If a site is down for server reasons for 24 hrs will that affect my rankings?

17 replies
Fellow warriors, if the servers my sites are hosted on goes down for say 24 hrs, will that cause my page one ranking to drop during that period? If so how long would it take to bring it back up. Thanks

#affect #hrs #rankings #reasons #server #site
  • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
    24 hours...hmm...probably not. But going much beyond that might cause you problems. Even the almighty Google must realize that sites go offline for various reasons, so I'm sure they allow for some buffer time to get back online. 24 hours seems like a reasonable window.

    I will say that if your sites are offline for 24 hours for 'server issues', then you need to find a better hosting company lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Rich Struck
    It can but your site should bounce back quickly.

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  • Profile picture of the author zoobie
    I don't think so. Google may not even notice that your site is down for 24 hours.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Kennedy
    I did drop down when my host went down. It wasnt down for 24 hours either a couple of my blogs lost ranking most of them went back without any extra work.
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  • Profile picture of the author ServiceSolutions
    I would factor in the amount of traffic and crawling search engines do on your site. If you site is relatively new with a small amount of traffic daily then I don't think a 24 hour server issue would massively effect your site but if your site is old and receiving a good number of visitors daily and is crawled daily or more then I believe the issue may cause a bigger effect in the search engines on your rank.

    If my host was having server issues for more than 20 minutes let alone 24 hours I would be looking into other choices of hosting. When your serious about the money your making online and a percentage comes from affiliates promoted on your sites then you will understand what I am saying.
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    • Profile picture of the author imagetypers
      It will hurt you if the site stayes down for a while.
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  • Profile picture of the author infotechdigital
    OMG! What is wrong here? Uh, have a raid mirror and back it up in real time, and have a 5 min ttl, and that should handle it, if it's one IP away on the /24, then shoudl not affect it while your other one is brought back on line and your primary is back up!
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    • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
      Originally Posted by infotechdigital View Post

      OMG! What is wrong here? Uh, have a raid mirror and back it up in real time, and have a 5 min ttl, and that should handle it, if it's one IP away on the /24, then shoudl not affect it while your other one is brought back on line and your primary is back up!
      Not all web hosting companies offer raid. Heck, most don't even offer a basic backup system.
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  • Profile picture of the author iansinfo
    if this is recurring problem I would be looking for a new providor

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  • Profile picture of the author irakly
    If your site is down and search engine visit it at this time than I think it will affect your rankings.
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  • Profile picture of the author pc101seo
    Originally Posted by dlinden View Post

    Fellow warriors, if the servers my sites are hosted on goes down for say 24 hrs, will that cause my page one ranking to drop during that period? If so how long would it take to bring it back up. Thanks
    It may, for example if the spiders is currently or ongoing crawling your site, then your host shutdown, it will live your site a bad impression, and for how long it will last, it might be a week.
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  • Profile picture of the author Owen Smith
    I doubt very much that it will drop your rankings. I would recommend a new host, I have never been down for more than 5 minutes even with large upgrades, including hardware upgrades.


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  • Profile picture of the author ann1986
    Check you cache in google type in google "cache:yoursite.com" If the cache version is when your website is down then your site will have slight change in rankings. Make sure your site is running again by the next cache or your sight will rank lower.
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  • Profile picture of the author charto911
    hmmm.... I will let you know the results of a horrid story of server down times. Is anybody here an expert with ms sql, remote desktops, and .asp server configuration for transferring a site from shared host to either cloud, dedicated, or VPS??
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