OMG Are People THAT Low These Days?!

by Lauryn
22 replies
One of my articles has been extremely popular among Ezine stealers. Usually, I let things go... but now I'm not.

I just discovered one of these *******s took my article and resubmitted it to other article directories as their own.

I'm currently in the process of contacting the vendor, Clickbank and that directory, as well as hoping to figure out how to find that person's information if I can.

I guess this is the end of creating lengthy, high quality articles for directories. Maybe shorter and more incomplete articles and using BLOG Protector plugins will help me out more.

I know stealing is what some losers do. However, to steal and perpetrate?
May the fleas of a 1000 camels .... ... and may their arms be too short to scratch.

On another note, this proves I'm possibly a better writer than I suspected.
#days #low #omg #people
  • Profile picture of the author TimG
    Don't stop writing your high quality content!! For every scumbag that improperly uses it for their own profits you will have many others that use it properly by recognizing you with credit for the article content thus providing you the benefits from article marketing.

    Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

    Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author designerjack
    Originally Posted by Lauryn View Post

    One of my articles has been extremely popular among Ezine stealers. Usually, I let things go... but now I'm not.

    I just discovered one of these *******s took my article and resubmitted it to other article directories as their own.

    I'm currently in the process of contacting the vendor, Clickbank and that directory, as well as hoping to figure out how to find that person's information if I can.

    I guess this is the end of creating lengthy, high quality articles for directories. Maybe shorter and more incomplete articles and using BLOG Protector plugins will help me out more.

    I know stealing is what some losers do. However, to steal and perpetrate?
    May the fleas of a 1000 camels .... ... and may their arms be too short to scratch.

    On another note, this proves I'm possibly a better writer than I suspected.
    Actually... they're low... and people are getting lower

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  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    Sorry to hear about your misadventure. This world is filled with low lifes and we must deal with it somehow. When we get too popular, it attracts the scumbags.

    I would not stop writing articles, and you shouldn't bother with this low life. These people have no life and don't care if you tell them they did wrong anyway.

    I had people here copy my ad page over and over again.Thats life in high gear. You are simply getting popular, and it's fairly normal in this business. You shouldn't worry one bit about it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lauryn
      Originally Posted by TimG View Post

      Don't stop writing your high quality content!! For every scumbag that improperly uses it for their own profits you will have many others that use it properly by recognizing you with credit for the article content thus providing you the benefits from article marketing.

      Hey Tim,

      I won't stop writing high quality articles, but I wonder if making the review shorter than what's on my actual "link" will help?

      Originally Posted by alcymart View Post

      Sorry to hear about your misadventure. This world is filled with low lifes and we must deal with it somehow. When we get too popular, it attracts the scumbags.

      I would not stop writing articles, and you shouldn't bother with this low life. These people have no life and don't care if you tell them they did wrong anyway.

      I had people here copy my ad page over and over again.Thats life in high gear. You are simply getting popular, and it's fairly normal in this business. You shouldn't worry one bit about it.

      You're right. I'm just surprised he - yes, he ( I got his full name and his profile on over 100 sites because he's been on a whim) - is that low. Isn't acting against promotional policies of other sites against the policy of promoting Clickbank products?


      And copy your ad page from top to bottom? Wow. I've rewritten and taken ideas from but pure "copy and paste" is ridiculous!

      I Go Hard = "Slanguage" for putting forth a lot of effort.

      Don't be an arse and try to flip something you clearly have no knowledge of against me.

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  • Profile picture of the author redstanford
    i thought you could'nt place duplicate or similar content on ezinearticles. they flagged me once because an article i wrote
    closely matched an existing article
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    • Profile picture of the author Lauryn
      Originally Posted by redstanford View Post

      i thought you could'nt place duplicate or similar content on ezinearticles. they flagged me once because an article i wrote
      closely matched an existing article

      No, I wrote the article and submitted it to Ezines. Someone stole it from EZA and put it on ArticlesBase. EZA is really good at flagging, which explains why they're number one.

      I Go Hard = "Slanguage" for putting forth a lot of effort.

      Don't be an arse and try to flip something you clearly have no knowledge of against me.

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      • Profile picture of the author Collette
        Back in the day, I wrote a few evergreen articles for promo purposes. A few of them have been picked up and reposted in a couple hundred sites. The resulting backlinks helped my linkjuice early on, but in the last few years (the articles are still being reposted), I noticed that the same articles are now obviously being spun by software.

        The result is hilariously bad writing that - in no way - represents the original. In some cases, they've left my name on the article. In some cases not. Either way, the spun versions are waaaaaay buried on the search results, and consequently, don't affect me much, if at all.

        Since the sites doing this are obviously lame-ass off-shore link farms, it would take more effort and energy than it's worth to me to track them down and do a cease-and-desist on every one of these sites.

        If you can get yor plagerizer's info from Whois or similar, send him a cease-and-desist. You can also attempt to contact his ISP with the same info. If you have proof that your copy predates his, contact the article directories with that proof.

        If you don't have DATED copyright proof, it's your word against his, and you're pretty much pissing in the wind.

        Also consider that, even if he stops using your verbatim article, there is little you can do to stop him spinning your article and slapping his name on it anyway.

        So, if there's no quick way of rectifying the situation, I'd chalk it up to experience, make sure you add a copyright to every piece of content you put out going forward, and move on with your life.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wally Conger
    I think you're on the right track, Lauryn, if you plan to write shorter articles. I think it's a lot less likely that people will outright steal your articles if they're on the not-so-thorough side.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    There is no week where a warrior complains about his articles stolen and possible re-destributed.

    But guys, you need to realize something:

    While we agree that it is bad (and also against TOS) to scrape an article and leave the original source/links out - it DOES happen.

    You cannot expect to put an article on a extremely popular site like ezine (whose main purpose IS the distribution of articles!) - and then wonder that some articles of you might pop up on other sites.

    Otherwise you would be chasing the bad guys 24/hrs a day, there will always be some who do this. There is no point. While some might do those things, more are taking YOUR article with proper attribution and your links....providing YOU more exposure and backlinks.

    Ezine is not a "private" directory where writers safely store their articles away - its a directory where a lot of other webmasters do take articles (most of the times unaltered) for their own web sites....respective article getting distributed via feeds to all kinds of places on the web.

    Realize that..and if you have problems with re-distribution dont even publish on ezine in the first place!
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    • Profile picture of the author Lauryn
      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      There is no week where a warrior complains about his articles stolen and possible re-destributed.

      But guys, you need to realize something:

      While we agree that it is bad (and also against TOS) to scrape an article and leave the original source/links out - it DOES happen.

      You cannot expect to put an article on a extremely popular site like ezine (whose main purpose IS the distribution of articles!) - and then wonder that some articles of you might pop up on other sites.

      Otherwise you would be chasing the bad guys 24/hrs a day, there will always be some who do this. There is no point. While some might do those things, more are taking YOUR article with proper attribution and your links....providing YOU more exposure and backlinks.

      Ezine is not a "private" directory where writers safely store their articles away - its a directory where a lot of other webmasters do take articles (most of the times unaltered) for their own web sites....respective article getting distributed via feeds to all kinds of places on the web.

      Realize that..and if you have problems with re-distribution dont even publish on ezine in the first place!
      I don't have a problem being promoted.
      I have a problem when he says it's HIS article and puts HIS name on it.

      I get what you're saying, and like I said before, I'm not going to complain about it too much. But submitting it to another article directory - and taking credit for my work that I cannot submit on my own- is begging for me to get angry.

      Thus said, I'll just submit to these directories first... and not publish anything on Ezines that I can't immediately have republished asap

      I Go Hard = "Slanguage" for putting forth a lot of effort.

      Don't be an arse and try to flip something you clearly have no knowledge of against me.

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  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    Hi Lauryn,
    I sympathize with your problem!!! Been there and gone through that. I chased on lady down for quite some time and did get her banned from a directory (not EZA). But at the end of the day I concluded that in the time I spent on snagging her, I could have written a dozen more articles and got them working for me.

    Not saying it isn't worth catching these people, but I'd just keep doning what you do and reap the profits. My Best--Mike

    I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
    Check it out here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Lauryn

    Hilariously bad spins wouldn't insult me, but I'd be entertained.

    I contacted the vendor, Clickbank, and the article directory. CB responded quickly. Bye-Bye CB account.

    This person has the same hop id as his accounts all over the net. Thus said, I was able to quickly determine, within 10 minutes to be precise, his full name, and that he claims to be a relationship expert. He does not have a website. He simply creates profiles and participates in forums and uses the same creepy closeup picture and social bookmarking and even has a wiki. All of his "links" are CB links to the same aff ID.

    Needless to say, proving my case wasn't hard.

    I won't do this for everyone, it would be a waste of time. But this was one of my bestselling articles - it's literally made more in 30 days than my other sites at times.

    I Go Hard = "Slanguage" for putting forth a lot of effort.

    Don't be an arse and try to flip something you clearly have no knowledge of against me.

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    • Profile picture of the author Collette
      Originally Posted by Lauryn View Post

      ...I contacted the vendor, Clickbank, and the article directory. CB responded quickly. Bye-Bye CB account.

      Noice. Best of all, Clickbank has now red-flagged the jerk. Yay, you!
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  • Profile picture of the author NerdGary
    Are you sure it was stolen? or was it just an autoblog reposting it (via RSS)?

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    • Profile picture of the author Lauryn
      Originally Posted by NerdGary View Post

      Are you sure it was stolen? or was it just an autoblog reposting it (via RSS)?
      It was submitted to That's a deliberate action. With specific keywords anchor-texted with their affiliate links where there previously were none. If that isn't stolen, I'm pretty sure I don't know what that is then.

      Collette, what happens when they red-flag someone? Does it just ban them from CB or is this something else?

      I Go Hard = "Slanguage" for putting forth a lot of effort.

      Don't be an arse and try to flip something you clearly have no knowledge of against me.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3295953].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ben Armstrong
        One of my articles has been extremely popular among Ezine stealers. Usually, I let things go... but now I'm not.

        I just discovered one of these *******s took my article and resubmitted it to other article directories as their own.

        I'm currently in the process of contacting the vendor, Clickbank and that directory, as well as hoping to figure out how to find that person's information if I can.

        I guess this is the end of creating lengthy, high quality articles for directories. Maybe shorter and more incomplete articles and using BLOG Protector plugins will help me out more.

        I know stealing is what some losers do. However, to steal and perpetrate?
        May the fleas of a 1000 camels .... ... and may their arms be too short to scratch.

        On another note, this proves I'm possibly a better writer than I suspected.

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        • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
          Originally Posted by MalceskiFan View Post

          One of my articles has been extremely popular among Ezine stealers. Usually, I let things go... but now I'm not.

          I just discovered one of these *******s took my article and resubmitted it to other article directories as their own.

          I'm currently in the process of contacting the vendor, Clickbank and that directory, as well as hoping to figure out how to find that person's information if I can.

          I guess this is the end of creating lengthy, high quality articles for directories. Maybe shorter and more incomplete articles and using BLOG Protector plugins will help me out more.

          I know stealing is what some losers do. However, to steal and perpetrate?
          May the fleas of a 1000 camels .... ... and may their arms be too short to scratch.

          On another note, this proves I'm possibly a better writer than I suspected.

          Don't make me smack you

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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    It's very frustrating I know Lauryn, ArticlesBase are pretty good though if you show them your original article on Ezines they should delete this other persons copy and possibly even ban them.

    I once had an article that I had submitted to Articlesbase copied and submitted to Articlesbase by someone else - word for word - yet Articlesbase still approved it. Once I let them know about it they soon removed his copy and banned him.

    Hope you get it sorted out but don't spend too much time on it
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    • Profile picture of the author TimG
      Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

      It's very frustrating I know Lauryn, ArticlesBase are pretty good though if you show them your original article on Ezines they should delete this other persons copy and possibly even ban them.

      I once had an article that I had submitted to Articlesbase copied and submitted to Articlesbase by someone else - word for word - yet Articlesbase still approved it. Once I let them know about it they soon removed his copy and banned him.

      Hope you get it sorted out but don't spend too much time on it
      Very true - I had batches of articles show up on submitted by someone else. Once I proved they were my work all of the articles came down and if I remember correctly it was a very quick process by the team at

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    That sucks when it happens, no doubt. Hopefully you'll get it taken care of.

    Another have 1 article here that is doing the work for you now. It was an investment of time and knowledge that is paying you dividends. BUT...those people that are stealing it are going to keep working hard, and NOT getting a decent return on their investment of dishonesty.

    Also, there has always been people that resort to this kind of thing. People are NOT getting lower. You may have heard the quote "You should not steal", that one goes WAY back; very famous, trust me.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author princesschaos
    I think I've read somewhere that Big G takes into account who the first poster was.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshua Rigley
    I know how you feel. I've had 2 different people take my article, use a cheap rewriter, and call it their own.

    Ironically, they rank #2 and #3 for my search term...after me. The funny thing though, is that I no longer monetize the article.

    If you can't get the article off their site, post a comment calling them out on their crap. It'll probably get deleted, but it feels satisfying to do anyway.
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