Paypal...One Account, Multiple User?

4 replies
Hey Folks.

Is it possible to have multiple log-ins(user) in one paypal account.

I'm thinking to outsource my customer service and this will require access to my paypal in case of a refund request.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot.

- Jon
#account #multiple #paypalone #user
  • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
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    ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3384328].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ago
    I just created a business account with paypal, and it seems you can add more people to it...I haven't done it though
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    • Profile picture of the author mrwill
      I had the same confusion. I tried just the username first. When it did not work, I thought I needed the e-mail address (although I knew I had not given the user's e-mail address when I signed them up with Paypal). I finally figured out that I was typing the password differently than was necessary.
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  • Profile picture of the author ScrapeBoxMarket
    Its only on business accounts
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