Graphical Sales Pages - How To Do It?

by momo3
11 replies
My websites look like they were made in 1995 and I need to tune them up.

On some sales pitches, you'll see a graphical "frame" around the pitch.

Much like this:

The Lead Conspiracy

I am wondering, how is it done? Is it CSS stuff? Where can I learn this kind of stuff, and with what programs can I edit it?

I know photoshop and illustrator, so I can do the graphic work, I just have a hard time putting it together.

Can it work in NVU?

What would be the best way to learn this stuff?

My pages are just simple HTML sales pages with backgrounds and table forgrounds.. with headers, etc.
#graphical #pages #sales
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
    It only looks like a graphical frame. The whole thing was probably designed as a psd all in one image and then cut into various parts and lined up with css to put it back together again.

    I am making this assumption based on right clicking on the image header and viewing the image.

    I ma not a super technical person, but I think this is how this kind of site is put together.

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  • Profile picture of the author momo3
    Yeah I think so too. Anyone else know about how to do it?
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  • Profile picture of the author RichardDean

    If you design do the design in photoshop you like then go to Google search

    psd to html tutorial you will find out how to slice it.

    You can even try youtube for some videos

    You can pay a company about 50.00

    I might even seen psd to html on

    Try it yourself because it's not that hard, if you can use photoshop you can
    do it with a little psd to html tutorial.

    Hope that helps

    5 Minute Mobile Sites... My Next WSO Comming Soon.

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    • Profile picture of the author edlewis
      You could try doing it yourself, but it will probably either look like crap or take you weeks or months to learn...that's if you put in some hours.

      There are a few packages out there that will teach you in tutorial videos...

      But even then it's no guarantee you will be able to do work like that.

      Your best bet?

      Hire someone.

      The example you cited was done by Cheap Mini Site Design | Mini Site Graphics.

      You can find other designers here in the WarriorForum. Check the Warriors for Hire section.

      The good news is that sometimes you can find an up and coming designer who is still working for cheap. Other times you can find a designer willing to work for cheap because he lives in a country where $$$ goes a little, or alot, further than it does in the US or UK.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Bryant
    It takes four images to duplicate what you see in your example. There is a background image, which remains fixed (the one with the "stop" signs). Then, there are 3 images that make up the body.. the header, footer, and a small horizontal sliver that repeats in the center to allow for all of your content.

    All of this is created with CSS/HTML. If you are proficient with an image editor, just find a free PLR theme/template with the layout that you want, and only modify the graphics to get the look that you want. No additional coding is necessary with that approach. Otherwise, learn CSS and create your own. You can try for free training tutorials.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    As others have stated, all you do is create the whole design in photoshop, slice it up into various sections, and then save the images. You then need to use a bit of html to put the file together as a proper webpage and setup all the styles for texts, headings, and various other things.

    You can find a lot of this information around for free or you could just go and buy a tutorial package like this: Photoshop Minisite Graphics Secrets

    When you are searching for free videos and tutorials, the word to use is minisite - that's what they are called.
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  • Profile picture of the author RichardDean
    It is not hard, you don't need to buy anything for god sake.

    everything you need to know is FREE on the internet EVERYTHING.

    Google psd to html tutorial hundreds of FREE Stuff

    It sounds like you know Photoshop and illustrator so it will be easy.

    I can't believe someone posted a link to buy something, don't it is a waste of a product.

    I will give you my personal phone number and walk you thur it in 10 min if I have to.


    Everything you ever wanted to know about any subject is FREE online why would you pay for it.

    5 Minute Mobile Sites... My Next WSO Comming Soon.

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  • Profile picture of the author MilesT
    I create them (click my sig) and depending on how graphical you want them the trickier it gets. The video course someone suggested is probably a good start. Once you conquer one though, it gets easy, fast. Kinda.
    Internet Marketing's Top Daily News (Updated today)
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  • Profile picture of the author kuyun
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    • Profile picture of the author MilesT
      Originally Posted by kuyun View Post

      Everything you ever wanted to know about any subject is FREE online why would you pay for it.
      True, but why spend days searching when you can have it now for a small price? You should value your time more.
      Internet Marketing's Top Daily News (Updated today)
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      • Profile picture of the author RichardDean
        Originally Posted by MilesT View Post

        True, but why spend days searching when you can have it now for a small price? You should value your time more.
        Who are you trying to kid?

        go now type in psd to html tutorial in google wow it took

        About 4,970,000 results (0.29 seconds)
        what is .29 seconds worth.... value your money and do a simple search.


        5 Minute Mobile Sites... My Next WSO Comming Soon.

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  • Profile picture of the author Always-A-Warrior
    It's Oki Trice site. He owns the site and maybe you should contact him instead. He has a nice portfolio.
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