Top ten reasons why I wasn't making any money online - and now I am (consistently)
This is a post that I wanted to share, in the hope that it might just HELP those that were where I was not too long ago. The last few months have really begun to turn around for me, so I wanted to do my bit and contribute back to the forum, as a way of saying "Thanks".
Here are my top ten reasons for why I struggled and wasnt making any money....
1. Skimming over vital pieces of useful information. I read but I didn’t absorb. Let me say that again – I read but I didn’t absorb. Think about it. How many times have you heard someone on WF say “sell them in the backend”, “offer a product that provides a solid solution”, “help people, quit offering crap”. I often skimmed over many threads here on WF, (stupidly), and had the mindset of “just tell me what I need to know, spare me the BS, I just want to make money” Its never that simple. Take the time to read, and re-read over the most informative posts. Be sure to take down notes, copy and paste, print things off, comprehend and absorb. Understand what you are taking in and WHY. Avoid the gossip, and any posts that you don’t need to read. Seek out exactly what you need and get off the forum. Quite often I don’t even login, I just google what it is that Im looking for, like, “how to get indexed quickly site:www.warriorforum.com” and read over every post that I think is useful. This way you get straight to what you need, and avoid the gossip. But again, avoid skimming, and absorb what you are taking in.
2. Looking for some kind of “secret answer”. This has been covered to death. Its funny, even though Im not the smartest guy around, I don’t consider myself a dummy either. I cant recall just how many times I would read post after post looking for “some kind of secret answer”. This mindset is a complete waste of time. Forget about it. You all know what the secret answer is – there isnt one.
3. Thinking everyone else is making a lot of money while Im not. This is a damaging belief and one that you need to get out of your head ASAP. Often I would log off the forum, in sheer frustration after having just read about some 18 year old kid who just made $35,000 for the month. Guess what? Who cares? Some of it may be truthful, but I bet you a lot of its not. Change your mindset, youre not being left behind. That’s a negative belief system that can damage you big time, unless you change it.
4. Trying to sell “suggestions” instead of solid “solutions”. Do you have any idea of how many stupid products I tried to sell before I “got it” ???? Stupid ebooks on writing poetry, interior design, origami, and goldfish. I shake my head whilst typing this, honestly. Understand the most important part of this business is this -- There is a MASSIVE difference between selling a crummy $7 ebook about bonsai gardening, as opposed to selling a $197 business kit or online training course. READ THAT AGAIN!!! The difference is that one is really “nice”, or “fluffy” while the other is an “essential tool” or “solution”. Understand this – its vital!!!
I need to thank oneplusone for sharing this video with me. In the few weeks that followed watching this (several times) my income began improving. The message in this video is by far THE most important, and critical part of internet marketing. I cannot stress this enough. Bookmark this video, download it, keep it handy and watch it repeatedly. This video has the potential to propel you from $0 to $xxxxxxx if you “get it” and start selling SOLID SOLUTIONS.
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5. Trying to CREATE the answers. Guess what? The answers you are looking for are right in front of you. Infact you ALREADY KNOW what you need to know to make money. Ask yourself one question right now. “Hey If I had a $97 product on the first page of Google, and that particular search term was getting 35,000 searches a month, and I was offering a solid solution (product) how much money would I probably be making?” What was your answer? “A lot?” Exactly! You already know what you need to know to make money. I bet every now and then you find a website that’s listed first page for a search term that pulls 100,000 searches a month and they are selling a $397 product, and you’ve said to yourself “Gee, they must be making a lot of money”. Did you just hear yourself? Go into the bathroom mirror and repeat what you just said. Get the noise out of your head and start doing what you already know you need to.
6. Avoid coaches and stage salesmen. I listened and took advice from those making money selling the system. Infact, I once paid $2,500 for ONE HOUR with a “guru”. If a supposed guru tells you they are making $50,000 a month, ask them to show you EVIDENCE of income. Stand up for yourself. Don’t be shy. If they are an honest marketer, they wont have anything to hide. If you can, meet with them and sit beside them and ask as many questions as possible. Validate them as a coach. But ALWAYS avoid anyone making money from coaching or showing others how to “make money”. I believe this is the EASY way out, although unfortunately its also one of the most profitable too. I wont go into too much detail here, because Im sure to upset a few people, but for me, Im not interested in “selling the system”.
7. Hope. Hope is not a business strategy. It’s a sure fired way of messing up big time. If you ever find yourself saying “I hope this works”, or “I wonder if this will work, I hope so”, slap yourself. Quit wasting time trying this and that. You cannot and will not build a financially successful business on hope. You MUST, and I repeat, MUST have a business system that you follow methodically for every single project. Right from keyword research down to customer support. Avoid “hope”. Its just another way of saying “I have no idea what Im doing”
8. Focusing on technical stuff as a means to an answer. F*ck the sales letter, forget about the optin form. Who cares about HTML? You can have all that stuff right and STILL not make a $1. Why? Because your product sucks. Just spent 3 months building a squeeze page and you have 2 optins? Slap yourself. Read number 4 again.
9. Trying to continually find new customers. Guess what? If you have one product that’s selling on a site, and that site is getting 200 visitors a day, YOU ALREADY HAVE CUSTOMERS! And whats better, is that if your product is selling -- you already have BUYING customers. I don’t know how many times I would setup a site, get my product selling (just) then run off into a different market. Its such an innefective way of trying to make more money! How much money do you need? If you already have 200 visitors a day, SELL RELATED PRODUCTS to the product you are already selling! You can turn 1 or 2 sales a day into 10 or more. Given a nice high end product, or products, this can lead to hundreds of dollars a day! Avoid the mistake I made of selling hairbrushes one minute and pool chlorine the next. It’s a fantastic way to go insane.
10. Believing quantity over quality. This strategy may work for some, but its not my cup of tea. Id much rather have 15 sites making $20,000 a month, than have 900 sites making $1,800 a month at $2 a day per site. I always thought that more money meant more sites. It can, but for me, it’s a logistical nightmare. Im flat out trying to keep on top of my 17 sites, let alone running hundreds. If you do your product selection correctly, and sell high end products, and RELATED products, you can make more money with fewer sites.
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