My Hosting Just Killed My Business
Everything was perfectly prepared, every single detail, payment processor checked and tested restlessly, email series ready, download page checked... nothing could be go wrong right? Wrong!
Today at midday on launch time I check the landing page and BAM! the unthinkable page appears "Account Suspended"
What the f*? I have no due bills (I paid for a year hosting) and I didn't do anything wrong or against the tos of the host. and they suspended my account without any further notice? taking down all the sites hosted there?
After yelling at the monitor every bad word I know in every language I know (and some pretty gross mixtures... I should write a book on that) for about 10 minutes. I tried to contact the support center with no success. I even call them and after several minutes holding in line I hang up (its a long distance call after all).
All the sites hosted there has been down for a good 3 hours now and no answer from the support.
The fact is that the launch was a failure. I don't want to think about all the money I lose or the death of my credibility in that niche (I don't know if I can relaunch the product after that).
I don't know if I can take any actions agaist the hosting or is just a waste of time. Or sue myself for taking such a bad choice about hosting.
*sight* Ok, this was just a rant, I needed to take it out of my chest and I came here because my family didn't understand what it means. Only a warrior knows how f**** up is that.
This was a serious step back, now I need to work even harder to give two step foward.
Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...
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Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...
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