Selling Sites On Flippa

3 replies
I have a few mature sites which I would like to sell on Flippa but to be honest don't know that site very well. My sites have good unique traffic, mature with good quality internal backlinks, have some revenue, well researched domain names etc.

I've done a few searches here on WF but looking for a high quality WSO or other product which explains in detail the business and mechanics of Flippa. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help.

#domain flipping #flippa #selling #site flipping #sites #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Piper Anderson
    Zach Booker has a really good WSO on flipping websites for high dollars. You can probably find it by doing a search for his name here on the forum. I've been using it myself to build sites since Jan. 1 of this year and am getting ready to sell my first site with it. I regularly sell autoblogs on Flippa for smaller bucks, so I know Flippa pretty well (I've sold over 100 sites there in the past year or so). But as far as a WSO that explains Flippa and selling sites for good money, I'd definitely recommend Zach's.
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    • Profile picture of the author AndrewAU
      We have a few resources on Flippa that may be able to assist you.
      Our help section for sellers:
      The Flippa Blog -
      Also be sure to familiar with the rules at

      There are also a stack of quality resources on forums such as WF.

      General pointers that I'd suggest:
      1. Take the time really flesh out the details in your listing. Nothing worse than seeing a great site not get attention because the seller went light on site details
      2. Be entirely honest and open about your site. Not suggesting giving away trade secrets but ensure potential bidders on clear about what the site is and isn't - it will save you a lot of time in the long run
      3. Begin with a modest opening bid to get the ball rolling (use the reserve price if you want to play it safe in terms of sale price)
      4. Use the Flippa upgrades to get your listing in front of more buyers

      Hope that helps.

      Flippa Marketplace: Buy a website | Sell a website

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  • Profile picture of the author ipgreenhouse
    We've been using Flippa by trial and error for a few years now and have found it to be a great resource for selling sites.

    I agree about the upgrades, especially putting them on the homepage. We have a couple sites listed there right now and we didn't promote them at all and only get about 50 views a day. On the homepage, we get about 300-400 views a day - without any additional promotions. The twitter upgrade is usually quite effective too.

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