by OlgaH
20 replies
Are there any writers who are based in Asia and making a good living from writing? I am not a native English speaker but I grew up speaking English at home. And now I'm based in the Philippines (originally from Europe) and it seems to be a curse. People think just because I'm based here I should get paid $1 per 500 words. Seems like only Americans/Australians are getting good pay for their writing. I want to give up but I actually enjoy writing.

I joined a course called Strategic Outsources, although a great course, but I think that course only applies to people who are native English speakers.

Any ideas on where I could apply to so that I could actually earn decent money from my writing? Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
#curse #money #writing
  • Profile picture of the author patrickhurst91
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    • Profile picture of the author OlgaH
      Originally Posted by patrickhurst91 View Post

      I completed Valerie's online course in November 2008. By Christmas, I had secured my first freelance writing job! I was completely amazed at how quickly it all happened. Without Valerie's support and encouragement and of course the user-friendly online course, I would never have had the confidence to apply for this ongoing freelance writing position. If you follow Valerie's expert advice you really can't go wrong."
      Hi there, who is Valerie? And where can I get more info on her?
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    If you get yourself an Australian or U.S. based email account, people won't assume that you should only be paid cut-rate prices.

    Your pay rate will reflect how good your writing is perceived to be.

    It honestly does not matter if English is not your native language, so long as the people reading those articles cannot tell that it is not your first language.

    Given your post above, it looks like you were raised here in the United States.

    So it should not be a problem marketing yourself as a quality writer, who deserves to be paid better money.

    Consider placing an ad in to sell your writing skills to others. And don't be afraid to charge what you think your time is worth to you.

    Some may brow-beat you to try to get you to lower your prices, but don't cave in to them. Stand your ground, and customers worth having will find you.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3373027].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author OlgaH
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      If you get yourself an Australian or U.S. based email account, people won't assume that you should only be paid cut-rate prices.

      Your pay rate will reflect how good your writing is perceived to be.

      It honestly does not matter if English is not your native language, so long as the people reading those articles cannot tell that it is not your first language.

      Given your post above, it looks like you were raised here in the United States.

      So it should not be a problem marketing yourself as a quality writer, who deserves to be paid better money.

      Consider placing an ad in Warriors For Hire to sell your writing skills to others. And don't be afraid to charge what you think your time is worth to you.

      Some may brow-beat you to try to get you to lower your prices, but don't cave in to them. Stand your ground, and customers worth having will find you.
      My problem is that on the freelancer sites I'm signed up with have a flag of the freelancers country and location attached to the profiles, so it's a bit hard to escape my location. It's just hard because the first thing a provider will look at is your location and once they see where you're from it's either that they will ignore you or offer you a lower rate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey

    How do your clients know that you are in the Philippines?

    From your name I would have assumed that you were Scandinavian. I assume you must be telling them different.

    Colin Palfrey

    Edit: I see you posted the answer above while I was writing this. In that case you need to find better ways of finding clients, or at least join different websites.

    I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
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    • Profile picture of the author bretski
      Originally Posted by Colin Palfrey View Post

      From your name I would have assumed that you were Scandinavian. I assume you must be telling them different.
      I was going to assume Russian or Ukrainian or Eastern European from her name and writing.

      Maybe you can do a WSO or Warrior for Hire to get things started?
      ***Affordable Quality Content Written For You!***
      Experience Content Writer - PM Bretski!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3464933].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author OlgaH
        Originally Posted by bretski View Post

        I was going to assume Russian or Ukrainian or Eastern European from her name and writing.

        Maybe you can do a WSO or Warrior for Hire to get things started?
        Haha. You are both right actually. My father is Czech but I was born and raised in Norway

        You think I write like a Russian?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3466420].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author bretski
          Originally Posted by OlgaH View Post

          You think I write like a Russian?
          A little bit. I know that some Eastern Europeans don't use many contractions such as don't for do not. Your English is very proper though. Extremely good! I mean, better than most Americans. And the name Olga isn't very American at all but is a very popular name in Eastern Europe.
          ***Affordable Quality Content Written For You!***
          Experience Content Writer - PM Bretski!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3466779].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ewenmack

            Here's a plan to get more money from your writing.

            Go to and look for the offline businesses that have articles written.

            Next see which type of businesses you would fancy writing for.

            You can do this with Australian businesses.

            Next, find out who the owner is and ask to speak to him/her.

            You open up the conversation with this magic phrase,
            "Are you open to the idea of having an article written about your business?"

            This is an open ended question which gets to the heart of what's on their mind.

            The purpose of the call is to see if the two of you have a match.

            Not to pitch your services.

            Let him or her ask you.

            Once asked, talk in terms of widespread media coverage over the internet.

            You do it by going to Fiverr and look up sellers who use AMR.

            If he/she gets to the point of saying "sounds great",
            then offer to give a free , no cost, trial of an article and distribution.

            Have found it always gets accepted.

            The most common question I get is, "where will my article go?".

            The answer is to high traffic websites.

            Let him/her know that you will show the finished article before it gets distributed.

            If you need help with this, PM me.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3467076].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author tpw
            Originally Posted by bretski View Post

            A little bit. I know that some Eastern Europeans don't use many contractions such as don't for do not. Your English is very proper though. Extremely good! I mean, better than most Americans. And the name Olga isn't very American at all but is a very popular name in Eastern Europe.


            I do not use contractions very much either... But you have never suggested that I write like anything other than an Okie...
            Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
            Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author :Elective-

    It does not lie so much on whether you are or are not a native english speaker. It is just that your writing should come out being natural to your reader, and always provide samples to your potential customers to let them get a taste of your expertise. I do know of a few Chinese who know of no spoken English but could get a easy A1 in the GCE "O" level examinations.

    Keep faith, charge what you think you are worth(or maybe a pence more), and quality customers will flock your way!

    Have luck,
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    • Profile picture of the author OlgaH
      To the person who sent me a PM, unfortunately I can't write back, I do not have enough posts.(
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3379252].message }}
  • Hi Olga! You can go to constant-Content.Com. Sign up as an author. Look at public requests posted there...

    Constant-Content.Com public requests are posted by content buyers willing to pay standard professional prices for quality work...

    Look at the requests. Pick what you like. Write the content. Upload your work. Contact the buyers who
    posted the requests, so they can look at a small portion of your work...

    They'll buy it if it qualifies with their approval terms. Specific approval terms are included in each request...

    You can also use your uploaded work as samples. Contact North American, European and Australian corporations
    operating in industries where you have specialized knowledge and expertise in...

    After regularly completing posted requests on Constant-Content.Com for about 2 weeks: I was able to sign a 1-year outsourcing contract with a
    prominent software security development firm in BC, Vancouver...

    We started with the contract via private requests sent by the corporate client...
    This lasted for a month. We completed the remainder of the contract and continued contract renewals outside Constant-Content,
    primarily because they bought Constant-Content...

    During the 1st month working within Constant-Content.Com: We grossed $90K and netted $35K...
    Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
    • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
    • Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3379442].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author OlgaH
      Originally Posted by Marx Vergel Melencio View Post

      Hi Olga! You can go to constant-Content.Com. Sign up as an author. Look at public requests posted there...

      Constant-Content.Com public requests are posted by content buyers willing to pay standard professional prices for quality work...

      Look at the requests. Pick what you like. Write the content. Upload your work. Contact the buyers who
      posted the requests, so they can look at a small portion of your work...

      They'll buy it if it qualifies with their approval terms. Specific approval terms are included in each request...

      You can also use your uploaded work as samples. Contact North American, European and Australian corporations
      operating in industries where you have specialized knowledge and expertise in...

      After regularly completing posted requests on Constant-Content.Com for about 2 weeks: I was able to sign a 1-year outsourcing contract with a
      prominent software security development firm in BC, Vancouver...

      We started with the contract via private requests sent by the corporate client...
      This lasted for a month. We completed the remainder of the contract and continued contract renewals outside Constant-Content,
      primarily because they bought Constant-Content...

      During the 1st month working within Constant-Content.Com: We grossed $90K and netted $35K...
      Thank you, Marx. You have inspired me. I am currently based in the P.I. so I see there is hope for me too. Salamat!
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  • Profile picture of the author notrichyet
    You don't need freelancer sites... Honestly, if you want to get going, offer a try before you buy kind of deal. There are enough marketers in here that someone is bound to take you up on it. You can slowly start building a name for yourself. If you can, give someone a free article so that they can see what you have to offer. If your writing style is to their liking, then they are going to come back. It's how I got started and word of mouth took it from there. Ghostwriting is a business and you should market yourself. This way you're not paying the fees charged by the freelance sites and you're building a client base. Another option would be to put an ad up on Fiverr with an introductory rate. Yes, you might end up writing for some idiots in the beginning who are happy with keyword stuffed garbage looking for a freebie, but over time quality clients will come. If it's one thing I've learned that most people discount is the power of word of mouth. I have had people email me telling me they heard about me from so and so, who I'd never heard of. A few clients will grow to several and the next thing you know you'll have a steady stream of income. Sometimes it helps to brand yourself as a specific type of writer. No matter which route you choose, don't rely on the freelance sites for jobs. Create quality content and let your work speak for itself. Your writing style may not suit everyone and that's ok. Don't let the holier than thou types discourage you when they brag about making $50 a page. You may get to that point, but you're going to pay your dues in the beginning because the reality is that most people aren't going to pay top dollar until you've established a relationship with them. I hope this helps and good luck.

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    • Profile picture of the author me2012
      Hey Olgah,
      I have been working with writers for a long time and to be honest with you " the native english north american " ones are the worst. I found indians to be the best writers and i spent thousands of $$ on orders from them.
      Keep up the good work and build a good client base that gives you steady income.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
    Does $10 an article sound better?

    If so, check out and sign up for the "Editorially Managed" channels. Even if they reject you in one channel, they might very well accept you in another, depending on how many authors they already have or need in those channels.

    Plus, you'll earn performance payments on top of that $10 once your articles are published. You earn money every time someone reads your articles.

    The reason I mention Bright Hub is because they're one of the only American-based companies I know of who are willing to pay non-US citizens.

    There's also They don't pay quite as well, but their assignments are very, very easy to complete, so you might check them out, too.

    Learn how you can get paid writing online with NO startup money! I will help you make part-time or full-time income as a freelance writer at No previous writing experience necessary!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3380676].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author OlgaH
      Originally Posted by Rikki_Fawkes View Post

      Does $10 an article sound better?

      If so, check out and sign up for the "Editorially Managed" channels. Even if they reject you in one channel, they might very well accept you in another, depending on how many authors they already have or need in those channels.

      Plus, you'll earn performance payments on top of that $10 once your articles are published. You earn money every time someone reads your articles.

      The reason I mention Bright Hub is because they're one of the only American-based companies I know of who are willing to pay non-US citizens.

      There's also They don't pay quite as well, but their assignments are very, very easy to complete, so you might check them out, too.
      Thank you. Will check this website out.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3464100].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by OlgaH View Post

        Thank you. Will check this website out.
        Don't forget the 'gig' sites like Fiverr and its clones, where the country you reside in isn't as much of a concern as the freelance sites.

        While the rates are still fairly low, you could upsell your customers on additional services, and make it clear that your advertised gig is a 'loss leader'/introductory service that is only designed to get people acquainted with how good your services are (while not everyone will take you up on your additional services, there'll definitely be some who will, especially if they like your writing style).
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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        • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
          Hi Olga,

          Your curse is not really a writing curse, it is
          the curse of being at the wrong end of the value chain.

          To quickly understand and maybe get a aha moment,
          take a quick look at this video.


          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3464180].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author OlgaH
            Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

            Hi Olga,

            Your curse is not really a writing curse, it is
            the curse of being at the wrong end of the value chain.

            To quickly understand and maybe get a aha moment,
            take a quick look at this video.


            YouTube - Internet Marketing Middleman "How To Create a Value System
            Hi Ewen,

            I actually did this before. My problem was writers that did not produce quality content and writers that would just vanish into thin air. I'm too much of a control freak when it comes to writing. If an article was not good, I had to take the blame. That's why I started writing instead. And I enjoy writing too, so I though why not write these articles myself. But thanks for the video, I appreciate it
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