Flippa Auction - $20,000 domain - no bids yet?

by donnan
62 replies
Hi guys,

I have a $20,000 domain I have put on flippa and with only 5 days to go. NOT 1 bid.

I have had contact with a number of people interested in it, why haven't they made a bid yet?

Are they waiting until the last minute to try and get it at my reserve of $6,000?

What is the normal practice? Do bidders wait until the last 10 minutes to make a bid?
#$20 #auction #bids #domain #flippa
  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    What is the starting bid price on your auction? I find that if you price it too high initially, people hesitate to bid, and you'll ultimately find that very little bidding action occurs.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    I started at the Reserve, $6,000.

    After talking to a few people there is alot of interest to buy it. Maybe it is just a standard tactic to wait until the last few minutes, I don't know. I would have thought someone would have started a bid after the discussions I have had.

    They all want it but no one is doing anything. It's very frustrating.
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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Originally Posted by donnan View Post

      I started at the Reserve, $6,000.

      After talking to a few people there is alot of interest to buy it. Maybe it is just a standard tactic to wait until the last few minutes, I don't know. I would have thought someone would have started a bid after the discussions I have had.

      They all want it but no one is doing anything. It's very frustrating.

      I suspect they are taking their time, seeing if there is any other interest.

      BTW prefer your avatar on flippa!

      If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by donnan View Post

      I started at the Reserve, $6,000.

      After talking to a few people there is alot of interest to buy it. Maybe it is just a standard tactic to wait until the last few minutes, I don't know. I would have thought someone would have started a bid after the discussions I have had.

      They all want it but no one is doing anything. It's very frustrating.
      I think starting the auction off at $6,000 is not a good idea. I've talked to and asked many experienced flippers about this very issue before, and the general consensus is that one of the best ways to get interested bidders on your auction is to start it off at a very low bid price.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author donnan
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        I think starting the auction off at $6,000 is not a good idea. I've talked to and asked many experienced flippers about this very issue before, and the general consensus is that one of the best ways to get interested bidders on your auction is to start it off at a very low bid price.
        Thanks paulie for your input and you other guys too. It's always nice to get a reply to any thread.

        What would be a good starting price for this sort of domain price range?

        Can it be changed during the auction as it only has 5 days left to run?
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        • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
          Originally Posted by donnan View Post

          Thanks paulie for your input and you other guys too. It's always nice to get a reply to any thread.

          What would be a good starting price for this sort of domain price range?

          Can it be changed during the auction as it only has 5 days left to run?

          Just a quick thought, maybe this would be an ideal site for a domain broker or a higher end retailer such as Sedo.

          If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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        • Profile picture of the author donnan
          Originally Posted by donnan View Post

          Thanks paulie for your input and you other guys too. It's always nice to get a reply to any thread.

          What would be a good starting price for this sort of domain price range?

          Can it be changed during the auction as it only has 5 days left to run?

          Paul, what sort of price do you think would have been a better price to start the bid at?

          Can I change it now, or is it too late?
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          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by donnan View Post

            Paul, what sort of price do you think would have been a better price to start the bid at?

            Can I change it now, or is it too late?
            I'd recommend starting around $100 or so. I think you can change it at this point - as long as someone hasn't actually bid on your auction yet, I think you'll able to edit your auction copy and prices.

            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        I think starting the auction off at $6,000 is not a good idea. I've talked to and asked many experienced flippers about this very issue before, and the general consensus is that one of the best ways to get interested bidders on your auction is to start it off at a very low bid price.

        Paulie, i know that works for low priced sites but not sure if it's applicable to mid to high priced VRE.

        I must admit I don't sell on flippa but i do buy quite a few sites so i might be wrong

        If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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        • Profile picture of the author donnan
          Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

          Paulie, i know that works for low priced sites but not sure if it's applicable to mid to high priced VRE.

          I must admit I don't sell on flippa but i do buy quite a few sites so i might be wrong
          Thanks for you feeback M Thompson...most appreciated.

          Can you tell me what VRE means?
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        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by M Thompson View Post

          Paulie, i know that works for low priced sites but not sure if it's applicable to mid to high priced VRE.

          I must admit I don't sell on flippa but i do buy quite a few sites so i might be wrong
          Well, I like to keep tabs on auctions there, and I find that many of the mid/high price auctions that tend to get the most interest and bidders are the ones that start off with a low initial bid price. Of course, I'd definitely advocate setting a reserve price so that the site doesn't end up selling for less than the minimum amount you'd want for it.

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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        • Profile picture of the author gigabit_2
          I didn't look at it... but I'll buy it for $100... Cause that's what its worth to me...

          How did you come up with 20K?

          Is it worth your asking price?

          If so.. why are you selling it?

          etc etc

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          • Profile picture of the author donnan
            Originally Posted by gigabit_2 View Post

            I didn't look at it... but I'll buy it for $100... Cause that's what its worth to me...

            How did you come up with 20K?

            Is it worth your asking price?

            If so.. why are you selling it?

            etc etc
            20k is pittence for what it's really worth.

            It is worth more and people are asking me, "why so cheap"?

            I am selling it because I have moved on to something new and it was just sitting there taking up space, waiting for someone to bring it back to life.

            I made alot of money from it over 15years and I have no intention to want to work 18 a day again to revive it. A dedicated team of people behind this domain will make millions from it again.
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    • Profile picture of the author Iemagine
      Originally Posted by donnan View Post

      I started at the Reserve, $6,000.

      After talking to a few people there is alot of interest to buy it. Maybe it is just a standard tactic to wait until the last few minutes, I don't know. I would have thought someone would have started a bid after the discussions I have had.

      They all want it but no one is doing anything. It's very frustrating.

      There's your problem. Start at zero with your "private reserve price" as 6k.
      Another thing is you may think that the site is worth 20k but others may not. Flippa bidders are very picky. Is 20k what you put into the site or did you get an evaulation and thats the price you were given?
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  • Profile picture of the author terryd
    I think there will be a few last minute bidders on that one.....it's a shame it's not earning as much as it used to....

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    • Profile picture of the author donnan
      Originally Posted by terryd View Post

      I think there will be a few last minute bidders on that one.....it's a shame it's not earning as much as it used to....
      It only stopped earning that sort of return because I got sick and couldn't keep up the SEO on it.

      It's a very popular search term and a good overhaul with a great SEO will put it straight back to first page where it was for 15 + years.

      It will earn over the $million + again. I would even guarantee that!
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      • Profile picture of the author remodeler
        Originally Posted by donnan View Post

        It will earn over the + again. I would even guarantee that!
        I must be missing something, and if I am I apologize in advance. You say you have earned a million plus from this domain and you are letting it go for $20K?

        If it is as valuable as you say then I would work it for a couple of months and get it back to earning bigger dollars, and then use a broker to sell it. Instead of getting 10-20x monthly earnings on an auction site you can get 3-4 x yearly earnings from investors.

        Buyers, at least those who know what they are doing, are not bidding based on "potential". They bid based on the real numbers. They already know the potential of the domain/site or they wouldn't be bidding on it.
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        • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
          I am not saying this is the case here but flippa is full of offers based on potential...

          Websites supposedly make 10thousands and have a PR0 with Zero backlinks...and were registered 2 months ago...
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          • Profile picture of the author paulie888
            Originally Posted by blue_sky View Post

            I am not saying this is the case here but flippa is full of offers based on potential...

            Websites supposedly make 10thousands and have a PR0 with Zero backlinks...and were registered 2 months ago...
            This looks like it's got a little more than just potential, as it seems to have generated fairly substantial income in the past. It just needs a little TLC and work to get it back up and ranking on the first page of Google.
            >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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        • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
          Originally Posted by remodeler View Post

          I must be missing something, and if I am I apologize in advance. You say you have earned a million plus from this domain and you are letting it go for $20K?

          If it is as valuable as you say then I would work it for a couple of months and get it back to earning bigger dollars, and then use a broker to sell it. Instead of getting 10-20x monthly earnings on an auction site you can get 3-4 x yearly earnings from investors.

          Buyers, at least those who know what they are doing, are not bidding based on "potential". They bid based on the real numbers. They already know the potential of the domain/site or they wouldn't be bidding on it.
          On the listing it says that it made 1M + in bookings, of which site owner made 15% commissions for those bookings, plus Adsense income. Also says site is not making that now, so that is past income ... not current income.

          Still, a new owner should be able to resurrect it if they put the effort into it. It's got age and past performance going for it. Put it on my Watch list. Good luck with your auction.
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  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    My avatar here is a long lost someone from somewhere. I just like her. hehehehe...

    Yes, I am wondering whether last minute bidders is the way they must be thinking. The people I have spoken to are very seriously interested.

    It is a shame it doesn't earn what it used to, but it will earn that and much more again with the new owner.

    Boy it makes me wonder what my other domain might be worth ....it still ranks on googles first page for the most searched key phrase.

    Anyhow, I think I will be more at ease when someone makes a bid. Anyone have $6001 to spare....
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Link please

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    oh Paul,

    Wow, that is a shock....I couldn't possible start at such a low price. Wouldn't that cheapen a Premium domain name?
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by donnan View Post

      oh Paul,

      Wow, that is a shock....I couldn't possible start at such a low price. Wouldn't that cheapen a Premium domain name?
      I truly don't think it'll cheapen anything. By starting it off low, it'll attract early interest and bidding, and this is how your auction becomes popular (and you'll find quite a few people adding your auction to their watch list). If you start it off at the reserve, you'll find little action occurring until perhaps very close to the end, but by then it is too late.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Dude the site pulls $1,380 a year and you're asking $20K???????

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author donnan
      Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

      Dude the site pulls $1,380 a year and you're asking $20K???????
      I don't mean to sound rude Ramone but you don't know this industry and the value of that domain because of the keywords in it.

      Sydney hotels is one of the most searched keyword terms from all over the world and it will only take a good dose of SEO to turn this site back into the million+ maker it was only a few short years ago.

      It's not what it's making now that matters. Not in this case for this industry.

      Hotel accommodation in this country alone generates billions in revenue and when you have the right domains there is no limit to what you can earn from it.

      It was only that I got sick that caused it to drift into not earning. It will earn again big time with a very simple SEO update.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3298366].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by donnan View Post

        I don't mean to sound rude Ramone but you don't know this industry and the value of that domain because of the keywords in it.

        Sydney hotels is one of the most searched keyword terms from all over the world and it will only take a good dose of SEO to turn this site back into the million+ maker it was only a few short years ago.

        It's not what it's making now that matters. Not in this case for this industry.

        Hotel accommodation in this country alone generates billions in revenue and when you have the right domains there is no limit to what you can earn from it.

        It was only that I got sick that caused it to drift into not earning. It will earn again big time with a very simple SEO update.
        I hope you've stressed this fact (about the potential of the keywords) in the sales copy for your auction. Try to back it up with some figures and statistics if you have them.

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Dude, I dont mean to sound rude either.

    But Ive seen so many listings and sites for sale, being sold on "potential" instead of hard earnings.

    As an investor myself, Im looking at solid data, and return on investment. Not pie in the sky "thats nice" fluffy stuff.

    I wont bother responding any further to this thread, best of luck with it.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    I am not too worried about that Paul as I have been talking to a few of the hotel managers I used to promote for and they are the ones interested in purchasing...they know the figures of what I used to generate for them. Their figures were in AUD Australian Dollars.....much better than page visits or hits per day.

    I know they are going to buy but I don't know who or how much they will pay for it. Of course they will be hoping to get it for the smallest price possible. But they have all mentioned it is worth much more than $20,000, even though there is a possibility they could get it for $6,000 ( I hope not)
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  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    Sorry Ramone,

    I do understand where you are coming from. As my previous post to Paul says the performance has been shown in $$$ not in page views or other stats.

    Mate, sorry if I seemed a bit rude. It's a bit frustrating wondering why they are not moving. But I am slowly understanding it's all a waiting game now.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewAU
    Hi donnan.

    I'm not going to pass judgement on the final value of your site/domain but strongly suggest you take on paulie888's advice around lowering your opening bid. Some of our most exciting 6-figure sales kicked off with low 2-figure opening bids. I've taken the liberty of bumping your listing to feature on the front page for added exposure and credited your account to allow you to do this again before the auction ends.

    As you have not yet had bids and the domain itself seems to be the primary value proposition here, you may wish to consider adding your URL to the title so that it stands out more in search results. This, combined with a lower opening bid, may generate more interest in your listing.

    Hope this helps. Let us know if you have further questions. Otherwise best of luck with your auction.

    Flippa Marketplace: Buy a website | Sell a website

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    • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
      why dont you just put up some links and get it ranked...this should be not too hard given the fact its an aged domain...
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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Originally Posted by AndrewAU View Post

      Hi donnan.

      I'm not going to pass judgement on the final value of your site/domain but strongly suggest you take on paulie888's advice around lowering your opening bid. Some of our most exciting 6-figure sales kicked off with low 2-figure opening bids. I've taken the liberty of bumping your listing to feature on the front page for added exposure and credited your account to allow you to do this again before the auction ends.

      As you have not yet had bids and the domain itself seems to be the primary value proposition here, you may wish to consider adding your URL to the title so that it stands out more in search results. This, combined with a lower opening bid, may generate more interest in your listing.

      Hope this helps. Let us know if you have further questions. Otherwise best of luck with your auction.

      Now that is awesome customer service.... I've written a few negative things about flippa in the past but I'll make sure to mention this in my next blog post.

      If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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    • Profile picture of the author donnan
      Thank you Andrew for you advice.

      Originally Posted by AndrewAU View Post

      Hi donnan.

      I'm not going to pass judgement on the final value of your site/domain but strongly suggest you take on paulie888's advice around lowering your opening bid. Some of our most exciting 6-figure sales kicked off with low 2-figure opening bids. I've taken the liberty of bumping your listing to feature on the front page for added exposure and credited your account to allow you to do this again before the auction ends.

      As you have not yet had bids and the domain itself seems to be the primary value proposition here, you may wish to consider adding your URL to the title so that it stands out more in search results. This, combined with a lower opening bid, may generate more interest in your listing.

      Hope this helps. Let us know if you have further questions. Otherwise best of luck with your auction.
      I also thank Paul again as he convinced me to lower my starting bid price to $10. After thinking about it last night, I realised it may have just needed to be kicked off with a low bid. I know it's not going to sell at that price and I can see the logic in having so low.

      Many people don't understand why I just don't SEO it and get it going again. This site nearly cost me my life. I used to work it 18 hours a day when it was in it's prime. Just me and my wife, we had no staff or outside help of any kind. We just can't do it anymore!

      If someone wants to get into a new business, this site will generate the revenue. Do some research on the search engines. See how popular "sydney hotels" search terms are. I am happy to show you some bank statements from 2003 and 2004 to verify the revenue I used to make from this site until I got sick.

      Sydney is one of the most popular destinations in the world.

      Why I hope to get $20,000 for it is because at the moment I need the money. I know I could get more and it is worth alot more, but I am happy to get $20,000 for it, so anyone getting it at this price is getting a bargain!!!! also I just spent $200k on my new home and it needs to have the yard and gardens done now.
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by donnan View Post

        Many people don't understand why I just don't SEO it and get it going again. This site nearly cost me my life. I used to work it 18 hours a day when it was in it's prime. Just me and my wife, we had no staff or outside help of any kind. We just can't do it anymore!
        This is not a plus. I can't for the life of me understand how this site could require 18 hrs per day of work and I don't know anyone who would want a site that did require 18 hrs per day of work.
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        • Profile picture of the author donnan
          Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

          This is not a plus. I can't for the life of me understand how this site could require 18 hrs per day of work and I don't know anyone who would want a site that did require 18 hrs per day of work.
          You see Suzanne,

          I was very good at what I do. I don't mind saying that. I earnt it and worked very hard for it. My other hotel site today is still ranked #6 on google.com for "hotels in australia" on the first page of google.

          I spent a good portion of my 18 hour day promoting, promoting, promoting. Canvassing new hotels to list, making bookings over the phone, answering upto 200 email booking enquiries a DAY. I prided myself on having super fast reply times. If you have ever had to physically answer this many posts in a day, time just goes. You either do it, or you lose the booking.

          As my income was mostly generated from commissions on actual bookings, I had to answer every enquiry and make every booking all manually. I never had the time to automate everything. There just wasn't enough hours left in the day. By the time I got my booking done in the mornings, enquiries were very next priority, then the promoting, the canvassing, then fixing the website, optimising, more promoting. I had to force myself to cut the day off at 18 hours. 6 hours for sleeping, eating and doing whatever else I needed to.

          BIG WARNING...... don't do it!

          Get at least 8 hours rest a day. Get regular exercise, eat healthy meals, don't work while eating. When you get frustrated, walk away and have a break.

          Many business's out there today are still working manually. I wanted to stay in control of my business I didn't want anyone to know how I did it, that is why I didn't get someone to automate it all for me.

          I learnt everything I know myself. Starting from learning to write basic HTML, to writing PERL, CGI, Graphic design, SEO, then as time went on I learnt a bit of php/mysql and Javascript.

          As you can see I had my plate full. It took it's toll and I have paid for it for the last 6 years. Only just coming good now and this is my new start on the Internet.

          I am sorry if this thread has dragged on. It has been my passion and I do love to share my success. Please forgive me!

          That's what I just LOVE about Warrior Forum, it's a great place to share.
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    • Profile picture of the author donnan
      Originally Posted by AndrewAU View Post

      I've taken the liberty of bumping your listing to feature on the front page for added exposure and credited your account to allow you to do this again before the auction ends.

      As you have not yet had bids and the domain itself seems to be the primary value proposition here, you may wish to consider adding your URL to the title so that it stands out more in search results. This, combined with a lower opening bid, may generate more interest in your listing.
      Thank you so much Andrew. I really appreciate that.

      I have changed the Title of the listing as you have suggested and also reduced the Bid amount to $10.

      How do I bump the listing? Is that what the credits are for?

      I have never used Flippa before, but it look like a great site!
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      • Profile picture of the author AndrewAU
        Thanks donnan.
        You can get your listing featured as one of the listing upgrades available. Click on the "Purchase Upgrade" link on the right-hand nav. The "listing featured on the front-page" is one of the upgrades available to you. That will work to get you in front of qualified buyers.

        Flippa Marketplace: Buy a website | Sell a website

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        • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
          This is becoming an very interesting thread, I really hope the site makes $20K or so if it does it will make a great case study..

          If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    People put it on their watch list and bid the last couple of days. They don't want to get into a big bidding war.
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  • Profile picture of the author suxes2005
    I guess your sales copy does not carry enough
    weight if not it out to have received bid.

    moreover if you can do a little work and make
    it earn some money this days, even during the bid
    and add it to the comment, you will get good bidders
    and make big money

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  • Profile picture of the author Trent Brownrigg
    I've sold quite a bit on flippa and other auction sites and here's a couple things I have noticed...

    1) You will get a lot of people who seem "interested" but in the end they really aren't. Sometimes it can get frustrating when you answer question after question after question from them and they never bid.

    2) Most people will wait until near the end to bid. It's a standard tactic on auction sites to wait so you can get it for the lowest price possible. Again it's frustrating when you are the seller but that's the way it goes.

    Also, you should give every bit of information you possibly can about the site/domain you are selling with proof if possible. Don't leave anything out because then you have to spend a lot more time answering questions and it raises suspicion in the eyes of potential buyers. Be open and honest.

    With a high ticket item like that it may take several listings before it gets seen by someone with enough interest and money to buy it. Be patient.

    You can find internet marketing strategies, SEO consulting, and tons of business advice at BAM!

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  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    Maybe it's worth while putting a few images of past bank statements to prove it's value?

    Is this a good idea?

    Many are just suggesting we do some work on it and get it back up in the search results. I wish I understand why I can't do that....maybe because it nearly killed me, that I don't have that drive to do it anymore.
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    • Profile picture of the author HigherPrThanGod
      Originally Posted by donnan View Post

      Maybe it's worth while putting a few images of past bank statements to prove it's value?

      Is this a good idea?

      Many are just suggesting we do some work on it and get it back up in the search results. I wish I understand why I can't do that....maybe because it nearly killed me, that I don't have that drive to do it anymore.
      Nah, some people are just trying to drive your price down.

      Stick to what you think it's worth. If you REALLY can't do it anymore and are desperate then lower price.

      The site/domain is worth what it's worth. Not what it's worth now. Not what a particular poster will pay for it.

      There's nothing more shrewd than domain sales. You're asking a lot of money and it'll simply take time to find the right buyer who understands the value of your site.

      Good luck in finding that buyer! lol
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  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    Finally a first bid of $100. Now I am happy.
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by donnan View Post

      Finally a first bid of $100. Now I am happy.
      Glad to hear that you've received your first bid. Did you start off your bidding at $10, like you mentioned in an earlier post?

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author donnan
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        Glad to hear that you've received your first bid. Did you start off your bidding at $10, like you mentioned in an earlier post?

        Yes thanks Paul. After thinking about your advice I decided to take it and change the start bid at $10.

        So I only did that this morning so at least it's kicked it off. I am just so happy now.

        Thank you all for you input and advice. Boy I love this site!!!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3304514].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulie888
          Originally Posted by donnan View Post

          Yes thanks Paul. After thinking about your advice I decided to take it and change the start bid at $10.

          So I only did that this morning so at least it's kicked it off. I am just so happy now.

          Thank you all for you input and advice. Boy I love this site!!!
          You're welcome, I'm happy to hear that there is already some bidding activity occurring on your auction, even though it's only just been a few hours.

          I'm sure it'll do well, just stay on top of things by answering PMs and posts as quickly as you can on there.

          >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author NerdGary
    Just a domain? is there a site generating income attached to it?

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  • Profile picture of the author ViperChill
    I've spent well over $200,000 on Flippa, and sold sites for the same value.


    - Start price must be low. Always. Even if you have a reserve, it just starts a bit of activity. Any bids = social proof.
    - Make sure you aren't kidding yourself. If you don't get any bids, it's probably not worth what you're asking.
    - I usually lower the auction date (7 days) so people don't mess around
    - Don't go around on forums like this acting desperate. You will be lowballed.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3304537].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    ViperChill there was nothing desperate about my OP.

    I was asking a simple question.

    Your statement:

    Don't go around on forums like this acting desperate. You will be lowballed.
    Is disrespectful and UNCALLED for. Get off your high horse and stop boasting about what you have done!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3304578].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    Thanks again Paul,

    Great advice. Will stay on top of it. It will be interesting to see what the eventual result is for my first try at selling a domain.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3304592].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ViperChill
    You don't need to PM me this twice and send me a 'Warning'.

    I was just making some quick points in a list for you, since I saw you had most of the feedback you needed.

    Then again, my point is still valid. If I'm on Flippa and know about the domain, and also use WarriorForum (which many of them do) and I see this, I know you're worried and I can probably wait until the last minute.

    I stand by the advice, even if you took it the wrong way.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3304619].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author donnan
      Originally Posted by ViperChill View Post

      You don't need to PM me this twice and send me a 'Warning'.

      I was just making some quick points in a list for you, since I saw you had most of the feedback you needed.

      Then again, my point is still valid. If I'm on Flippa and know about the domain, and also use WarriorForum (which many of them do) and I see this, I know you're worried and I can probably wait until the last minute.

      I stand by the advice, even if you took it the wrong way.
      If you saw I had all the feedback I needed, you should have controlled your ego and got on your bike and kept riding by.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3304711].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ViperChill
        Originally Posted by donnan View Post

        If you saw I had all the feedback I needed, you should have controlled your ego and got on your bike and kept riding by.
        Read my post, I said 'most'.

        I hope this forum doesn't turn out to be just for people wanting to be dramatic.

        I'm out of this thread. Enjoy the $20k :rolleyes:
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3304729].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    Second bid just came in at $500!

    That's a great bid for only second bid from the first bid of only $100.

    Someone obviously knows the value of this domain and site.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3309302].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Palusko
      Let hope the person does not think it is worth the $500 he bid, and nothing more...

      Originally Posted by donnan View Post

      Second bid just came in at $500!

      That's a great bid for only second bid from the first bid of only $100.

      Someone obviously knows the value of this domain and site.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3309594].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Palusko
    I think you made a mistake to lower the price. First, you should just let it go and see. If you didn't sell it, you could always try other domain auctions, like Sedo. Not sure if settling for immediate sale that does not reflect the true value is the best strategy (unless you need money ASAP). Good luck.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3309592].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DPWeb
    Don't forget that every bid towards the end of the auction puts the auction back to 4 hours remaining. The auction isn't going to get sniped, and you already set your reserve. At this point you are guaranteed 6k minimum or you will keep your stuff, which isn't the end of the world. If you don't need the money right this second, you can list it in other places.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3309636].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    Thank you for the feedback guys.

    With 4 days to go and a few discussions with past hotel associates I am sure it will meet it's price.

    A number of people are trying to convince me to withdraw the auction and spend a few hundred or so dollars, get it SEO back into the first page of google and then put it in the hands of a broker. I believe it should easily get $200,000 then, but the trouble is, I don't want to be working 18 hours a day again with it.

    I am thinking of whether it's worth the hassle into looking into whether I can find a manager to look after it, get it flying again and then put it up for sale. This was won of the main problems I had all along trusting someone else to get involved with it.

    Seems lots of different avenues are surfacing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3309747].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TheDebtEliminator
    Greetings Donnan,

    You are doing the right thing ... By starting your price low, you will create more interest and competition between the potential buyers.

    Very hopefully ... You will receive a price that will put a smile on your face.

    PS ... You may find a qualified manager here on the forum ... That would cooperate with you by charging a very low amount to do the SEO work... Then have an opportunity to have a small share of the increase in value of your domain?

    This could be a win-win for all?

    All the best ... Ron
    Freedom from Credit Debt for All in USA … Credit cards, medical bills, student loans, etc. .................... Plus your credit scores at the bureau can be raised when your debt relief is completed.

    This is available for individuals with more than 10-K of debt and only by phone to start your debt analysis ... PM Me Your Phone Number and best times to call.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3310024].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    Hi TheDebtEliminator,

    Nice to see you again.

    Thanks for you feedback. I am really hoping it will go to someone who wants to really get it going again as it will be a shame to it go to waste.

    I am still thinking about possibilities. No body has put their hand up yet and said I am interested! It could be a win-win for all.
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