What are the Paypal THRESHOLD LEVELS, before they ask for a security measures/Action ?

by entry
1 replies
When you use paypal to purchase goods, after a certain threshold ($3000 i think)

They pause your account, and say they need to verify your account (which is by depositing the 2 digits to a bank account of yours)

so that $3000 is a threashold, and then they want a level of security.

What are the other threashold levels?

{I heard when you do these threshold actions, they ask less questions}

so What are the other threashold levels?

1 is going from Basic account -> premier account, right ?

what are the others?, and are there other Limit levels like the $3000, like say $10,000, where they ask for other security measures? even when taking money out of your paypal -> bank account,

what are the others threshold levels/measures?

#levels #measures or action #paypal #security #threshold
  • Profile picture of the author mysterrio
    I think on many new accounts thay are asking you to verify them before you send money from your account. (Good job big brother!)

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