How to Easily Add Live Chat Support To Your Blog For Free!
We all know how much credibility you will gain if you offer live chat support on your website. It makes you look more legitimate, not to mention that you can have a direct line to your customers and visitors.
There are tons of different software programs and other services that will allow you to set up chat support, but many of them cost money! If your site is a Wordpress blog, then you can quickly and very easily set up live chat support without spending a dime.
1. Just set up a gmail account with any name. I would suggest using ""
Gmail has a great chat feature that will allow you to chat with other gmail users or with anyone who has access to the chat client.
2. Add a plugin to your blog called "Google Talk Chatback Widget"
This will give you an option to add a live chat support button widget to your sidebar. When someone clicks on the live chat button, a window will open up with the gmail chat client. If you are logged into Gmail at the time, a chat box will open in your gmail inbox so you can talk with them.
The best part is when you are not logged into Gmail or you have your status set to "Busy", the live chat support button on your website automatically turns into a graphical link to your website's contact page.
I don't know about you guys, but I have my email inbox open pretty much all day long. So, whenever I'm working, I'm available for people to contact me instantly using this method.
Let me know if you have any questions. This little trick is just too useful to keep to myself.
-Noah Whitmore
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