Checking your own inbound links?

6 replies
What are people using to check inbound links to a site these days.

I know back in the day Google gave the info... what's working nowadays?
#checking #inbound #links
  • Profile picture of the author Gaz Cooper
    I really have not found a really accurate way to check backlinks, Yahoo site explorer gives the most information but then again I know for a fact I have way more backlinks than they show on my sites.

    Google are useless and just dont provide any accurate infromation and Alexa are useless too. I also use some back link checkers which tend to give the same info as Yahoo so Im thinking they might be connected some how.

    I would certainly be interested if anyone has a reliable method for checking

    Gaz Cooper

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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
    backlinkwatch and yahoo siteexplorer work fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author indiatext
    I personally use and prefer the 'backlink watch' for checking the inbound links...i personally find its interface quite more considerable than other similar tools...
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  • Profile picture of the author rapidscc
    Most backlink checkers get their data from Yahoo Site explorer...

    The only problem is that I think yahoo will be pulling the plug in site explorer in the near future..

    After that, I think we won't have a way to find out unless we save each url everytime a backlink is created for us or if microsoft adlabs release their version of site explorer..

    my .02
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