I'm Calling Out Some Warriors, Naming Names and I Don't Care
I see this forum as a melting pot of people from around the world, with different backgrounds, cultures, education and income. Some are very successful making a great living with their business, others are just starting out with a dream and nothing more, with the majority being someplace in the middle.
For whatever reason we've all ended up here, mostly learning, giving, sharing and hopefully growing as a person and with our business.
I've noticed over the time I've been here that there can be a number of "Debbie Downers." Those who either attack, put down, or purposely try to step on others dreams, for what seems like to me, just the sheer enjoyment of doing so. This covers members with thousands of post and generally held in high regard and those with less than 10 post who joined last week.
What these "Debbie Downers" don't seem to realize is that their comments and actions here can have a direct impact on their business and reputation. What I mean by that is; there are some that don't seem to understand that making crass comments or jokes, belittling others, questioning someone's intelligence, making sexist comments, and just being a jerk is seen by many here. More importantly, you create an energy that will be attached to you and your business and not in a good way. So if you're wondering why you aren't making sales or why sales have dropped, this could be the reason why.
I'm not talking about some of the heated conversations that can sometime happen here, that's expected. What I'm talking about is the often lack of just common courtesy for someone who you most likely have more in common with than you don't.
If you think someone has asked a question that in your judgment they should know or could maybe search for, leave it alone and just let it go without a response if you have no desire to answer it.
I can only speak for myself, but there are both some veteran Warriors and some new ones that after witnessing how they engage with others here I would never buy any product from them, ever. Just based on how they treat people on this forum. For me it's just part of my integrity and ethics that I can't support someone economically who has so little care or concern about how they treat their fellow man or woman.
So yes, I'm naming names and calling out those Warriors that do the opposite of what I've described.
These are some of the Warriors both old and new that create an uplifting environment here. There are some people I'm sure I'm missing from this list but if you're new here you'll find the following people to be a major resource in helping your business succeed.
They are: Caleb Spilchen, Michael Mayo, Paulie888, Cathy Sheliver, Marvin Johnston, Lisa Gergets, Alexa Smith, Paul Hancox, Dr. Mani, Tiffany Dow, Istvan Horvath,, Jill Carpenter (Avenue Girl), Mark Hess, Kevin Riley, Diane S, Paul Myers, Janet Sawyer, Colin Theriot, Jmichaelz, Caliban Darklock (who can be a character but does much to help others), ccmusicman (Rob Howard), Will Edwards, John Schwartz (Zeus66), Ray Edwards, Viperchill (Glen Allsopp), Digimix, Dennis Gaskill, Andy Henry, Cathy Stucker (Idea Lady), John McCabe, Kay King, Ron Douglas, Mike McMillan (and not because he's also from Michigan), and oh, that bald head guy with the shinny dome, Thomas Belknap.
I know there are many more that I've missed, but to all of you I just want to say a very heartfelt thank you for helping me and others keep our dreams alive.
Thanks to all of you for creating a space that we can all benefit from.
Oh, and nothing personal to anyone named Debbie

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