Do You Treat Your Customers The Way You Treat Your Spouse?
The Way You Treat Your Spouse?
"Of course I do, I love my spouse and I love my customers..."
Do you have any idea where I am getting ready to go with this question?
Relationship psychologists talk about this phenomena now and again, and I find it interesting, and oh so true...
When we are courting, we ALWAYS put our best foot forward...
We shower before every date... We make ourselves attractive in the physical and spiritual sense, and in our demeanor...
While dating, we are very attentive to the needs and desires of the person we are with...
And then we marry, and it all starts to go downhill...
We have won the game... We no longer need to compete to win, because we have already won...
I must confess... I am guilty of the same thing myself...
Once we are married, we focus less of our energy on the spouse... We stop always putting our best foot forward.... We don't worry about our demeanor towards our spouse...
She is trapped in a marriage with me... Why do I have to try to impress her? LOL
Not all of us fall into this trap completely... Many of us will keep up a lot of the appearances we made, when we were trying to impress our spouse, before they became our spouse...
But to be honest, I have put on 30 lbs since I got married... And she has put on 120 lbs.
I used to give up full evenings, just so I could sit and talk with her about the oddest of things... These days, we don't try as hard to sit down and enjoy one another, but of course that is really hard to do with three boys running around demanding our time...
We don't even do those things that mommies and daddies are known to do with one another as often, because kids are always interrupting the festivities... After a time, we just give up on private time, when we have two kids that wake up multiple times through the night...
I can assure you that my wife has told me far too many times, "Stop! Stop! One of the kids is coming..."
After several years, I gave up on trying to convince her to let the kid stand outside our bedroom door crying...

Ten years later, we are not married to the same people we courted, and they are not married to the same person who courted them...
Does this happen in the course of your business?
Do you treat new customers better than long-time customers?
I'd like to believe that I treat all of my customers equally well and as well as I did ten years ago...
But, I look at how my marriage has evolved over the last decade, and I cannot help but think that I may be doing the same thing in my business relationships...
Since you have likely not done business with me for most of the last ten years, it is not right for us to talk about me...
So let's talk about "us" and how each of us do this in our personal and business relationships...
And more important, let's talk about strategies we use to avoid having this happen in our personal and business relationships...
The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. ~Muhammad Ali
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