How do you write 5 articles a day?

64 replies
I am not a very good writer, but I have started a blog, and slowly my writing has improved. However the one thing that has not improved is my well of ideas and my "faucet" of creativity. Which means that I can barely put out an article/post a day.
So how do you article writers put out so many articles? For me sometimes the creativity is just not there. Do you have something that inspires you, or what?
#articles #day #write
  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    One at a a time?

    Don't look up...

    It all starts with defining your strategy and planning your activities.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      One at a a time?

      Don't look up...

      It all starts with defining your strategy and planning your activities.
      Damn, That was what I was going to say!

      As the bubble deflates,
      Have a Great Day!
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      • Profile picture of the author Sardent

        Really, it means just sit down and start doing it.

        If you can make it a habit, you'll be surprised at the results.
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  • Profile picture of the author CyberSorcerer
    Something that will help you out a lot is PLR ATM, from Tiffany Dow. She's a WF member so just do a search on it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Doug Wakefield
      Not to take anything away from PLR ATM, but I don't think it applies to his issue. If he wanted to build a PLR store, I would agree completely.

      There is a good option from another warrior, though you have missed out on the opportunity to buy the course at WSO prices.

      John Schwartz released a product on how to write articles not too long ago called Zeus Articles that will help you with your writing issues. It is a great resource for anyone wanting to write for any reason. He now sells the course at Article Impact.

      That's not an affiliate link at all. It was the same product recommended to me when I started my PLR store, and it helped.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hlatky
    You have to either enjoy typing, or force yourself to do so. (At least I think so).

    You should have an outline of exactly how you are going to set up every single article you are writing, until you have this down and can plan as you go.

    Writing, like most other skills, is learned through experience. Once you get the hang of it, you should be able to crank out 3-5 quality articles per hour.
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  • Profile picture of the author KevinFranz
    Devote time specifically for researching topics - separate from the time you spend writing articles. Personally, I do a lot of internet searches and look for pages that relate to my topic. Then I open a Word file and create a numbered list of possible topics.

    When it's time to write an article, I search my list for something that looks interesting, and then start typing.

    Of course, practice helps. And typing fast. (smile)
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  • Profile picture of the author Dwight Anthony
    I'm a good writer but can be very lazy at times especially when i really need some articles written. I've had good results buying articles on and posting them on high pr directories.
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    • Profile picture of the author nursewriter
      It can be tough to write 5 articles in a day.... especially if you are just starting out. But you have to teach yourself to get into the right state of mind to write.

      First of all, eliminate all distractions. Turn off the TV, lock yourself in your room, let the answering machine take all calls and resist the urge to check your email every five minutes.

      Next, do a search and choose only two or three sites that contains enough information for you to develop well researched articles. Notice I said to choose only two or three. It is really easy to get bogged down in research. Read through these sites and take notes.

      Minimize the sites and begin writing. Focus completely on your writing. Don't let your mind wander. This takes some practice but it can be done. Once you are able to focus completely on writing, challenge yourself. If you can write an article in 30 minutes, challenge yourself to do it in 29 minutes.

      Have confidence in yourself and your writing. You will soon find that you are pumping out 5-10 articles per day.
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  • Profile picture of the author rickfrazier1
    For me, it comes down to three things, and they all boil down to one big thing: Get rid of the distractions so I can "just do it".

    1: close my email application. Don't check email until I'm done with my articles.
    2: exit WarriorForum. Don't check back into warrior forum until I'm done with my articles.
    3: minimize distractions in my workplace. (Shut the door to my office). If you don't have a place to hide out to do your articles, try getting up a couple of hours early in the morning. You can get an amazing amount done if you can work when nobody else is distracting you.

    My Current WSO: Financial Independence 2012 - The Truth About Kindle Publishing

    HostGator web hosting is only $0.01 for the first month: Use coupon code HMTSpecial

    Other WSO: Protect Your Product - Prevent THIEVES from stealing your product.

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  • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
    I usually create templates of previous articles I've written to give me a general outline to follow. It's just enough to give me some creative juices going and point me in the right direction. I don't use them all of the time though - Just when I get in a funk and am lacking some simple direction.

    Like some others have said above - Just keep plugging away and before you know it, you'll have your articles written (and maybe then some).
    Want to speed up your writing and save time?
    This book will show you how:
    --> Write Fast: 21 Powerful Ways to Cut Your Writing Time in Half! <--
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  • Profile picture of the author jglopez
    I've been a good offline writer in college. Now, I'm just starting out in the online writing business. I wrote 10 high quality articles just 2 days ago (too bad I still haven't been paid by that client!). I did that on and off in a span of around 14 hours.

    What I found really helps are:
    1.) Write something you now about - way way way faster than having to research something.
    2.) Outline - like what the others said, having 4-5 sentences of summary is good. You can then expound on each sentence to form a paragraph around each.
    3.) I used this one in college - have you ever just sat down not doing anything (e.g. riding a bus, waiting in line, etc) - chances are your brain will be droning on and on about something. Try to catch yourself and see whether what your brain drones about is actually worth an article or two!

    Hope this helps!
    I'm a Professional Writer. I also do high-quality spins. I won't stop until you get the quality that you deserve. PM me or Email me at for samples of my work or for orders. I look forward to long-term business relationships with you.
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  • Profile picture of the author auradev
    Lol, one at a time. That is great. But true. Sit down and crank it out, no editing.

    Then take a 30 minute break and do it again, and then again.

    Then at the end of the day go back and edit. I like to go running or do chores inbetween.
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    • Profile picture of the author Shadowflux
      I make some good money writing articles for people, I've gotten orders that were as tight as 25 articles in two days. I type fast but I'm usually writing about a subject I don't know so much about. I was lurking on this forum but I saw your post and wanted to help everyone out. Here are some tips:

      Pick your topic, lets say it's "Gold Rayguns". Lets say the article is going to be 400 - 500 words long or so. Do a quick google search and come up with about 3 main points you want to address. rayguns are better than silver
      2.they burn cleaner
      3.they use less energy

      Each of these points is going to be a paragraph so your article will look like this

      p2.point 1
      p3.point 2
      p4.point 3

      Your intro paragraph should start with the problem you're addressing: "Most people use rayguns to blast octopoids but it can be hard to choose the one thats right for you".

      The next few sentences should each address a separate point and you should close the paragraph with a sentence that leads into the next paragraph: "It might be hard to choose the best raygun but you should consider the benefits of the different options."

      You should structure the following paragraphs the same way, intro sentence, major points, lead out sentence.

      Once you have covered all the points, keeping in mind that you're trying to sell one solution over the other (gold rayguns over silver ones), you should write a conclusion paragraph. This should be like the intro paragraph, state the problem, sum up each point and then end with a good conclusion sentence that proves what you have said: "When you consider the low energy cost, the clean beams and the fact that gold rayguns can toast a Xynthian octopoid like a marshmallow its pretty obvious that gold rayguns are the best choice."

      All in all this shouldn't take more than 20 minutes or so plus about 5 minutes of research and 5 minutes to proof read. The real key is to not stop and think too hard about what you're writing. Just stick to the formula and you won't have a problem writing about any subject.

      If you need 5 or more articles all on the same subject then you should write them differently.

      Gold Rayguns article
      Gold Rayguns faq
      Gold Rayguns common misunderstandings
      Gold Rayguns story (Cpt. Joe was trapped with nothing but his gold raygun)
      Gold Rayguns other uses (Starting campfires, lighting cigars etc)

      This is how I do it, just stick with the formula and you won't have a problem. Always include your keywords in the title and at least once in the first paragraph. Remember that some sites won't like articles with too heavy a density of keywords.

      The most important thing to remember is just write, don't think about it too hard and don't make too big a deal out of it. Oh, and take regular breaks to rest your eyes and fingers.

      If you still find it hard to write articles you can always outsource lol
      Native Advertising Specialist
      Dangerously Effective
      Always Discreet
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      • Profile picture of the author babeskidoodle
        Originally Posted by Shadowflux View Post

        I make some good money writing articles for people, I've gotten orders that were as tight as 25 articles in two days. I type fast but I'm usually writing about a subject I don't know so much about. I was lurking on this forum but I saw your post and wanted to help everyone out. Here are some tips:

        Pick your topic, lets say it's "Gold Rayguns". Lets say the article is going to be 400 - 500 words long or so. Do a quick google search and come up with about 3 main points you want to address. rayguns are better than silver
        2.they burn cleaner
        3.they use less energy

        Each of these points is going to be a paragraph so your article will look like this

        p2.point 1
        p3.point 2
        p4.point 3

        Your intro paragraph should start with the problem you're addressing: "Most people use rayguns to blast octopoids but it can be hard to choose the one thats right for you".

        The next few sentences should each address a separate point and you should close the paragraph with a sentence that leads into the next paragraph: "It might be hard to choose the best raygun but you should consider the benefits of the different options."

        You should structure the following paragraphs the same way, intro sentence, major points, lead out sentence.

        Once you have covered all the points, keeping in mind that you're trying to sell one solution over the other (gold rayguns over silver ones), you should write a conclusion paragraph. This should be like the intro paragraph, state the problem, sum up each point and then end with a good conclusion sentence that proves what you have said: "When you consider the low energy cost, the clean beams and the fact that gold rayguns can toast a Xynthian octopoid like a marshmallow its pretty obvious that gold rayguns are the best choice."

        All in all this shouldn't take more than 20 minutes or so plus about 5 minutes of research and 5 minutes to proof read. The real key is to not stop and think too hard about what you're writing. Just stick to the formula and you won't have a problem writing about any subject.

        If you need 5 or more articles all on the same subject then you should write them differently.

        Gold Rayguns article
        Gold Rayguns faq
        Gold Rayguns common misunderstandings
        Gold Rayguns story (Cpt. Joe was trapped with nothing but his gold raygun)
        Gold Rayguns other uses (Starting campfires, lighting cigars etc)

        This is how I do it, just stick with the formula and you won't have a problem. Always include your keywords in the title and at least once in the first paragraph. Remember that some sites won't like articles with too heavy a density of keywords.

        The most important thing to remember is just write, don't think about it too hard and don't make too big a deal out of it. Oh, and take regular breaks to rest your eyes and fingers.

        If you still find it hard to write articles you can always outsource lol
        Thanks this is a great post. I hate writing and outsource a lot of it but with a formula like this I think the writing I take on myself may become easier. Thanks for taking the time to post it.
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        • Profile picture of the author Shadowflux
          Originally Posted by babeskidoodle View Post

          Thanks this is a great post. I hate writing and outsource a lot of it but with a formula like this I think the writing I take on myself may become easier. Thanks for taking the time to post it.
          You're welcome

          When I first started writing articles I knew how to structure one but someone shared some info with me that helped a lot so I thought I'd pass it along.

          The real key is to just keep typing, try not to stop and think about it, just stick with the formula if you get stuck. I've also found shorter articles to be harder to write, a 250 word article is like a haiku to me but 500+ articles just flow easily.
          Native Advertising Specialist
          Dangerously Effective
          Always Discreet
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    • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
      Originally Posted by auradev View Post

      Lol, one at a time. That is great. But true. Sit down and crank it out, no editing.

      Then take a 30 minute break and do it again, and then again.

      Then at the end of the day go back and edit. I like to go running or do chores inbetween.
      Taking breaks has helped me tremendously. I don't usually take 30 minute breaks but do find even 10 minutes away from my cmputer makes a big difference. Stretch, get some fresh air and get back to it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Buildingfutures
    You can do five articles in an hour, if you try hard enough. 12 minutes an article, just means that you should know what you're talking about.

    But five articles in two hours, that's 24 minutes an article, and much easier to get to if you're not a quick writer.

    It's all about work, work, work and not stopping.


    Simple Mission Statement "Under the Radar and Over the Top!"
    Sean's Guide To The Forum
    Thoughts of a 22 Year Old Marketer

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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    Originally Posted by Theory5 View Post

    I am not a very good writer...
    Remember this. The more you write the better you will get. Writing is no different from drawing or even learning to ride a bike. Practice makes perfect. Really. It Does.

    Originally Posted by Theory5 View Post

    but I have started a blog, and slowly my writing has improved. However the one thing that has not improved is my well of ideas and my "faucet" of creativity. Which means that I can barely put out an article/post a day.
    So how do you article writers put out so many articles? For me sometimes the creativity is just not there. Do you have something that inspires you, or what?
    Practice writing on things you are interested in. This will allow ideas to flow easier. Anyone can write a killer article, you just need to find your groove.
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author claudemai
    In a quite environment. Where in I can think and focus.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ronny Kibet
    Go to top article directories like Ezinearticles, and find out what people are talking about and are getting good responses. Read them and get an idea. Now write what you read in your own words. You can write up to 20 articles a day this way. Copy success.


    -Subscribe to my free premium wordpress plugin giveaway. SUBSCRIBE NOW

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    • Profile picture of the author Donna Hamer
      Recently Helen Raptopolous shared this technique with people over on her Facebook page to help get ideas and its been invaluable in helping me write articles/ posts and even autoresponders.

      List your Topic - then list your sub topics and then list 10 questions (or as many as you can do for each sub topic).

      Use those questions to write your articles/ blog posts.

      So for instance mine was Wordpress: Subtopics : Plugins, Templates, Spam etc.

      Question - What is a Plugin, how do you install plugins, why use plugins, what are the best plugins etc.

      Hope this helps you get some ideas/ brainstorm topics.

      Cheers Donna
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      • Profile picture of the author charlesgosu
        Just sit think.. read a lot.. use your imagination... start typing atleast 2 articles per day and you'll get the hang of it..
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    90% of cases there is already content out there. You look at it for research and ideas., especially if its a subject you don't know anything about. Furthermore you must simply like writing...then it just "flows" out your fingers. If you have problems writing 5 articles/day..maybe writing isn't for you?
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    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
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    • Profile picture of the author Gunedat
      I have tried everything to help improve my writing speed and flow of ideas. I tried most of the things suggested above. But in the end, I realized that I just don't have the chops for it, so I went the outsourcing route.

      If you think that this thing is slowing you down, then I suggest outsourcing.
      I Should Put A Sig Here
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  • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
    1. Close all other browser windows except for: 1. Pandora radio tuned to Zen Garden or some other relaxing music you like. 2. Google--if you need to look up something about what you're writing about for ideas.

    2. Resize your browser and Word so that they both fit on the screen side by side so you don't have to switch back and forth. (I have 2 monitors)

    3. Instead of giving yourself a time goal, such as you're going to write for 2 hours, give yourself a production goal, "I'm not doing anything else until I've written 5 articles".

    Pound them out, each day. The time it takes you to do the five articles will shrink, and then you can do 10 a day if you want, or you'll have time for more COD and level up
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    Originally Posted by Theory5 View Post

    However the one thing that has not improved is my well of ideas and my "faucet" of creativity.
    Start by going to Google News and searching for items about your niche. When you get it opened up subscribe to it using Google Reader. This will give you a fresh list of news about your niche daily.

    Do the same thing with the top blogs in your niche.

    (Came back to add this one.) You can do the exact same thing on Yahoo Answers. Go do a search for your phrases, or topics. It will generate an RSS feed you can subscribe to with Google Reader. More easy research for you.

    Skim the article headlines in Google Reader, open the ones which sound interesting and read them. Keep a notebook beside you, or notepad open on your PC. Jot down ideas which come to mind as you read. ESPECIALLY QUESTIONS WHICH POP INTO YOUR MIND. (Your questions are likely the same ones your readers want answered, too.)

    Your problem with your "well of ideas" and "faucet of creativity" is because you forgot to fill the well with water, or pump the water up into the storage tank. Start filling your mind with information about your niche and writing becomes much easier.

    Best wishes,

    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author derrickschwan
    I read some books about article writing and learn most from it. I discover some tips and strategies on how we can make an effective copywriting.
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  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Simple... I pay other people to do it..

    In all seriousness, you just have to write... even when you don't feel like writing, or don't feel like it's your best work.

    You can always go back and rewrite crappy work... so just get it out of your head and then edit it later.
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  • Profile picture of the author marigot
    When you say "your well of ideas" has not improved, one way to stimulate your thought process, and find ideas upon which to write, is to subscribe to Google Alerts.

    Just set up the niche, topic or keyword that is of interest, as well as the frequency of alerts. This way, you can read what others are saying and develop some ideas for yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author jikanv
    Wow, That's a great guide to use. Simple and powerful.
    My faucet for my blog is the news and everyday stuff I come across. Could be an annoying experience with the bank or insurance company, or seeing something on TV.

    Whatever you are interested in, millions of others are interested in too. So just watch the news if nothing else and when you see something that irks you, write about it.
    Write something about the Warrior Forum. The responses you've got here. How did you signed up to be a member. What made you to get into IM.

    Hmmmm. Is that simple??
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  • Profile picture of the author LetsGoViral
    It helps when you have expertise in a certain niche and have written articles in it before. Then you can just paraphrase/rewrite the articles.
    Time of thinking is over.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rashell
    Write in batches.

    You have a blog topic
    Pick 4 categories (use the Google Wonder Wheel)
    Brainstorm 13 tags for each category (copy "top blog" tags for each category)
    Research the "tag" as a topic, taking notes.
    Organize your notes into an outline of similar key points
    Write 7 articles for each tag (use keywords from keyword research in headlines)

    As an example let's say...

    You have a blog on Social Media
    You have 4 categories including one on YouTube
    You have 13 tags including one on YouTube Video Optimization
    You write 7 articles for instance,
    1. 5 Steps to Optimizing Your YouTube Videos-They're not what you think.
    2. 10 ways to Build Backlinks to your YouTube Videos
    3. Why You Need More YouTube Video Views Now
    4. The 3 Most Critical Optimization Tasks Most YouTube Channels Get Wrong
    5. The Optimization Power Behind a Good Video Thumbnail
    6. Not all Highly Optimized YouTube Videos Appear in Google Search-Here's Why
    7. 25 Places to Embed Your YouTube Video for More Views

    Which each of the #ed lists you just need to add each item followed by a brief description. And because you've done the research or already have the knowledge you should just type like you speak with the rest. You can go back and edit later. Dragon Naturally Speaking will help a lot.

    Then do another set.

    The thing is to do the research and note taking. Create an outline then fill it in with all the details.

    It's good to keep your blog posts short, actionable and scan-able (visitors are more likely to scan for relevant content than read some long drawn out prose).

    Also, according to Denise Wakemen, headlines with #s get opened 8 times more often than those without. So use #s as often as is relevant.

    You can mix up the # sequence. ie 7 Categories, 4 Tags each category & 13 articles each tag. But using that number combination will give you 364 articles total. Of course you don't need that many unless that's the type of blog you plan on creating.

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  • Profile picture of the author DMCAPROS
    You could always hire people to write content for you. I typically only write 1-2 articles a day for my sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author wcmylife
    Theory - one easy way to write is pick a topic and then address the following questions of How, Why, What, Where and When. So if the topic is getting traffic...then how do we get free traffic or paid traffic or why is it best to go after free traffic and where do we find the best sources of free traffic and when is the right time to target free traffic and so can also drill down by

    asking the 5 if the question is hiring a top copywriter
    why should i hire a copy writer
    answer that: to make sure I get high conversions
    then the next why
    why is it important that i get high conversions
    answer that..
    then why on the answer...

    thats an easy way to get idea..hope it helps
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  • Profile picture of the author jitterbug978
    The best advice I can give you is write about something you feel passionate about. If you don't you will struggle with ideas and a lack of general knowledge in the subject.
    Tired of purchasing Articles full of spelling and grammatical errors?
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  • Profile picture of the author KatieWilliams
    You have to realise that writing for your business is something that needs to be done, whether you feel like it or not.

    Maybe 5 a day is unrealistic for you right now, if you're not used to writing regularly - aim for 1 GOOD QUALITY article a day.

    EzineArticles have just released a template that might help - it's on their blog.

    For ideas; see which questions are being asked on your subject in Yahoo Answers etc, twitter search etc. Look at the best selling products on ClickBank on your topic and use their bullet points as the title/inspiration for an article or a series of articles.

    And, of course, like Gary Vaynerchuk would say, maybe you're just not a natural writer - have you tried focusing on videos or audio?

    Good luck

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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    Sometimes it helps to have templates (as Greg said) or article titles in mind before you do your research.

    The Biggest Myths about.....

    The Pros and Cons of ......

    The Top Ten Ways to.....

    Then you can plug your research into the article templates as you go along, instead of having a pile of research you then have to sort through and figure out how to use.
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  • Profile picture of the author notrichyet
    I get paid for writing articles and in the beginning I struggled with speed. The best I can tell you is to practice at it. How fast you can type is going to be a good indicator of how many you're going to be able to get done within a certain time frame. What I found helps the most is to not worry about typos or mistakes while you're writing. This interrupts your thought process and can create instantaneous writer's block. Let the ideas and words just flow and then go back and review for spelling or typing errors. Trust me, if you do it enough you'll be cranking them out in no time. I can get 5 400 word articles done in around an hour now.

    Good luck!!
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  • Profile picture of the author zealeau
    Do you writers in here use any Massive article software ? i mean if you have several orders and a specific time frame ...what will you do ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Oxbloom
      Originally Posted by zealeau View Post

      Do you writers in here use any Massive article software ? i mean if you have several orders and a specific time frame ...what will you do ?
      Writers write.

      I'm not sure what kind of profession it is that uses "massive article software," but it certainly isn't the profession of writer as I understand the word.
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    • Profile picture of the author notrichyet
      Originally Posted by zealeau View Post

      Do you writers in here use any Massive article software ? i mean if you have several orders and a specific time frame ...what will you do ?
      No, I don't use any software other than Microsoft Office. This is where giving your clients realistic expectations comes in. They understand that they are not the only one and I do things on a first come first serve basis. For larger projects, the date of delivery is discussed and I schedule a certain amount of time each day for it. The key here is that I'm always up front about when I can deliver. If the time frame doesn't work for the customer, then I simply have to pass that particular job up. I don't want to promise a delivery date that I know I can't make or kill myself trying. So far this has worked for my clients with a normal turn around of about 48 hours depending on when the order was placed.

      Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Enjoying what you writing is huge.. maybe daily schedule and good writing platform that suit for you might help. GL
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  • Profile picture of the author Monja
    hi there,

    two ideas for that -

    first - go to - darren rowse and chris g set up a great class - how to write killer content - might be interesting for you :-)

    or second what i do -
    i subscribe to alerts (google alert) to my topic. you can set up different keywords and you get new blogposts delivered every day.

    i don´t mean to copy just to get inspired. e.g. i get for my macmania site these alerts and they have a topic like - 10 great must have apps i will see myself searching for an app i like and review it. so no copying but creating yourself :-)

    Free Business Class on Skillshare:

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  • Profile picture of the author NeilC
    When you're not used to writing it might take two hours to do one article but as you get better you should be able to do an article in about 10-15 minutes.

    It's also much easier and faster when you write about a topic that you know about and are comfortable with.

    If you can afford it you can also outsource the articles if you want to which will also help you to progress faster.

    Need a fresh start or help to take your business to the next level? Click here to find out more...

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by Theory5 View Post

    I am not a very good writer, but I have started a blog, and slowly my writing has improved. However the one thing that has not improved is my well of ideas and my "faucet" of creativity. Which means that I can barely put out an article/post a day.
    So how do you article writers put out so many articles? For me sometimes the creativity is just not there. Do you have something that inspires you, or what?
    One thing you have to realize is that content writing is part creativity and part mechanics. Odds are, you are not angling for a Pulitzer or a Nobel Prize for literature. You just want someone to get something from your article and take some action as a result, right?

    The creative part is getting the article or post idea. You've had lots of suggestions on that here.

    Once you have an idea, the mechanical part kicks in. How can you squeeze every last drop of juice from that idea? That's where a lot of writers turn to systems, templates and outlines. I'm no different.

    One other thing that I find helps me is to carry some kind of recording device - notepad and pen, digital recorder, even leaving messages for yourself on your cell phone. When you get an idea, or you see something that makes you curious, make a note of it. If something gets under your skin, make a note of it - an occasional rant, even if you never publish it, can help develop the mental muscles you use to put ideas on paper (or screen).
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    • Profile picture of the author pickthat apple
      I may start five articles in a day, on different subjects, and work on them on a daily basis on the subject that I am in the mood for. That way it also gives me a chance to read the article again and again to improve it.
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  • I never wrote more than 3 article in a day. I tried to write 5 articles in a day but was not successful. For write 3 articles, first I choose a topic then I read some post related to that topic. Then, I write each paragraph point wise.
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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    The best way to crank them out fast is to write about

    1) Something you know a lot about
    2) Something you're interested in

    Granted, if you're interested in something like how to breed man-eating gerbils, you might want to find something else to write about...
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  • Profile picture of the author Eliot Proud
    Some excellent posts in here.

    I personally use software to help me research the topic that I'm writing about which speeds up the process then just start cranking it out.

    I think that Shadowflux got it spot on with a really good post.

    The one thing that really stood out for me was the fact that Cpt Joe had his gold raygun with him. I hate to think what would have happened if he'd had the silver raygun.

    just my thoughts
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  • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
    I didn't have time to read all the replies in this thread that I'm sure have some great tips, but as someone who writes anywhere between 10-20 articles per day, here's what I do:

    1. Try to develop my title first. For IM, I usually try to include the popular stand-by types such as "Three Best Ways to..." or "Five Steps to..." - you get the picture.

    2. Get granular. Write on the subtopic of a subtopic. It's much easier to do than trying to write on a broad topic in 450-700 words.

    3. Find the proper keyword for that subtopic.

    4. Come up with those three, five or ten items you promised in the title. For example, things that helped me in the acne niche were presenting three home remedies people could use to control acne. I inserted a numbered or bulleted list for easy reading, listed the items, and showed/told readers how they could benefit from the supplement and how they could make it at home. Then, I naturally moved into my bio where I gave them the "most helpful" answer - buy the product I'm promoting!

    I really find it easy to break the topic down into three or five items and write little blurbs about each of those items or steps or whatever it is you're promoting. Try to make each blurb no longer than 100 words. If you pick the five-list option, you've got about 500 words right there, plus whatever you have in your intro paragraph.

    5. Put on some music! I listen to iTunes radio a lot anymore. It's free, and some stations play less commercials than local ones. Sometimes I have to concentrate too much for music, but for IM article writing, I find it really helps take away the monotony and potential boredom.

    I hope that helps!

    Learn how you can get paid writing online with NO startup money! I will help you make part-time or full-time income as a freelance writer at No previous writing experience necessary!

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by Rikki_Fawkes View Post

      2. Get granular. Write on the subtopic of a subtopic. It's much easier to do than trying to write on a broad topic in 450-700 words.
      Rikki, I particularly like this one. It's one of my secret weapons, and one I've absorbed to the point I didn't even think to include it in my own post.

      So many of the people I come across are trying to figure out how to write multiple short articles on extremely broad topics like "weight loss" or "acne", and at that macro level, there's only so much to say.

      But if you take that macro topic and break it into, say, ten subtopics and then break each of those into ten more, suddenly you have 100 things to write about; all are different yet related.

      And if you want a big, flagship-type article for your blog?

      Three 450 word articles stacked makes a ~1350-1400 word article, easy as pie...
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      • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        Three 450 word articles stacked makes a ~1350-1400 word article, easy as pie...
        Now THAT is a good idea. Pick three of the articles that seem to tie into one another and glue them together.

        Just make sure you really keep those bold headlines/bulleted lists/numbered lists in place for easy scanning on your blog.

        Learn how you can get paid writing online with NO startup money! I will help you make part-time or full-time income as a freelance writer at No previous writing experience necessary!

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  • Profile picture of the author moneymakerz
    I was actually watching video today by Ed Dale on creating content. One of the best ideas was keep the editing part of your article seperate from writing.
    Even if you make mistakes while writing, do not correct them. Do it at the end.
    The second tip was that you should use a stop watch while writing to keep a tab of your speed.
    These two IMHO are great productivity improving method
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    • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
      Originally Posted by moneymakerz View Post

      I was actually watching video today by Ed Dale on creating content. One of the best ideas was keep the editing part of your article seperate from writing.
      Even if you make mistakes while writing, do not correct them. Do it at the end.
      The second tip was that you should use a stop watch while writing to keep a tab of your speed.
      These two IMHO are great productivity improving method
      Those are good ideas. Except I think a lot of people are so happy to finish their articles that they never go back and correct their mistakes!

      Learn how you can get paid writing online with NO startup money! I will help you make part-time or full-time income as a freelance writer at No previous writing experience necessary!

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    • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
      Originally Posted by moneymakerz View Post

      I was actually watching video today by Ed Dale on creating content. One of the best ideas was keep the editing part of your article seperate from writing.
      Even if you make mistakes while writing, do not correct them. Do it at the end.
      The second tip was that you should use a stop watch while writing to keep a tab of your speed.
      These two IMHO are great productivity improving method
      For whatever reason I've never heard or thought of that.... doing no editing until the end. That is a solid tip. Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author tedwood
    Well I have managed to get around 8 articles out on a few occasions when I've been particularly motivated. My plan is to just start writing to get into the flow then write at quite a fast pace to let the creativity flow. Obviously quality over quantity but IM is a numbers game!
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  • Profile picture of the author PennyManTim
    Depending on your main topics... You simply have to follow the evenst of the day/week/month/year and run with them... 5 a day is a lot though - I am not sure I could do that!
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  • Profile picture of the author JonAlfredsson
    I do have that "creative moods" too. What I do is I immediately write down the potential topics that come into my mind. In this way, I have an immediate topic and then just research when it's time to write.

    When it comes to writing, I try to stay focus and then continue to write as fast as possible just to avoid stopping the flow. Once I get distracted, I take a break and then continue writing again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Gehr
    Writing is something you can improve with practice.

    If you research and read what a good writer has written, a good way to follow their lead is to rewrite it in your own words using the original article as your springboard to creativity.

    This will help get you rolling, and you'll find the more you do it the better and faster you'll become.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Kage
    You could lay out a blueprint of your article writing habit. Make a skeleton of your article and then fill that article with meat, like a template that needs to be completed.
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