30,000 pageviews daily

13 replies
how come some blog owners have that traffic? I doubt it's only from seo or worse, they don't even use seo? Can you get that much traffic with just heavy backlinking ( on some authority sites too)? I may be forgetting viral traffic and youtube.
#daily #pageviews
  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
    Those bloggers are mostly the ones having huge following and rss subscribers. They also rank at page of google for many good keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author AbsolutJake82
    Some blogs have huge followings, some have been around forever, some have good google rankings, some are just lucky haha
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    • Profile picture of the author Theory5
      I want to learn how they do it as well. I think Fazal is looking for a more informative answer. After all they had to have built up their followers from somewhere.
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      • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
        Originally Posted by Theory5 View Post

        I want to learn how they do it as well. I think Fazal is looking for a more informative answer. After all they had to have built up their followers from somewhere.
        Yes I'm on a list of some of these bloggers and one has put the focus on Twitter marketing. I think you can drive good traffic from twitter. I'm sure they have their secrets but I can confirm you that they have some heavy traffic coming from only one place. It could be wheter the WF forum, youtube,etc.

        Blogger at RicherOrNot.com (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    Yes, I looked at their age and they are 4+ years old. I think if you work hard on a site for 4 years, you could expect that much traffic. I'm kinda jealous that I didn't start at 16 years old but I had no idea what Internet marketing was or how to create a site because I didn't master html.

    Blogger at RicherOrNot.com (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Write good stuff and people will want more. They will come back everyday just to see what you posted. It doesn't matter what niche you are in, this remains the fact.

    WWTDD.com comes to mind. He makes wise-ass, often perverted cracks about celebrities and people come everyday. His posts are often one paragraph, but they are funny and he is making big bucks. I personally love the way he rips on poor Lindsay.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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    • Profile picture of the author jgant
      Great content whether it informs, educates, or entertains. Becoming perceived as an expert helps. Mix this with a great voice and you have a recipe for a successful blog.

      Oh yeah, finding an angle helps. Tim Ferriss is a good example. He carved out this "lifestyle design" concept. He has a massive following and seldom posts now (he used to post regularly). In fact dozens of blogs have sprang up around Tim Ferriss. It didn't hurt he wrote a NYT bestseller.

      Regrettably I'm not speaking from personal experience, but I analyze some large blogs about what they do to have thousands of subscribers who return all the time.
      How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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  • give some examples of ones you dont understand how they do well?
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  • Profile picture of the author gittar1122
    It depends on niche, some niche keywords have a large no. of organic traffic. So if your site getting ranked for keyword with 500K to 1000K traffic for exact keyword match then you can expect such no. of pageviews.

    Secondly if you are an expert in fields like programing, graphics, seo, medical etc. then create your personal blog and putting quality content will bring a lot of loyal visitors to your site. For this purpose enhance your social media presence on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube Videos etc.

    Some people are using different tactics to increase their pageviews like navigation system of site is in such a way that it creates min 2-3 pageviews by single visitor. Or they may be offering something for free and for availing that opportunity you have to pass through 3-4 pages. Traffic coming from Google Images most of the times increase your pageviews only.

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  • Profile picture of the author mki
    Originally Posted by Fazal Mayar View Post

    how come some blog owners have that traffic? I doubt it's only from seo or worse, they don't even use seo? Can you get that much traffic with just heavy backlinking ( on some authority sites too)? I may be forgetting viral traffic and youtube.
    They build up massive bookmarkers, and I don't mean the social book mark kind, or the ones who hoped on the mailer. I'm talking about the readers who can repeat the url off the top of their head and describe the layout of the site without looking at it.

    Build up a loyal fanbase; you can do better then 30k if you get good enough at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIGITALCHAMELEON
    What a great effort of link building I guess.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    When you have 263,000 followers on a blog, it is easy to get 30,000 page views a day.

    Laugh if you want, but also read this story:

    Ever Wonder How Many RSS Subscribers Seth Godin Has? | ChurchCrunch
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author ashishaffiliate
    unique content+article marketing+video marketing+backlinking = massive traffic = massive profits
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