Making $100 A Week On Autopilot!

27 replies
Just checked my Adsense stats and it seems I've
reached $100 in the last 7 days for the 1st time
...$100.93 to be exact. (using the niche blog method)

Nothing is more satisfying then waking up and seeing
money in your account - money you've made simply
from a computer, Internet connection and your mind.

I like most people I guess find it hard to sit down and
use the time available to the fullest. But as long as you
do some work everyday you'll keep chugging along and
getting closer to your goal.

This $hit is the hardest thing I've done on my life! I'm
not joking. Anyone who tells you its easy is full of crap,
lucky or a genious. It's only easy once you know what
you're doing and have a workable model and even then it
takes a huge amount of will power and work to reach a
full time income.

Another tip is to just do it and not think so hard. Thinking
about a task you need to do for your business makes it a
lot harder to actually do it. Instead just write that article
or design that graphic or whatever you need to do, in most
cases you'll see it wasn't so bad after all.

Once you make some money you can then outsource a lot
of the tasks you find tedious. I made a point that I was going
to ramp up my outsourcing starting from last month. I said it
and I did it! I went from an average of 35 articles a month to
submitting 125 new articles in January alone. That's nearly
400% more! Just make a choice and do as much as you can
because the sooner you can quit your job if that's your aim.

As I said earlier:

Internet Marketing will be the hardest thing you do in your life...

But oh boy is it worth it!

Here's to your success in 2011
#$100 #autopilot #making #week
  • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
    I completely agree with you that IM business is not easy .

    But , I want to confirm you that once you are in track it is so lucrative.

    So , work hard and smart until you get the key .
    CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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  • Profile picture of the author noname987
    All jobs are hard..I mean there ain't no simple jobs that you will just sit down and earn millions.
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  • Profile picture of the author GoldenG
    $100 from adsense? I've always steered clear from making money from adsense. Just seems to me like there are far too many better affiliate networks to make money from. Maybe i could give it a serious shot though.

    Thanks for the motivation!

    If i were to ask you if I Made A Difference, would your answer to that be the same as the answer to this question? <-- THINK!

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    • Profile picture of the author TZ
      Originally Posted by GoldenG View Post

      $100 from adsense? I've always steered clear from making money from adsense. Just seems to me like there are far too many better affiliate networks to make money from. Maybe i could give it a serious shot though.

      Thanks for the motivation!
      Hmmm....My wife I were ONLY affiliate marketers in the beginning back in 2003.

      I dealt with;

      - Merchants that don't pay on time
      - Merchants that don't pay at all when I know I converted
      - Merchants that claw back after the fact
      - Merchants that change code and payouts without notice
      - Merchants that expire offers like they change socks
      - Merchants that change commissions without notice

      I had a merchant in New York that owed me $14,000 in commissions and tried to stiff me. I had to hire a lawyer and start a blog bomb on their company to destroy their reputation before they finally paid $9,000 of what they owed me.

      Pain in the *ss.

      After that I removed ALL merchants and went 100% Adsense. They've never stiffed me, and they have always paid on time with an EFT into our account(s).

      Follow the TOS and it's all good.

      $php_coding = "consistent cash";

      echo ("Give me" . " " . $php_coding . "!");

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  • Profile picture of the author RaptorGabe
    You mind telling us how you did it ? I'm curious after all these years of toil
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    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      well, let me just check.... yep, I'm still at $0.

      I bought a small wso, that involves making money from article marketing and adsense.

      I understand how it works, but, wow, I never knew how much work was involved... correct me if I'm wrong, you write, or have written, lots and lots of articles and submit them to the biggest article directories, of which there's about a dozen?

      Is this how it's done?

      If so, you reckon you need over 100 articles a month?

      I tried going down the spinning route, paid for them, but they were always rubbish, sounding like they've been written by someone who's just learned English.

      So, what's the secret? or is there none... is it just writing tons of keyword rich, quality lazer tageted niche articles?

      Oh, and how does autopilot work?
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      • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        I understand how it works, but, wow, I never knew how much work was involved...
        Neither did I!

        correct me if I'm wrong, you write, or have written, lots and lots of articles and submit them to the biggest article directories, of which there's about a dozen?
        Yes I write and outsource lots of articles (about 450 so far). However I only submit to EZA and sometimes Articlebase.

        If so, you reckon you need over 100 articles a month?
        Yes I will need to outsource 200 articles per month soon so I can make $3K per month later this year. Wish me luck

        I tried going down the spinning route, paid for them, but they were always rubbish, sounding like they've been written by someone who's just learned English.
        I don't spin any articles. I either write them from scratch or outsource them. You can find writers here or at elance and may have to trial a few to find 1-2 writers that you're happy with.

        So, what's the secret? or is there none... is it just writing tons of keyword rich, quality lazer tageted niche articles?

        Oh, and how does autopilot work?
        If you earn through adsense you are making money on autopilot as it comes in by itself. However not after lots of work.
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      • Profile picture of the author petevamp
        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        well, let me just check.... yep, I'm still at $0.

        I bought a small wso, that involves making money from article marketing and adsense.

        I understand how it works, but, wow, I never knew how much work was involved... correct me if I'm wrong, you write, or have written, lots and lots of articles and submit them to the biggest article directories, of which there's about a dozen?

        Is this how it's done?

        If so, you reckon you need over 100 articles a month?

        I tried going down the spinning route, paid for them, but they were always rubbish, sounding like they've been written by someone who's just learned English.

        So, what's the secret? or is there none... is it just writing tons of keyword rich, quality lazer tageted niche articles?

        Oh, and how does autopilot work?
        Honestly there is no real secrete to making money with adsense. Other then you need to do good keyword research first so that you are assured your articles will make it to the top of the searches with very little effort.

        With out doing the research first it is likely that none f your articles will ever make it to the top of the serps. There for I only recommend using plr as a guide to helping you create some keyword rich content. It wasn't until late late last year that I started seeing anytype of return from adsense.

        Now my adsense income increase by about 50% every single month. The last few days have been rather crappy but I also havent added any neew content to that site in about a week now. All I did to increase my earnings through adsense was to create atleast 1 or 2 highly targeted keyword articles every week.

        Once you are getting a tittle traffic from the search engines the clicks start rolling in. Keep in mind though the conversions to clicks are still only going to be about 2%. So do not expect too much if you are getting under 100 visitors a day to your site.

        Its also about placement and ad type. I actually prefer using only image ads on my sites. For it helps eliminate that little part on the ads that says google. That is just me though. The clicks also seem to be lower because of it. SO I may be changing them back here soon just to see. But typically when using adsense as a means you need to try to get as many pages indexed as possible. Which is all the op has done. He is now paying for the content which is making it semi automated. Since all he has to do now is drip the content on to the site and the rest is done automaticlly for him.

        Great job though on getting to that 100 mark in adsense a week. Keep in mind though also to help increase your earnings through you can also add in a few post regarding affiliate products and offers. This would help in terms of those slow days that there may not be any clicks. Keep up the good work and you will be rewarded soon enough.
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        • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
          Originally Posted by petevamp View Post

          Once you are getting a tittle traffic from the search engines the clicks start rolling in. Keep in mind though the conversions to clicks are still only going to be about 2%.
          Hmm I wouldn't say that. My C.T.R is low to mid teens if that's what you're referring to.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Ernie, I couldn't agree more. Not only are many of the basic tasks really tedious and repetitive, I'm sure that in the beginning you'll find that the hardest thing to do is get motivated to do these tasks consistently each day!

    In addition to that, when you're starting out there's this fear of uncertainty and failure that makes you wonder if what you're doing is even worth it. You may go weeks or even months before you actually see any tangible results in the beginning, and it's pretty difficult to keep the faith and continue doing this consistently during this interim period.

    While internet marketing is great in the sense that you can get started with practically nothing, it's the uncertainty and fear of failure that keep many from following through on the typical free or very low-cost method/strategy.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author K_tir
    Originally Posted by Ernie Lonardo View Post

    Just checked my Adsense stats and it seems I've
    reached $100 in the last 7 days for the 1st time
    ...$100.93 to be exact. (using the niche blog method)

    Nothing is more satisfying then waking up and seeing
    money in your account - money you've made simply
    from a computer, Internet connection and your mind.

    I like most people I guess find it hard to sit down and
    use the time available to the fullest. But as long as you
    do some work everyday you'll keep chugging along and
    getting closer to your goal.

    This is the hardest thing I've done on my life! I'm
    not joking. Anyone who tells you its easy is full of crap,
    lucky or a genious. It's only easy once you know what
    you're doing and have a workable model and even then it
    takes a huge amount of will power and work to reach a
    full time income.

    Another tip is to just do it and not think so hard. Thinking
    about a task you need to do for your business makes it a
    lot harder to actually do it. Instead just write that article
    or design that graphic or whatever you need to do, in most
    cases you'll see it wasn't so bad after all.

    Once you make some money you can then outsource a lot
    of the tasks you find tedious. I made a point that I was going
    to ramp up my outsourcing starting from last month. I said it
    and I did it! I went from an average of 35 articles a month to
    submitting 125 new articles in January alone. That's nearly
    400% more! Just make a choice and do as much as you can
    because the sooner you can quit your job if that's your aim.

    As I said earlier:

    Internet Marketing will be the hardest thing you do in your life...

    But oh boy is it worth it!

    Here's to your success in 2011
    I agree! 100%!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3333538].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Dude i know you been in here a loonnnng time, and found it difficult at times.

    So congrats to you dude. Well done.

    Keep up the good work.


    Originally Posted by Ernie Lonardo View Post

    Just checked my Adsense stats and it seems I've
    reached $100 in the last 7 days for the 1st time
    ...$100.93 to be exact. (using the niche blog method)

    Nothing is more satisfying then waking up and seeing
    money in your account - money you've made simply
    from a computer, Internet connection and your mind.

    I like most people I guess find it hard to sit down and
    use the time available to the fullest. But as long as you
    do some work everyday you'll keep chugging along and
    getting closer to your goal.

    This is the hardest thing I've done on my life! I'm
    not joking. Anyone who tells you its easy is full of crap,
    lucky or a genious. It's only easy once you know what
    you're doing and have a workable model and even then it
    takes a huge amount of will power and work to reach a
    full time income.

    Another tip is to just do it and not think so hard. Thinking
    about a task you need to do for your business makes it a
    lot harder to actually do it. Instead just write that article
    or design that graphic or whatever you need to do, in most
    cases you'll see it wasn't so bad after all.

    Once you make some money you can then outsource a lot
    of the tasks you find tedious. I made a point that I was going
    to ramp up my outsourcing starting from last month. I said it
    and I did it! I went from an average of 35 articles a month to
    submitting 125 new articles in January alone. That's nearly
    400% more! Just make a choice and do as much as you can
    because the sooner you can quit your job if that's your aim.

    As I said earlier:

    Internet Marketing will be the hardest thing you do in your life...

    But oh boy is it worth it!

    Here's to your success in 2011
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3333705].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author streamline1

    Just a word of "caution" about anyone relying on 'G" adsense as an income stream.

    Back in the 2004 -2006 area, I know of more than a just several people that were making anywhere from: $200+ a day to a few guys making 15K to 60K+ a month using 'G' adsense.

    At time I work my ass off...and had about 30+ different "mini sites" ect....I got up to where I was doing pretty good for the low-mid $$$.

    Well, me as well as, the people making the huge amounts of money (they had really nice mini sites...and lot of them 100-300+ in some cases....

    Woke up one morning to discover over about a 5 day period...that all of our adsense income had dropped....50% -90%. Almost over night, I went from making $190+ one day before, woke up an I wa...down to less than $40 the next...and over the next few dropped from there.

    WP, was not even in the picture yet for most of is some suggestions to help you keep and 'persevere' your adsense income.

    #1. Once you get over the say $50+ a day, and are using more than one blog or "mini websites'..or combination of the two.....Get your OWN dedicated server account...and depending on the amount of sites you have or plan to have...get at least 2-5 different "c-blocks", with maybe 10+ different IP address's....and do not put more than 3-5 sites on one "C-block and same IP address...

    This way if Google does 'house cleaning' like they are doing right protect yourself from getting ALL your sites from page 1-2 for your page 37-1000+

    IF you have more than say 5 sites your relying NOT have them all on the same IP address or C-block....makes it much harder for them to destroy all your hard work..."In A Blink Of A Eye"....if all your sites are NOT on the same "C-block & IP address"

    I have seen it happen, know more than one person making over 10k+ per month on 'adsense' for almost two morning...they woke up, they were making 1k-2K...or less

    Pretty big hit... with the new 'mortgage(s) ~ Car payments pay. Easy to start living like its going to last forever.

    #2. Google can a will cancel your adsense account without any explanation at all...right out of the blue. Has happen to thousands of people...with no recourse.

    I know how hard it to get "G' adsense earnings up to a decent level now. Plus 5 years ago, they were paying a way more %, $ wise Per Click...than they are now.

    Take it for it is worth.... but once you get used to making $100 -$300+ a day 7 days a week for 6 -12 months...and you wake up one morning to find your now making $40 a day...

    You will remember this post.


    Peace To All!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
    Interesting story thanks for sharing stremaline.

    Yes nobody should ever get too comfortable with adsense, you definitely want to expand and create additional income streams. But not all is lost even if you do get banned. You can always replace those ads with amazon,cpa and affiliate ads.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3333924].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author streamline1
      Hi Ernie...

      I am going to have to disagree a bit... all tho you can replace your montization model...with the things you mention.

      Google, putting your domain name in the never to be seen again 'sandbox' (really banning it)....takes any all traffic to that domain from "G" for almost ever.

      No "G" traffic...makes the road a lot tougher than it already is.

      I still have one domain...a good one, that got caught up in the mess I mention in my last post....and no matter what I do with it...PR 7-9 links...nice site etc... and still to this day, cannot get ranked for any "keyword" search, even if that search has only 6 results...I mean it just was a 'G-rated' 5-10 page type article mini site...but man... it is on some kind of wrong list over at 'G"

      Best to you,

      Originally Posted by Ernie Lonardo View Post

      Interesting story thanks for sharing stremaline.

      Yes nobody should ever get too comfortable with adsense, you definitely want to expand and create additional income streams. But not all is lost even if you do get banned. You can always replace those ads with amazon,cpa and affiliate ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author werna klue
    Congrats on your success!!

    IM should be seen as a business, and any business takes time and effort. The only place where money comes before success is probably in the dictionary

    It takes time and hard work to set this business up and keep it going.
    It is definitely not easy to do but I find since I learned a few skills it is much more enjoyable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Duncan
    Great work Ernie!

    It's always fun to read these threads and feel the excitement of another success.

    Now, just to rinse and repeat and improve what you're doing.

    Don't look back!

    All the best,
    Jack Duncan
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  • One of the very few people who I have seen around for a long time who started from nothing to now something

    Congrats. Remember one of your first posts asking StevenR for tips etc Now your out making some $$
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    • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
      Originally Posted by Jason Perez O'Connor View Post

      One of the very few people who I have seen around for a long time who started from nothing to now something

      Congrats. Remember one of your first posts asking StevenR for tips etc Now your out making some $$
      LOL yes Jason, I remember that, surprised anyone else did too

      I've learn a lot of things about Internet Marketing in the last year.

      I now have 3 simple steps to success:

      1) Create what they want (niche research)
      2) Show them what they want (generate targeted traffic)
      3) Stick with it - (work daily on your site and give it time to see results)

      Damn I use to over think everything and make it way more complicated than it needed to be.
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  • Profile picture of the author JackPowers
    That's great Ernie, I remember reading your post about wanting to quit some time ago and now you're well on your way to quitting your job - seriously. Look forward to reading that post!

    Have you tried testing affiliate offers instead of Adsense on your sites? My personal experience is that Adsense has a lower EPC than targeted affiliate ads for most niches. Some exceptions of course - travel is a niche where the EPC is higher for me with Adsense.

    If I can give just one recommendation, it is to look into automation, it really does make things easier.

    I'd be very interested to hear more about how you do niche and keyword research?

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    • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
      Originally Posted by JackPowers View Post

      I'd be very interested to hear more about how you do niche and keyword research?
      Jack I have posted it various times lately on the forum (not sure where)...however I'm going to write up a free report in the near future outlining the steps i do, I'll try to remember to PM you the link when that happens.
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      • Profile picture of the author JackPowers
        Originally Posted by Ernie Lonardo View Post

        Jack I have posted it various times lately on the forum (not sure where)...however I'm going to write up a free report in the near future outlining the steps i do, I'll try to remember to PM you the link when that happens.
        Great, thanks!

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  • Profile picture of the author st271
    That's a great income and even better that it's on autopilot!
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  • Profile picture of the author Todd R
    Yeah, outsourcing is one of the keys to ramping it up.. Congratulations... Maybe try some Offline/ Online marketing... That can make your business grow pretty rapidly....
    Interested in affiliate marketing..?? Join Erica Stone and Todd Royer's webinar every Thursday, 8pm EST
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    That's fantastic Ernie - now just scale it up until you are making $100 a day IM is hard work but that hard work sure does pay off if you're willing to do it!

    I hope you get many more weeks like this (and above)!
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  • Profile picture of the author Simon Lim
    Hey Ernie,

    Congrats on your success!

    You're absolutely right...IM is definitely one of the hardest things anybody will do in their lives. It's just like any other major goal you set for yourself...whether that's business, running a marathon, or anything else.

    It takes dedication and heaps of work, but it's completely worth it in the end when you finally reach your goals!

    Keep at it man!

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