how manys wso's have you already bought since you've started here?

17 replies
Hi guys,

I was just wondering how many wso's have you bought since the day you started. And also what is the rate that you have liked the certain wso you bought?
#bought #manys #started #wso
  • Profile picture of the author SaSeoPete
    I have bought quite a few. Now mostly I try to stay away from the "Make $3000 a month with this one simple yadda yadda" ones and buy the ones I can actually use like niche research packs, articles etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author d3m0nb0y
    I don't really believe in WSOs. There are simply too many out there.

    Your source of Camping Tents!

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  • Profile picture of the author logosi
    WSO today are so numerous, it's hard to decide what to buy... sometimes I've spend good money on something that I never even looked at, probably my fault. Othertime I've bought a WSO that was jam-packed with solid info.

    My advice is read the reviews, don't buy (normally) from a newbie, then actually implement what you learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Dixon
    Same here, I've bought many WSOs and some of them have been an absolute goldmine of inforrmation.

    But some of them have not been worth the digtal paper they're written on.

    I seldom buy really early on in a WSO unless it's someone I already know puts out good stuff. Usually I'll wait for a few reviews (good and bad) to come in and see how the OP responds.

    I believe there are still some cracking offers posted in the WSO section, you just have to do a bit of due diligence to weed them out, as with all things in life.

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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas
    Billions and billions.
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
      I've bought a couple, but it took some time to research if the member knew their stuff and was worth buying from.

      Do a little background B4 buying anything, like checking thru their profile and posts- to see if you can do business with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author wealth4life2010
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  • Profile picture of the author Gaby10

    I'm not sure which one is a true special offer. So I have to follow my gut.

    I was wondering... Maybe a "rating" or some kind of feedback on each WSO will be useful... of course, that may lead to abuse, you know.

    Still... it may benefit warriors offering true value for the IM community.

    P.S.: So far I've bought zero WSO, but I'm really willing to pay for value WSO. And I can glimpse that there's true value in many of those.
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  • Profile picture of the author googleninja
    i think the probably mostly is that most buy wso and never really paid great attention to it... and some wso just are not great read..

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  • Profile picture of the author pink sapphire
    None so far. I've sometimes thought about buying some PLR articles, but not 'make money' products. No matter how good they are, I already have all the tools and techniques I need to be going on with, and am info-overloaded as it is.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Forey
    Only two and they were from trused members.
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  • Profile picture of the author BizBooks
    Tens of WSO's.

    When I started here in the Warrior Forum, I assumed that if something was advertsied in the WSO Forum, it was:

    1) Obviously a Bargain
    2) Vetted not to be a Scam
    3) I assumed that if someone had a "high post count" they were obviously respected and on the warrior forum for a long time.

    These three assumptions costed me hundreds of dollars(!). stupid me...

    Having said that, I have bought many great WSO's, Made JV's, and Made personal (real life) friends via the forum...

    So just do your research, check out if the testimonials are from newbie warriors or any long time warriors.... and try to not buy WSO's that are irrelevant to your focus and niches!

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    • Profile picture of the author Simon_Sezs
      Originally Posted by SaSeoPete View Post

      I have bought quite a few. Now mostly I try to stay away from the "Make $3000 a month with this one simple yadda yadda" ones and buy the ones I can actually use like niche research packs, articles etc.
      Sounds like you have started moving to being more productive. For the most part, the make $xxxx in xx days" or things like that are there for mostly newbies. You know you are making progress when you start looking at what a WSO can do for your business.

      Of course, when you have no business, it is easier to get stuck on the WSO merry-go-round, right?

      Me...I am hardly over at the WSO section but occasionally will find something I like.

      The section itself is a very good place for looking at ad copy and (for the newbies) building a swipe file.
      "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." Ben Franklin
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  • I just started here last week. Been registered for a little longer, but never visited the forum again.

    Anyway, since last week, I have bought 6. A couple were awesome and have helped me get started...Just bought my 1st six domains and researched the keywords. The others were worthless to me.
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