About Facebook Changes And Your Fanpage

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As you know by now, Facebook is getting rid of FBML On March 11....How we have come to love that silly little lanuage....

They are switching to Iframes....

If you have FBML on your fanpage you will still keep it after March 11 but you won't be able to add any new tabs.

Iframes works by basically calling the page from an external server (yourown) where you have the HTML, PHP etc page stored.

I made a video on how to set up iframes

Check it out...There is no optin required....

Just head to How To Add Iframes « FB Fanpage Money and watch.

Its really not that hard and a great thing about Iframes is the fact that you can now have your ezs3, EVP and whatever other videos you want to put on....
#facebook #fanpage #iframes

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