Good Niche for a Website?

26 replies
Hello warriors,

I'm fairly new to all of this making money online thing. I was just wondering what is a good niche for me, as a beginner, to build a site around?

I was thinking about building a website based around biz-ops. Is that too competitive for a beginner?

I don't plan on using PPC advertising until I have actually profited from this website and have money to put back into it.

Originally Posted by iRunThis View Post

Can anyone give me a good niche to start out with, building a website around it? If anybody can that would be really helpful, also if you can, PM it to me so that every newb on WF doesn't end up going after the same niche. Thank you so much everybody that posted on this thread so far!
#good #niche #website
  • Profile picture of the author cborgrx
    Biz-ops is very competitive but that's not to say you shouldn't do about something you are good at, something you are passionate about, something you can talk for hours about, a skill you have that you can share in words, a unique thing/aspect/or situation that you are involved in.....something SPECIAL for you. Hope this helps
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    • Profile picture of the author iRunThis
      Originally Posted by cborgrx View Post

      Biz-ops is very competitive but that's not to say you shouldn't do about something you are good at, something you are passionate about, something you can talk for hours about, a skill you have that you can share in words, a unique thing/aspect/or situation that you are involved in.....something SPECIAL for you. Hope this helps
      I chose biz-ops. I found a website name that I couldn't pass up. I know it's competitive, if I target the right keywords will this help me battle against the rest of my competitors? I was hoping to get on a decent start seeing $30+/day in about 2 weeks. Is this possible using only SEO and article marketing? Better yet, is it likely? Keep in mind that most biz-op offers payout around $30 - $40 for a conversion.
      "Grammar: The difference between knowing your sh*t, and knowing you're sh*t." -A Wise Man
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
        Originally Posted by iRunThis View Post

        I chose biz-ops. I found a website name that I couldn't pass up. I know it's competitive, if I target the right keywords will this help me battle against the rest of my competitors? I was hoping to get on a decent start seeing $30+/day in about 2 weeks. Is this possible using only SEO and article marketing? Better yet, is it likely? Keep in mind that most biz-op offers payout around $30 - $40 for a conversion.
        Is it likely? Not if you aren't going to commit to it 110%. It sure is likely if you put in the work. Of course it is likely for the person who goes hard at it!

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        Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

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      • Profile picture of the author RichKent
        Originally Posted by iRunThis View Post

        I chose biz-ops. I found a website name that I couldn't pass up. I know it's competitive, if I target the right keywords will this help me battle against the rest of my competitors? I was hoping to get on a decent start seeing $30+/day in about 2 weeks. Is this possible using only SEO and article marketing? Better yet, is it likely? Keep in mind that most biz-op offers payout around $30 - $40 for a conversion.
        Here's the thing, it's competitive, but it's a BIG pie! Better to have a small piece of a big pie, right?

        When I started I went after a big market too. I still have that website and it earns me a solid monthly income, so no regrets -


        It took a while to make any money with it. I think 2 weeks is way too short a timeframe. Maybe 2 months if you really crank? Especially if the site is brand brand new.

        When I started I registered a site, got content on it, got it indexed, then let it sit for a while before I started to really work on it. It took me a month or two to realize I'd need to WORK at it if I wanted traffic!

        Trying to get a brand spanking new site to rank for money keywords in a super-competitive niche in 2 weeks is pretty much impossible. If it were that easy and fast to add $35/day to your income, everyone on WF would be doing it.

        I would stick with it though, as there's plenty of money to be made in that niche if you're patient and keep working at it!
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        • Profile picture of the author sim22
          Get rid of cold sores is a good niche, also stop excessive sweating and registry cleaners. I've had success in all those niches.

          Also horse racing systems and poker systems and how to get rid of man boobs are good niches.
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          • Profile picture of the author sim22
            yes horse racing systems is a good niche ive had success with that one too until google banned that niche

            Originally Posted by sim22 View Post

            Get rid of cold sores is a good niche, also stop excessive sweating and registry cleaners. I've had success in all those niches.

            Also horse racing systems and poker systems and how to get rid of man boobs are good niches.
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  • Profile picture of the author hobsdv
    I would look for something a bit more micro niche, something you could easily rank for and then build from there
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  • Profile picture of the author InitialEffort
    Bizops is a fairly tough niche, you might want to start with good keyword research first if you plan to use SEO as part of your main strategy.

    The hardest thing about IM is picking a niche that isn't profitable or way to competitive. Then you put all your time and effort into it only to learn it was a waste.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I would do some keyword research and find a less competitive niche that you could easily rank in Google with. There are many profitable niches. Newbies often jump right into biz ops or make money online, one of the most competitive niches out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author petevamp
    Now ask your self this what can you offer in terms of giving information on online biz ops to your readers. Since you say you are new and still wet behind the ears. It is unlikely that you have made much money online so far or even any at all.

    What I would suggest is go with something a little more up your alley. To do this answer a few qurstions.

    What can you offer your readers?
    What are you good at and have a passion for?
    What type of things do you like to do?

    Why go into a market you obviously know very little about. If you can go with something more up your alley by answering the questions above.

    You can even go the route of your favorite tv show/s. There are litterly hudreds of niches out there for you to choose from but you do have to have some knowledge for any niche in order to give your readers something of value. Don't just be like those ones who come in marketing something they know nothing about. Your readers and buyers will eat you a part in the end and it will hurt you and your business in the long run. SO my advice to you is to stick with what you already know untill you can outsource much of the work on the other niches.

    Just my 2 cents. I wish you the best of luck with what ever you choose.
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    • Profile picture of the author iRunThis
      Originally Posted by petevamp View Post

      What can you offer your readers?
      I can offer my readers information. I'm not bad at researching different topics/niches. I just can't think of any other niche that a whole lot of people would be interested in.

      What I mean by that is, if I go with biz-ops, there are ENDLESS amounts of biz-op offers all about the same thing to post on my website with articles and bits and pieces of information. If I go with anything else, I can't think of another niche that I can do this with, every other niche has tons of other sub niches so the visitors to my site might not be interested in what I have to offer.

      For example, say the niche is health, On my website I would have to post about Getting rid of Acne, Curing Man boobs, etc. While someone may click on my website for health info, they might not be interested in any topics or offers on my website. With biz-ops, they would click on my website for biz-ops and they would see tons of biz-op offers to choose from so they would be interested in at least one. It just seems more logical. I already bought the domain so I think I'm just going to give it a try, If I fail, I fail. That's how I learn from my mistakes and get better right? You never know, I might actually be successful in this popular niche and this might be my golden business in the next year.
      "Grammar: The difference between knowing your sh*t, and knowing you're sh*t." -A Wise Man
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      • Profile picture of the author BenSalez
        Originally Posted by iRunThis View Post

        I can offer my readers information. I'm not bad at researching different topics/niches. I just can't think of any other niche that a whole lot of people would be interested in.

        What I mean by that is, if I go with biz-ops, there are ENDLESS amounts of biz-op offers all about the same thing to post on my website with articles and bits and pieces of information. If I go with anything else, I can't think of another niche that I can do this with, every other niche has tons of other sub niches so the visitors to my site might not be interested in what I have to offer.

        For example, say the niche is health, On my website I would have to post about Getting rid of Acne, Curing Man boobs, etc. While someone may click on my website for health info, they might not be interested in any topics or offers on my website. With biz-ops, they would click on my website for biz-ops and they would see tons of biz-op offers to choose from so they would be interested in at least one. It just seems more logical. I already bought the domain so I think I'm just going to give it a try, If I fail, I fail. That's how I learn from my mistakes and get better right? You never know, I might actually be successful in this popular niche and this might be my golden business in the next year.
        Why did you solicit advice here and if you were just going to do your own thing anyway?

        I wish you the best of luck, however it might be wiser to get your feet wet in something less competitive.
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        • Profile picture of the author iRunThis
          Originally Posted by BenSalez View Post

          Why did you solicit advice here and if you were just going to do your own thing anyway?

          I wish you the best of luck, however it might be wiser to get your feet wet in something less competitive.
          Actually, I was hoping that somebody could read what I posted a few posts up and give me an example of another niche aside from biz-ops that are the same way that I described biz-ops.......

          Originally Posted by iRunThis View Post

          For example, say the niche is health, On my website I would have to post about Getting rid of Acne, Curing Man boobs, etc. While someone may click on my website for health info, they might not be interested in any topics or offers on my website. With biz-ops, they would click on my website for biz-ops and they would see tons of biz-op offers to choose from so they would be interested in at least one.
          No final decision has been made by me yet. I'm just telling you my point of view on the situation and giving you the "go ahead" to correct me if I'm wrong. Tell me why what I described above isn't logical, or tell me why it won't work and I will take in what you said and think about it. In order to fully help somebody you have to understand how they think. This is why instead of simply posting a question on a thread, waiting for an answer and letting that be the end of it, I would rather post a question on a thread, wait for an answer, tell you what I think about that answer and how I feel about the situation, and you tell me why I'm thinking about it the wrong way. Feel free to change my opinions and my point of view, that's what I want. ;

          P.S. Sorry guys, I have a really weird way of thinking about things. I have a very strong opinion, even on things that I know nothing about. That's why when I ask questions like this, I will tell you what I think about it and what I think is the best thing to do, but I'm not simply asking the question to piss off warriors and waste your time, I'm asking the question for you to correct what I think is the right way to go about it.
          "Grammar: The difference between knowing your sh*t, and knowing you're sh*t." -A Wise Man
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      • Profile picture of the author petevamp
        Originally Posted by iRunThis View Post

        I can offer my readers information. I'm not bad at researching different topics/niches. I just can't think of any other niche that a whole lot of people would be interested in.

        What I mean by that is, if I go with biz-ops, there are ENDLESS amounts of biz-op offers all about the same thing to post on my website with articles and bits and pieces of information. If I go with anything else, I can't think of another niche that I can do this with, every other niche has tons of other sub niches so the visitors to my site might not be interested in what I have to offer.

        For example, say the niche is health, On my website I would have to post about Getting rid of Acne, Curing Man boobs, etc. While someone may click on my website for health info, they might not be interested in any topics or offers on my website. With biz-ops, they would click on my website for biz-ops and they would see tons of biz-op offers to choose from so they would be interested in at least one. It just seems more logical. I already bought the domain so I think I'm just going to give it a try, If I fail, I fail. That's how I learn from my mistakes and get better right? You never know, I might actually be successful in this popular niche and this might be my golden business in the next year.

        You were not getting what I was saying with my what can you offer your readers statement. I am not saying you can not be successful with this either. I am saying that you really need to go with a market with less competition from the start. That is untill you get the hang of things.

        Honestly though you may be able to offer your readers information done with research. However the only true research comes in with actually buying the product or even testing the product and or service you are promoting. You can read all you want about a product and or service. However most biz ops never actual hold true to what they offer. Nor do they even work half of the time.

        Yes you can provide them information about a product or service. But can you honestly say that product or service works if you have never used it. What are you honestly going to tell them with your sales message at the end. I think this product is your best bet at making money with out question. How do you know without actually being there and making money with that product and or service. You simply cant make acusations about a product or service you know nothing about. Hense my next part of what I originally said. Your readers and possible buyers are going to eat right through you and before long every buyer you did have would be a return in the first place so it is really a waste of time.

        The other niches are small yes. However they will still buy. Once you have the site producing money and in a good position you can expand by doing the same exact thing again and again. Just because a market is small does not mean they will only buy one set of products. Build a list and ask your subscribers the type of things they are looking for. This will help you expand your ventures and build up a good quality reputation with each and every reader, buyer and even the freebe seekers.
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        • Profile picture of the author iRunThis
          Originally Posted by petevamp View Post

          You were not getting what I was saying with my what can you offer your readers statement. I am not saying you can not be successful with this either. I am saying that you really need to go with a market with less competition from the start. That is untill you get the hang of things.
          I might actually go with something less competitive. I just had the idea that more popular = more buyers. I always thought that less competitive = less popular and less popular = no buyers.

          Where I make the mistake at, is that I look at myself as a buyer instead of a seller. I can only envision what I would actually be tempted to buy to be successful. I think that this is the wrong way to look at it. Even though it's kind of hard to picture thousands of people filling out offers for something that I would never see myself even thinking about, I guess I would have to actually see it for myself to believe that these types of niches can be successful.
          "Grammar: The difference between knowing your sh*t, and knowing you're sh*t." -A Wise Man
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          • Profile picture of the author frank07
            Originally Posted by iRunThis View Post

            I might actually go with something less competitive. I just had the idea that more popular = more buyers. I always thought that less competitive = less popular and less popular = no buyers.

            Where I make the mistake at, is that I look at myself as a buyer instead of a seller. I can only envision what I would actually be tempted to buy to be successful. I think that this is the wrong way to look at it. Even though it's kind of hard to picture thousands of people filling out offers for something that I would never see myself even thinking about, I guess I would have to actually see it for myself to believe that these types of niches can be successful.
            It you had a good ideas and believe it can works, go to do it. No one know it can make money or not unless you tried. Go ahead and start to build it before another one get it. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author caksut
    Originally Posted by iRunThis View Post

    Hello warriors,

    I'm fairly new to all of this making money online thing. I was just wondering what is a good niche for me, as a beginner, to build a site around?

    I was thinking about building a website based around biz-ops. Is that too competitive for a beginner?

    I don't plan on using PPC advertising until I have actually profited from this website and have money to put back into it.
    Visit,, . you'll find featured stuff there that you could take as idea. then dig further using free keyword provided google adword for free. they're all free but it works
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  • Profile picture of the author LauraJames
    I have a really good suggestion for you. However, I am not sure if what I am going to type is against Warrior Forum rules. To be safe, I will send you a PM. Thank you.

    Chief Executive Officer
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  • Profile picture of the author iRunThis
    Can anyone give me a good niche to start out with, building a website around it? If anybody can that would be really helpful, also if you can, PM it to me so that every newb on WF doesn't end up going after the same niche. Thank you so much everybody that posted on this thread so far!
    "Grammar: The difference between knowing your sh*t, and knowing you're sh*t." -A Wise Man
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  • Profile picture of the author hotlinkz
    Internet marketing and biz-opps are super competitive for beginners. Pick some hobbies, activities and products you like, then do some keyword and market research.

    You should also consider the fact that if you are a beginner with no proven results or history, how would you plan on selling business opportunities to others? Pursue something you enjoy and are familiar with - at least at the beginning.
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    • Profile picture of the author iRunThis
      Originally Posted by hotlinkz View Post

      Internet marketing and biz-opps are super competitive for beginners. Pick some hobbies, activities and products you like, then do some keyword and market research.

      You should also consider the fact that if you are a beginner with no proven results or history, how would you plan on selling business opportunities to others? Pursue something you enjoy and are familiar with - at least at the beginning.
      I just don't understand how I would set up any other niche on a website. Can somebody PM me the link to their website that they are actually making decent money with?
      "Grammar: The difference between knowing your sh*t, and knowing you're sh*t." -A Wise Man
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      • Profile picture of the author ValWu
        So are you trying to promote one particular biz-opp? or different kinds of biz-opp program?

        If this is what you are going after, what i can suggest is: Create a blog, and post honest reviews of different biz-opp programs. One post dedicate to one program (the best is to review the new one that just launched or in pre-launch because that can really boost your ranking in that "biz-opp program" keyword) THEN, and the end of your each post, say something like, "Click here to find out what I think is the best money making program for 2011" or simply put a banner of YOUR biz-opp program at the end of your post.

        Hope this will help
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        • Profile picture of the author iRunThis
          Originally Posted by ValWu View Post

          So are you trying to promote one particular biz-opp? or different kinds of biz-opp program?

          If this is what you are going after, what i can suggest is: Create a blog, and post honest reviews of different biz-opp programs. One post dedicate to one program (the best is to review the new one that just launched or in pre-launch because that can really boost your ranking in that "biz-opp program" keyword) THEN, and the end of your each post, say something like, "Click here to find out what I think is the best money making program for 2011" or simply put a banner of YOUR biz-opp program at the end of your post.

          Hope this will help
          Thank you for this. This is a great tip and I will definitely use this in the future when I make my website. My main problem is looking for a niche that's not too competitive to rank for on the first page of google in about 3 weeks. I will use long-tailed keywords if I have to, as long as they have a good amount of searches.
          "Grammar: The difference between knowing your sh*t, and knowing you're sh*t." -A Wise Man
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  • Profile picture of the author alwayshome
    Great thread and good advice. I'm also looking for a new niche that not competitive.
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