Affiliate networks dont accept me :(

10 replies
Hi guys i need to earn money but the problem is that i do not have a website as of yet.Even if i do have it they wont acept me for my meagre traffic .

So how do i get into these affiliate networks ,I got into CJ but i see the publishers decline me also they too have very low percentage comission just as amazon.

I cant promoted clickbank products since they first send checks and to have i recieved it here in India i have to wait for like a month and also enchasing it is a trouble.

Please help me !
#accept #affiliate #networks
  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    Dude, you pretty much answered your own question - you are going about this the wrong way round. Why don't you stop and think first about what kind of website you might create, research a niche, invest some time in it and start seeing some traffic FIRST, and THEN apply for the affiliate programs and I guarantee you will have no problems getting accepted.

    I mean, what's the point of joining any affiliate programs if you cannot generate any sales anyway, right?

    A lot of people starting out think that if they get into an affiliate program then they can put some ads on a site and somehow the ads will attract visitors, but it just doesn't work that way round. Forget about affiliate programs, create a decent site first, focus on that and THEN worry about exactly how to monetise.

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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    • Profile picture of the author Koolestnerd
      Originally Posted by markowe View Post

      Dude, you pretty much answered your own question - you are going about this the wrong way round. Why don't you stop and think first about what kind of website you might create, research a niche, invest some time in it and start seeing some traffic FIRST, and THEN apply for the affiliate programs and I guarantee you will have no problems getting accepted.

      I mean, what's the point of joining any affiliate programs if you cannot generate any sales anyway, right?

      A lot of people starting out think that if they get into an affiliate program then they can put some ads on a site and somehow the ads will attract visitors, but it just doesn't work that way round. Forget about affiliate programs, create a decent site first, focus on that and THEN worry about exactly how to monetise.

      Well your right only for half of the matter.I know to make sales you need traffic and i know various traffic methods too
      SEO, PPC bla bla bla list goes on. But I NEED TO MAKE MONEY so atleast they should accept me into thier affiliate network.

      And yes i have researched a niches and i am ready with keywords to get my articles but to see a significant amount of traffic it would at least take 1 month with all the SEO efforts and all.

      But i am in dire need to earn.hence i was asking for a way out.

      Ofcourse you can slap back at me and say alot of other things ,but hey buddy ,i know my situation better than anyone else around

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    SEO isn't your only alternative. There are lots of things you could do to your website to get some traffic building. Things like article marketing, forum marketing, etc and these are free.

    These affiliate networks want to see that you know what you are doing. If you have a website that is not getting any traffic then it isn't telling them much about your expertise.

    If it's quick money you want then go and buy a lottery ticket. Even then you will usually have to wait a few days to see who the winner is.

    Seriously though, this isn't a walk in the park. If you want to make money then it will take you some time just like it has for everyone else. You may as well hear that sooner rather than later.
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    • Profile picture of the author Koolestnerd
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      SEO isn't your only alternative. There are lots of things you could do to your website to get some traffic building. Things like article marketing, forum marketing, etc and these are free.

      These affiliate networks want to see that you know what you are doing. If you have a website that is not getting any traffic then it isn't telling them much about your expertise.

      If it's quick money you want then go and buy a lottery ticket. Even then you will usually have to wait a few days to see who the winner is.

      Seriously though, this isn't a walk in the park. If you want to make money then it will take you some time just like it has for everyone else. You may as well hear that sooner rather than later.

      Tnx for your reply.But i dont understand why you guys stress on something thats already been said.I said I know SEO , PPC and bla bla and list goes on. Do you not understand i must be knowing article marketing too.Come guys wake up
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    1. If you know your situation better than anyone else around here... do NOT ask questions what to do. That would be logical, wouldn't it?

    2. If you need money NOW, why do you think that being accepted into affiliate networks without a website would make you money without waiting a month...? There is a flaw in your thinking. Fix it! Affliate marketing is a not a "make money overnight" method...

    3. You got the only reasonable answer above from markowe, you just don't like it.

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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    I think you're going to have a waiting period for any affiliate checks, not just clickbank. I don't know of any that pay you right away unless you promote products over at RAP Bank*Instant Commissions Vault where I think you get instant comissions into your paypal account.

    But, as you said, writing articles and doing SEO takes a lot of time so if you need money right away, the best way to do that is to offer services.

    Gone Fishing
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    • Profile picture of the author Koolestnerd
      Originally Posted by cashcow View Post

      I think you're going to have a waiting period for any affiliate checks, not just clickbank. I don't know of any that pay you right away unless you promote products over at RAP Bank*Instant Commissions Vault where I think you get instant comissions into your paypal account.

      But, as you said, writing articles and doing SEO takes a lot of time so if you need money right away, the best way to do that is to offer services.


      Hi cashcow tnx for your reply but Rapbank has products related to IM , and err dont think i would be wnating to promote "make money products" and make my money .

      But thanks for your reply
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  • Profile picture of the author Koolestnerd
    FYI people : If i get into many affiliate networks offcourse their payment method must be different than others or atleast have another option much more suitable for me hence if i promote my products of that affilaite network.Its better for me .I hope you understand now
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  • Profile picture of the author Evan-M
    lol, one sec, ill go out of my way to help you make money, while you complain and insult. ummm nahh, but good luck none the less.


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