Solo ads- are they still effective? Please share your experience.

17 replies
Hi Warriors
In this age and time when we need to diversify our traffic sources to stay in business, does anyone have experiences with solo ads? Are they still as responsive and effective as they used to be? Please share your experiences with us. Thanks.
#ads #effective #experience #share #solo
  • Profile picture of the author pacesetter007
    Please I'm still waiting for an answer from one that knows...
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
    It all depends on what list you're buying a solo ad from.

    If you buy a drop from a list made up of subscribers who came from safelists and if you buy a drop from a list made up of traffic from article marketing, then you're going to have 2 radically different results from your ads.

    There's more to consider such as how fresh the list is.

    You have to remember these are just e-mail lists, so if you get a drop through a good list, then yes, it should work well for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      I use solo ads extensively, and yes they are quite effective when the list is your target market. I get 300-500 new subscribers/buyers everyday through solo ads alone. You can find targeted ezine publishers through the Directory of Ezines or just google.
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      • Profile picture of the author SmartSuccess
        Hi Tim (pacesetter007),

        Yes I think solo ads are still a great source for visitors to your Blog!

        But make sure to offer a great Free eBook that is written in the right way (pre-sells your product or service) and uses the correct re-brander option...

        That way you will have affiliates falling over themselves and begging to promote your free eBook (pre-sell your product), which will see your visitor numbers / subscribers go into orbit!

        'magnetic attention' (or viral marketing) at it's best.

        I wrote a blog post (SMART Free eBook Success - see signature) if you wish to read more, hope that helps.

        This method is probably the best ever marketing method which will sell ANY product or service.

        Hope the above helps, good luck.

        Warm regards
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      • Profile picture of the author pacesetter007
        Thanks everyone for your great replies. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Tutor wise?
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      • Profile picture of the author abs007
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        I use solo ads extensively, and yes they are quite effective when the list is your target market. I get 300-500 new subscribers/buyers everyday through solo ads alone. You can find targeted ezine publishers through the Directory of Ezines or just google.
        HI - Would you mind sharing a few good sources from where we can buy or get into contact with some good solo add owners

        I have been using the section in the warrioforum

        could you suggest some other good places

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        • Profile picture of the author pacesetter007
          I'll also like you to explain further. Thanks.
          Originally Posted by myob View Post

          I use solo ads extensively, and yes they are quite effective when the list is your target market. I get 300-500 new subscribers/buyers everyday through solo ads alone. You can find targeted ezine publishers through the Directory of Ezines or just google.
          Originally Posted by abs007 View Post

          HI - Would you mind sharing a few good sources from where we can buy or get into contact with some good solo add owners

          I have been using the section in the warrioforum

          could you suggest some other good places

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          • Profile picture of the author myob
            @abs007, pacesetter007

            You are welcome to use my solo ad service in my sig with over 500,000 subscribers. It's not cheap, but you can also find hundreds of other publishers in the Directory of Ezines. It is searchable by target market, and includes subscriber demographics, number of subscribers, solo ad rates and publisher contact info.

            We can certainly provide full service solo ads and design a professional campaign to get the maximum possible results by matching your product with paying targeted subscribers. Just click on the link for "Let us do the Advertising for You" at the bottom of the page in my sig.
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  • Profile picture of the author ProfWriter
    I have had abysmal luck from solo ad placement online but print ads work great. That probably has something to do with my business -- freelance writing. Though, I'd think online ads would target, but I think people just ignore them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mehak
    hi I think they are effective but results can vary depending on who you're getting the ads from and what you're promoting.
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  • Profile picture of the author pacesetter007
    I'll check it out and see if it suits me. Thanks for your advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author pacesetter007
    Thanks all for your advices. I'll definitely put this to use.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Solo ads do work and they can be very cost effective.

    However, they do take some time to learn how to get the biggest bang for your marketing dollars. You can get a membership at the DOE and the owner Charlie Page will give you a free Ebook just for visiting his site.

    Solo ads can be very time consuming.

    1- You will have to search for targeted ezines in your niche first.

    2- You should opt in to each ezine that peaks your interest to get a better feel of the quality of emails that the list is getting.

    3- Start slowly with the smaller lists.

    4- Test and tweak your ads and headlines

    5- Make sure to have some kind of tracking that can keeps an eye on what visitors come from where.

    6- Re send solo ads to the lists that you get the best results with. Remember, that sometimes an email recipient may need to see your ad multiple times before clicking on your links.
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  • Profile picture of the author mello87
    In my opinion if you have spare money to invest/burn. Definately!

    If you manage to get a decent solo ad off a decent Warrior's list (there are a good few of these with lists), then you are onto a winner. I can recommend Charles Mutrie. He has a really good response rate! I think off one mail i got around 600 subscribers. That is a top response rate.

    Make sure that the list you are sending out to is related to the product/your product that you are putting in front of them. There is no point offering a product that your list isnt interested in. This will result in less clicks and subscribers, and if you already have a list, subscription cancellations.

    Look after your list and it will look after you. Target a really good list with a decent response rate, then it is well worth the cash. Ask for previous stats on CTR and signup amounts (off course this will differ on how good a quality the product or information you are forwarding, is).

    Hope this has helped


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  • Profile picture of the author pacesetter007
    Thanks everyone for your tips. I'm very grateful.

    I'd like someone to maybe give me a link to a good list in the income or financial development...something in that area but not blatantly internet marketing or make money online niche. Thanks,
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    • Profile picture of the author Marian
      I do solo ads sometimes - it's from the guys' lists I'm subscribed to. That way I see what they offer and what audience do they reach with their emails...

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