Average Bounce Rate?

by 24 replies
Just wondering what you're average bounce rates are for your blogs/aff sites?

Some of mine are as low as 63% but most are around 70%
#main internet marketing discussion forum #average #bounce #rate
  • I'm not sure what is really an average bounce rate, simply because many niches are all different and require different things. Personally 70% sounds quite high. Most of my sites hover right around 40% but a site I launched in December has a bounce rate of just 19%. Admittedly it is a photo-heavy blog.
  • Bounce rate should be lower than 70% because it denotes the time, the user spends on the website. So, a bounce rate of as high as 70% implies that these number of visitors rush away from the website almost seconds after landing on it.
  • Yeah, one on of my best converting sites right now, I notice that 64.4% visitors leave the pages within 0-5seconds.

    This is according to statcounter and I'm never sure of the true validity of statcounter but that seemed a little high to me.

    Thinking of ways to bring it down sort of stumped, I think my content is pretty good/compelling but maybe it's still a little too generic or something.
  • for blogs i think thats a good rate.
    most blogs experience 90%+ bounce rate.
  • Interesting. I'm not sure why, I guess it's stuff I've been reading lately and just a gut feeling that goog is putting more emphasis on bounce rate and stuff like that so I'd like to get mine as low as possible (obviously).

    Can they really even track stuff like that if you don't have google analytics installed on the site?
  • Bounce rate depends on what type of sites you have. It may or may not be related to site's performance.

    If you have a bounce rate of 70% and above and you have a blog with lots of internal links, it means readers don't like your site.

    If you have a CPA landing page without any other internal links, most probably you could get 100% bounce rate but expect high conversion. There is no other link to click than your CPA affiliate links - means conversion...

    I'm sorry but this is wrong argument.

    High bounce rate means the visitor did not click any internal link before leaving your site. Whether he stayed there in an hour in just one page, bounce rate is still high. I have a page "lists of dofollow blogs" before with 95% bounce rate but the average time on site is around 8 minutes. Was it good? yes... means they are satisfied in just one page.... If you have 10 visitors staying on the same page for 10 minutes, you\ll get 100% bounce rate but your average time on site is still 10 minutes - still good (means they are reading what is on that page - and they are satisfied)...

    In other words, bounce rate depends on what type of site you may have..
    • [1] reply
    • Yes, lets not confuse what bounce rate means.

      It means the person left your site with ONLY viewing the page they landed on, so if you have a review site and the person read the review and clicked on your affiliate link and bought, thats a bounce yet you still got a sale.

      Bounce rate varies heavily depending on what type of site you have.

      What you can do is take a site average and then look for pages with much higher and lower bounce rates and analyse them individually.
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  • As others have mentioned it depends on your niches.

    My bounce rates are rarely higher than 20% most between 5 and 10%.

    I try to make my sites look nice and provide good information. No ads either.
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    • Great man, never heard of anyone else getting that good bounce rate. Mine is around 40% for some sites which goes to as high as 70% for some other sites.
  • Forums have very low bounce rate. Interactive sites have lower bounce rates...
  • On my SEO blog, the bounce rate is about 1%. Then on the other hand, I used to have a travel blog with about 40% bounce rate.

    It doesn't just depend on what we are doing. It also has to do with the niche.
  • thanks everyone
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  • There seems to be some confusion here about what a bounce rate is. It means that people left your site without going to another page in your site. They entered and exited your site on the same page.

    If you have a 1 page site, you'll have a 100% bounce rate. It makes no difference how long someone is on that page. If you have many pages, and your bounce rate is 60%-75% or more, you may have a problem. Visitors are not seeing anything that makes them want to click on a link to take them deeper into your site.
  • It all depends on your niche, contacts, lists etc ... but yours do sound quite high. Have you tried split testing different e-mails?
  • Its all about what your page or site is serving. What are you expecting? Bounce rate of 40% on a squeeze page? C'mon
  • normaly it should not be more than 40% but it varies
  • Try to keep it at 50% or below. 70% is really too high imo.
  • You can't say that there is every site has same bounce rate, if visitor find some thing of their interest on your site than definitely your site bounce rate will be low. Also traffic sources has very important effect on bounce rate, traffic from search engines has relatively low bounce rate than traffic from referring sites.
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    • I totally disagree.
      What if a website gets 100 visitors daily and those all 100 visitors land on a page and they find complete information on that page, read and leave it. Whooops! The bounce rate for a day was 100%.

      Another angle.

      100 people land on a page to find a particular type of information and they are unable to get it. So they move to some other page of website just to look for that information or they just use the "Search" feature of the website to find that information. Whooops again! The bounce rate now is 0%.

      Its all relative. End of discussion!
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  • In most cases, it will be around 60-70 percent. And regarding the importance of bounce rates, check the article below:

    Why Typical Bounce Rate Metrics Might Not be Relevant to Your Blog | All Freelance Writing
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Anything under 50% is pretty decent
  • The bounce rate thing is very simple to understand yet some warriors are making it more complicated......

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