$92,400 A Year Is It Possible? - Make A Lot Of Money Online With Small Reports

43 replies
Hi everyone,

This is my 100th post on WF. So, I want to share with you a way to make a lot of money, if you offer value and work constantly: making small reports.

If you want to have large profits with online products, you have to find target people and convince them to repeatedly buy from you.

It is much easier to sell to an existing customer than to a new one. Because of that, you may want to sell a $7 small report to your costumer, then offer him or her a $17 report, then a $47 product, then a $97 kit with a main product and some bonuses, then a $197 course and finally a $477 offer.

This entire system begin with a 10-20 page small report. What is it a Small/Special Report? It is a concise, short document of superior quality that provide important information. The info is presented so the author tells to the reader exactly what he needs to know in order to solve a problem or to achieve a goal in as little time as possible.

Why should you create a Small Report (or Special report)?
Because it:
- is very profitable to sell,
- is easy to create,
- can be delivered digitally online
- is easy to modify and update.

For this year make a commitment with yourself to produce a small report for each month and you will receive a great reward: a lot of money.

Firstly, to make a small report a month is an easy task, if you are committed to work smart.

Secondly, if you will make a small report a month, after a year you will have 12 small reports. Let's count the profit:

Month #1 = $7-15 x number of sales
Month #2 = 2 x $7-15 x number of sales
Month #3 = 3 x $7-15 x number of sales
Month #12 = 12 x $7-15 x number of sales

Let's have an example: For a $7 small report, let's suppose you have 100 sales per month. In this case your profit will be: ($7 x 100) + (2 x $7 x 100) + (3 x $7 x 100) + ... + (12 x $7 x 100) = $700 + 1,400 + $2,100+ $2,800 + $3,500 + $4,200 + $4,900 + $5,600 + $6,300 + $7,000 + $7,700 +$8,400 = $54,600.

But you can make more sales per small report, if you build a list, have good JV,...

Thirdly, you can sell your 12 small reports together as a unique package for $77-97. Let's count: $77 x 100 sales x 12 months = $92,400.

To obtain a target audience you have to create your small reports related. In this way you can mix, put together and sell your small reports as a big product.

- Regarding the question from headline "$92,400 A Year Is It Possible?", I think it does: with a lot of work, with a large amount of traffic and some good JV partners.

I hope these thoughts are helpful for your business.

Best regards,
#100th post #lot #make #make money #money #online #reports #small #small reports
  • Profile picture of the author nicelife
    Well I guess it can work but you make it sound a bit to easy :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
      Originally Posted by nicelife View Post

      Well I guess it can work but you make it sound a bit to easy :-)
      It's not so easy at first, but it can be done with some work. After a small report or two it's easier.
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  • Profile picture of the author Emilis Strimaitis
    Don't forget you need a big crowd of starving people to serve these small reports to In your example you will need 100 conversions each month, which can turn out to huge amount of traffic.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399135].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
      Originally Posted by Emilis Strimaitis View Post

      Don't forget you need a big crowd of starving people to serve these small reports to In your example you will need 100 conversions each month, which can turn out to huge amount of traffic.
      I agree with you. Once you provide the real value, you will have people waiting for the next small report. (It's important the reports to be related).
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399164].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    Another great post on how to stop over thinking things and just start doing it! This guy saw success because he just did something instead of thinking about how hard something was, or how "it wouldn't work!"

    100 Sales a month is easy to make once you just start making 10 a month and work from there.
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399287].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    My Goal for this month would be 10 CB Sales through my list.
    At the same time, I will always be flipping domains.

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000 MobileSalesSoftware.com
    Invest in domains without the hard work !
    Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399333].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ZerosToHero
      I am trying the exact same thing right now.

      It's great in theory, but I've noticed my conversion rate isn't exactly what I wanted.

      I took the calculator and did all kinds of crazy scenarios about how much money I would be making.

      However, once I started taking action and making a few sales here and there I realized it's a lot more difficult than I thought.

      It's great to plan and create figures but sometimes I've found it's more difficult than I thought.

      This is why taking action is so important.
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    • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
      Originally Posted by FreshDomains View Post

      My Goal for this month would be 10 CB Sales through my list.
      At the same time, I will always be flipping domains.
      That is a great goal. And then once you meet that goal set a new one for 20 sales! Then 30! Then 50! Then 80 and onto 100! Set smaller goals along the way to reach the milestones.
      You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399397].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
        Originally Posted by BloggingPro View Post

        That is a great goal. And then once you meet that goal set a new one for 20 sales! Then 30! Then 50! Then 80 and onto 100! Set smaller goals along the way to reach the milestones.
        This is an important piece of advice: gradual goals!
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  • Profile picture of the author JackTriggs
    You're also building a list of buyers...which will become repeat customers...

    Furthermore, if you offer affiliates and buyers 100% commissions on some products you'll build your list even quicker...

    then watch it snowball.

    Ccmusicman is a fine exponent of this model I believe, you should see how he rolls!
    Make $1000's Every Month By "Cool Dude Marketing"? You Gotta Check This
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    sounds stupidly easy, but this is what I did for my wife in her niche.

    She writes more reports every three months, and she is doing well. Ok it is not enough to quit her job, but seeing her face when she comes home and logs into paypal is priceless. She sees it as a way to get out of the rat race.

    If you read OP post again, it does make sense. You can alter it to your liking, but it is a solid plan. But hard work and having a high responsive list is what will really make this work.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3400229].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey
      Originally Posted by celente View Post

      sounds stupidly easy, but this is what I did for my wife in her niche.

      She writes more reports every three months, and she is doing well. Ok it is not enough to quit her job, but seeing her face when she comes home and logs into paypal is priceless. She sees it as a way to get out of the rat race.

      If you read OP post again, it does make sense. You can alter it to your liking, but it is a solid plan. But hard work and having a high responsive list is what will really make this work.
      Hi Celente,

      Could you explain the method you taught her to promote her short reports?

      Obviously if it is done in a way that could be hindered by extra competition, I certainly don't expect you to explain it.

      I just thought that if it is done in a way that wont saturate, it would be helpful for some to know the way you taught your wife.

      It is always hard to teach people promotional methods that work, as they are often too complicated to explain, briefly.

      Colin Palfrey

      I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
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  • Profile picture of the author caseycase
    That's totally doable. And even for those of you who aren't writers. If you need to, spend a little cash to get someone to write your ideas out well. Great share!

    Free IM Info, No Junk - http://www.ironcladim.com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3400240].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
      Originally Posted by caseycase View Post

      That's totally doable. And even for those of you who aren't writers. If you need to, spend a little cash to get someone to write your ideas out well. Great share!
      Outsourcing is a great way to start, but I recommend them to write themselves their reports. I use to outsource articles for promotion, but I write myself my reports.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3402303].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by getmoneyzone View Post

        Outsourcing is a great way to start, but I recommend them to write themselves their reports. I use to outsource articles for promotion, but I write myself my reports.
        I agree. Especially if you plan to be in a niche for the long-term, it's best that you create your own products. Promotion and article writing can be outsourced without any issues, but product creation should be implemented personally so that you have this familiar consistency in everything that you offer within that niche.
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
    Originally Posted by ptcgrand View Post

    Can you say here HOW YOU DO ? Is to simple how you say this and is hard if i think on the work >imposibble if you dont kno how to start this job .
    Join the War Room. All of the information you need is there.

    The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

    Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

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  • Profile picture of the author John Williamson
    Sounds like Fladlien's business model. Indeed, it does work.
    The Google Adwords Keyword Tool is hiding your valuable keywords!
    OFFLINERS, Start using this simple technique and these 6 "weapons" today to get more clients and skyrocket your conversions! - FREE, no opt-in.
    Make some money by helping me market this idea.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3400826].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by John Williamson View Post

      Sounds like Fladlien's business model. Indeed, it does work.
      Exactly, he started off with simple $5-$7 reports, which then grew into a full-fledged IM business that will gross close to 7 figures this year (I believe). Don't forget that you can also promote other affiliate products to your list of buyers, so don't think that all the heavy lifting has to be done by your own products only.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author luma2
    this could be achieve without a doub, but you need a lot of traffic to your offers and that is the "key" element!
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  • Profile picture of the author Wayne-JJ
    Also, sometimes you have to sit back and see the bigger picture. From the OP's example of 100 sales per month, some may go "whoa...but I cant sell that many a month..". What if you are selling 3-4 short reports a month in different niches?

    Now that would be around 25 sales per month (per report) to hit the target. Sometimes it's good to break things down into smaller parts so that it's not that daunting.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3401751].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ashSimpson87
    What kind of report is this? Your post is too broad. You need to specify every detail of so that many will learn from it.If learning is you what you want.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3402367].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
      Originally Posted by ashSimpson87 View Post

      What kind of report is this? Your post is too broad.
      You have to choose a niche (don't forget about keywords research) and make a report. Then you will make other reports on same niche.

      Originally Posted by ashSimpson87 View Post

      You need to specify every detail of so that many will learn from it. If learning is you what you want. If learning is you what you want.
      This thread is not a complete course. There are some ideas presented to reveal the fact that you can make a lot of money with small reports. If you read the initial post and what the others have completed, you will find a lot of useful ideas.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3402398].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author schttrj
    Rule of thumb in Advertising: Don't overwhelm your prospects!
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  • Profile picture of the author ava681
    good strategy.. i think this can really work.. cheers to the ts!
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    • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
      Originally Posted by ava681 View Post

      good strategy.. i think this can really work.. cheers to the ts!
      Indeed, this strategy work. Many marketers use it, but not many want to share their experience with this strategy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Triggerkg
    Might give this strategy a shot and see what happens
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    • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
      Originally Posted by penpal6 View Post

      With all due respect to OP, I guess for 100 sales per month per month your report should be extremely good.
      In order to obtain 100 sales per month you need a responsive list or a few good JV partners (or some well trained affiliates).
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3405225].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author masterjani
    The main thing here is how effective your small report and how unique it is,If it is unique then you can directly place a 20$ product rather than 7$ product market changing daily you need to be innovative to get that success.Good points and calculations though.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3405363].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Hmmm, just math really.

    It's really that simple as a description, but applying yourself and actually making those numbers happen is an entirely different thing altogether.

    Not saying you can't do it, you can, but you got to work for it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3405373].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
      Originally Posted by redicelander View Post

      Hmmm, just math really.

      It's really that simple as a description, but applying yourself and actually making those numbers happen is an entirely different thing altogether.

      Not saying you can't do it, you can, but you got to work for it.
      There is no success without work. Yes, this system involve work. But the reword is according with how smart and dedicated you are in this work.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3405600].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PVReymond
    It's not that easy to accomplish but it can be done, you
    just have to take action...

    If you think this method can work for you then put it into
    practice and test different approaches until you find the
    right one, then build a system and put on autopilot
    everything you can.

    It is known as the funnel method but don't think that if
    someone doesn't buy the next product in the funnel he is not
    going to buy any other thing from... Offer them other

    ^PV Reymond
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3405454].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
      Originally Posted by PVReymond View Post

      It's not that easy to accomplish but it can be done, you
      just have to take action...

      If you think this method can work for you then put it into
      practice and test different approaches until you find the
      right one, then build a system and put on autopilot
      everything you can.

      It is known as the funnel method but don't think that if
      someone doesn't buy the next product in the funnel he is not
      going to buy any other thing from... Offer them other

      ^PV Reymond
      Many people just talk about how they can make money. Others... take action and they make money.

      Yes, you have to take action. Do you want to make money? Take action!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3405621].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Hart
    This is something Allen Says has written about, its in the War Room.

    To make 100 sales of a small report priced at $7-$17 you will not need a JV, you can do this easily by just genertaing traffic, of course you need to research everything first but a JV is great, but not an absolute must for such low numbers.


    I'm On Google + ------------- and of course Also On Twitter

    "The only thing thats keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself about why you can't have it"- Tony Robbins

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  • Profile picture of the author tedwood
    OP an important question to ask is ... Are you making $92,400 a year selling reports and do you actually get 100 sales a month?
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    • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
      Originally Posted by tedwood View Post

      OP an important question to ask is ... Are you making $92,400 a year selling reports and do you actually get 100 sales a month?
      I've recently started with this method, so the answer is "no". But, I know people who make more than 100 sales per month. This is not just an assumption.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3405757].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ThomvP
        Hey nice idea, but I dont get some things in your post.

        You say once you have 100 sales a month you start by making a 7$ report. Then the next month you make another 7$ report. then you get 2Ã--100Ã--7$ a month. So you're saying in the second month you still sell the first report and atop of that the next 7$report. That makes 200 sales that month. So by the end of the year you have 1200 sales a month? Or do you start in the second month by selling the 2 report together for 14$?

        If I get this right you'll have to: either get 100 sales a month EXTRA each month (wich is quite a growth I think) or sell people who come back for the next report a package containing reports they've already read.

        I might just get it totally wrong though.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3405846].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GeorgiaB
          Originally Posted by ThomvP View Post

          Hey nice idea, but I dont get some things in your post.

          You say once you have 100 sales a month you start by making a 7$ report. Then the next month you make another 7$ report. then you get 2Ã--100Ã--7$ a month. So you're saying in the second month you still sell the first report and atop of that the next 7. That makes 200 sales that month. So by the end of the year you have 1200 sales a month? Or do you start in the second month by selling the 2 report together for 14$?

          If I get this right you'll have to: either get 100 sales a month EXTRA each month (wich is quite a growth I think) or sell people who come back for the next report a package containing reports they've already read.

          I might just get it totally wrong though.
          It's very hard to have another 100 new sales every month (month #1 = 100 sales, month #2 = 200 sales, month #3 = 300 sales, and so on), but not impossible. I don't mean this situation.

          There are 3 important things to do in order to make this system work:
          #1 - Your small report has to offer great value.
          #2 - Your reports has to be related.
          #3 - Create your brand.

          In this way, you will create a group of addicted people who can't wait to buy your next report.

          I'm sure you will have new customers every month, but the large majority of them will be those who buy your reports every month.
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  • Profile picture of the author grannywriteswell
    This type of business model does work well, and while I might not be up in those type of figures yet, once you have made a couple of sales, you can see the possibilities and like others have said, just scale it up a bit. This is one of my favorite business models online because it is a rinse and repeat exercise - you just have to get started

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  • Profile picture of the author RentItNow
    Good post in theory. One thing you have to consider though is sometimes it's harder to sell a $7 report than a well done $47 ebook. Depends on the niche/target market. I've tried both in my niches and found the ebook greatly outsells the the report. What is even weirder is I have offered the same information for both (report super condensed) and still make way more sales on ebook. Go figure.
    I have no agenda but to help those in the same situation. This I feel will pay the bills.
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  • Profile picture of the author Agep_flippo
    You give me excellent ideas. And I will launch my first report as WSO next month.. then I will commit to make one report per month. I hope I can..
    Nice post..Cheerss..

    best regards,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3405865].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tonio79
    How do you eat an elephant........one bite at a time!
    (not that i am condoning eating elephants of course)

    Breaking down the massive tasks is sometimes what it takes for us to take action.

    Running a marathon....very few can just go out tommorow and complete that massive run.....but by having a few months training....building up each and every day that little bit further then when i comes to race day you are ready...or in this case making the desired income!

    Keep frocused and keep going at what works for you!

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