Blog Steadily Growing... Now What?

35 replies
I formally started blogging about 2 months ago and traffic has grown steadily. It used to be from 0 to around 5 daily readers but now tens (not consistently anyway). I would love to start having 100s of daily hits and I know you warriors can help me. What do I need to do to engage my readers more. Thanks y'all!
#blog #growing #steadily
  • Profile picture of the author rcritchett
    First thing I would do is make an actual list of the people that have higher statuses (get more traffic, have more subscribers) than you in your area.

    Research, find out and make your list.

    THEN, start following their blogs. Comment on their blogs, (leaving your URL in the URL field), comment on other people's replies if the blog has that capability and get in the conversation as much as possible.

    If your "net personality" bleeds through your writing and people can see it, that's a good thing. You want them to know you're a real person that is out there in the mix.

    Consider learning about SEO. SEO can take your blog a long way. It isn't the only factor, but it's an important one.

    Lastly, keep posting solid stuff. Further, don't use words like further in your blog posts. LOL

    But seriously, post high quality, different perspective posts.

    Do all of this consistently, and you'll inevitably grow.

    Follow high status people on Twitter, retweet their stuff and reply to them personally. Eventually they will see you. I have a couple high status.. even celebrity bloggers following my tweets. When they retweet my stuff, traffic, followers, subscribers and opt ins follow.

    Hope that helps! That was like a mini guide!

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  • Profile picture of the author AdmiralGloom
    If you are just looking for generated traffic you would want to use PPC like Google AdWords of Facebook.

    It costs a bit, can be a mint. There are plenty of courses online that can help you get started (that are free).

    I would also start thinking about joining some affiliate programs and start selling on your blog.

    Just please don't get discouraged if you don't make money in a week. This takes time...stay strong and diligent.

    Good luck!

    Edit: And I completely agree with above
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    • Profile picture of the author Manuelcrc
      Thanks for the comments guys, I have started tweeting and i'm about starting affilliate marketing. I know it will take weeks. Thanks.

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      • Profile picture of the author Affportal
        Building engaging content is key here... let's say your blog is about frogs. Go to google and search "frogs forum". From there build a profile in every frog forum that you can find.

        Next troll the forum for RECURRING issues people are having with their pet frogs.

        Then make a list... top 10 problems with pet frogs... post it. Then examine each issue in subsequent posts and post one solution at a time.

        Post every 3 to 4 days.

        Change your forum signature to reflect your latest blog post and link to it.

        People love top ten lists... milk those lists for all the value they can bring.

        AffPortal Niche Research & Campaign Development Tools - CLICK HERE >>

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        • Profile picture of the author bareket57
          Originally Posted by Affportal View Post

          Building engaging content is key here... let's say your blog is about frogs. Go to google and search "frogs forum". From there build a profile in every frog forum that you can find.

          Next troll the forum for RECURRING issues people are having with their pet frogs.

          Then make a list... top 10 problems with pet frogs... post it. Then examine each issue in subsequent posts and post one solution at a time.

          Post every 3 to 4 days.

          Change your forum signature to reflect your latest blog post and link to it.

          People love top ten lists... milk those lists for all the value they can bring.
          This is great advice - I fully endorse it My website had nearly zero visits for a long time. However when I started getting active on forums in my niche then suddenly I started getting visits on a daily basis. Also Facebook substantially increased the number of visits to my website.
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        • Profile picture of the author tritrain
          Originally Posted by Affportal View Post

          Building engaging content is key here... let's say your blog is about frogs. Go to google and search "frogs forum". From there build a profile in every frog forum that you can find.

          Next troll the forum for RECURRING issues people are having with their pet frogs.

          Then make a list... top 10 problems with pet frogs... post it. Then examine each issue in subsequent posts and post one solution at a time.

          Post every 3 to 4 days.

          Change your forum signature to reflect your latest blog post and link to it.

          People love top ten lists... milk those lists for all the value they can bring.
          You could even share these lists on BEST REVIEWER'S THE TOP OF THE BEST REVIEWS

          Domains for sale - see
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        • Profile picture of the author Zachmo
          Originally Posted by Affportal View Post

          Building engaging content is key here... let's say your blog is about frogs. Go to google and search "frogs forum". From there build a profile in every frog forum that you can find.

          Next troll the forum for RECURRING issues people are having with their pet frogs.

          Then make a list... top 10 problems with pet frogs... post it. Then examine each issue in subsequent posts and post one solution at a time.

          Post every 3 to 4 days.

          Change your forum signature to reflect your latest blog post and link to it.

          People love top ten lists... milk those lists for all the value they can bring.
          This reply works big time.
          Wondering how to run successful Autoblogs? Lean the Simple Steps for Successful Autoblogging Riches with Mini niche sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vicky K
    You can try to make guest posts on other people's blogs who get a lot of traffic. Just earch for you niche's main keywords, like if you do weight loss for example, do a google search for "weight loss blog" or "weight loss wordpress" or something. Then take the ones in the first positions as they have the most visitors. Find a contact form or an email address and just send them an article and say they can use it on their blog if they want to. For no reason, just because you are being nice to them. Sign your email with a link to your blog.. usually they will pick it up by themselves and link to your page
    If you are not sure they will, you can also mention it. Say 'hey, I wrote this article for you. If you like it, you can post it on your blog! Would be awesome if you could leave a link back to my site xxx, too.' or something like that.
    If those people get 500 readers per day and just 10-20% click your link... tadaaa you just got yourself a lot of free traffic
    Then if your site is cool, they might come back, tell their friends, buy your stuff, click your adsense links or whatever you're doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author schttrj
    Do regular pingbacks and trackbacks in your posts!
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  • Profile picture of the author NicoleBeckett
    Definitely try some guest blogging. Find some popular blogs in your niche, and offer to write up a guest post for them. Don't just send in an already-written post, though. Email the owner, tell them how much you like/respect their blog, and offer to write a guest post on XYZ subject. It gives them a chance to take a break for a day, and it gives you a chance to get your name, expertise, and link out in front of very targeted traffic.

    Then, once your guest post has been published, Tweet about it, Facebook it, etc. The blog owner will likely be doing the same (after all, it's his blog to promote!) That way, you get twice the promotion - and, hopefully, twice the readers.

    And, of course, keep churning out quality posts on your own blog. That part never stops!
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    • Profile picture of the author Manuelcrc
      Guest blogging seems like the in-thing now. I think I will start just that. Any other suggestion?
      Originally Posted by NicoleBeckett View Post

      Definitely try some guest blogging. Find some popular blogs in your niche, and offer to write up a guest post for them. Don't just send in an already-written post, though. Email the owner, tell them how much you like/respect their blog, and offer to write a guest post on XYZ subject. It gives them a chance to take a break for a day, and it gives you a chance to get your name, expertise, and link out in front of very targeted traffic.

      Then, once your guest post has been published, Tweet about it, Facebook it, etc. The blog owner will likely be doing the same (after all, it's his blog to promote!) That way, you get twice the promotion - and, hopefully, twice the readers.

      And, of course, keep churning out quality posts on your own blog. That part never stops!

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  • Profile picture of the author Markus Mar
    Have you been capturing leads?

    Send out an email for the 1st paragraph of
    your latest blog to let your readers know
    you have updated every time you write
    a new post.

    Then simply put the link at the end of
    the paragraph in your email which links
    to your blog post.

    "Meeting beautiful women is easy IF you know the right way to do it!"

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  • Profile picture of the author JoshuaZamora
    I would recommend building a list as well. You can drive a bunch of traffic to your site but there's nothing like being able to send an email and really build a strong following
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  • Profile picture of the author mygold
    You should include informative things that is helpful of the reader. And also you should continue to promote your site.
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    • Profile picture of the author jgant
      I echo many of the above suggestions.

      I've been cranking out content adding 1 to 5 posts on each of my blogs each day (I've primarily focused on 2 sites for about 6 months with a couple of stupid interruptions). Focusing on 2 projects has worked by far the best for me.

      I publish on EZA a lot as well (the same articles I publish on my sites). My traffic is growing fairly fast (hundreds of uniques each day and the money is following). It works. I'm constantly coming up with new article ideas. Fortunately I'm in fairly broad niches (arguably markets) which gives me tons of latitude in content ideas.

      I find for me creating a system works wonders. Presently my workflow system is: publish an article on my blog, then publish an indexed article on EZA. Then I go to my other site and do the same. Back and forth.

      However, I like the guest blogging suggestions above and am planning to add that to my weekly regimen shortly.
      How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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      • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
        Are you echoing my echo, jgant? lol...j/k, of course...

        I'd definitely consider stepping up guest posting.

        Here's a post that may be useful to you:
        How to Use Guest Blogging to Take Your Blog to the Next Level

        (I didn't write it...but still good nonetheless)

        Originally Posted by jgant View Post

        I echo many of the above suggestions.

        I've been cranking out content adding 1 to 5 posts on each of my blogs each day (I've primarily focused on 2 sites for about 6 months with a couple of stupid interruptions). Focusing on 2 projects has worked by far the best for me.

        I publish on EZA a lot as well (the same articles I publish on my sites). My traffic is growing fairly fast (hundreds of uniques each day and the money is following). It works. I'm constantly coming up with new article ideas. Fortunately I'm in fairly broad niches (arguably markets) which gives me tons of latitude in content ideas.

        I find for me creating a system works wonders. Presently my workflow system is: publish an article on my blog, then publish an indexed article on EZA. Then I go to my other site and do the same. Back and forth.

        However, I like the guest blogging suggestions above and am planning to add that to my weekly regimen shortly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gunedat
    try to be active in the community of your niche. visit other blogs and put meaningful comment on it. Then try contacting the owners and try to get them to let you write a guest post on their blogs.
    I Should Put A Sig Here
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    • Profile picture of the author bradlean
      Talking about blog...

      is that blog or wordpress?

      thanks.. good for you!

      keep up the good work..
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  • Profile picture of the author jdpackaging
    I just want to improve my bolg traffic, and now I am gaining somthing, they are good! thanks!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author LindaC
    Hi Manuelcrc,

    LindaC here.

    Clicked on your link and went to your blog.

    First impression...white content on a black background was extreamly hard to read.

    You may wish to change this.

    My Best 2 U,

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    • Profile picture of the author Manuelcrc
      @ LindaC, thanks for the observation about the site being difficult to read. I wanted someone to comment on it...Thought it was good, but obviously it wasn't.

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  • Profile picture of the author pacesetter007
    Mine oh mine. I'm learning super fast here. Great advices from great people. Thanks for sharing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Manuelcrc
      And does anyone know how to manually install a theme cos I've tried to but I'm always getting the reply that the theme is broken and that the stylesheet and templates are also missing.

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      • Profile picture of the author traceface
        Originally Posted by Manuelcrc View Post

        And does anyone know how to manually install a theme cos I've tried to but I'm always getting the reply that the theme is broken and that the stylesheet and templates are also missing.
        If it is a wordpress theme, i'll help you install it. Just send me a pm so I can look at your site and the theme and make sure it is complete.
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  • Profile picture of the author sarahberra
    It sounds like you're on the right track. Write down a list of titles that you want to post for the month and stick to the plan. Deliver what the readers want and more will come. Just be consistent and continually work on the block. You can also add wp robot and keep it on the lowest setting so that your blog still looks natural and not automated. Wp robot will generate posts for you and help attract more visitors.
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  • Toss in an eye-grabbing optin widget into the sidebar. List building is crucial for backend monetization.
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    • Profile picture of the author Manuelcrc
      Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

      Toss in an eye-grabbing optin widget into the sidebar. List building is crucial for backend monetization.
      @Anonymous Affiliate: Thanks but what of the one currently on the site?

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  • Profile picture of the author MarkWrites
    There are a number of plugins out there that automatically broadcast the title of your latest blog post to your Twitter account. Your followers then click on the link in the Tweet and they are taken straight to the post.

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