Where to submit my articles and should I spin them?

30 replies
Hey guys,

I wanted to ask where should I submit my articles?

I have just watched amazing videos by Kim Roach (“ Underground Traffic Strategies That Nobody Else Will Talk About... ”), but want to ask you, should I spin my articles if it is very boring for me?

(I think these authority sites don't accecpt articles that aren't unique)

It would be great if you would share some tips on article marketing as I am new.
#articles #spin #submit
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Barboza
    EzineArticles, ArticlesBase, Goarticles and ArticleDashboard are good places.

    You don't need to spin them, they will be accepted. Spining is only "useful" if an article or blog network requires it (UAW, AMA, MYA).
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      There's only one article directory that doesn't accept previously published content, and that's "Buzzle" (which is the one that many experienced, professional article marketers don't use, for that very reason).

      Bear in mind, though, that article directories are very far from being "authority sites" in the SEO sense of the words. Article directory backlinks are non-context-relevant, PR-0 backlinks (regardless of the page rank of their home pages, because the articles we submit there, of course, don't go on their home pages).

      To achieve any lasting success and/or to build a real business through "article marketing", it's advisable to think well beyond article directories.

      You don't need to spin them at all, and a previously-published article carries exactly the same backlink, giving you exactly the same link-juice, as the backlink on a "spun"/"original"/"unique" article.
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    • Profile picture of the author Synthetic
      Originally Posted by Alex Barboza View Post

      EzineArticles, ArticlesBase, Goarticles and ArticleDashboard are good places.

      +1 . I am using the first 3 ot them and the results are still very good
      I have seen sinking ships go down with more grace than you ;] creatine monohydrate
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
    Unless you are really good at spinning them don't bother, otherwise you'll end up with sentence fragments and such. Most article directories will take the article as long as you only submit it to them once.
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    • Profile picture of the author NiallR
      Hi Matt,

      I approach article marketing in two ways. First I manually submit one single well written article to these directories:


      I write 3 or 4 different titles and resource boxes and mix them up as I'm doing the submission. This is the "quality" aspect of my article submission. These directories can pass pagerank, visitors and are just basically good places to get your articles listed.

      Then I do a BLAST submission of the same article (very slightly rewritten) to hundreds of other article directories using an automatic article submitter. These hundreds of other directories are just there for backlinks and nothing else.

      Spinning (when I do it) is handled by my favorite article spinner tool but I never really spin more than about 40% because in my opinion it's just not worth the hassle.

      Hope that helps :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author faysal969
    Try this link List Of Top 50 Article Directories By Traffic, PageRank.

    You will find a list of top 50 article directories.
    Learn SEO, Affiliate Marketing, CPA, and Make Money Online !!!!!!!

    Keep your house pest free and be healthy, wealthy, and happy. Get Rid of House Insects. :)
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  • Profile picture of the author trytolearnmore
    Well, i think spinning articles is a good idea. Although it depends on your primary goal (traffic or backlinks)
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  • Profile picture of the author Brian Lett
    I have verified these myself. They are all "do-follow". I hope they help.

    ezinearticles.com/ PR6

    goarticles.com/ PR4

    articledashboard.com/ PR5

    ideamarketers.com/ PR5

    amazines.com/ PR3

    isnare.com/ PR6

    articlecity.com/ PR6

    articlealley.com/ PR5

    sooperarticles.com/ PR5

    articlerich.com/ PR3

    articleclick.com/ PR4

    pubarticles.com/ PR4

    articletrader.com/ PR5

    thefreelibrary.com/ PR7

    articleslash.net/ PR5

    ezinemark.com/ PR1

    triond.com/ PR5

    snipsly.com PR3

    articleblast.com/ PR5

    bukisa.com/ PR5
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      The figures in the post above (and those shown on the site linked to in the quotation below) are the page-ranks of the home-pages of the directories concerned. Your directory articles, of course, go on PR-0 pages, not on the sites' home-pages.

      Originally Posted by faysal969 View Post

      Try this link List Of Top 50 Article Directories By Traffic, PageRank.

      You will find a list of top 50 article directories.
      Actually several of those are not article directories. I'm "just saying".
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      • Profile picture of the author Owen Smith
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        The figures in the post above (and those shown on the site linked to in the quotation below) are the page-ranks of the home-pages of the directories concerned. Your directory articles, of course, go on PR-0 pages, not on the sites' home-pages.

        Actually several of those are not article directories. I'm "just saying".
        Agreed, it does not matter where you post the article, it will end up on a PR0 page as it will be new. You can however link back to an article to higher its ranking. I personally however prefer to gain the links to my website and not give them to article directories.


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      • Profile picture of the author ibmethatswhoib
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        The figures in the post above (and those shown on the site linked to in the quotation below) are the page-ranks of the home-pages of the directories concerned. Your directory articles, of course, go on PR-0 pages, not on the sites' home-pages.

        Actually several of those are not article directories. I'm "just saying".
        Not in a mean way, but don't listen to that advice. Your still going to get juice from the article directories. I have seen the power of these backlinks first hand.
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        • Profile picture of the author John Coutts
          Originally Posted by ibmethatswhoib View Post

          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          The figures in the post above (and those shown on the site linked to in the quotation below) are the page-ranks of the home-pages of the directories concerned. Your directory articles, of course, go on PR-0 pages, not on the sites' home-pages.

          Actually several of those are not article directories. I'm "just saying".
          Not in a mean way, but don't listen to that advice. Your still going to get juice from the article directories. I have seen the power of these backlinks first hand.
          That isn't advice, it's simple fact. You won't get "juice" from the article directories, unless you know of a way to keep your article on the home page where there actually is some PR "juice" to get.

          Advice is someone's opinion, something that may or may not be correct, but it's a fact that the page where your article will sit in any article directory will be a PR0 page with no "juice" whatsoever emanating from it.

          That doesn't mean don't do it. It just means don't expect something you won't get.

          Write System - superior web content
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  • Profile picture of the author challanger
    If you want to spin articles than do not just rely on tool you use for it. After spining must check all grammar and spell mistakes.
    Some Auto Spinng software's produce unreadable content which do not make any sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author dezchamps
    Articles are important FIRST to your site. You want your site noticed, not the articles sites.
    Spinning by professionals works well, as someone said before you don't want sentence fragments, or things that don't make sense! Make sure it's done right.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kom
    Article alway The king

    You may here that alot

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  • Profile picture of the author IntegratedS
    Thanks you very much for the good list, need some help to improve the traffic of my site, I will review this list.
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  • Profile picture of the author januzcans
    Submit your articles to Ezine. That is the best thing to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Melvolio
    Unless of course the article page gains its own PR.

    I'm not making any judgement on the value or non-value of having PR1+ backlinks pointing to your site from an article directory, but let's not overlook that the page on which your article sits may not stay PR0 forever.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Melvolio View Post

      let's not overlook that the page on which your article sits may not stay PR0 forever.
      It's only going to gain any significant page-rank worth talking about if backlinks are built to it, and that would be such a dreadfully misguided and counterproductive thing to do that there's no need even to think about it ... :p

      It's very easy to imagine that you're "getting traffic from an article directory" when what you're actually doing is sending your traffic to an article directory (and losing most of it). :rolleyes:

      The last thing any article marketer wants is for potential customer-traffic to be going to an article directory. Those are not the people for whom the article directory copies of articles are submitted.

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  • Profile picture of the author Melvolio
    I can quite honestly say that I have submitted articles to EZA and written Hubs for Hubpages (slightly different I know, but useful for demonstrating what I'm saying) to which I have built precisely zero backlinks that have gained PR1 and PR2.

    So either there are some helpful backlinking fairies floating around or there are other ways to gain PR than by lots of backlinks.

    I have no desire to enter into some quoting/requoting argument with anyone by the way. In fact I agree with a lot of your viewpoints, just not the militant way you put them across, so please don't quote me and then link a whole bunch of pages, using bold and underlined text as though we're all children, because I didn't and don't espouse any opinion related to getting traffic from article directories and haven't built a backlink to an article in my life unless it were in reference.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by Melvolio View Post

      So either there are some helpful backlinking fairies floating around or there are other ways to gain PR than by lots of backlinks.
      If you look at it from the right angle, "helpful backlinking fairies" isn't all that far off...

      Look at EZA. On your article page, you have links to other articles, links to category listings, etc. Links to your articles will also appear on some of those pages, and some of the articles carrying your links at the bottom may belong to those misguided souls backlinking their directory submissions. In that case, some juice, however diluted, may pass.

      If you are sufficiently far out on the long tail, it might not take all that much juice to push a page from PR0 to PR1.

      I suppose one could even engineer such a thing, but it seems to me that the effort could be better spent pushing one's own site above the various directories and their kin...
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      • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
        Hasn't anyone noticed how old this thread is? It's only been resurrected because the OP decided to reply to his/her original respondents after 11 months.
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      • Profile picture of the author rooze
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        If you look at it from the right angle, "helpful backlinking fairies" isn't all that far off...

        Look at EZA. On your article page, you have links to other articles, links to category listings, etc. Links to your articles will also appear on some of those pages, and some of the articles carrying your links at the bottom may belong to those misguided souls backlinking their directory submissions. In that case, some juice, however diluted, may pass.

        If you are sufficiently far out on the long tail, it might not take all that much juice to push a page from PR0 to PR1.

        I suppose one could even engineer such a thing, but it seems to me that the effort could be better spent pushing one's own site above the various directories and their kin...
        Well thank heavens for the voice of reason above. I've been chomping at the bit trying not to react to the posts where everything is made to be either black or white, on or off.
        Of course a PR0 article page on a popular article directory can carry some benefit. How much will vary based on some of the parameters listed in the post #21 above me. The only time the outbound link might carry zero benefit is if the page has been classified as duplicate and its sitting in the 'secondary index'.
        And that's the whole subliminal idea behind spinning. Subliminal because most people do it without understanding why. If you can get a unique article on a page in ezines, you have a better chance of the page sending you at least a slither of benefit. Whereas you post an obvious dupe and it may actually pass nothing.
        But there's an art to spinning something which passes Copyscape and provides some benefit to the reader. A well spun article can be at least as informative as the original, and can be used to some small effect in your IM strategy. The only person qualified to decide if it's worth your time is you. The only parameters you need to make the decision are the monetary value of your time coupled with a solid understanding of the benefits which can be gained. Many people unfortunately have an understanding of neither.
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  • Profile picture of the author aardanyul
    It's very important to spin your article before submitting to directories.

    I would recommend trying out Article Marketing Robot, or buy a service on fiverr that offers article marketing robot services. Its a really great piece of software that lets your article get out there really quick.

    “You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted.” Ruth E. Renkl

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  • Profile picture of the author TestiVar
    You can't build a sustainable online business by trying to trick the search engines, spamming article directories with spun junk or any other kind of trickery.

    Do you think Google did any of that to become #1? Facebook? Twitter? eBay? Amazon?

    I have seen plenty of articles by all of those companies. They weren't spun. They weren't in any of those "SEO" article directories either.

    If you want to build a real online business, you will do as the real online businesses do. If you want to scam others and trick search engines and site owners, then that is what you will do. But it will not help you build a viable online business.
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    • Profile picture of the author rooze
      Originally Posted by TestiVar View Post

      You can't build a sustainable online business by trying to trick the search engines, spamming article directories with spun junk or any other kind of trickery.

      Do you think Google did any of that to become #1? Facebook? Twitter? eBay? Amazon?

      I have seen plenty of articles by all of those companies. They weren't spun. They weren't in any of those "SEO" article directories either.

      If you want to build a real online business, you will do as the real online businesses do. If you want to scam others and trick search engines and site owners, then that is what you will do. But it will not help you build a viable online business.
      I agree with that absolutely 100%.
      On the subject of spinning, you can treat it like spam or you can utilize it to create something as good as the original. I rarely use spinning tools, but recently I was working on a regional sales copy page which needed to be written for 50 US States. It took me over 3 hours to create the spin-text. It started out with 900 words and the finished spin-ready copy had 4400 words. I created 50 copies then did a find/replace on a text anchor to insert the States. I had 50 finished pages in around 4 hours which would have taken me significantly longer had I done it manually. Any one of those pages is of sufficient quality to warrant inclusion in an article directory and they're all substantially unique. Each has a specific benefit to a person within the specified State.
      That's an example of using spinning in a productive way and I don't consider it to be anything close to spammy.
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  • Profile picture of the author rooze
    Question A- Do the links emanating from a page on an article directory always carry zero benefit or do they carry some variable benefit between zero and a higher number?

    Answer option A1 - NO, they never carry any benefit under any circumstances

    Analysis of answer A1.
    For all links emanating from an article on a popular ezine/directory to carry zero benefit would require the rules and conditions for the Internet to be suspended when it comes to links and Article Directories.

    Answer option A2 - They carry some variable benefit between zero and a higher number.

    Analysis of answer A2 - This is leaving the door open for some benefit but perhaps it's not clear on how the benefit can be measured and under what conditions it will vary.

    Question B - is it possible that one of the parameters effecting the amount of benefit passed by a link from an article in an article directory is whether or not the article is unique, or duplicate content?

    Answer Option B1 - No, since no link can pass benefit the question is irrelevant.
    Answer Analysis B1 - see the first analysis above

    Answer Option B2
    - No this is impossible and I have some evidence to prove this
    Answer analysis B2 - Please provide the evidence

    Answer Option B3 - Yes it's possible, but I have no evidence
    Answer analysis B3 - Answer provides insufficient data to act

    Answer Option B4 - Yes it's possible and I have some evidence
    Answer analysis B4 - Provide the data so it can be further analyzed

    R :confused: ZE
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  • Profile picture of the author madzstar

    If u submitting your articles for the sake of promoting yourself and self branding do it manually if not and it is for SEO pruposes then use a software like senux to submit and spin to not jus article directories but also web 2.0 sites like hubpages and scribble. and also social book marking websites
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  • Profile picture of the author cornwallalford
    For Getting the best result never spin the written articles try to generate the new content every time because spinning the articles creates the bad image of spamming and by spinning the articles that does not create he effect of new factor it get the limitation of spinning its useless.
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