The Best Way to Find JV Partners

31 replies
I spent this weekend in Orlando for the Practical Profit seminar. The presentations were all great. James and crew always put on a first class event, but for me, the real value of events like this happen outside of the classroom.

The networking opportunities that are presented at weekends like this are invaluable. I was able to book many dates for my webinars, but I was also able to meet a lot of product creators that were up an comers. This gave me a chance to look at their products and possibly recommend them to my subscribers before the masses hear about them.

I met a lot of Warrior Forum members and was able to see their human side, which is seminar talk for drunk as ****. Ok, they saw that side of me as well, but in my defense, the bar was just so close to everything!

My advice for anybody reading this is to start searching for seminars and get out there. It is the best way to pick up JV partners. Sure, you will learn something in the presentations, but you will also learn a lot sitting at the bar.

Imagine what you could learn while drinking Margaritas with Brian Johnson! Or rum and Cokes with James Jones! Or smkokin' butts with Jason Fladlien! Or Tang and tonic with me

Put yourself out there. That is the only way to meet people that will make a difference in your career. Be on the lookout for seminars and training sessions like Practical Profits. You will meet people that can change your life.

If you do decide to go to an event like this, then make sure that you don't waste it by running to your room after each training session. I usually preach that you should act immediately on what you learn, but in these cases, the acting can wait until you get home. Spend as little time in your room as possible and as much time as you can networking and making contacts.

Put yourself out there! It's worth the cost of admission!
#find #partners
  • Profile picture of the author jan roos
    Brian I think you hit the nail on the head here. I will definitely be at the next one and you are ne dude I'd be very interested in buying a few G and T's for.

    Anybody have a list of upcoming events for 2011?


    I'll teach you how to make money like a Mamba.

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    • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
      Originally Posted by jan roos View Post

      Brian I think you hit the nail on the head here. I will definitely be at the next one and you are ne dude I'd be very interested in buying a few G and T's for.

      Anybody have a list of upcoming events for 2011?

      I will gladly accept all G and T's ...and trade some good knowledge. Although, the best stuff comes at the beginning. It starts getting kind of incoherent as you buy me more and more drinks.

      Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

    seminar talk for drunk as ****.
    I thought that was "friday night."
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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    • Profile picture of the author oneplusone
      What do you recommend for people outside "IM advice/B2B" though?

      I use certain strategies which are very effective in the niches I'm in, but none involve going to seminars.

      To be honest in most of the niches I'm in, there are no seminars
      'If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.' Vincent Van Gogh.
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      • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
        Originally Posted by oneplusone View Post

        What do you recommend for people outside "IM advice/B2B" though?

        I use certain strategies which are very effective in the niches I'm in, but none involve going to seminars.

        To be honest in most of the niches I'm in, there are no seminars
        If you sell something online, then you are an Internet marketer that can benefit from these types of seminars. With that being said, it may be more advantageous to find conferences that are more targeted.

        There are conferences for just about any niche. Even if you sell adult toys or fake dog poop, there are conferences for that. Your best JV partners might actually be the manufacturers themselves.

        Start thinking about all of the services within your niche and find conferences. Trust me, they are out there.

        Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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        • Profile picture of the author Sam England
          You got that S$$T right EBR...the best place to do JV's is to go to an event like the one JJJ and crew put on in Orlando last weekend...

          The networking that went on at the event was like lightning bolts sparking everywhere...tons of product ideas and product creation will and have already come from it...

          Thanks EBR...Peace Out!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ti
    I've found one of the best way to start finding JV partners is simply to go to Google, search the keywords, look for people who have content semi related to what you have, go to those websites, track down the owners, then email an introduction.

    I own several affiliatable products and have had some pretty awesome success contacting people this way. I'm always open to new ways, however, I believe the way I mentioned is probably the highest yield for time invested, not to mention is a way to cast the biggest net.

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    Current Affiliate Stats: June 4th 2011: EPC = $3.50, Conversions = 10.2%, $23.50/sale

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  • Profile picture of the author StephanieMojica
    Great idea; there's nothing like meeting in person. But you can also try to provide value for JV partners you admire by commenting on their blogs or offering a free teleclass for their tribe.

    Are you still struggling to grow your Internet business income? Learn the secrets that increased my income 700%--and can do the same for you--in my free report "5 Business Prosperity Secrets." Go here now to download your copy at no cost to you...
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  • Profile picture of the author Markus Mar
    Indeed E. Brian, that is a great way to find
    JV partners that most people overlook.

    "Meeting beautiful women is easy IF you know the right way to do it!"

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
    Damn, Missed another one!

    It was in Orlando?
    I thought they said Ontario.

    These things are starting to get expensive and I'm getting tired of drinking alone.

    I guess the JV deal I made with the Mounties isn't going to do much for my IM career.

    Brian, Next time, Please use Google Maps when you send directions.
    Also, It would be good if you send the email before I get on the plane.

    Have a Great Day!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Hunter

    I like the idea that you present with this post and would love to go to a seminar/event like Practical Profits one day, but I just hate the idea that the best way to get to know people that I'd be interested in JVing with is to hang out with them while they're drunk or stoned.

    That's really not my thing, ya know? So if I don't do that kind of stuff, how do I get to know these people if that's what they do to network or JV?

    Not trying to sound harsh or judgmental at all, but this has always been a concern for me as it seems that so many folks talk about how great these events are but that the best times are after the seminars when everyone's partying.

    I like to have a great time, but I don't drink and I don't how would you suggest getting to know and possibly working with the folks that I'm interested in working with if this is what they're doing at events like this?


    Ok, sure. You can follow me on Twitter - ;)

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    • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
      Originally Posted by Chris Hunter View Post


      I like the idea that you present with this post and would love to go to a seminar/event like Practical Profits one day, but I just hate the idea that the best way to get to know people that I'd be interested in JVing with is to hang out with them while they're drunk or stoned.

      That's really not my thing, ya know? So if I don't do that kind of stuff, how do I get to know these people if that's what they do to network or JV?

      Not trying to sound harsh or judgmental at all, but this has always been a concern for me as it seems that so many folks talk about how great these events are but that the best times are after the seminars when everyone's partying.

      I like to have a great time, but I don't drink and I don't how would you suggest getting to know and possibly working with the folks that I'm interested in working with if this is what they're doing at events like this?

      The last night I barely drank at all and the only reason I did was b/c someone bought me a beer b/c we were buddies.

      Alcohol is not a precursor to a just is nice to hang with people AT the bar...not necessarily drinking (many speakers weren't drinking anything but water to be honest...)



      PS- I'd suggest to find cool marketers in your local area who want to hang out. Great spot for networking...but don't feel you have to drink or smoke...I don't smoke at all so I feel your issue...but it's purely in your head...not being judgemental either but just saying.
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      • Profile picture of the author Sam England
        Originally Posted by Brad Spencer View Post

        The last night I barely drank at all and the only reason I did was b/c someone bought me a beer b/c we were buddies.

        PS- I'd suggest to find cool marketers in your local area who want to hang out. Great spot for networking...but don't feel you have to drink or smoke...I don't smoke at all so I feel your issue...but it's purely in your head...not being judgemental either but just saying.
        Good point dude...

        I tell everyone I know to attend meetups in your is a super way to meet others in your area and to get out of the house once in a while...

        You would be surprised how many other like minded marketers are living so close to you and you never knew it...

        Find a meetup group or groups in your area and attend a few of them...if you don't you are either living in the sticks or just plain lazy...

        Peace Out!
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        • Profile picture of the author GerberDeLange
          I don't smoke and I only had a few beers, but I still spoke to lots of great people at the Practical Profits seminar in Orlando and had a great time.

          Not everyone who is there is only into selling internet marketing products. I'm more into personal development (NLP, Hypnosis, EFT) and I got in touch with a few internet marketers who are also in these niches. We immediately decided to stay in touch and work out some JV's in the near future. Those are people I could have contacted through email, Facebook or their blog, but this is so much more powerful.

          And if you hang out with folks like Jason Fladlien, you get new ideas for products and services thrown at you every few seconds.

          I left Orlando with lots of inspiration and great new connections with awesome people. This is definitely not my last seminar I'm going to attend, and I had to travel all the way from the Netherlands to attend this one.

          Gerber de Lange
          Personal Development Blog

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          • Profile picture of the author Shannon Herod
            I have been doing this for seven years now and have only been to one actual seminar.

            The funny thing is I actually only went to meet a specific person.

            He was actually a warrior as well. Andrew Hansen.

            Anyway, I thought the kid was an amazing marketer and wanted to pick his brain a little bit.

            Ended up being a great event and I also met a really cool guy named David Risley.

            So, it was pretty helpful. Also hung out with all the big "gurus". But, I don't go simply because I do not need to make contacts in this market. My business is outside of the "make money niche".

            I will, however, say that it is a great place to network. I met a lot of cool people and if I wanted to really get into this market I would go to as many seminars as I could.

            Shannon Herod
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            • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
              Originally Posted by Shannon Herod View Post

              But, I don't go simply because I do not need to make contacts in this market. My business is outside of the "make money niche".

              I will, however, say that it is a great place to network. I met a lot of cool people and if I wanted to really get into this market I would go to as many seminars as I could.

              Shannon Herod
              This is such a misconception that Internet marketing seminars are strictly for people in the "make money niche".

              The tactics that you learn from presentations and talking with others can be used in any market. I entered the niche that you mentioned just a couple of years ago, but that was after successfully using every method that I teach to promote everything from online poker to medical supplies.

              My sales techniques work in any niche, as do most of the techniques that you would learn at a live event. Are you going to hold out for the online basket weaving sellers conference? No, people that sell baskets online are... wait for it... Internet marketers.

              Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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    • Profile picture of the author sal64
      Originally Posted by Chris Hunter View Post


      I like the idea that you present with this post and would love to go to a seminar/event like Practical Profits one day, but I just hate the idea that the best way to get to know people that I'd be interested in JVing with is to hang out with them while they're drunk or stoned.

      That's really not my thing, ya know? So if I don't do that kind of stuff, how do I get to know these people if that's what they do to network or JV?

      Not trying to sound harsh or judgmental at all, but this has always been a concern for me as it seems that so many folks talk about how great these events are but that the best times are after the seminars when everyone's partying.

      I like to have a great time, but I don't drink and I don't how would you suggest getting to know and possibly working with the folks that I'm interested in working with if this is what they're doing at events like this?

      I suppose strip bars are out of the question?
      Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
      You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
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      • Profile picture of the author Chris Hunter
        Originally Posted by sal64 View Post

        I suppose strip bars are out of the question?
        No way! I still go to those!

        Kidding! LOL!

        Blame it all on my conservative upbringing. I have no complaints.

        Ok, sure. You can follow me on Twitter - ;)

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I thought like everyone else JV partners is ok, but not really that good.

    What i did not realise is that you are leveraging off someoneles hard work they have done sometimes over years. They might have better subscribers, better repore, and a their viewing audience can sometimes reach further than yours.

    When I financial worked this out, having JV partners took me to the next level. Not only that, we go out and have fun....they have become more like friends. That is when you will see big results. I swear somedays I do not even feel like I am working. Now that is when you find true happiness.

    Leverage off others hard work, and you will take your business to the next level.
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  • Profile picture of the author alg
    I wend to some events and met brilliant people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicole Dean
    I absolutely agree. Whenever people ask why I go to those things, my answers are...

    1. They're SO fun.
    2. You get to talk with people who actually speak your language.
    3. I always, always make back my investment at least ten-fold in the weeks after the events, just from networking and brainstorming.

    Where did this one land in the rating scale?

    Practical Profits event delivered exactly as promised. Even when asked about their products, the speakers would not give URLs from the stage. No pitches. None. All content. They were true to their word.

    Plus, there were several cool people who I got to know over the weekend that I hadn't before. Definitely worth the cost of the ticket, the airfare, and the hotel.

    Just my 2 cents on the matter. And, to prove that there were actually some women there. lol!

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  • Profile picture of the author stelogo

    great post man. I met so many marketers who I've heard of and/or followed for years. It was nice not only to put a personality to the name, but actually begin to form relationships with great people.

    Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

    The networking opportunities that are presented at weekends like this are invaluable. I was able to book many dates for my webinars, but I was also able to meet a lot of product creators that were up an comers. This gave me a chance to look at their products and possibly recommend them to my subscribers before the masses hear about them.
    Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you about my product. Then again, I didn't know you were such a hot shot at the time either.

    For everyone else reading this thread, you don't have to just be in the MMO niche or have to be a smoker or drinker. It's all about getting out there and making connections with people. If you feel strange without a drink in your hand, get a water. Wait til the smokers come back inside. Don't let those little things get in the way of you taking the steps necessary to further your business!

    Brian, shooting you a PM.

    Oh and one more thing..

    Are you a chef?

    Michael Isabella, Season 6 - Top Chef Season 8 - Bio - Bravo TV Official Site

    Steve Goltiao
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  • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
    Nice post Brian.

    I am speaking at the World Internet Summit in Sydney on the 25th and having done so a few times before, I can also say that from a speakers point of view it is also great to hang out and meet attendees. The feedback and ideas go both ways at events like this.

    I tend to stick around for the whole 4 days and the 'entrepreneurial' buzz and the interesting folks you meet make it a very positive environment.
    "How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
    >> ---> <--- < <
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill_Z
    Went the to Marketer's Cruise 2 years in a row, it's definitely awesome way to have a great vacation and network with hundreds of marketers. Met alot of awesome people and stay in touch with many of them. Unfortunately because I spend most of the year in Cyprus I can't get to many events, but once I get back to the US I will be trying to attend alot more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ronnie Nijmeh
    Honestly, Practical Profits was INCREDIBLE. The JVs and fresh ideas really injected new ideas into my business.

    And for anyone concerned about money, well let me tell you... I made my money back two days after coming back.

    Actually, I'm lying...

    I've doubled my money and I haven't even finished contacting all the new friends from the event.

    Really looking forward to the next event!

    More cool Products from Ronnie Nijmeh

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    Bread Money Method (IM & Weight Loss = Peanuts compared to this MONSTER niche)
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay B
    Hey Brian,

    Great to connect with you in Orlando.

    And you hit the nail on the head...The actual content presented was great (as always), but the real action was going down at the breaks, at lunch, in the hallway, poolside pumping the keg, etc.

    Talk soon,

    More cool WSO's from Jay Boyer:

    Kindle Sales Krusher
    Imagine…$257 a week from only 11 ebooks?
    Warrior Plus Treasure Map (7 days = $13,794?)
    Offline Restaurant CPA ($17,577 per month INSIDER secrets)…
    Amazon Affiliate Goldrush (Ready for massive passive profits?...)
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  • Profile picture of the author WCarr
    Hey Brian... Orlando was great and Las Vegas in August is going to be fabulous as well! Booking my flights and hotel today for the Practical Profits in Vegas!

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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Wow, I've never heard of Practical Profits- maybe I should start saving up my $$$ to hit one of these seminars.

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