CPU Throttling / Moving to Hostgator?

by 15 replies
Does Hostgator have CPU throttling?

I'm having fits with my current host being slow even after a great deal of Wordpress tweaking.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #cpu #hostgator #moving #throttling
  • Frankly, I have *******NEVER******* heard of a host CPU throttling. MAYBE you are talking about BANDWIDTH throttling? When hosts speak of throttling, THAT is generally what they mean. BASICALLY, you are only alloowed to use so much of the bandwidth in a certain period. By doing that, the rest of the network has more bandwidth. CPU allocation, thread limits, etc... which is as close as they generally come to CPU throttling don't do too much because each cycle allows an interrupt and it only affects that one system.

    of course, you COULD slow down the clock, but that angers customers, violates contracts, and affects EVERYONE! And for WHAT? To save a few pennies on power that may get wasted ANYWAY? That makes sense only with VERY old peripherals, or when using batteries.

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    • @seasoned
      Oh, it's definitely real. When I contacted Hostmonster support, the tech confirmed it. Sometimes my Wordpress site takes 15-30 seconds to load a page.

      They also have a tool that shows you how many seconds you are being throttled. Over the course of a day it added up to a few thousand seconds.

      Per their recommendation, I tweaked and tweaked my site. I removed several plugins and still have the issue.

      BlueHost & HostMonster User Alert: CPU Throttling
  • I just posted a thread about my wordpress sites taking an age to load as well, they are hosted with hostgator though. I've also tried tweaking my sites to make them load faster but nothing seems to be working, I wonder if they are doing what you mentioned?
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    • @terryd
      There is an easy way to tell. Go to your cpanel and select the "CPU throttling" icon.

      You can even break it down by minute. However, from my experience it sometimes takes several minutes for anything to show up on the graph.
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  • OK, that site says:

    Like I said, for energy usage, on non battery driven computers, it does NOT make sense! As for protectinng CPUs, it is true that many BIOS can dteect the temperature, increase fan speed and even slow down the CPU, but that is a HARDWARE function, in many systems. On systems, other than laptops, you are supposed to put a better heatsink on the CPU, etc... And AGAIN, slowing down the clock affects EVERYONE on the system! It is a STUPID thing for a webhost to do.

    It is like running a car on E85, etc... and driving at 2mph ONLY in COLD weather to keep the engine from cracking! That is MORONIC! MOST people try to get their radiator and fan fixed! BTW the radiator on a car iss really only a heatsink with water running through it. IBM has had systems with heatsinks that had water running through them! And the FAN? Well, that is the same as the FAN!

    They go on to say:

    You know what MOST companies do, if you use too much CPU? They SHUT DOWN YOUR SITE! Why don't you simply avoid the problem.

  • Just an fyi, once your site starts picking up in traffic and such, most shared hosters will throttle you in one way or another. I recently just moved 1 of my sites that doesn't have an unlimited storage or bandwidth plan, but I don't get cpu throttled either and all my plugins work great

    It's just a natural progression. You can have a ton of newer/low traffic sites on "unlimited" shared hosting plans like hostgator, hostmonster, etc but then it's time for a slight upgrade once they start getting hits. Then eventually you'll need a VPS if you have a monster site or several medium sites and so on
  • There IS the idea of priority also. If you overuse an account, they may set the priority lower. You can STILL get 100% of the CPU BUT, if other users are running, THEY get a proportionately bigger slice of the pie, if they have a higher priority. So it isn't throttling, but may appear so.

  • If you are serious about your business you will get a dedicated server. They don't throttle those because they belong to you.

    Whats a few hundred dollars a month? Still cheaper than any brick and mortar biz.
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    • I think spending that much money for a blog(s) getting 100 hits a day is overkill. Why spend 100 when you can spend 20 and spend the other 80 on articles/link building/etc
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  • If you are operating that low throttling should not be an issue either. Just use caching plugins
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    • I started using W3 Total Cache a couple of months ago, but my site is sometimes still taking 10-15 seconds to load a page. To be honest, I'm over it. I only wish I would have asked a year ago why my site was running so dog-gone slow.
  • I had a similar issue with BH.So I moved for a hostgator VPS.Quite happy with it.

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