My Hosting Just Killed My Business

80 replies
After three months making a product and setting the launch (in a non IM niche) everything was ready for the big day, today was the big day, presale emails sent to a list of about 2000 people, JV's launching their own promos to their list, and today was the big opening.

Everything was perfectly prepared, every single detail, payment processor checked and tested restlessly, email series ready, download page checked... nothing could be go wrong right? Wrong!

Today at midday on launch time I check the landing page and BAM! the unthinkable page appears "Account Suspended"

What the f*? I have no due bills (I paid for a year hosting) and I didn't do anything wrong or against the tos of the host. and they suspended my account without any further notice? taking down all the sites hosted there?

After yelling at the monitor every bad word I know in every language I know (and some pretty gross mixtures... I should write a book on that) for about 10 minutes. I tried to contact the support center with no success. I even call them and after several minutes holding in line I hang up (its a long distance call after all).

All the sites hosted there has been down for a good 3 hours now and no answer from the support.

The fact is that the launch was a failure. I don't want to think about all the money I lose or the death of my credibility in that niche (I don't know if I can relaunch the product after that).

I don't know if I can take any actions agaist the hosting or is just a waste of time. Or sue myself for taking such a bad choice about hosting.

*sight* Ok, this was just a rant, I needed to take it out of my chest and I came here because my family didn't understand what it means. Only a warrior knows how f**** up is that.

This was a serious step back, now I need to work even harder to give two step foward.


#business #hosting #killed
  • Profile picture of the author Rich Struck
    Move the sites, problem solved. sheesh.

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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
    Neodarth - tried to contact the support center with no success. I even call them and after several minutes holding in line I hang up (its a long distance call after all).
    Just out of interest, were the call charges worth more than the launch?

    Chap, do as Rick said, change host.

    Mail your list, hell, all the top boys say the server crashed, you could just tell them the truth.

    Every cloud has a silver lining and it ain't over til the fat lady sings.

    Now get off here and fix it Cristian.

    Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    What host are you with ? I hope it works out somehow for you. Let your JV's offer a big discount to save your rep and perhaps build your list ?

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Barboza
    Tell me the host so that I never use them. Was your product in Spanish?
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  • Profile picture of the author ReachOneMedia
    Originally Posted by neodarth View Post

    After three months making a product and setting the launch (in a non IM niche) everything was ready for the big day, today was the big day, presale emails sent to a list of about 2000 people, JV's launching their own promos to their list, and today was the big opening.

    Everything was perfectly prepared, every single detail, payment processor checked and tested restlessly, email series ready, download page checked... nothing could be go wrong right? Wrong!

    Today at midday on launch time I check the landing page and BAM! the unthinkable page appears "Account Suspended"

    What the f*? I have no due bills (I paid for a year hosting) and I didn't do anything wrong or against the tos of the host. and they suspended my account without any further notice? taking down all the sites hosted there?

    After yelling at the monitor every bad word I know in every language I know (and some pretty gross mixtures... I should write a book on that) for about 10 minutes. I tried to contact the support center with no success. I even call them and after several minutes holding in line I hang up (its a long distance call after all).

    All the sites hosted there has been down for a good 3 hours now and no answer from the support.

    The fact is that the launch was a failure. I don't want to think about all the money I lose or the death of my credibility in that niche (I don't know if I can relaunch the product after that).

    I don't know if I can take any actions agaist the hosting or is just a waste of time. Or sue myself for taking such a bad choice about hosting.

    *sight* Ok, this was just a rant, I needed to take it out of my chest and I came here because my family didn't understand what it means. Only a warrior knows how f**** up is that.

    This was a serious step back, now I need to work even harder to give two step foward.



    Sit down relax and think.

    From the story you just told us, i see 4 opportunities to get in touch with your email list again and make a boatload of sales

    ...probably a lot more than if all this wouldn't have happen to you.


    CALLING WARRIORS: I'll Make 10 New Millionaires In The Next 90 Days... Or Look Like An Idiot Trying! CLICK HERE
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    I had them on vodahost and I used them because I have just a dozen of other sites over there and never gives me problems before.

    Now I'm moving the site to hostgator, and will be a long evening contacting JV's and broadcasting the server mess.

    I know it wasn't such a big deal, and I didn't want to cry like a baby girl. But even though is not my first product launch is my first product crash and I froze in fear.

    Thanks for the shake up I really needed
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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    • Profile picture of the author JonnyHardwick
      Originally Posted by neodarth View Post

      I had them on vodahost and I used them because I have just a dozen of other sites over there and never gives me problems before.
      Any hosting company would suspend your account if you were doing a big launch on a shared hosting account. With nearly all hosting companies, if you use more than 25% (or often less) of the servers resources for longer than 90 seconds they will suspend your account. Just because it says "unlimited hosting" it doesn't mean your safe. If they genuinely offered unlimited hosting for $10 /month they would be out of business in no time.

      It's just a shame you had to find this out the hard way.

      If you're doing a product launch, I recommend you move over to something more dedicated or something that can handle large spikes of traffic, such as cloud hosting.

      Oh and don't put all your eggs in one basket. Get a 3rd party autoresponder.
      Marketeering - Digital Marketing Strategies
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      • Profile picture of the author FusionHost
        Originally Posted by JonnyHardwick View Post

        Any hosting company would suspend your account if you were doing a big launch on a shared hosting account. With nearly all hosting companies, if you use more than 25% (or often less) of the servers resources for longer than 90 seconds they will suspend your account.
        I'd have to agree with you Jonny. Any hosting company would suspend your account if you were sending a ridiculously high volume of traffic and using a large amount of the servers resources on a shared hosting account. The infrastructure of shared hosting is not built for large increases in traffic in short periods of time, such as a product launch.

        It's called shared hosting for a reason, i.e. the server resources are shared by other website owners. If one customer is using a large chunk of the servers resources in a product launch, then it's unfair because it's not being shared amongst other people on the server, so instead of allowing that person to slow down everyone else's websites, they would just punish the customer who is abusing the system, by suspending them.
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    • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
      I just made a post on the main section and it was deleted...

      I have 2 accounts with hostgator for several years...Today one of my sites an article directory got a traffic spike (double as usual) and they took the site down....

      As of writing this I am with the support for several hours now to solve the problem but
      they refuse to take the site online before the security guy had looked into this but he is at home at lunch god knows where - bottom line....if you have a site and you are depended on it - dont move to hostgator.....

      Originally Posted by neodarth View Post

      Now I'm moving the site to hostgator, and will be a long evening contacting JV's and broadcasting the server mess.
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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by blue_sky View Post

        I just made a post on the main section and it was deleted...

        I have 2 accounts with hostgator for several years...Today one of my sites an article directory got a traffic spike (double as usual) and they took the site down....

        As of writing this I am with the support for several hours now to solve the problem but
        they refuse to take the site online before the security guy had looked into this but he is at home at lunch god knows where - bottom line....if you have a site and you are depended on it - dont move to hostgator.....
        I have used Hostgator for years and never had a problem. I wouldn't get rid of Hostgator just because someone had an unusually high traffic spike and their site was taken off line as a result. If you read the T&C's for their shared hosting you will see this is something they will do to help protect the other users of the shared server.

        If you are experiencing big traffic spikes then you should use a dedicated server.
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        • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
          Anyway here is an update: I woke up after 5 hours of sleep because my site is still down and I wanted to keep working on it - I decided last night to buy a VPS to get the site running and they promised me exta priority - Guess what the VPS is not running...

          I am with Hostgator for years and never had a problem - I guess as long as you run your 5 html pages you good to go....;-))))
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          • Profile picture of the author Pluton
            Quite a few warriors mentioned changing host to Hostgator.

            Now I don't generally have a problem with Hostgator and have been with them for years and now have a reseller account with them.

            I noticed recently that on 2 separate occasions that my sites with them have been down for quite a long time so it makes you wonder how many times that you don't see that your service is none existant!

            I believe there is a way of checking the up-time of your provider and I am currently investigating.
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      • Profile picture of the author Freedompreneur
        I have been experiencing the same challenges with HG as of recently with an article directory site. If I get any spike in traffic they bring down the site.
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  • Profile picture of the author apoorv.parijat
    Yep, as others have already recommended, move your sites to a more reputable host. I'd suggest Hostgator, or if you want better specs, LiquidWeb is a very good option too.

    It's an unfortunate situation though, and I can understand your frustration. Best of luck! =)
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    What hosting company was it? I've never been tempted to buy a cheap hosting package. I stick with the big guys ... Hostgator and Hostmonster have been good for me, but there's also Bluehost among the top.
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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      What hosting company was it? I've never been tempted to buy a cheap hosting package. I stick with the big guys ... Hostgator and Hostmonster have been good for me, but there's also Bluehost among the top.
      It was Vodahost Suzanne, I have to say I've not heard of it but the good sir is going to Hostgator now.

      That's the main thing.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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    • Profile picture of the author Aussie_Al
      Sorry to hear it mate

      But you will bounce back and be just fine

      In years to come you will laugh at this and its really something that by experiencing it and coming out the other side you really 'earn your stripes" so to speak

      If you can live through this then you become "a master Imer"

      All the best!
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      • Profile picture of the author BeechHill
        Not good, sorry to hear it, but one thing you should have done on your check list was to go with at least a VPS server plan for that kind of a launch.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    1) Stay away from shared hosting, STAY AWAY from "FREE" Hosting
    2) Do backups regularily
    3) If disaster happens, your site could be moved withing a couple of hours to another host.

    For YOUR (!) business, try at all costs not to be dependent on 3rd party services and companies..and do not throw all your eggs in one basket, eg. ONLY depending on Adsense revenue and Google..etc...
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    • Profile picture of the author theemperor
      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      1) Stay away from shared hosting, STAY AWAY from "FREE" Hosting
      2) Do backups regularily
      3) If disaster happens, your site could be moved withing a couple of hours to another host.

      For YOUR (!) business, try at all costs not to be dependent on 3rd party services and companies..and do not throw all your eggs in one basket, eg. ONLY depending on Adsense revenue and Google..etc...
      4) Don't register your domain with the hosting company. I use namecheap to get the domain and hostgator to host.
      Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brian Lett
    Just remember that with most so-called "unlimited" shared hosting plans, they will suspend your account if they it as doing something to "harm" the balance of the shared server.

    I had a similar problem about a year ago, and moved all of my e-commerce websites to a dedicated server. I have not had a problem since.
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  • Profile picture of the author tonio79
    Hope you got it all sorted....and that the launch is still going to be a success!
    I can imagine how frustrating it must have been...that big moment when sales are supposed to come flooding in.....but the doors are closed to all the customers.

    Let us know how it goes.

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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    OK, after many hours of hard work I managed to recoup the site and finally launch the product.

    For start I move the site from Vodahost and hosted on my hostgator reseller account

    I made a second sales page with a 48 hours special 50% discount and mail to the JV's offer them 100% commission for the sales made on that 48 hours period so they keep their original 50% commission and I keep the customer's mail.

    I broadcast my list and told them about the hosting issue and as a way to compensate them I'll cut the price to half for them.

    I have another product that I was planning to launch in a future but I setup an OTO page and offer it with a special price.

    After three hours I managed to make 5 sales at $98, but I'm now filling my mind with endless what if's.

    From Vodahost they replied to me that my account triggered a fail safe because I was using 19% of CPU Usage and they can't reactivate my account because I have too many databases (I only have 46 in that host).

    Anyway. Now I have to work to move the other sites to hostgator as well.

    Lessons I learnt. - get a dedicated server for the next time if I intended in the near future to keep launching products in that niche (no, no, no I'm not going to say what niche it is).
    Test and test and then test some more until I'm sure to every thing is in place.
    Backup more often! my last backup is from two weeks ago.

    Thanks again for the replies.
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • Profile picture of the author Sagar Mehta
    You know the sad part?

    All those fake "Server Crashed due to orders!" that we've seen in our email over the years, will make your authentic problem look like a cheap trick!

    But, all the best to you mate! Hope all works out well for you

    Need AWESOME Customer Support For Your Product / Service / Upcoming Launches? > Click Here <
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    • Profile picture of the author Sandor Verebi
      Originally Posted by neodarth View Post

      OK, after many hours of hard work I managed to recoup the site and finally launch the product.

      For start I move the site from Vodahost and hosted on my hostgator reseller account

      I made a second sales page with a 48 hours special 50% discount and mail to the JV's offer them 100% commission for the sales made on that 48 hours period so they keep their original 50% commission and I keep the customer's mail.

      I broadcast my list and told them about the hosting issue and as a way to compensate them I'll cut the price to half for them...
      Hi Cristian,

      Sorry to hear your story, I know, how you felt.

      Changing host and taking Reseller or VPS package - that was the best solution what you could do. This way at least you save, which was can be saved. Later (if you can afford it) you can go for Dedicated hosting.

      (I don't know how much it would have been useful if a few days before the launch you notice the bluehost about the expected traffic.)

      Originally Posted by Sagar Mehta View Post

      You know the sad part?

      All those fake "Server Crashed due to orders!" that we've seen in our email over the years, will make your authentic problem look like a cheap trick!

      But, all the best to you mate! Hope all works out well for you

      As we know, the exception proves the rule.

      All the best,

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    • Profile picture of the author Gary King
      Originally Posted by Sagar Mehta View Post

      You know the sad part?

      All those fake "Server Crashed due to orders!" that we've seen in our email over the years, will make your authentic problem look like a cheap trick!

      But, all the best to you mate! Hope all works out well for you


      True, but if it is real and you can get a screen shot of it, or do a short video with the page up, it can be spun a little anyway.

      yes, all that can be faked, but it's a possibility at damage control.


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    • Profile picture of the author neodarth
      Originally Posted by Sagar Mehta View Post

      You know the sad part?

      All those fake "Server Crashed due to orders!" that we've seen in our email over the years, will make your authentic problem look like a cheap trick!

      But, all the best to you mate! Hope all works out well for you

      Yeah, I know that... at first I worried about that too, but after rethinking I realize that my niche is far far apart from IM and other money making schemes, and there is a launch every six months with luck.

      And I really don't need to create false scarcity or make a blind sales letter, or hyped up the results, put income screenshots, or tell that my accountant is going to kill me for sell cheap, or say oops! I sent the wrong link... here it is again.
      ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

      ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • Profile picture of the author MarthaD.
    Geez!!! I can see why you got so frustrated! Glad you're picking up the pieces.
    Quite a learning experience but thanks for posting this, it might save myself and others from making such a mistake.

    You can also think of it as an opportunity though - depending on your niche, maybe incorporate it as a bit of very helpful information explaining what happened to you and how to avoid it.

    Glad you have it under control, hope it's now a success for you!


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  • Profile picture of the author Evan-M
    one thing i always do, is every site that can go down, and cost me money, I have a backup of the site running on my linux box that is next to me. if a site ever crash's I quickly swap the dns to my local box ( if the problem isn't easily solvable) dns usually takes about 1 hour to update. so if fixing it will take longer than a hour, i do the switch.

    I also use it as my backup box, when I do a backup, I take the 3 extra seconds to put the files on a server thats running, then just disable apache until its needed.

    by doing it this way. you know the most downtime you will ever experience is 1 hour, and it costs me nothing.

    ubuntu with Lamp literally takes 10 min to setup. but can save you thousands.

    Ill be doing a video on how to install/configure ubuntu as a web server this week, that ill put on my YouTube


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  • Profile picture of the author singhavn
    I also have ixwebhosting shared unlimited plan. Your sad case is making me worry now.
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    • Profile picture of the author webjedi
      Originally Posted by singhavn View Post

      I also have ixwebhosting shared unlimited plan. Your sad case is making me worry now.
      hey shoot them (support) a mail and ask them what their 'fail safe' shutoffs are. In our friend's case it was 19% server CPU usage. I am wondering if ix will say anything truthful (I am wondering if any hosting company would).

      But if in case they DO tell you the limits.. would you post their response here?

      It makes me worry too, apparently our hosts do not expect us to be successful.


      p.s. I am emailing my hosting company with the same questions after this post

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      • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
        Originally Posted by Brian Lett View Post

        Just remember that with most so-called "unlimited" shared hosting plans, they will suspend your account if they it as doing something to "harm" the balance of the shared server.
        Just bear in mind that "most" is the keyword in that statement. Some of us don't suspend an account the moment they trigger an alert. We actually work with our customers to try and optimize their setups and reduce their CPU cycles. Almost every time it's because of excessive MySQL queries, which is very easy to work around if you know what you are doing.

        Originally Posted by neodarth View Post

        For start I move the site from Vodahost and hosted on my hostgator reseller account

        I made a second sales page with a 48 hours special 50% discount and mail to the JV's offer them 100% commission for the sales made on that 48 hours period so they keep their original 50% commission and I keep the customer's mail.

        I broadcast my list and told them about the hosting issue and as a way to compensate them I'll cut the price to half for them.

        I have another product that I was planning to launch in a future but I setup an OTO page and offer it with a special price.

        After three hours I managed to make 5 sales at $98, but I'm now filling my mind with endless what if's.

        From Vodahost they replied to me that my account triggered a fail safe because I was using 19% of CPU Usage and they can't reactivate my account because I have too many databases (I only have 46 in that host).
        The suspended you for "too many databases"? That's the actual reason they gave you? Because their website claims to offer unlimited databases. Are you sure they didn't say "too many database queries"?

        If you are using wordpress or some other CMS on a site and have a big product launch, it will probably trigger issues with any shared host if you don't do some performance tweaking.

        It sucks that you had this much trouble, but you should be warned that if you do the same thing on HG you might face the same problem unless you've either optimized your database queries or upgraded to a VPS solution
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        • Profile picture of the author neodarth
          Originally Posted by Christian Little View Post

          The suspended you for "too many databases"? That's the actual reason they gave you? Because their website claims to offer unlimited databases. Are you sure they didn't say "too many database queries"?
          Here's what they said to me

          VodaHost Help Desk
          Posted On: 23 Feb 2011 10:32 AM
          The reason your site was suspend is because it violated clause
          10a of our terms of service which can be found on the below url.

          Web Hosting Terms of Service | Web Hosting

          Your account spiked the server at 19% of CPU usage and triggered
          a fail safe auto suspend. We have 500 accounts on each server. We
          can not have one account using 19% of server CPU.

          Your suspension has nothing to do with bandwidth or disk space usage.
          Your suspension is purely based on cpu abuse.

          What EXACTLY are you doing?
          What scripts are you running?

          VodaHost Help Desk
          Posted On: 23 Feb 2011 10:35 AM
          You have 46 databases.

          What EXACTLY are you doing?
          What scripts are you running?

          Cristian Perez
          Posted On: 23 Feb 2011 10:35 PM
          I have 46 wordpress blogs in different niches running
          since august 2009, there is no script running or
          auto-content plugins.

          VodaHost Help Desk
          Posted On: 23 Feb 2011 01:22 PM
          You need to have a dedicated server to run this many wordpress
          blogs. You are causing massive server loads, we cannot activate
          the account.

          Cristian Perez
          Posted On: 23 Feb 2011 01:22 PM
          Please at least let me do a backup from the databases to move them to another host.

          And that's it, no more response since then.
          ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

          ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • Profile picture of the author jmartinez
    Unfortunate situation. You can never trust a shared hosting account too much. I've had my issues before and switched because of it.

    I have my domains with a seperate company than who I use for web hosting just in case the web host tried to pull something they wouldn't have my domains at their disposal. It may sound like overkill, but if you had 2 web hosting accounts from 2 different companies and had your domains in a separate account you could point your domains to the backup host in case of an emergency. Even if you didn't have a duplicate of your website you could at least have something in place for the situation. It could still take time for the domains to propagate, but generally it doesn't take long (can happen in as little as an hour). It would seem extreme to switch hosts on the fly like that, but if the launch is important enough it doesn't hurt to have a backup plan in case something fails.
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  • Profile picture of the author ashSimpson87
    Move to another hosting site. They're being professional on their job. Bad experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author donhx
    We must all realize we are at the mercy of 3rd parties... hosting companies, PayPal, Clickbank or whatever. It is important that we build in redundant systems. Anything can go wrong at any time and we all need to be prepared if something goes wrong.

    Actually, things go surprisingly well considering the complexity of various systems. We hit the panic button when we have a problem, but overwhelmingly systems work.
    Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
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  • Profile picture of the author dbarnum
    People understand these things today. Gosh, you could set up elsewhere, and your payment processor could be down for awhile. Things happen.

    And during launches, many people are not even online or alert to the event or checking it out, when you think they are.

    You have plenty of time. It's a process -- a selling process, not a couple hours' sale, so relax and roll with the punches

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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
    Go for some other reliable hosting. And I would also recommend paying a few bucks for another hosting just for a back up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Floyd Fisher

    You need to fight for this if you believe you're right.

    Call the hosting company back, and demand to speak to the supervisor.

    Moving hosts is going to take days to accomplish, and you need to get this back on track now before it slips away.

    Don't worry about whether it's a long distance call or not, by the time you get the bill for it, you should have sufficient funds to pay for it. Just get on there, and hang in there until this gets resolved.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    presale emails sent to a list of about 2000 people, JV's launching their own promos to their list, and today was the big opening.
    Can you say, dedicated server? This is the solution you should have went with in the first place.
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    • Profile picture of the author jimotman
      Originally Posted by Rus Sells View Post

      Can you say, dedicated server? This is the solution you should have went with in the first place.
      a dedicated server is too expensive especially for beginners in the IM world, that's why many are still using shared hosting, with the risk shown here

      Yes, money CAN buy happiness IF you know where to spend it.

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      • Profile picture of the author Paul S
        I'm paying $37 a month for hosting and it seems to be working well so far.

        Is that a reasonable amount to pay for hosting?
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  • Profile picture of the author rickjackson
    a big hats off to you brother.... ouch!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
    Wow that's brutal. Do you know how to optimize your wordpress blogs so they don't suck up so much CPU power?
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  • Profile picture of the author Carol_A
    I am so sorry this happened to you.

    Sure glad I started with BlueHost. Will upgrade my basic account as my needs increase.

    - At least others can learn from this . . . thanks for sharing!

    Take care,
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    Originally Posted by londonwarrior View Post

    Don't mean to sound overly harsh, but you lost your launch and your credibility because you didn't want to pay a long-distance phone charge? I can hardly believe that.

    I would suggest you host with a company that's contactable by phone. And get yourself a cheap call plan.
    I know! I freaked out and I didn't meassure cost/benefit at that time.

    The first product I launched on that niche I didn't spend any money but the domain and every thing went so smooth that I thought it was really easy.

    Now I know that the second was a crappy launch I tried to go cheap again and reduce costs at max doing all by myself and I pay for it.

    I fell and stand it's a bouncy cicle.
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • This things sadly are happening to all, at least once in a lifetime.
    I throw over 3,000 mailing list contacts in the closet just thanks to an autoresponder that closed without telling a word.

    The unique thing you can do it's changing the hosting, and take up a big name of industry. Nothing will happen.
    And remember to always base your important thing on important companies.

    Thanks and see you soon,
    Alessandro Zamboni
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  • Profile picture of the author greattechno
    thanks very much for sharing

    Komodo Island is the pride of the Indonesia people and also the world community. Support for Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of The World
    on blog Reviewing of Technology, Computer and Internet Progress Great Technology
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    End of day one...

    After server debacle I must said that every thing didn't went as wrong as I guess.

    I manage to make 26 sales on first day 5 of them from jv's so at 100% commission doesn't count.

    So 21 sales at $97 = $2037

    Crappy conversion taking on account that I mail to a list of about 2k is like a 0.1% with a 16% open rate.

    So I didn't take them as a complete failure, hope the days that come will bring more sales.

    Lesson learned.

    I'm guessing is product launch formula will be of any use for future launches (that of course will not be soon... it's so freaking stressing!)
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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    • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
      Originally Posted by neodarth View Post

      End of day one...
      Considering what you went through, $2000 at the end of your first day seems pretty damn good to me. Congrats

      Where did the email list come from? Your own or did you buy an email blast from somebody?
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      • Profile picture of the author neodarth
        Originally Posted by Christian Little View Post

        Considering what you went through, $2000 at the end of your first day seems pretty damn good to me. Congrats

        Where did the email list come from? Your own or did you buy an email blast from somebody?
        Thanks, by night two more sales rolls in.

        The list I built it by myself from a previous launch and over the past six months using PPV on and, is not much bigger because is a relative small niche.
        ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

        ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • Profile picture of the author bigjoe59
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    • Profile picture of the author donkey007
      i wonder how can u ran 40 wordpress installation on one shared hosting account.

      in past my account was suspended just because i have 3 wordpress installation and one osdate installation. Reason they gave me for account suspension is to using high resources. when i removed osdate script from my installation there were no load on server.

      what i learn from that incident that you can run many installation of shared hosting but some scripts like osdata,open,openemr are heavily high for shared hosting .

      now i have 4 wordpress and one other script installed on my server . Never faced any problem after that
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    • Profile picture of the author King Louie
      Considering that you're having a product launch, you should have placed your site on a dedicated server that can handle huge amount of traffic. Shared hosting is good but can only handle so much traffic and server load. I'm not sold on shared hosting that tells you "unlimited space and bandwidth" because nothing's really unlimited in web hosting.
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      • Profile picture of the author neodarth
        Originally Posted by Content Winner View Post

        Considering that you're having a product launch, you should have placed your site on a dedicated server that can handle huge amount of traffic. Shared hosting is good but can only handle so much traffic and server load. I'm not sold on shared hosting that tells you "unlimited space and bandwidth" because nothing's really unlimited in web hosting.
        You are right, I'm considering a dedicated server. Even though is expensive to me.
        ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

        ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • Profile picture of the author kianhowe
    Tell your list that your server crashed because too many people visited the site or that your product sold out
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    • Profile picture of the author neodarth
      Originally Posted by kianhowe View Post

      Tell your list that your server crashed because too many people visited the site or that your product sold out
      I could tell them that, but it will be a lie and I really don't want to keep mudding my reputation. It can't be right.

      No I just told them the truth about the CPU usage and the account been suspended, and that I have to move to another more reliable server to ensure that the site will be up in no time.
      ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

      ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3421888].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by neodarth View Post

        I could tell them that, but it will be a lie and I really don't want to keep mudding my reputation. It can't be right.

        No I just told them the truth about the CPU usage and the account been suspended, and that I have to move to another more reliable server to ensure that the site will be up in no time.
        I'd just tell them the truth; be as honest and transparent as you can with them, they'll appreciate you for it.

        It may be time to move to a dedicated server, but don't look at it as a negative thing - this means that your business is expanding and has outgrown your existing resources. Consider this additional motivation to do at least one more product launch within the next few months.

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
      Originally Posted by kianhowe View Post

      Tell your list that your server crashed because too many people visited the site or that your product sold out

      I know what you're trying to say here, but...
      First, that would be a lie.

      Second, I think neodarth wants MORE sales. Well, if he "sold out" the average person is going to believe that there are no more left.

      So, not only is this suggestion unethical, it's also illogical.

      HOWEVER, if--and only if--this ends up being true. THEN it could always be used as ad copy for a future product.

      All the best,

      "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author smartdoctor
    oh sorry for that. All the same you can transfer your site I think it is possible
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  • Profile picture of the author Owen Smith
    Contact your list, inform them that due to the high demand, the server crashed. But also inform them you have now upgraded the server and to get in quick before you need another server to cope with teh capacity

    All the Hottest eBooks, Graphics, Software, Videos, Articles, and Templates you want with PLR and MRR. Join PLR Assassin Today!

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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Bummer.. Happened to me too! Now I have a few places I keep the files and list to have it available for me whenever I need it.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author morsh
    wow, that's really unlucky, as your 3 months hardworking just leading into that 3 hours hosting down. Feels like 127 Hours, just watched it yesterday. Anyway, I hoped you got more luck in the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author bertyounger
    These types of disaster will always occur whether due to human error or just plain equipment failure.

    So here is my number one observation regarding computers: The damn things sense fear!

    And my answer to this: Redundancy in everything IT related.

    Multiple hosts, multiple computers in my office and lots of backup! Don't count on your host company to do it for you!

    As for myself I like to work with two hosts companies and have the ability to redirect traffic as the situation requires with a simple redirect with my domain registrar. I sleep a lot better at night knowing I have a safety net!
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  • Profile picture of the author aminur
    I use webhostingpad hosting. it's cheap . i think it was like $60 for 3 years. I am using this hosting only for my opt in page. No way i am going to do any product launch on them hosting. they are not capable for high traffic. Long run it's saving me good money and so far no problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
    Just for grins I took a look at the TOS of both Hostgator and Bluehost.

    With Hostgator there could be a similar problem as with vodahost. 7a of Hostgators TOS says, "User may not: 1) Use 25% or more of system resources for longer then 90 seconds"

    The TOS is here Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting, and Dedicated Website Hosting w/ cPanel - HostGator

    Bluehost seems to have a much more liberal TOS. Web hosting provider - - domain hosting - PHP Hosting - cheap web hosting - Frontpage Hosting E-Commerce Web Hosting Bluehost

    See section 7

    I am not an affiliate of either.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Henshaw
    I've not read the full post. So if I am covering something that you are aware of - sorry Just for information for those interested, there is a similar active thread here:-

    I posted in the other thread too.


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  • Profile picture of the author robrave

    Just recently all my sites has been hacked and defaced. Fortunately, it seems that they just replace all of the index.php on all of my sites and I have backups.

    Sad thing here is, I use the so called "unlimited" everything, shared hosting. After an extensive research about the one who hacked, I've found out that all of the sites that are hosted on the same server as mine are all defaced too, it seems the hacking attempt was done by IP and exploit a hole in Unix OS.

    Now, I'm thinking of getting a VPS.
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  • Profile picture of the author LauraJames
    Hopefully, you've already taken action by now. Move to a new web host. I recommend Hostgator. I am sure other members of the Warrior Forum will have hosting suggestions as well.

    I may be misunderstanding something, but it seems like all of this mess happened because you did not want to pay a long distance charge. Hopefully not. No matter what, time to move ahead with this.

    Chief Executive Officer
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    • Profile picture of the author neodarth
      Originally Posted by LauraJames View Post

      I may be misunderstanding something, but it seems like all of this mess happened because you did not want to pay a long distance charge. Hopefully not. No matter what, time to move ahead with this.
      I'm still consider myself a newbie and I have a sick fear to long distance calls.

      Probably because as a child my dad kick the s** out of me for make long distance calls and I developed some kind of phonephobia.

      Probably because my pronunciation skills are less than Tarzan and wanted to keep the comunication to a writing level to make me understand.

      Or probably because I'm just a cheap newbie.

      Go figure...
      ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

      ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • Profile picture of the author Blake King
    Sorry to hear this happened to you. I would never do a large scale launch without a good vps. I recommend Liquidweb.
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    Week 1, I'm slowly taking all the sites back to normal, there are still seven to set up and upload in the new server.

    It's not a dedicated server (not yet, but at least is a reseller account in hostgator) I have others sites there where I test some autoblogs niche sites and other stuffs.

    The product launch is finally steady and sales comes in a regular basis.

    Now I'm planning to move to a bigger niche so the next time that I want to make a product launch I'll setup a dedicated server and take the money from the launch budget.
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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