I want to sell my website but am not sure how to prove earnings

by slime
6 replies
How would you prove a website has earned a specific amount through adsense each month without giving access to your adsense account to someone?

Also, as a general rule if a site is making $150 per week on adsense what would it sell for it it had all original content quite badly written with all the traffic coming from 50% twitter 50% google search not paid

#earnings #prove #sell #website
  • Profile picture of the author IMandSEO
    I have been reading that a site can be worth 10 times the monthly revenue or even more. So, if it's making 150/wk or 600/mo it could possibly be worth 6k? I'm not sure how much the asking price may be affected by where the traffic is coming from. Would be good to hear other responses to this...
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  • Profile picture of the author Syl
    I guess you can do some mini screen shots of the adsense account...white out your sensitive info. If you are making about $600(150x4) a month on a site. You can sell it up to about a years worth of profit for about $7200.... that would be your ceiling.

    There are other factors like
    Domain age
    Page Rank etc.

    I'm no expert at this but I have read this general rule in some domain flipping courses. If I'm wrong please correct.

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    • Profile picture of the author slime
      thanks for the reply and also just to correct my original post I ment 150 per month, I mis typed!
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      • Profile picture of the author IMandSEO
        Originally Posted by slime View Post

        thanks for the reply and also just to correct my original post I ment 150 per month, I mis typed!
        So, 10-12 times $150 would be the most you would probably be looking at asking for it.
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        • Profile picture of the author slime
          im more than happy with that!
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
    I would suggest that you keep an eye at flippa auctions in your niche. This will give you rough idea that how much people are willing to pay.
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