, maybe in the future, when fiverr concept will be understand by fiverr himself will be simple to say : hi.

      Orator, I don't know you, please be aware people follow your advices... and I know you have good intentions but think again...
      6) Treat Fiverr With Respect

      I don't care if your just writing an article, or editing a pdf. You should always treat the people who buy your gigs with a courtesy. If your courtesy is not returned, then walk away from the gig. I used to be worried about this, but nowadays I refuse to get into a protracted battle over $4.

      I always remain polite, but firm. If you've delivered what they asked for, and they still have an issue, it's time to move on.

      It is not possible to have an issue if you overdeliver, but yes, people to often judge their efforts cent by cent.

      Yes treat fiverr concept with respect and really use all sites out there

      Thank you


      Fiverr is a great source of income, and outsourcing for me. I hope this post will help make it one for you. Any questions I will answer to the best of my ability.
      1) I suppose it depends on your standard of living, and I've tried all those fiverr clone sites. None of them period are worth your time in my opinion, due to the fact they don't have enough potential clients.

      4) I rarely find any unique gigs these days, it's not of course impossible but it's rare to find one that provides a useful service.

      5) I guess we flat out disagree, I've been messaging people with my gigs for a few months know, and have had zero complaints from Fiverr or anyone else.

      A simple message, and a sample has worked out well for me.

      6) Some people expect the moon for $5, it's not worth the stress of dealing with them. Time is money, and Fiverr doesn't pay enough to earn that much mental fatigue from me.

      Some people scoff at making $4 a gig, fine. I've always claimed it's a secondary stream of income, and from some people that is all they really want.

      To each their own.
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  • Profile picture of the author theturd
    just a quick question is this something that is allowed on fiverr?
    tweetbuddy: I will extend ur Tweet Buddy free trail from 48 to 72 hours for $5 at
    this thread just made me have to create it to see what happens
    ★★★★★ My Buddy, Your Buddy, TWEET BUDDY! ★★★★★

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3267584].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Even my wife, who has no idea of marketing she saw fiverr for the first time and shook her head.

    For the net $3.75 (+/-) i "make" per gig ($5-$1-paypal fee) i can get a multitude of that on COUNTLESS other sites. Without their insane fees. I stand by my statement that fiverr is the Ghetto of the internet, at least for sellers.

    Even on DP forum people are not that CHEAP. If you limit yourself selling on fiverr...well its your problem Not even the traffic/hits on the gigs are worthwile. (Otherwise you could compensate with a huge amount of traffic and simply sell a huge volume of cheap gigs. But this is NOT the case on fiverr.) I wonder whether people who sell on fiverr have ever tried other resources like webmaster forums, odesk, getafreelancer etc. Probably not.
    *** Affiliate Site Quick --> The Fastest & Easiest Way to Make Affiliate Sites!<--
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    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3267618].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author theturd
      so what would you suggest my SEO sucks and i need to get traffic through creative ways to my site?

      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      Even my wife, who has no idea of marketing she saw fiverr for the first time and shook her head.

      For the net $3.75 (+/-) i "make" per gig ($5-$1-paypal fee) i can get a multitude of that on COUNTLESS other sites. Without their insane fees. I stand by my statement that fiverr is the Ghetto of the internet, at least for sellers.

      Even on DP forum people are not that CHEAP. If you limit yourself selling on fiverr...well its your problem Not even the traffic/hits on the gigs are worthwile. (Otherwise you could compensate with a huge amount of traffic and simply sell a huge volume of cheap gig. But this is NOT the case on fiverr. I wonder whether people who sell on fiverr have ever tried other resources like webmaster forums, odesk, getafreelancer etc. Probably not.)
      ★★★★★ My Buddy, Your Buddy, TWEET BUDDY! ★★★★★

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3267642].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    I am saying that neither the pricing, fees AND the traffic are satisfying on fiverr. The only thing good about it is if you purchase something..and the very nice and simple design of the site.
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    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3267653].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author It Should Be Easy
      I discoverd fiverr today!

      Really enteraining to just see what you can buy for a small buck. Though I have to evaluate more to decide whether my business can take advantage of it or not.

      Looking to connect with people

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  • Profile picture of the author soferauto

    Well, I think few thousand dollars deserve a little action doesn't matter if you're from New York or Bucharest, otherwise, Bucharest is well known this days for expensive life - will become again what your grandfather said in the past - Little Paris..

    I'm sure you doesn't have opportunity to check all of them .. I bet you check some of them and then you said enough because I lose my time...and who could blame you?? ..this is a trend today..

    Define useful .. useful for who?? for internet marketers?? no, this an old trend, freelancer trend ... now please discover fun, weird and bizarre all with high page ranking smell.. fiverr it is not a freelancer site

    You are free to do what ever you want, I make my job and said a warning about internal communication at fiverr - use it only for receiving orders and deliver your job.

    Almost all micro jobs sites set $5 - $100, soon fiverr too

    Fiverr script is set like this so will be simple for the future.

    However, thank you Orator for your words, nice job at freelancer sites and please excuse me for my bad English

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3268701].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Angela Marshall
      Great post. Seems obvious now, but I never thought about reaching out to those people in the sidebar requesting gigs!
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  • Profile picture of the author satrap
    I agree, you can't rely on fiverr as way to make a living, but its a fantastic way to make extra cash which you can use to pay for gigs that will help your online business move faster and more efficiently.

    I started a few weeks ago with fiverr and have made about $120 offering a few gigs. I juts hope I can get a gig or two featured. If you get lucky and get on the featured list, you can make some decent cash.
    60 Awesome Ways to Make Money Without a Job
    Check out my blog Survey Satrap featuring honest reviews of paid survey sites.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3269176].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rasheed63
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3269963].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    Well said, Orator!

    I agree with everything you said in the OP
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  • Profile picture of the author KatieN
    Very useful post if you are going to start a gig on fiverr
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  • Profile picture of the author stevemarino
    Good write up.

    It's not a place to get you rich and you're always going to be up against people who will do more for the $5 than you think worthy but if you market your gig properly then it's an excellent source of additional income.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3270151].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author darkwizgemz
    Great post. Maybe I also be starting with fiverr now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lyanna
    Fiverr seems interesting although I have not tried it yet. This has made me think of selling some writing services there to get new clients.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkWrites
    Some money can be made at Fiverr, though personally its just been on a limited basis. It actually has worked well for me though as a source for finding outsourcing options and making connections with customers that will payoff down the road.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3270540].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ForeignProfessor
      As I mentioned before, I had a profitable deal on Fiverr. What about the Fiverr clones? There are a bunch of sites which are kind of hanging on the coat-tails of Fiverr which popped up about a year ago. Any success or recommendations? Or is Fiverr the only one with real traffic?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3270563].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Orator
        Originally Posted by ForeignProfessor View Post

        As I mentioned before, I had a profitable deal on Fiverr. What about the Fiverr clones? There are a bunch of sites which are kind of hanging on the coat-tails of Fiverr which popped up about a year ago. Any success or recommendations? Or is Fiverr the only one with real traffic?
        Stay far away from the clone sites, there just not worth it. There like everything that is bad about Fiverr condensed into one site, without any of fiverr's benefits.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3273784].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sharon Lai
    Thankyou for the info. Its really helpful.
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  • Profile picture of the author dakota5369
    so now they have fourerr! same exact design and everything. apparently it has only been open 3 days.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3288860].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Orator
      Originally Posted by dakota5369 View Post

      so now they have fourerr! same exact design and everything. apparently it has only been open 3 days.
      When it's starts getting some real traffic then I might recommend it, until then...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3314987].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    I do outsourced every now and then to fiverr and I agree that a gig's uniqueness does matter! There are hundreds of people offering the same gig and it depends on how you present yourself to stand out from the crowd.

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