Paul Myers - Thank you! My Goal is 2k in 2days! ***Mission Completed***

103 replies
Hi Warriors,

For the next couple of days I will embark on a mission to make $2000 in
two days using my Off Line Marketing methods.

This is not something I was going to do although it is something I have to
do for reasons I would rather not discuss here on the forum.

The reason I have chosen the Off Line method over attempting to make
the money online is because it would take me longer to set up the process
and receive the money online. Plus, I'm good at it so I will choose to go
with my strengths.

I will only post to this thread when I have the time available or when the
mission is completed.

I will tell you exactly what I did and how I did it once I have completed
my goal.

Wish me luck!
Gotta get started now.

Have a Great Day!

P.S. Paul Myers - Bless you for clearing the smoke from my head.
You are a Good Friend and I hope some day I can return the favor.
#2days #goal #meyers #paul
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    Michael, Paul has to be one of the most helpful and generous people I have
    met in all my years marketing online.

    Good luck with your project. I'm pulling for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Ratliff
      Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

      Michael, Paul has to be one of the most helpful and generous people I have
      met in all my years marketing online.
      Amen Steven. He is one of the few that demonstrates the example that ALL marketers need to follow. In fact, one of the few that with his ezine TalkBiz, hit "reply" ... type a question ... and he answers when he has a chance.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    Good Luck Michael (cool name) yes, Paul is very giving and with his help you should have no problems with your goal!

    Mike Hill
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  • Profile picture of the author mmurtha
    Hey Michael,

    Good for you kid!

    I wish you well with your latest adventure. Sometimes clearing out cobwebs is the best way to move forward because you can see where you're going now lol.

    Glad Paul could help.

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Sorry I had to delete that post because I had my sig included in it.

      I tried to repost it but the WF system has me in a 5 minute time out for duplicate Go figure.

      I'll repost when I'm out of time out!

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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
        I can't beleive I did it Ok last try!

        Here is the post I deleted.

        Thanks Guys,

        Quick post:

        I have made 25 phone(cold calls) and have two very good sounding prospects. They are both very interested in the ideal of having an online venture.

        I will give you a more detailed description of what I did when i have some more time.

        This may work out better than I expected!

        Have a Great Day!
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    • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
      Originally Posted by mmurtha View Post

      Hey Michael,
      Sometimes clearing out conwebs is the best way to move forward because you can see where you're going now lol.
      CONwebs? Mary, I think you've been spending too much time working on your namenshamewall website. LOL!

      Michael -- good luck!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[303192].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mmurtha
        Originally Posted by R Hagel View Post

        CONwebs? Mary, I think you've been spending too much time working on your namenshamewall website. LOL!

        Michael -- good luck!


        Lol Becky!

        I couldn't have worked that one right again if my life depended on it.

        Hey Michael,

        Yeah, I hate cold calling too, but like Noah says:

        but sometimes you gotta just start callin!
        Now if you get a couple of good prospects in each batch you call, you won't be spending all your time doing the calling.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[303589].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
          Hey Warriors,

          It's not been a whole day yet and I have some one paying me 2k
          tomorrow at noon!

          Here is where I left you all hanging:
          25 calls
          23 no thank yous
          2 possibles.

          Latest News:
          25 calls
          23 no thank yous
          1 possible
          1 Exact words--> Hell Yes, I've been trying to figure out how to do this
          for months now!

          Here is the deal we agreed on:

          I will set up their site and maintain it for 6 months.

          Maintain meaning that once a week I will spend up to 2 hours working on
          their site making changes and adding new materials and ensuring
          everything is working properly if needed.

          If I did the math correctly this equals $38 an hour for my time.
          $2000/26wks=$76.92 a week
          $76.92/2hrs=$38.46 an hour!

          Best part is he is going to pay me in advance. Why? Because it would
          have cost him $3000 for 6 months other wise!

          Oh, He also said that he has a friend that might also be interested in me
          doing the same for him!

          I'm stoked and ready to go after the other prospect I have Bright and
          early tomorrow morning.

          And I almost said screw it after I was rejected the first 15 times but I
          knew I had no choice but to give it my all and man has it paid off big time.

          Who Hoo!

          I was going to tell you how I did it but I think that I just got lucky with
          this one so it wouldn't be a good example. I'll attempt to make the other
          deal tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

          Thanks for all the support.
          You People Rock!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[303723].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
            Oh, I meant to also say that tomorrow when I receive the check I will take a picture of me holding it so that you can see me smile from ear to

            God, Life is Good!

            Have a Great Night!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[303743].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
            Originally Posted by Michael Mayo View Post

            Hey Warriors,

            It's not been a whole day yet and I have some one paying me 2k
            tomorrow at noon!

            Here is where I left you all hanging:
            25 calls
            23 no thank yous
            2 possibles.

            Latest News:
            25 calls
            23 no thank yous
            1 possible
            1 Exact words--> Hell Yes, I've been trying to figure out how to do this
            for months now!

            Here is the deal we agreed on:

            I will set up their site and maintain it for 6 months.

            Maintain meaning that once a week I will spend up to 2 hours working on
            their site making changes and adding new materials and ensuring
            everything is working properly if needed.

            If I did the math correctly this equals $38 an hour for my time.
            $2000/26wks=$76.92 a week
            $76.92/2hrs=$38.46 an hour!

            Best part is he is going to pay me in advance. Why? Because it would
            have cost him $3000 for 6 months other wise!

            Oh, He also said that he has a friend that might also be interested in me
            doing the same for him!

            I'm stoked and ready to go after the other prospect I have Bright and
            early tomorrow morning.

            And I almost said screw it after I was rejected the first 15 times but I
            knew I had no choice but to give it my all and man has it paid off big time.

            Who Hoo!

            I was going to tell you how I did it but I think that I just got lucky with
            this one so it wouldn't be a good example. I'll attempt to make the other
            deal tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

            Thanks for all the support.
            You People Rock!

            So with 25 calls you got a client who paid you $2,000 in advance.

            Very cool.

            It is so, so easy to make money selling your internet marketing services to businesses.

            Most Warrior Forum could make a living doing this very easily...all they have to do is talk to some business owners.

            Well done.

            Incidentally this client could just be the beginning.

            You can get referrals from your happy client, repeat what has already worked for you (calling on the telephone) and build yourself a serious full time income doing this.

            Kindest regards,
            Andrew Cavanagh
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[311183].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author hometutor
            Congrads on your first sale! I've been in martial arts and sales for years and can tell you that perseverance will get you further than any natural talent or luck every will

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  • Profile picture of the author Vin_J
    looking forward to hearing the results
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  • Profile picture of the author sevenish
    Looking forward to reading the rest of the story Michael.

    100% atrocity-free! No annihilations, assasinations, explosions, killers, crushers, massacres, bombs, skyrockets or nukes.

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  • Profile picture of the author Noah Fleming
    I hate cold calling but sometimes you gotta just start callin!
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave777
      Originally Posted by Noah Fleming View Post

      I hate cold calling but sometimes you gotta just start callin!
      Just thought I'd share a Great "I hate cold calling but sometimes you gotta just start callin!" resource...

      The FREE insider sales tips every week and archives alone are worth their weight in Gold!
      Art Sobczak's...

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[304105].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jim Pearson

    Having trained over 1,400 sales reps I have a good amount of experience in phone sales, appointment setting. If you would like a free evaluation of your scripts and suggestions drop me a PM.

    Wish you good luck.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[303164].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sevenish
    Ok, all of this offline stuff has really gotten to me, so I put some serious focus into marketing a new service this morning.

    I didn't make phone calls or visit anyone though, I just checked for sevices needed on CraigsList and sent six responses that I felt were both compelling and reasonable.

    Just about the time I was thinking about throwing in the towel for the day I got an RFP! I spoke with the business manager on the phone and it looks like a good fit and he's awaiting my proposal.

    Thanks to everyone who has been posting such great advice. this has not only given me renewed focus on service offerings, but on my older projects as well ... which are languishing somewhat.

    Many thanks again!

    100% atrocity-free! No annihilations, assasinations, explosions, killers, crushers, massacres, bombs, skyrockets or nukes.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[303179].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Peters Benn
    Hi Michael,

    I spent my youth cold calling to earn extra money in sixth form (kind of like college 16 -18). It was horrendous, but when I look around at others I realise what a valuable skill I picked up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
    Way to go Michael. Perseverance always pays off in the long run, but you know this are you wouldn't have stuck with it.

    Cold calling on phone or in person takes a very motivated person. It will be interesting to see if the 23 no and the 2 maybe hold to become what it takes to get 1 2K deal. I would say if it does you have something to shoot with.

    But the referrals from satisfied customers may cut that way down to size.

    Again congrats Micheal.

    Ken Leatherman
    The Old Geezer
    Ghost Writing Services Coming Soon

    So Check Out My WSO
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[303776].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Ken, Thanks!

      I'm so stoked right now that I have ideals just jumping through my head so
      fast I can't write them down quick

      If it hadn't been for Paul replying to my call for logic and helping me to
      clear all the smoke today, I'm sure I may have slid into a deep depression
      and nothing would have happened.

      Paul, Thanks again man.
      By the way Paul, How do I turn this off to go to sleep?

      Have a Great Night!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[303793].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author flnz400
        Originally Posted by Michael Mayo View Post

        Ken, Thanks!

        I'm so stoked right now that I have ideals just jumping through my head so
        fast I can't write them down quick

        If it hadn't been for Paul replying to my call for logic and helping me to
        clear all the smoke today, I'm sure I may have slid into a deep depression
        and nothing would have happened.

        Paul, Thanks again man.
        By the way Paul, How do I turn this off to go to sleep?

        Have a Great Night!
        You don't turn it off! Just keep working. Kidding.

        Just out of curiosity, if you had to dissect your efforts, what do you think is the biggest contributor to 23 "no's"? Also, if you care to share, what is your approach when pitching these prospects? If not, no biggie.

        Way to go!
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      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        If it hadn't been for Paul replying to my call for logic and helping me to clear all the smoke today
        Anyone could have cleared the fog out. You're the one who was smart enough to pick someone and ask for perspective.
        By the way Paul, How do I turn this off to go to sleep?
        Why would you want to?

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[304004].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
          Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

          Michael,Anyone could have cleared the fog out. You're the one who was smart enough to pick someone and ask for perspective.
          Thanks ;-)

          Why would you want to?
          I didn't mean
          I just need some sleep!

          Any way, I found the answer.

          It's called Melatonin

          Thanks again for the Help!

          Have a Great Night!

          P.S. Need to be Sharp and on my Toes tomorrow.
          May have more fish to fry!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[304014].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NewbiesDiary
        Originally Posted by Michael Mayo View Post

        Ken, Thanks!

        I'm so stoked right now that I have ideals just jumping through my head so
        fast I can't write them down quick

        If it hadn't been for Paul replying to my call for logic and helping me to
        clear all the smoke today, I'm sure I may have slid into a deep depression
        and nothing would have happened.

        Paul, Thanks again man.
        By the way Paul, How do I turn this off to go to sleep?

        Have a Great Night!
        Sorry Michael - it wont turn off now! I can work a 20hour day & lie in bed absolutely exhausted with eyes wide open & the brain spinning at a million miles an hour and sleep just wont come!

        put a pen & paper next to your bed - when you have an idea - write it down, that way it's not forgotten, just filed til tomorrow.

        Great job BTW on getting into action & making this work - it just proves the only thing stopping you from reaching your goals is you.

        I can speak from experience that it isnt a fluke - if you hadn't called the businesses you wouldnt have a new client - it's not chance or luck - it's actions and reactions!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[308912].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
          Girl, How's your mission coming along?

          Hope well! Wish you wealth!
          Just keep picturing it in your mind...Make it appear! That is the True Secret.

          Originally Posted by NewbiesDiary View Post

          Sorry Michael - it wont turn off now! I can work a 20hour day & lie in bed absolutely exhausted with eyes wide open & the brain spinning at a million miles an hour and sleep just wont come!

          put a pen & paper next to your bed - when you have an idea - write it down, that way it's not forgotten, just filed til tomorrow.

          Great job BTW on getting into action & making this work - it just proves the only thing stopping you from reaching your goals is you.

          I can speak from experience that it isnt a fluke - if you hadn't called the businesses you wouldnt have a new client - it's not chance or luck - it's actions and reactions!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[308924].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author SandyDuPlessis
            Hey Michael,

            Great going! 2.1k in 2 days is not too shabby!

            Please tell me that you are not going to just leave it there. I am quite convinced that whatever it is that you are doing, you are continuing.

            How many days is it now since you started? and how much have you earned to date?

            Don't leave me in suspense!
            This sounds like wonderful WSO material!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[310655].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
              Hi Sandy,

              I started on Friday 12/05/08 2:22pm.
              I exceeded my goal on 12/05/08 9:29pm
              Gross Total = $5,500

              12/08/08 Two meetings today and now two new clients!
              Deal #3 = $3,200
              Deal #4 = $3,000
              Gross Total = $6,200

              12/08/08 8:42pm
              Gross Total to date = $11,700

              I will take and reinvest the money(minus the 2K in need)into the business
              and hire out most of the labor intensive work as my friend John Taylor has
              suggested in his post above.(Thanks John, Great Advise).

              This will allow me to continue attaining new clients while managing and
              ensuring that everything comes together to satisfy my present clients.

              I believe I'll make sure that everything is humming along smoothly before I
              take on any new clients.

              The way things are going right now hiring site designers, graphic artist and
              such, It's all Good! Things couldn't be better.

              There is no better resource than the Warrior Forum to find people qualified
              to take on different areas of expertise saving me time to do the grunt
              work and manage the operations.

              Man, This is starting to sound and feel like a real business!

              Thanks for your support Warriors, Life is Good.

              Have a Great Night!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[311201].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Noah Fleming
                It sounds like you have a knack for closing at your meetings.

                It also sounds like your cold call script is working, whatever you're saying it's getting enough interest to schedule a meeting.

                I'm interested in hearing more!
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce Arnold
    I agree with you .Melatonin is a Godsend when you are too hyped up to sleep.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor

    Well done for picking that telephone up and making
    those calls. :-)

    Now that you've landed that client, I ask you to
    step back and think about something..

    Leverage your time & skill

    You don't have to do all the work, in fact it would
    probably be a mistake for you to get too involved
    in working in your business.

    Consider outsourcing the majority of the "operational"
    stuff: Freeing up your time to make more sales, project
    manage and provide that all important liaison with
    your customers.

    That way you will build a business rather than just sell
    your time to your customers.

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[304295].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      Yep. What John said. Outsource.

      I understand there's a surfeit of sedentary Scottish seniors selling services for surprisingly small sums.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[305620].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sevenish
        Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

        Yep. What John said. Outsource.

        I understand there's a surfeit of sedentary Scottish seniors selling services for surprisingly small sums.

        That's one hell of an alliteration.

        Hey, I'm among a surfeit of sedentary New York City seniors selling ... oh never mind.

        Thanks again for the inspiration to drive some proposals through. I'm hoping to close one this next week.

        100% atrocity-free! No annihilations, assasinations, explosions, killers, crushers, massacres, bombs, skyrockets or nukes.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[308166].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
          Originally Posted by sevenish View Post

          Hey, I'm among a ...
          ... gaggle of glamorous Gotham gals gathering glorious golden guys.

          Gotta get goin', girl.
          Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[308313].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author sevenish
            Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

            ... gaggle of glamorous Gotham gals gathering glorious golden guys.

            Gotta get goin', girl.
            Damn you're good!

            I'm also crafting proposals based upon your fantasitc advice. Please wish me luck.

            100% atrocity-free! No annihilations, assasinations, explosions, killers, crushers, massacres, bombs, skyrockets or nukes.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[308319].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
              Originally Posted by sevenish View Post

              Damn you're good!
              Well, while your wise words wend wistfully westward, we will wait with winsome wonder, as voluble vocabularistic vistas vex vociferous vixens.
              I'm also crafting proposals based upon your fantasitc advice. Please wish me luck.
              Fair fortune find ye flowing forth from fate's fingers, our fine fraulein!

              Yeah. I'm good.

              Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[308364].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author sevenish
                Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

                Well, while your wise words wend wistfully westward, we will wait with winsome wonder, as voluble vocabularistic vistas vex vociferous vixens.Fair fortune find ye flowing forth from fate's fingers, our fine fraulein!

                Yeah. I'm good.

                I always wanted to be a "vixen". How cool is that?

                But in all seriousness, many thanks to you and Michael Mayo for helping me to get off my ass and address local business.

                You'll never imagine my gratitude.

                100% atrocity-free! No annihilations, assasinations, explosions, killers, crushers, massacres, bombs, skyrockets or nukes.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[308387].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author greatness008
          This has gotten me to thinking..Maybe I should use my telemarketing skills (a telemarketer by day) to generate clients of my own. I am quite good on the phone and didn't realize that, hey, maybe I can use these skills for my own benefit rather than making my boss richer. I love inspirational posts like this!
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  • Profile picture of the author flnz400
    How'd it go? Slam dunk I hope!
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  • Profile picture of the author millionebook
    Good luck and hope you achieve your goal. Ralph

    FREE Making Money Online Info ..... Visit ......

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Lol... Thanks Doug,

      Sorry about the video quality>>>

      It was a rush job and I need to get some sleep!

      Good Night All!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[308873].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stephperez
    I'm curious what you will be doing offline. What will you be marketing and what strategies will you be using?

    And actually, the offline market is a huge market...depending on what your goal is.

    Interested to hear your strat. and results.

    Steph Perez

    *cRAzY* Video shows how this totally average dude took just $5 and flipped it into OVER $300,000 in like no time...and now I'm hooked and using his *CrAZy* Money Making System!

    Limited Spots >>>

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[308883].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Hi Steph.,

      I really won't be doing anything offline other than bring the offline
      business online!

      Their are people offline that don't have a clue as to how they can take
      their existing/new businesses online!

      Keep your mind open and think of what you want/need. If your beliefs and heart are sincere, it will appear!

      Have a Great Day/Night!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[308914].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sevenish
    Nicely done Michael.

    I got another RFP today! Not exactly cash in hand, but it's something. Your thread here, along with the "Cash Cow" thread, really inspired me and showed me that I could do it.

    Thanks so much!

    100% atrocity-free! No annihilations, assasinations, explosions, killers, crushers, massacres, bombs, skyrockets or nukes.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[311092].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Noah Fleming
    Congrats Michael
    Another fine example of someone not just saying they will take action, but actually doing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Davegfx
    Great job Michael. I have to admit there are few things more stomach churning for me than making a cold call.

    So congrats on the new business.
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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Good for you Michael.

      I've been steering away from doing stuff for offline companys for a while as it tends to involve more work than I like to do, but I'm about to start creating Internet Marketing collatoral for my software company and our offline distributor expressed an interest in paying me to do all of the same stuff for them too, so I may end up doing a lot more of this myself.

      It's certainly a great way to create a new revenue stream and very scalable if you outsource effectively.

      Thanks for sharing your story and your success, it's this kind of thing that inspires other warriors to take action.

      Keep it up now and be sure to maintain perspective and follow John Ts advice so that you can grow it faster and bigger by not doing it all yourself.



      nothing to see here.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[311335].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
        Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

        I've been steering away from doing stuff for offline companys for a while as it tends to involve more work than I like to do

        This can be true for a highly experienced internet marketer but:

        # 1: If you've been around internet marketing for 3 months to 3 years and you're still not making a full time living then selling your services to brick and mortar businesses can make an exceptional full time income for you very quickly.

        Generally speaking you'll make far more doing that than working a full time job.

        # 2: If you outsource the bulk of the work then you can make far more money while doing far less.

        It helps if you have a little more experience if you're going to take this approach but someone relatively new could certainly make it fly.

        Kindest regards,
        Andrew Cavanagh
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    • Profile picture of the author Shafiq Kamal
      Good Luck! Go ahead.
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    • Profile picture of the author tiger325
      great job now that takes either sure determination or desperation either way...BRAVO
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
        Hey Warriors,

        Thanks again for all the Kudos.

        Also I would like to say Thanks to the Warriors that have replied to my
        request for help with graphics, website design, SEO and what not.

        I am still taking emails for such tasks that I can contract out.
        Hit me up with what you can offer via warriordojo a t G m a i l d o t c o m

        I now have a total of 11 clients and think I will have to stop there for a
        while as I feel the need to ensure everything is flowing smoothly before I

        Wouldn't want to screw this up. Many have already told me that they
        also know others that would like my services so we'll see how it goes!

        Wish me Luck.
        Have a Great Day!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[322785].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kat Bartone
          Hey Michael,

          I'm wondering what platform you're offering to your clients in terms of a website - built on WP? Joomla or other CMS? Traditional HTML/CSS?

          As a fellow BLTNer, I'm thrilled to hear of your success.

          All the best,


          Your search for the perfect WordPress theme is over. Here it is.

          Coming soon: Compelling Content from the PLR Article Wizard

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[323239].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
            Hi Kat,

            The answer is "a little bit of everything!"

            I have 2 that want static sites just detailing what their businesses have
            to offer. 2 that want the moon and the 1 wants to create a
            social site...<--Problem

            Between all of them I have a little bit of everything to do!

            I'm using WP, HTML/CSS, Shopping name it.

            Thanks for your observation about the index file I had left out of the
            RileysRangers site. Frain Bart on my part!

            I have alot of things on my plate at the moment but I will get it under
            control soon.

            Have a Great Day/Night!
            Originally Posted by Kat Bartone View Post

            Hey Michael,

            I'm wondering what platform you're offering to your clients in terms of a website - built on WP? Joomla or other CMS? Traditional HTML/CSS?

            As a fellow BLTNer, I'm thrilled to hear of your success.

            All the best,

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[323491].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kat Bartone
              1 wants to create a
              social site...<--Problem
              Have you considered Ning for this, Michael? Free by default, but for an extra $5 a month you can use your own URL rather than some permutation of theirs, and and extra $20/ month gets rid of their google ads. Lots of functionality, perfect for member site so people can network, upload their own photos, videos, etc etc etc.

              - Kat

              Your search for the perfect WordPress theme is over. Here it is.

              Coming soon: Compelling Content from the PLR Article Wizard

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[323564].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
                Hi Kat,

                Yes, I presently have one with a Ning site and a static site. All they
                wanted from me was to create the sites and allow them to maintain them.
                I charged them $500 for 4 hours work. I attempted to offer them an option
                for me to change and maintain the site but they turned me

                To this very date, they have not done one thing with either of their sites.
                Heck, I think the sites are still even in my name???

                Gives me a good reason to contact them again!
                Then I can approach them and re-submit my offer to maintain the sites.

                Here is their static site: Siggys Pizza Pub

                Here is their Ning site: Siggys Pizza Pub - Best Damn Pizza in Louisville Ky.

                The new client I was refering to want's more than what they paid me for.

                Have a Great Night!
                Originally Posted by Kat Bartone View Post

                Have you considered Ning for this, Michael? Free by default, but for an extra $5 a month you can use your own URL rather than some permutation of theirs, and and extra $20/ month gets rid of their google ads. Lots of functionality, perfect for member site so people can network, upload their own photos, videos, etc etc etc.

                - Kat
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[323604].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Charles E. White
      Michael, I think Paul has helped us all out over the years, I know he has helped me out many, many times and set me straight and on track. Hell, if I had to pay him every time he helped me, I would be paying him until the year 2050.

      One thing for sure, you know you can't get better advice anywhere than from Paul!

      Charles E. White
      Internet Money Making Programs
      ^Find out the programs and products we have found to be worth the money^
      Join our FREE newsletter and get up-to-date details.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[408656].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Ramsey
    Awesome job Michael!

    You've definitely inspired me here! I'll be starting this asap. In fact, I'll make sure to find a few businesses that could use some of my services right now!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[311252].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Thanks Warriors for all the kudos!

      I've given out my daily quota as far as Thanks go today per the
      I can't even see the button!

      Any way, This isn't that hard to do. Most people either don't understand
      what they can do and how many people they can reach on the net.

      I didn't promise anyone the earth and stars. I did tell them it is a
      daunting process and if they didn't start the journey now then they would
      find themselves to far behind the time to catch up....Hmmmm, Maybe
      that's what convinced them!

      Have a Great Day/Night!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[311329].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author flnz400
    Lost this thread for a bit... great to see your progress.

    Let me get this straight... you were prepaid for services without even pitching in person? I mean, I know you had meetings and such, but man, what are you saying to these people during the cold calls? lol

    That is AWESOME! "NO signature, but I've got some Benjamins"! hah!

    Nice going!

    Tells us more, tell us more!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[311522].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Hi Warriors,

      It's been a tough week but things turned out much better than I had
      originally planed. My Original Goal was to make 2K ASAP.

      To make a long Story short, The Breaks went out on my money machine
      and I over shot my goal a little. The 2K I needed turned into $15,000 by
      the time every thing was said and done!

      Out of the 15K I reallocated 2K to it's proper destination and with the
      remaining 13K, I hired a Site Designer, Programmer, Graphic Designer(I feel
      kinda bad about this one because he had a WSO going) and also someone
      to do market research.

      All in all I was able to employee 4 Warriors to help me accomplish this.

      I am sure I will need others here in the near future there fore I invite you
      to submit your offer for a position.

      Send your offer/qualifications to (warriordojo at g mail. c o m)
      Can't figure out my email? Then this isn't for you, Sorry! :confused:

      John, Thanks for the Great Business Advise!

      Warriors Rock!
      Have a Great Day/Night!

      P.S. Life is Good, Live It!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[317794].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author SandyDuPlessis
        Originally Posted by Michael Mayo View Post

        Hi Warriors,

        It's been a tough week but things turned out much better than I had
        originally planed. My Original Goal was to make 2K ASAP.

        To make a long Story short, The Breaks went out on my money machine
        and I over shot my goal a little. The 2K I needed turned into $15,000 by
        the time every thing was said and done!

        Out of the 15K I reallocated 2K to it's proper destination and with the
        remaining 13K, I hired a Site Designer, Programmer, Graphic Designer(I feel
        kinda bad about this one because he had a WSO going) and also someone
        to do market research.

        All in all I was able to employee 4 Warriors to help me accomplish this.

        I am sure I will need others here in the near future there fore I invite you
        to submit your offer for a position.

        Send your offer/qualifications to (warriordojo at g mail. c o m)
        Can't figure out my email? Then this isn't for you, Sorry! :confused:

        John, Thanks for the Great Business Advise!

        Warriors Rock!
        Have a Great Day/Night!

        P.S. Life is Good, Live It!
        Michael you ROCK!!!

        This sort of success couldn't have happened to a nicer and more generous guy.

        Everything you do for others comes back at you ten-fold and I certainly know how much you have helped me over the last year, not to mention others.

        Every success to you in this new venture. You really deserve it!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[317894].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
          Hi Sandy,

          Missed you at the WDIC today, My Bad!
          What you said in this thread means more to me than the money.

          I love seeing people succeed. Kinda gives me that "Warm Fuzzy Feeling!"

          Thanks for the kind words,
          Have a Great Day!
          Originally Posted by medifox View Post

          Michael you ROCK!!!

          This sort of success couldn't have happened to a nicer and more generous guy.

          Everything you do for others comes back at you ten-fold and I certainly know how much you have helped me over the last year, not to mention others.

          Every success to you in this new venture. You really deserve it!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[317913].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author globalpro

    I thought you had a post about handling some of your outsourced work, but I can't find it now.

    I am interested, so PM me if you want. I am interested in seeing how this is done.



    PS I bought your videos last night, so I am looking forward to watching them over the weekend.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[317810].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Originally Posted by globalpro View Post


      I thought you had a post about handling some of your outsourced work, but I can't find it now.

      I am interested, so PM me if you want. I am interested in seeing how this is done.



      PS I bought your videos last night, so I am looking forward to watching them over the weekend.
      John, This is the thread!

      Send me an email with what you have to offer?

      Have a Great Day/Night!

      P.S. If you have any questions about the info in the package, just send
      me a PM.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[317863].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl

    Most heartiest congratulations on your success. You sure know how to dream big and do it...

    Now, do you mind sharing the script that you were using with your propspects over the phone? That's really important for many other warriors that might be interested iun doing the same thing.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[317866].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Hi Lakshay,

      I would but it's the same thing I state in my... Ummm, never mind!

      I can't talk about it here! You can find the answer in the WSO section of
      the Warrior forum though! :rolleyes:

      Sorry, that was the best I could think of and not actually say

      Have a Great Day/Night!
      Originally Posted by lakshaybehl View Post


      Most heartiest congratulations on your success. You sure know how to dream big and do it...

      Now, do you mind sharing the script that you were using with your propspects over the phone? That's really important for many other warriors that might be interested iun doing the same thing.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[317899].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author flnz400
        Originally Posted by Michael Mayo View Post

        Hi Lakshay,

        I would but it's the same thing I state in my... Ummm, never mind!

        I can't talk about it here! You can find the answer in the WSO section of
        the Warrior forum though! :rolleyes:

        Sorry, that was the best I could think of and not actually say

        Have a Great Day/Night!
        Shit man! LOL Why didn't you just say that before!

        I've been asking questions, but didn't want to bug... I was like, damn, I know he sees them.

        I'm immune to sig files at this point...they're like adsense on a web page sometimes, invisible.,,, unless someone points them out.

        Checking it out now.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[319230].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author globalpro
    OK Michael,

    Will do.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[317875].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nat
    good luck.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[319761].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Glenn Newsome
      Way to go Michael buddy. Dang, I am not paying attention at all. I totally missed the thread. I saw the day you posted but forgot about it--I am kicking myself now.
      Michael you rock my friend. Way to get out there an hustle.
      WSO Addicts Blog

      AKA "webnetincome" before the big name changes!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[321993].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme

    I flipppin' LOVE the cash countin vid, worry not about the check... I believe ya,... true diamond sir.. thanks




    Bare Murkage.........

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[322299].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tuspr
    Wow! Great story Michael. Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[322388].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Anthony Smith
    congrads! sounds like a call floor/mentor situation... good stuff!

    good luck with future endeavors.

    Need help finding affiliates?
    Need a joint venture broker?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[322409].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Christie Love
    Wow, that's impressive Michael. I'd better get on the ball and put Paul's suggestion into action myself. Way to go!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[323579].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Fabian Tan
    Paul's free 'Need To Know' report is one of the best (and most profitable) reports I have read all year.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[323581].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author oneempowered

    Thanks for posting your account. It's very inspirational!

    As Einstein said, "Nothing happens until something moves." If you hadn't moved, none of this would have happened.

    Way to go!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[408003].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KristenArnold
    excellent job and you should be so proud of showing the fact showing what awesome results you get from taking action. I have to admit, cold calling has to be the most dreaded action (at least for me) but you demonstrate that it can pay off!

    I was talking to a very well networked contact this week - I know him very well.. and he was so proud that he just got a blog up and is now figuring out what to do with it.

    We had a great conversation about the online world (he does ebay to sell other peoples stuff but that's it online ) You've got my wheels turning on figuring out how to help him put all the pieces together and advertise my service in his shop that gets about 30-50 people a day sitting in his waiting room.

    If anyone has suggestions on how you would advertise your internet marketing services in a offline storefront - signage wise in addition to word of mouth- after all it is a very active waiting area with people reading lots of newspapers, I would love to hear suggestions that I as well as others may be able to use. Anyone know of a product/ebook that addresses this?

    These offline posts are really making me think!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[408443].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author imoutthere

    Congrats on taking action. You set a goal for 2k and wound up with 15k. Thats one Sweet script you have written my friend. This strategy was the good way to go. Door to door sales aren't as easy and probably suck 10x more then cold calling does. Do you have any updates to the story so far?

    Also I know how big back end sales are in the online business world. But can that be transfered over to the offline markets? What reoccuring products or services can you charge on a monthly basis per site? hosting, seo, maint., updating, etc? I bring this up because the links you posted of your client above seems to be to busy in his business to update his online presence.

    I see alot of B&M businesses failing in this way everyday. They rely on established customers to keep them above water and on refferals for new customers. Mean while B&M who have accepted the power of social networking seem to have a revolving door of customers new and old.

    For example, I can place a pizza and wing order online for my local pizza shop, I can go on to my myspace page and set up a hair cut appointment with my barber for next thursday. I can get 15% off coupon codes via twitter for my local dry cleaners (franchise), etc.

    To make a long post short, If you can convince these businesses about the power of social networking and updated content. They should be able to retain customers, Bring in new customers, with more frequent visits from both and in return it can bring in a nice monthly income for yourself.

    Good Luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[408806].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author testaccount9998
    Hey Michael,

    First, thanks for keeping up up to date with this Great Thread! its very inspiring.

    Since you have been so helpful I want to ask your opinion on some pricing.

    I am interested in doing the exact same thing you are doing, creating websites for offline local businesses.

    I have been around webdesign for a while, and I am not really worried about getting the actual work done. I know my way around html/css decently well, and anything else I can outsource.

    My main problem is, I have NO IDEA what to charge people? What would you recommend? I just have no clue.

    I want to offer both initial design, and continuing upkeep work.

    Thanks for any tips, and best of luck in your future work!


    (I wouldve PM'd you but I don't have enough posts, I'm new here at WF because I just migrated from DP) so PM me a response if you want.)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[409111].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author oneempowered

    I'm a little confused. This thread was started on 12/5 but your WSO was started on 12/3 for:
    "WSO#1 Make a Recurring Local Biz Fortune 10 Videos, Transcript + Resource Guide!"

    Did you already have this process mastered before you started this thread?

    It looks like an interesting WSO even without the PLR.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[410638].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dan Sherman
      Originally Posted by oneempowered View Post


      I'm a little confused. This thread was started on 12/5 but your WSO was started on 12/3 for:
      "WSO#1 Make a Recurring Local Biz Fortune 10 Videos, Transcript + Resource Guide!"

      Did you already have this process mastered before you started this thread?

      It looks like an interesting WSO even without the PLR.
      And the ning site for his pizzeria client was started back in March of 2008. I hate it when dates don't line up. So did Michael sew a yarn to promote his WSO?

      EDIT: I guess I shouldn't have made this sound so accusatory. It's just frustrating when you're trying to vet someone and notice incongruities like this.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[412843].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris C.
    Can I get a link to your WSO Michael, I don't see it in there....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[412413].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JustDean
    Well done Michael I must admit coldcalling for me is still a bit chilling

    cts of Random Kindness
    Pay It Forward
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[412624].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Fenty
    Great Progress,

    I hope it continues to be profitable for you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[412743].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris C.
    Dan's right, the dates aren't matching... What's up with that?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[413385].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zapseo
      What are WDIC & BTLN (or was it BLTN?)

      Well done & congrats!

      And yah...Myers' is the cat's meow.

      I been thinking along this line for far far too long.

      Time to put things in gear!

      Live JoyFully!

      Judy Kettenhofen, Profit Strategist/Copywriter
      NextDay Copy

      PS -- do any of your clients need auto-responder copy?
      Or Landing Pages? Feel free to contact me!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[413494].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zapseo
      Originally Posted by Chris C. View Post

      Dan's right, the dates aren't matching... What's up with that?
      Actually -- if you knew enough (as in where to look to find the information), and had been around long enough, you'd know that Michael has been selling that particular WSO since March of last year. Been bumped a few times, too. In fact, I think he may have at least a couple different versions running as WSOs currently that can be found using Google (at a minimum). There are probably at least 2 other ways to get the same information.

      I should have a copy of it somewhere on my harddrive, in fact.

      I gotta go look for it, LOL.

      It only goes to prove -- having the knowledge isn't enough. Taking action is the crucial piece.

      Live JoyFully!

      Judy Kettenhofen, Profit Strategist/Copywriter
      NextDay Copy
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[413698].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
        Hi Rebtl,

        It would be hard for me to say what you should charge for your services.
        What I reccommend that you do is to research your area and see what
        your compotition is charging for their services and then either under cut
        their price to gain a few testimonials or charge more to appear to be one
        up on your compotition.
        Originally Posted by Rebtl View Post

        Hey Michael,

        First, thanks for keeping up up to date with this Great Thread! its very inspiring.

        Since you have been so helpful I want to ask your opinion on some pricing.

        I am interested in doing the exact same thing you are doing, creating websites for offline local businesses.

        I have been around webdesign for a while, and I am not really worried about getting the actual work done. I know my way around html/css decently well, and anything else I can outsource.

        My main problem is, I have NO IDEA what to charge people? What would you recommend? I just have no clue.

        I want to offer both initial design, and continuing upkeep work.

        Thanks for any tips, and best of luck in your future work!


        (I wouldve PM'd you but I don't have enough posts, I'm new here at WF because I just migrated from DP) so PM me a response if you want.)
        Hi oneempowered,
        Lol...My bad, I thought a mentioned that that was one of my first clients
        back from 2006.

        It was before I had figured out how to not just do a service but how to
        make it a recurring income from each customer.

        With that client I didn't set up any type of recurring payment plan. It was
        a one shot deal. Ummm... I mean a Two shot deal. The first site(/static)
        and then they asked me to set them up the ning style site and they would
        maintain them both.

        I have been dabbling with offline businesses since 2006 and really didn't
        have a desire to do it full time. I created this thread to force me to take
        action as I really needed the 2k to solve a major problem that was

        In doing so caused me to think fast and not doubt or second guess
        myself. Basically as I said, I forced me to just do it!

        Hope that Helps!
        Originally Posted by oneempowered View Post


        I'm a little confused. This thread was started on 12/5 but your WSO was started on 12/3 for:
        "WSO#1 Make a Recurring Local Biz Fortune 10 Videos, Transcript + Resource Guide!"

        Did you already have this process mastered before you started this thread?

        It looks like an interesting WSO even without the PLR.
        Hi Chris,
        You are correct about the dates.

        The static site was created in 2006 and they were to maintain it
        themselves. The Ning site was created in 2008 after I received a phone
        call from the owner asking me to set them up a social site. <--I didn't
        charge them anything for the Ning site but they did give me Free Pizza
        and Drinks for doing it for them.

        It wasn't till I created the Ning site that I realized they hadn't been
        maintaining the static site and the reason I stated I need to get back in
        touch with them.

        Oh, I intensionally left out my sig when I started this thread just for the
        reason that someone would think I had created this thread to promote my
        WSO then as time wen't on I now realize that I had gotten lazy in my rush
        posts and didn't uncheck the little box that add my sig...Sorry again!
        Originally Posted by Chris C. View Post

        Can I get a link to your WSO Michael, I don't see it in there....
        Originally Posted by Dan Sherman View Post

        And the ning site for his pizzeria client was started back in March of 2008. I hate it when dates don't line up. So did Michael sew a yarn to promote his WSO?

        EDIT: I guess I shouldn't have made this sound so accusatory. It's just frustrating when you're trying to vet someone and notice incongruities like this.
        Your right, I should be carefull although I wasn't worried about it as I know many Warriors here know me. Also, I was in a hurry when I made the post so sorry for the confussion.

        Oh, Your welcome!
        Originally Posted by PhotoVideoCompany View Post

        ^ Yep, careful how you word things around here mate, else you'll get the so called 'heavyweights' raining down on your parade like cats and dogs, good observation though on the dates, that's the kind of thing I notice too.

        Having said that, a good inspirational post this one.

        I've got a good friend of mine, ex military, paraplegic, paralysed from the chest down, he's got very good skills with web design etc, however doesn't know at the moment how best to put an action plan together to start bring some more money in, basically just to stave off his boredom from being in bed most of the time and in fact this could be really good for his extremely competitive nature.

        I'm going to run this past him later in the week, to see if it is something that between the pair of us we can implement into a sound alternative business plan.

        Many thanks Michael for the info, very inspiring.

        Good on you, keep up the good work.

        Kindest regards.

        Hi again Chris, See my comments above for the answer to your question. Thanks!
        Originally Posted by Chris C. View Post

        Dan's right, the dates aren't matching... What's up with that?
        Hi Judy,
        WDIC - Warrior Dojo Inner Circle
        BTLN - Better Late Than Never which is a forum located on the Rileys
        Rangers site. It was created for Warriors that had taken Kevins Rileys
        Product Creation Lab here in a Private part of the Warrior Forum and may
        have fallen a little behind in their work for one reason or another.

        Actually, I may need your services, Let me check into the progress of
        everything I have going on and I'll get back with you!

        Originally Posted by zapseo View Post

        What are WDIC & BTLN (or was it BLTN?)

        Well done & congrats!

        And yah...Myers' is the cat's meow.

        I been thinking along this line for far far too long.

        Time to put things in gear!

        Live JoyFully!

        Judy Kettenhofen, Profit Strategist/Copywriter
        NextDay Copy

        PS -- do any of your clients need auto-responder copy?
        Or Landing Pages? Feel free to contact me!
        Judy, Thanks for educating newer Warriors while I was busy!
        Many Thanks!
        Originally Posted by zapseo View Post

        Actually -- if you knew enough (as in where to look to find the information), and had been around long enough, you'd know that Michael has been selling that particular WSO since March of last year. Been bumped a few times, too. In fact, I think he may have at least a couple different versions running as WSOs currently that can be found using Google (at a minimum). There are probably at least 2 other ways to get the same information.

        I should have a copy of it somewhere on my harddrive, in fact.

        I gotta go look for it, LOL.

        It only goes to prove -- having the knowledge isn't enough. Taking action is the crucial piece.

        Live JoyFully!

        Judy Kettenhofen, Profit Strategist/Copywriter
        NextDay Copy
        Hope that cleared up a few things for everyone?
        Have a Great Day!

        P.S. I now have 17 clients and have put on the brakes for a while
        because it has caused me to neglect other online ventures that I already
        had in progress.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[415153].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Sherman
    Well, Michael, congratulations on your success.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[415236].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author xDennis
    Are you full time / offline marketing.. is this your main source of income? Or is this just something you do if you need quick cash?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[422503].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Buildingfutures
    Michael, you've got my utmost respect.

    I HATE cold calling, and trying what you did today just proved it. Three no's and I'm feelin' like I did before I had a nice 12 hours of sleep. Its physically draining, I don't know how you did it man.

    Kudos to you my friend.

    Simple Mission Statement "Under the Radar and Over the Top!"
    Sean's Guide To The Forum
    Thoughts of a 22 Year Old Marketer

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[423393].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Hi Dennis,

      No, this is not my main source of income, I also have many online niche's
      plus a day job I really Like a lot. With the way the economy is going, I
      may not have it for much longer.

      I am a Electronics Engineer in the Automotive Industry. Things are not
      looking well for the U.S. Big 3 GM, Ford and Chrysler at the moment.

      *Although Ford states they will have petrol free fully Battery Powered
      Vehicle by the end of 2010. (*<-Not exacly Word for Word, Just Making a Point!)

      Either way, I've been setting on this research for months. I orginally
      needed to take action and finish what I had started, So I did it.

      Many have asked me what I have said to close the deals but it really
      wasn't what I had said that sealed them? It was the research I had done
      before I approached the first business...

      Before I had talked with Paul Myers, I had been sitting on some offline
      research I had already completed but didn't make the time to finish what I
      had started...

      Doing so proved to me that I should trust my instinks and take the
      chance. Hey, Some times you get Chicken and other times you get

      This one turned out to be Meat and

      Have a Great Day!

      Originally Posted by xDennis View Post

      Are you full time / offline marketing.. is this your main source of income? Or is this just something you do if you need quick cash?

      Originally Posted by Buildingfutures View Post

      Michael, you've got my utmost respect.

      I HATE cold calling, and trying what you did today just proved it. Three no's and I'm feelin' like I did before I had a nice 12 hours of sleep. Its physically draining, I don't know how you did it man.

      Kudos to you my friend.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[424739].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author he_august
    Wowww.. you're really a marketing warrior... i want to have spirit like you... !!! Way to go... Great job... Really a brand new experience story for me :>
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[424745].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Sorry to resurrect this thread but, do I smell a troll?

      I only ask you this question in response a responce
      I have received to this very thread.

      I think so! / JMO.

      Have a Great Day/Night!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458365].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bobmcalister
    what is a trolll ? must be bad from your tone of 'voice'

    free facebook ad trials . proof before payment

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[481754].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author deu12000
    Not one to bump an old thread, but I was forwarded to this thread by I believe another thread from the OP. The pizza site has a great design, but it doesn't work. The ning page is basically a blank page. Am I looking at a site that went bad or what?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[560138].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Originally Posted by deu12000 View Post

      Not one to bump an old thread, but I was forwarded to this thread by I believe another thread from the OP. The pizza site has a great design, but it doesn't work. The ning page is basically a blank page. Am I looking at a site that went bad or what?
      Lol...Yea, That was the first business I acquired before I really understood recurring income.

      I went back to them and asked why they hadn't done anything with the site and they really
      didn't have a good answer.

      I offered to continue the maintenance on the site and they declined.

      Next thing I know, they call and want me to set up a social site so
      I did. Although, they still didn't want anyone to maintain it.

      Hey, they said they could handle it themselves so who was I to argue
      with them?

      Long Story Short, It's their Baby! I Tried to be Helpful.

      Oh, Thanks for resurrecting the thread!
      I Love to see what I have accomplished as it gives me More Strength!

      Have a Great Night!
      edited, No not a site that went Bad but rather a Business that made the wrong choices.
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  • Profile picture of the author deu12000
    But how do whole sites die? Usually you don't update a site the content is outdated, these sites are just completely dead. I've been making websites for 7+ years and I make a good income from this and other internet ventures, I don't understand how these sites are complete shit 3 months later, maintenance or not?
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
      Originally Posted by deu12000 View Post

      But how do whole sites die? Usually you don't update a site the content is outdated, these sites are just completely dead. I've been making websites for 7+ years and I make a good income from this and other internet ventures, I don't understand how these sites are complete shit 3 months later, maintenance or not?
      Let me try to make this simple for you to understand.

      The sites were built as requested "as is" and they wanted to add their
      own content. That is where they still are now.

      They didn't want me to add any content, They just wanted something to
      work with. They received all the log-in info and have had so much
      opportunity to get them up and running it's unreal.

      I don't feel bad about it.
      That's what they wanted anyway!

      They got what they wanted and so did I.
      There are no Hard Feeling between us.

      Hell, I've since offered twice to give them a helping hand!

      Have a Great Night!
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  • Profile picture of the author deu12000
    Let me clarify. The pizza shop site has a great looking design, but when you scroll over or click any page you get a big black box with no content. The social networking site says there is no recent activity. Did any of the sites ever work or have any content, beside the main page of the pizza place?
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