How to build an email list??

45 replies
Hey everyone, I'm a newb and was wondering if anyone have any suggestions on how to build an email list? Any suggestions are welcome
#build #email #list #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author JHC81
    If you have a blog or a website offer your readers something for free, something valuable, like a training course, coaching, videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rough Outline
    Offer tonnes of value constantly, take suggestions from your subscribers so you're giving them info they want and not what you think they want.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr.S
    It all depends on your intent. If you want to stay in the business for a long time you should use multiple ways. I found the best way for longer run is through article marketing. You have to start somewhere. If you want immediate results search through this forum for individuals who will send a solo ads to their lists. Free offers work the best. Utilize social media but this is also long term strategy unless you pay for visitors. Using facebook ads can get you lots of likes if you know how to convert them that can go fast.
    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author wandysue34
    You have to over deliver to there needs. At first it's a little work but once you start getting your following and building the list up you can do it with little or no time at all. Give aways, Tons of valuable content that they are looking for, and social networking sites work well, get involved ask questions, answer questions, start a topic, join groups, forums, and go that route. Good Luck
    Thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    The simplest method that you should start off with is using a simple (non-video) squeeze page offering something of value in exchange for subscribing, and then just add traffic.

    I know this may seem overly simplistic, but this is the technique used by just about every successful email marketer out there. Don't overcomplicate things - just set up your squeeze page quickly, quickly write up a short series of promotional emails for your autoresponder, and then focus on driving traffic consistently to your squeeze page.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Here is a list building article that may help you get things into perspective. It's a brief overview of how to get started collecting subscribers and what to send to them.

    Building a list may seem like the hard part, but it is not. Keeping people on your list is the hard part. You have to put in an effort to provide your subscribers with ongoing valuable information. The biggest mistake of list owners is to just bombard your list with affiliate offers. Why on earth would they listen to you? Get to know your list and give them the opportunity to get to know you. Then and only then will your recommendations mean anything.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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    • Profile picture of the author bobby_shahzad
      Though many people my disagree but I have found that sending an email offer to your targeted list and inviting them to join your optin list to be the fastest way of adding quick subscriptions to your list. In this method, you would send an invitation to people and introduce yourself and tell them why they should listen to you and drive the traffic to your squeeze page. This will bring in some quick subscribers
      Signature Email marketing service , single and double optin accounts. List Hygiene Service Available.
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    • Profile picture of the author BoJon
      Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

      The biggest mistake of list owners is to just bombard your list with affiliate offers. Why on earth would they listen to you? Get to know your list and give them the opportunity to get to know you. Then and only then will your recommendations mean anything.
      Totally agree !!! Of all the list owners that have me one their list there's only one who gives me valuable information and that's basically the only thing he does. Once I got an affiliate offer that was very much related to the previous valuable information so this offer was really making sense.

      So all the other lists I'm subscribing to has owners who just throws offers on me all the time and I get sick and tired of it.
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      • Profile picture of the author BoJon
        Everybody talking about a free report and so on, but for me the problem was how to get that free report, besides writing it myself. Then I discovered that I could buy PLR (Pivate Label Rights) articles/e-books and then all of a sudden I got something to offer...

        So I knew the principle of building a list, but at first I didn't know how to create or come up with a product to offer.
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        • Profile picture of the author frenchtoast
          Originally Posted by BoJon View Post

          Everybody talking about a free report and so on, but for me the problem was how to get that free report, besides writing it myself. Then I discovered that I could buy PLR (Pivate Label Rights) articles/e-books and then all of a sudden I got something to offer...

          So I knew the principle of building a list, but at first I didn't know how to create or come up with a product to offer.
          I have been having this problem myself. I have only just heard about these PLR articles/e-books. I haven't yet purchased one myself but i think that is what i am going to do. I guesds it saves time and the article/e-book will be written more professionally than what i'd be able to produce myself.

          All in all i think this idea is a good for those of us who aren't confident enough in producing something with value to provide to visitors.
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  • Profile picture of the author wcbanks914
    You could maybe get involved in a blog or some type of niche. Reach out to only targeted people. You would want to build a list using preferably aweber, very cheap. Present a cache or squeeze page so people who are interested opt-in. Any updates or changes to your business you will be able to notify everyone all at once. Most importantly you build friendship with everyone under your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author princesolo
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    • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
      Originally Posted by princesolo View Post

      I wish it were that easy to build a FEMAIL.

      Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author Dash Evra
    Register to very active forums of your niche and offer a valuable free pft ebook designed to help your audience when they subscribe to your mailing list.

    Make sure to promote it in a way that doesn't violate those forums' rule though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Roey Pimentel
    If building an email list is high up on your priority list, put the call to action in the upper right hand corner of the page. Also, don't have other things on the page compete with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
    1.) Create a free report or video on the subject of your choosing.

    2.) Create a squeeze page that gives someone who signs up that same report for free.

    3.) Send traffic to your squeeze page. (solo ads, buy traffic, ppc, ad swaps, etc)

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel F. Lavoie
    1. You find a market (for me, I only choose market that I'm interested in)
    2. Build a squeeze page
    3. Offer something of value in exchange of their emails
    4. Build a relationship with them
    5. Sell them what they want
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    • Profile picture of the author ShaneBoyd
      Originally Posted by Daniel F. Lavoie View Post

      1. You find a market (for me, I only choose market that I'm interested in)
      2. Build a squeeze page
      3. Offer something of value in exchange of their emails
      4. Build a relationship with them
      5. Sell them what they want

      The only thing I would really add to that is...

      Go down to the WF JV section and BUY solo ads.

      I've added 300 subscribers this month by doing that one method alone. Then when you make some sales...

      INVEST your earnings on other ads and linking strategies. One can easily build an email list IF one is ready to put in the sweat equity (or money) needed to do so.


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      • Profile picture of the author joefizz

        'Keep it simple, stupid' is my motto.

        I was in the same position once and recorded what i did in an eBook can download it free.

        'Magnetize That Traffic'.

        Good luck with your efforts.


        I am an Internet Marketing coach. Accelerate your performance here:
        FREE RESOURCES to help you...

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        • Profile picture of the author ibyprprty
          Originally Posted by joefizz View Post


          'Keep it simple, stupid' is my motto.

          I was in the same position once and recorded what i did in an eBook can download it free.
          I'm going to download your ebook now.. I see that you know Bolaji.....I actually am in the process of using some folks that he recommends for ecovers, etc. right now. Small world.
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    • Profile picture of the author scorpio007
      Thank you all for the great advice..In the squeeze page, how do I setup so they have to leave their email in order to continue?
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      • Profile picture of the author khut
        If you go to weebly to build your landing page they have templates with customizable forms, or if you want to code your own landing page you can do a search for wufoo forms on google, wufoo will provide the code for the form that you want to use.

        Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    It really all comes down this:

    Give them a reason to subscribe. What that reason is can vary, and it doesn't have to be giving something away for free (though that's the method I tend to use).

    Once they are on the list, be sure EVERY message provides value. That includes informative emails as well as sales messages. In other words, if you're going to sell something to your list, make sure it provides value.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
    The above posts are right on, and it is simple.

    Let me give you some tips for conversion, which is really what matters:

    1. Make sure the graphic of your freebie is well done. That's a big one.
    2. Make a big headline that grabs attention.
    3. Under the big headline, put three bulletpoints of the top three benefits of the freebie.
    4. Inside aweber, ALWAYS be running two versions of the squeeze page using their split-test feature.
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      If you've got some money to invest and your conversion is in place as mentioned in above posts, buy solo ads to drive traffic to your sales or optin page. My campaigns include product sales and subscribe option which more than pays for the ads, and builds lists very fast. Been getting about 200-600 new subscribers daily for years.
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  • Profile picture of the author khut
    An easy way is to create a capture page with a website like weebly, of course you will still need to drive traffic to the capture page somehow.

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  • Profile picture of the author db8
    From a technical standpoint, you don't necessarily need to use a traditional optin form to get a lead's name, email, age, blah blah etc. These days you can use social networking API's to gain user details at the touch of a button. You can check out the link in my signature for a project where you can acquire lead info through a Facebook button.

    It's definitely a lot easier for people to hit a button rather than fill out a detailed form - so typically optin rates would be higher if you take advantage of social API's.
    Facebook Lead Generation :: Generate email marketing leads with a single FB Login button. Update your Aweber and MailChimp subscriber lists in real-time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kom
    Build email list ?

    This is one of the power marketing, but how to get email ? that th problem , right
    everyone have deferent ways, ton of way is out there, when you did this i am sure you have landing page. look arround all lending page how look like,
    dont forget. alway make promotion for your landing page
    this is free one
    you tube
    also somany place for free.
    if your landing page is unique, you will get it my friend they will come over and over
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  • Profile picture of the author kb24
    Hi I have been reading the responses in this thread and Ive seen it in many other forums "Build a list" I havent started yet but what would concern me is this: they give their e-mail and name in exchange for what I have to offer but then they unsubscribe just to get the freebie. This is the only thing that concerns me. I was going to start my own thread on this asking this question but since I found this thread thought I'd post my question in here..what is your feedback?/ thoughts?
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    • Profile picture of the author David Uebergang

      If your freebie provides value to the person, why would they want to opt out? Give them no reason to opt out. As stated before, as long as you keep providing value in your e-mails and not bombard them with sales pitches you should have no problem keeping them interested. If your freebie is information (whether it be an e-book, mini-course or whatever) leave them hanging in a way that they look forward to your next e-mail, but not so much that they feel unsatisfied with your current one.
      Again it comes down to value.

      Good luck,

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  • Profile picture of the author scorpio007
    I think that building an email list is crazy have all these ppl the already spent their money with you, and now you have a direct way to contact them and try to sell them more great products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel J
    If you've got a website (or several) check, out the ebook "Craigslist Cash Cow" Tip: if you google "Craigslist Cash Cow free" you will find at least one site that gives it away (not my website and no affiliation) It has a great method for building up a list using Craigslist (free site to post on) In theory, you could use the exact same methods by posting on any forums (like this one) If you don't have a website, but you offer products or services, you can LEGALLY use e-mail addresses to build your list from sales you make on ebay or fiverr. Good luck!
    Daniel J.
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  • Profile picture of the author frenchtoast
    i haven't yet built up an email list, stupid really as i could probably have a pretty big list by now. However i am looking at setting one up. Does anyone know of a good list builder to use?
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  • Profile picture of the author designerjack
    Originally Posted by scorpio007 View Post

    Hey everyone, I'm a newb and was wondering if anyone have any suggestions on how to build an email list? Any suggestions are welcome
    Setup a landing page and offer something for free.

    Call to action is important to capture leads for email list.

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    • Profile picture of the author RhondaG
      Here is a great way to build value to your freebie, so people will opt into your list on your blog. If you have a small report or e-book you wrote, you can get it published on Amazon for Kindle. If they sell there fine, if not you still have leverage.

      On your blog tell people that by signing up to your email list/newsletter they can have a free copy of your book that sells on Amazon for $9.99, for free!

      This adds value to your free offer.

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  • Profile picture of the author lsmith5745
    Everyone has the same message here 1) Traffic - Blog, Forum, Article, Pay >> 2) Squeeze Page >> 3) Free Gift >> 4) Opt-in Form Autoresponder 5) E mail List
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  • Profile picture of the author rten885
    The landing page is key that is what all the best affiliate marketers do. Just offer a free report of your product and only give it unless they give you their email address
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  • Profile picture of the author Igor Kheifets
    While some like to over complicate the process of building
    a list with mindset, intentions and hidden motives, let me
    just simplify email marketing for you:

    Your List Size=Offer+Traffic

    Building a list (or making money for that matter) is all about
    traffic and offer. Drive traffic to a squeeze page and you
    got yourself a list building campaign.

    Get your conversions to the max and you got yourself
    a successful list building campaign and now it's only
    a matter of how much traffic will you drive through that
    page and how fast you will do that...

    Hope that explains and will serve
    as a good start for your journey

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  • Profile picture of the author musiclyons
    Congrats on joining our internet marketing community. You will find a lot of valuable information on how to build a list. If you have a website already, I would suggest you put up an Opt-In Box at the top or near the top of your homepage and offer some sort of FREE Report related to your websites subject. By doing this, your visitor will give his email address for receiving the FREE Report you are offering. This is the best way to build a list. Give your visitors value. Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    As others have said:

    1. Build an offer with REAL value, a free report, video course etc...

    2. Get the offer in front of people in the market - and you are away!
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  • Profile picture of the author frenchtoast
    How do you set up an opt in box? Do you create this through your auto responder program?
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
    Your question is like asking a specialist, "How do I do brain surgery?"

    I guess where that specialist would start is to tell you to go to school...

    So I'm going to say something similar...

    Just go learn everything you can about the subject and test.

    Start with getting your auto-responder (GetResponse, AWeber, or iContact), your domain and website, and getting your squeeze page up and running a little traffic to it. Maybe a little article marketing or another free method.
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