Top ten reasons why I wasn't making any money online - and now I am (consistently)

83 replies
Hey guys,
This is a post that I wanted to share, in the hope that it might just HELP those that were where I was not too long ago. The last few months have really begun to turn around for me, so I wanted to do my bit and contribute back to the forum, as a way of saying "Thanks".

Here are my top ten reasons for why I struggled and wasnt making any money....

1. Skimming over vital pieces of useful information. I read but I didn’t absorb. Let me say that again – I read but I didn’t absorb. Think about it. How many times have you heard someone on WF say “sell them in the backend”, “offer a product that provides a solid solution”, “help people, quit offering crap”. I often skimmed over many threads here on WF, (stupidly), and had the mindset of “just tell me what I need to know, spare me the BS, I just want to make money” Its never that simple. Take the time to read, and re-read over the most informative posts. Be sure to take down notes, copy and paste, print things off, comprehend and absorb. Understand what you are taking in and WHY. Avoid the gossip, and any posts that you don’t need to read. Seek out exactly what you need and get off the forum. Quite often I don’t even login, I just google what it is that Im looking for, like, “how to get indexed quickly” and read over every post that I think is useful. This way you get straight to what you need, and avoid the gossip. But again, avoid skimming, and absorb what you are taking in.

2. Looking for some kind of “secret answer”. This has been covered to death. Its funny, even though Im not the smartest guy around, I don’t consider myself a dummy either. I cant recall just how many times I would read post after post looking for “some kind of secret answer”. This mindset is a complete waste of time. Forget about it. You all know what the secret answer is – there isnt one.

3. Thinking everyone else is making a lot of money while Im not. This is a damaging belief and one that you need to get out of your head ASAP. Often I would log off the forum, in sheer frustration after having just read about some 18 year old kid who just made $35,000 for the month. Guess what? Who cares? Some of it may be truthful, but I bet you a lot of its not. Change your mindset, youre not being left behind. That’s a negative belief system that can damage you big time, unless you change it.

4. Trying to sell “suggestions” instead of solid “solutions”. Do you have any idea of how many stupid products I tried to sell before I “got it” ???? Stupid ebooks on writing poetry, interior design, origami, and goldfish. I shake my head whilst typing this, honestly. Understand the most important part of this business is this -- There is a MASSIVE difference between selling a crummy $7 ebook about bonsai gardening, as opposed to selling a $197 business kit or online training course. READ THAT AGAIN!!! The difference is that one is really “nice”, or “fluffy” while the other is an “essential tool” or “solution”. Understand this – its vital!!!
I need to thank oneplusone for sharing this video with me. In the few weeks that followed watching this (several times) my income began improving. The message in this video is by far THE most important, and critical part of internet marketing. I cannot stress this enough. Bookmark this video, download it, keep it handy and watch it repeatedly. This video has the potential to propel you from $0 to $xxxxxxx if you “get it” and start selling SOLID SOLUTIONS.

GURU BluePrint Blog » Blog Archive » How To Identify And Target Highly Profitable Information Niches Online

5. Trying to CREATE the answers. Guess what? The answers you are looking for are right in front of you. Infact you ALREADY KNOW what you need to know to make money. Ask yourself one question right now. “Hey If I had a $97 product on the first page of Google, and that particular search term was getting 35,000 searches a month, and I was offering a solid solution (product) how much money would I probably be making?” What was your answer? “A lot?” Exactly! You already know what you need to know to make money. I bet every now and then you find a website that’s listed first page for a search term that pulls 100,000 searches a month and they are selling a $397 product, and you’ve said to yourself “Gee, they must be making a lot of money”. Did you just hear yourself? Go into the bathroom mirror and repeat what you just said. Get the noise out of your head and start doing what you already know you need to.

6. Avoid coaches and stage salesmen. I listened and took advice from those making money selling the system. Infact, I once paid $2,500 for ONE HOUR with a “guru”. If a supposed guru tells you they are making $50,000 a month, ask them to show you EVIDENCE of income. Stand up for yourself. Don’t be shy. If they are an honest marketer, they wont have anything to hide. If you can, meet with them and sit beside them and ask as many questions as possible. Validate them as a coach. But ALWAYS avoid anyone making money from coaching or showing others how to “make money”. I believe this is the EASY way out, although unfortunately its also one of the most profitable too. I wont go into too much detail here, because Im sure to upset a few people, but for me, Im not interested in “selling the system”.

7. Hope. Hope is not a business strategy. It’s a sure fired way of messing up big time. If you ever find yourself saying “I hope this works”, or “I wonder if this will work, I hope so”, slap yourself. Quit wasting time trying this and that. You cannot and will not build a financially successful business on hope. You MUST, and I repeat, MUST have a business system that you follow methodically for every single project. Right from keyword research down to customer support. Avoid “hope”. Its just another way of saying “I have no idea what Im doing”

8. Focusing on technical stuff as a means to an answer. F*ck the sales letter, forget about the optin form. Who cares about HTML? You can have all that stuff right and STILL not make a $1. Why? Because your product sucks. Just spent 3 months building a squeeze page and you have 2 optins? Slap yourself. Read number 4 again.

9. Trying to continually find new customers. Guess what? If you have one product that’s selling on a site, and that site is getting 200 visitors a day, YOU ALREADY HAVE CUSTOMERS! And whats better, is that if your product is selling -- you already have BUYING customers. I don’t know how many times I would setup a site, get my product selling (just) then run off into a different market. Its such an innefective way of trying to make more money! How much money do you need? If you already have 200 visitors a day, SELL RELATED PRODUCTS to the product you are already selling! You can turn 1 or 2 sales a day into 10 or more. Given a nice high end product, or products, this can lead to hundreds of dollars a day! Avoid the mistake I made of selling hairbrushes one minute and pool chlorine the next. It’s a fantastic way to go insane.

10. Believing quantity over quality. This strategy may work for some, but its not my cup of tea. Id much rather have 15 sites making $20,000 a month, than have 900 sites making $1,800 a month at $2 a day per site. I always thought that more money meant more sites. It can, but for me, it’s a logistical nightmare. Im flat out trying to keep on top of my 17 sites, let alone running hundreds. If you do your product selection correctly, and sell high end products, and RELATED products, you can make more money with fewer sites.
#consistently #making #money #online #reasons #ten #top #wasn’t #wasn’t
  • Profile picture of the author alexcercel
    Great advice man! Exactly what I needed today Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author coffeecashnow
    Nice post Johnny! Thanks for sharing.

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    • Profile picture of the author Ryan Sorensen
      Number 3 is something that still gets me some times until I realize that I'm already ahead of probably 95% of people. Yeah there will alway be people who are making more money than me, so why worry about it.

      Number 9 is fantastic advice because product creators tend to get too focused on creating their next product instead of expanding on their good performing ones.

      Number 10 goes with number 9. If you have just 10 great performing websites w/ associated products instead of 100 average websites then you eliminate unnecessary time suck maintenance and customer support issues.

      I want to expand on number 4 by saying that we should all try to focus on what people want to buy rather than getting creative and trying to sell what they need. You know what? Trying to convince people that they need to buy something is way harder than convincing them to buy something they already wanted to buy in the first place.

      Think about it...
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  • Profile picture of the author JonMills
    great advice
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  • Profile picture of the author Slickest
    Just what I was needing - a kick in the pants to get me going! Set up 4 domains today to get started on developing FOR ME tomorrow. Been working so much for other people, now I need to work for me too! thanks!
    Signature selling and brokering domain names since 1998!
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  • Profile picture of the author fmracicot
    Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and giving the advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author wilmabeau
    Thanks Guy. It is very interesting.
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  • Profile picture of the author infohog
    Number 1 really hit home. There is a reason why successful people reiterate the same tips for success - they work - if you apply the knowledge!

    Thanks for sharing these tips - I saw many of my own shortcomings in this post.


    Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

    1. Skimming over vital pieces of useful information. I read but I didn't absorb. Let me say that again - I read but I didn't absorb. Think about it. How many times have you heard someone on WF say "sell them in the backend", "offer a product that provides a solid solution", "help people, quit offering crap". I often skimmed over many threads here on WF, (stupidly), and had the mindset of "just tell me what I need to know, spare me the BS, I just want to make money" Its never that simple. Take the time to read, and re-read over the most informative posts. Be sure to take down notes, copy and paste, print things off, comprehend and absorb. Understand what you are taking in and WHY. Avoid the gossip, and any posts that you don't need to read. Seek out exactly what you need and get off the forum. Quite often I don't even login, I just google what it is that Im looking for, like, "how to get indexed quickly" and read over every post that I think is useful. This way you get straight to what you need, and avoid the gossip. But again, avoid skimming, and absorb what you are taking in.

    Matthew D.

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by infohog View Post

      Number 1 really hit home. There is a reason why successful people reiterate the same tips for success - they work - if you apply the knowledge!

      Thanks for sharing these tips - I saw many of my own shortcomings in this post.

      Matthew, this is what can happen when someone listens to the same advice over and over again - they agree with it, but they're not actually absorbing and implementing what they know (and that alone will keep you from getting any results in IM!)

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  • Its all solid advice, now back to the grindstone for me then.
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  • Profile picture of the author PromoAds
    something i needed to get me started in the right direction, thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author shuvo
    You are right on every points you have mentioned here.This is really some good share from you.I think lack of appropriate information,multiple focus and want to get rich quick are the main reasons behind the failure of making money online.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheAnnoyingOrange
    It's refreshing to see Australian's telling it like it is
    Reserved for TheAnnoyingOrange
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    • Profile picture of the author vincent1
      Great post I will take my time and relax
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  • Profile picture of the author jan roos
    Glad you are doing good man. All that persistence is paying off finally.

    I really like number 10 on your list. How can one person market 100 websites effectively? I prefer less sites and building them up to the top in the niche.


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  • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
    I think that spending hours reading trying to find "the secret" and then getting frustrated because they end up more confused is the number 1 reason most don't ever make any money with this. Great post.
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  • Profile picture of the author si588
    Great post
    Still struggling with Facebook...

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    This is spectacular all of which I can relate to myself.

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    • Profile picture of the author Roaddog
      Really, really good list R_J

      I mean that. I'm happy for you, that it's coming together.

      I am partial to number 1. Too many people "think" they know something, but it didn't really soak in. They are all top notch though!

      I go over things that I read years ago sometimes, because I have learned a lot since then. Tend to look at it with a totally different head the second time around.

      Congrats on keepin it real.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    Very good post and good advice. I think these are the top ten reasons many people fail to make money and it's not until you can clearly see past these that you can begin to make some decent money!
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  • Profile picture of the author Shin Chan
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    • Profile picture of the author genietoast
      "Selling suggestions instead of solutions."

      I tried to think of a way to describe this conceptual problem. You summed it up nicely.
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    • Profile picture of the author entry
      Good reasons, im sure we have all been there
      I Have to say a Massive...THANK YOU to every Warrior who has helped me, and thanks to every warrior who helps me in the future...
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  • Profile picture of the author Intermission
    I am collecting posts like this to read (and reread) when I need to. (The absorption process). One day I too will be where I need to be and I will come back and make a post like this with my gleaned wisdom from my mistakes.

    From all of these posts I am formulating my 'business system' and I am including this post with the others.

    #1 and #7. Tough to get past in the beginning.

    Excellent advise. Thanks for sharing this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    This is a great post and GOLD to newbies. Listen up, don't just let this information skim you by if you are a newbie... Listening to his advice will save you $$ and time and frustration. Good job.
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    • Profile picture of the author pringrod
      Good advice, thanks for the pearls.
      Safe Vape - Electronic Cigarettes, Premium E Liquids and General Vaping shop based in the UK..Visit our store in Hebburn shopping Centre, UK or order on-line..
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  • Profile picture of the author Janet Matthews
    Oh my goodness - how did you get inside my head. I think everyone of your points I can relate to myself including paying out $2,500 to a guru.

    The 2 points that stick out for me are the need for a plan to follow and repeat and also the fact that I need my own quality product that sells for a decent price

    No 5 is of course a statement on life in general. We know more than we realize but we have forgotten it or lost the ability to retrieve it.

    Excellent post - thank you so much for the reminder.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Good post, Johnny. Nice to see you back here again.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author supergenie13
    Johnny you are the "Guru" and thank you very much for this great post!!! I will read it again...and again and also watch that video you referred to in no 4, and I have booked marked it already, Cheers
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    • Profile picture of the author corsleymaxwell

      I appreciate the sincerity of your intention to share what makes you what you are right now. This not only help those who has the same experience as you but also for those who are just starting and planning to venture on this field.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights regarding money making, it is such a great help.
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  • Profile picture of the author ben1ewis
    great advice Johnny, you've certainly got your head screwed on.

    Way to go fella!
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    • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
      Hey everyone, thanks so much for the kind words, and thank you's. If this post can help just a handful of members here on WF, then Ill be really humbled.

      Dont give up!

      BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    That's a very good read..thanks

    PS: Are you still into only selling high ticket affiliate programs? Going ok?

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  • Profile picture of the author Crispell0606
    Good post, very informative and helpful. thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author baronfei

    Thanks! How long did you take to find out?
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    • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
      Originally Posted by baronfei View Post


      Thanks! How long did you take to find out?
      I started internet marketing in October 2008. My first exposure to IM, was a flyer in the mail, with a list of names and faces, all of them claiming $250,000 a year online. I then got seminar fever and lost thousands. So since, October 2008, there have been tens of thousands of dollars spent and lost, and countless hours (I work at least 10 hour days, 7 days a week) invested in front of the computer.

      Dont use my experience as a guage of your own potential or success. There are others here (Alexa comes to mind) who became profitable in just 6 months.

      BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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      • Profile picture of the author anthony2
        Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

        I started internet marketing in October 2008. My first exposure to IM, was a flyer in the mail, with a list of names and faces, all of them claiming $250,000 a year online. I then got seminar fever and lost thousands. So since, October 2008, there have been tens of thousands of dollars spent and lost, and countless hours (I work at least 10 hour days, 7 days a week) invested in front of the computer.

        Dont use my experience as a guage of your own potential or success. There are others here (Alexa comes to mind) who became profitable in just 6 months.

        thanks ramone
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        • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
          Congratulations on your success Johnny and thank you for sharing this The majority of them ring true for me too, and I'm sure many other Warriors. I'm happy with how I'm doing now, but I know I can take things so much further - which is why I'm building more sites and learning everything I can from people like yourself to help me take things to the next level.
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  • Profile picture of the author anthony2
    Good Advice....I believe one big reason others fail to make it online

    1)Lack of Action
    2)Lack of focus.

    Also ramone how long did it take to find success after you
    changed your mindset?
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    • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
      Originally Posted by anthony2 View Post

      1)Lack of Action 2)Lack of focus.
      Id just like to take a moment to highlight these two points youve raised because theyre quite often mentioned.

      1.) Lack of action

      Lack of action is definitely a problem yes, but on the flipside, action without definitive purpose is useless. I spent 15 hour days sitting in front of my computer, working frantically towards my goals with very little results. Mostly because I had no idea what I was doing. Lack of action wasnt the problem at all. Infact I used to get really annoyed when I would read "You need to take action"

      For months on end (and I still do) I was basically walking from my bed, to the computer, and back to bed again. Day after day. I remember once a "guru" said to me when I mentioned I wasnt making any money...he said "Whats holding you back?" I felt like punching him in the face.

      Action means nothing unless its purposeful. Results are everything.

      2.) Lack of focus.

      Ive probably already covered this above and its already been mentioned above by many. Jumping around all over the place trying this and that, one BSO to the next will hurt you big time. One thing that really got me on track was this. I sat down and wrote a list of every aspect of what I was doing that I KNEW I needed to get better at. So I wrote down 1) getting indexed faster -- and I spent 3 days just learning about getting indexed faster (now I have a solid method that works 100%) 2) backlinking methods -- again I spent just a whole week, reading and learning about different backlinking methods (now Im working on refining this) Put simply, I break each section down into specific areas and I work on refining JUST THOSE AREAS until Im satisfied i have tangible and proven results that I can apply over and over on each project. Like a checklist. Avoid one trick ponies as James Schramko says - they work 20% of the time, all the time

      If you ask yourself what you suck at, and just work on those things individually, then you will definitely move forward as I have. I posted a thread here titled "Dont just do something, stand there" Might be worth a look

      BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    I was only through the first few paragraphs and I knew I would see a lot of "thanks" at the end of the post. After reading the whole post I sure did find a lot of members thanking you and I just added mine.

    You make some good solid points that should help new and experienced alike. Some of us may have discovered most of these suggestions already but I for one always benefit from the reminders.

    Point #7 in particular I seem to forget - learn the hard way - tell myself I will never do that again - forget... (rinse and repeat)...
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  • Profile picture of the author AndreTinker
    $2,500 for ONE HOUR with a “guru”? Wow! I'm glad I haven't walked down that road in my I.M. journey.

    Excellent post!
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  • Profile picture of the author charlesburke
    Excellent analysis of a common problem, Johnny. Thanks for this post - it's an island of good, solid common sense in a sea of hype, oversell and vague promises. I especially resonated with your first point.

    Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

    1. Skimming over vital pieces of useful information. I read but I didn't absorb. Let me say that again - I read but I didn't absorb.
    I write self-help material, and I see this all the time. People are constantly picking up one shiny new object after another, only to lay it down when the next new sparkler pops up. In fact, sometime back I wrote a report titled "Self Help Is NOT Entertainment." Here's a link to download it for free ( if anybody'd like to look it over.

    The main point is that persistence is a nearly lost art with many of us. We know we really shouldn't keep pogo-sticking from one idea to the next, and yet we can't seem to stop ourselves from it. But that's only because first, we're not sure how to set and hold long-term visions for ourselves, and second, we don't have a firm plan in place to get us where we truly want to go.

    But you did it, and furthermore, you've just shown that it's not complicated at all. Maybe not always easy - but not complicated.

    Cheers from warm and smiling Thailand,
    Special offer for all Warrior authors...
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    what a great post!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jatt The Ripper
    Excellent post, it's like it was written for me!

    Thanks for sharing, we all need a wake up call every so often!

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
    Great post RJ...Providing value and real solutions to problems is where its at!

    I do have a question though...I noticed you where involved in smaller niche markets before and not the make-money/business niche. Are you now switching your focus to that instead?

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    • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
      Originally Posted by Daniel Deegan View Post

      Great post RJ...Providing value and real solutions to problems is where its at!

      I do have a question though...I noticed you where involved in smaller niche markets before and not the make-money/business niche. Are you now switching your focus to that instead?
      No mate, just selling related products with the customers I already have. None of my products are in the IM market.

      BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
        Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

        No mate, just selling related products with the customers I already have. None of my products are in the IM market.
        Awesome to hear. I've noticed your posts and how you are truly involved in smaller niche markets as a product developer. I've decided to move in a similar direction myself. This actually helps me quite a bit as I am looking to get into more nichey niche markets but struggling with how much focus I should put into going wide versus deep.

        Norb is another fellow who has a similar business model that admire as well.

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    • Profile picture of the author rickytorson
      This is really amazing and outstanding information that provided here. I really like all of them. I don't know about it enough that is here. All information are very relative and very useful to everyone. This is really superb sharing here. I am highly obliged to be here.
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  • Profile picture of the author VOnline
    Great tips!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Pleasures of Effortlessly Receiving New Wardrobe Essentials Every Month

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  • Profile picture of the author helterskelter
    Great share. As I've started digging into the WF over the last few months, I could feel the frustration seeping out of a lot of your posts, and could tell you were trying SO. HARD. So, it makes me really happy to hear it's paid off and you've found success! Congrats!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
    #4. Trying to sell "suggestions" instead of "solutions".

    This is HUGE. It's so important to treat a business like -- well, a business. If I've lost my job and want to start a business from home -- and actually be able to stay home -- then trying to sell a $27 "How to train your parakeet" e-book probably isn't going to cut it. THINK like a real business owner.

    I learned this from my mentors and it's been crucial to me:

    Before you get started (or if you have to start over again), carefully consider/choose your business model.

    IM is actually pretty simple: you can sell only one of two things:

    1. Products
    2. Services

    That's it!

    And selling products or services online happens in the same basic way for everyone, no matter what they're selling:

    Traffic > Opt-in page > Autoresponder series (or e-zine) > Sales page

    That's it! It's just that simple. (We IMers tend to overcomplicate things.)

    But no matter what your niche is, or whether you're selling a product or a service, do you know what your business model is?

    A business model is the framework or skeleton of your business. Essentially there are three types of online business models:

    1. Membership-based model

    A membership-based business model allows you to build a community of people (your members) who are as passionate about your subject as you are. Your membership fees can be monthly or annual, but either way, you're building recurring, passive income.

    There are a lot of resources and information out there to help you build a membership-based business if you're interested in doing this.

    2. Product-based model

    Selling products allows you to maximize your time and effort by selling items over and over again. This can be hard goods or it can be information products. Information marketing is it's own business model under the product-based model. Information marketing allows to to take your brain to the bank by creating a product ONCE based on what you know and selling it over and over again.

    3. Service-based model

    Selling services can be great for 1) generating quick cash (as in the case of article writing or video producing) and 2) establishing your expertise and getting testimonials.

    However, in the long run, your goal should be to offer services at a PREMIUM. The biggest advantage of IM is LEVERAGE. You're able to leverage your time, money and expertise exponentially online. We all have just 24 hours each day. Time to get ruthless about what you expect for those hours you spend in IM each day. Expect more of yourself and more from your business friends, clients, partners, etc.

    What results are you getting for those hours you spend online each day? Ultimately, your services should be at the bottom of your funnel and cost the most since they involve your time and personal attention. (We all have a limited amount of time each day.)

    The fun (and confusion) comes in with all of the endless mix-and-match possibilities of the above models. If you're just starting or still struggling to make money, keep it simple:

    Pick just ONE!

    1. Pick ONE niche. (Something you're interested in and know something about.)

    2. Pick ONE target market for your product or service. (Who will buy what you're offering? The more specific you are, the more you narrow it down, the more successful you'll be.)

    3. Pick ONE business model.

    Now that you're clear about what business you're in, FOCUS!

    F -- Follow
    O -- One
    C -- Course
    U -- Until
    S -- Successful

    In IM, it's easy to put the cart before the horse. Take a deep breath, step back and consider what type of business you're REALLY want. Don't worry about getting traffic or buying that expensive traffic product until you know 1) what your business model is, 2) what niche you're in and 3) WHO your target market is!

    Successful business people will tell you that MARKETING is more than half the effort that's needed for success anyway. So pick a niche, target market and business model. Then spend most of your time and effort marketing it.

    Hope this helps!

    "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    Agreed on your very helpful enlightening post. One doesn't always need a coach to succeed...and as long as you can avoid, dont stick to those hyped gurus who profits from coaching people because it is often that what they tell you are not as real as you imagine.

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  • Profile picture of the author RichMag
    Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

    3. Thinking everyone else is making a lot of money while Im not. This is a damaging belief and one that you need to get out of your head ASAP. Often I would log off the forum, in sheer frustration after having just read about some 18 year old kid who just made $35,000 for the month. Guess what? Who cares? Some of it may be truthful, but I bet you a lot of its not. Change your mindset, youre not being left behind. That's a negative belief system that can damage you big time, unless you change it.
    This one still gets me to this day. Great post.
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  • Profile picture of the author gforces
    Fantastic stuff. It's posts like these that all newbies (all of us actually) need to read and re-read to help keep us on track.

    I'll be applying myself and focusing... actually it's really all a confirmation of what I have been learning of late.

    Thank you all...
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
    Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

    Hey guys,
    Quite often I don't even login, I just google what it is that Im looking for, like, "how to get indexed quickly" and read over every post that I think is useful. This way you get straight to what you need, and avoid the gossip.
    For a product creation guy like me this is killer and I haven't really used this query in google. I love finding little query strings like this to cut through the clutter.

    Thanks for your entire post but this one really can be turned into action immediately for me.



    PS- Your other stuff is amazing btw...a 2k course if someone put that simple info into action.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3436581].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Brad Spencer View Post

      For a product creation guy like me this is killer and I haven't really used this query in google. I love finding little query strings like this to cut through the clutter.

      Thanks for your entire post but this one really can be turned into action immediately for me.



      PS- Your other stuff is amazing btw...a 2k course if someone put that simple info into action.
      Brad, I've discovered that using this search string in Google is even better than the forum search here - you'll uncover more threads and additional information if you use Google. Try it, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

      This would be a gold mine especially for product creators like you, as you'd have quick fingertip access to all the popular IM topics in here when you're researching information for your next product.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Kanapemo
    Really motivational thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author paulonline
    Wow! Great information! Thanks for taking the time to share your top ten. This certainly will help ME, as well as all IM's! Cheers!
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe J
    Here's another Thanks to all the great info here.

    Us newbies need to hear it like it is with no fluff.

    As mentioned many, many times on these boards, I also am learning the no-BS way
    of starting a new way of creating an income by learning from the experienced people
    here that are doing the things that I want to do.

    Thank You all for your time to write and reply to these posts and helping the next new person like me trying to achieve the same!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461937].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author LauraJames
    Awesome! Thank you for taking the time to post this very insightful information. Best wishes to you.

    Chief Executive Officer
    Best Designed Blogs
    Based in Canada and the USA
    None of our work is outsourced

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3461992].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ehanson
      Excellent, excellent post.

      Just posting that Eben Pagan video is of great value to people here but explaining what they should be doing if their not making money is really great.
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  • Profile picture of the author Breezy1
    omg thats david deangelo, i never knew he was an IM'r. He is a master at getting women. Just sayin lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author venturer
    This is the most down to earth and truthful advise I've ever come across and I truely appreciate your effort and time to share this with us.

    The whole article is impactful and I have to confess that Point 7 hit me the most. I've made the mistake of going offer to offers and hoping each of their system works. Much had invested to learn a precious lesson that there is no quick solution.

    Quality and smart work is the key.

    Very grateful for you to share your lesson learnt.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rosane Blanco
    I share your thoughts completely and I must say that it is great to hear confirmation of what doesn't work from someone who's been thee and done that, and also get some tips of what does work of course. Besides, this post was a real eye opener!
    Good on you for sharing and best of luck!
    Claim Your F*R*E*E Tool To Skyrocket Your List
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3462483].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jsnfou
    Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

    3. Thinking everyone else is making a lot of money while Im not. This is a damaging belief and one that you need to get out of your head ASAP. Often I would log off the forum, in sheer frustration after having just read about some 18 year old kid who just made $35,000 for the month. Guess what? Who cares? Some of it may be truthful, but I bet you a lot of its not. Change your mindset, youre not being left behind. That's a negative belief system that can damage you big time, unless you change it.

    4. Trying to sell "suggestions" instead of solid "solutions". Do you have any idea of how many stupid products I tried to sell before I "got it" ???? Stupid ebooks on writing poetry, interior design, origami, and goldfish. I shake my head whilst typing this, honestly. Understand the most important part of this business is this -- There is a MASSIVE difference between selling a crummy $7 ebook about bonsai gardening, as opposed to selling a $197 business kit or online training course. READ THAT AGAIN!!! The difference is that one is really "nice", or "fluffy" while the other is an "essential tool" or "solution". Understand this - its vital!!!
    I need to thank oneplusone for sharing this video with me. In the few weeks that followed watching this (several times) my income began improving. The message in this video is by far THE most important, and critical part of internet marketing. I cannot stress this enough. Bookmark this video, download it, keep it handy and watch it repeatedly. This video has the potential to propel you from $0 to if you "get it" and start selling SOLID SOLUTIONS.
    Great points.. Sometimes you have everything right but the wrong mindset.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anup Mahajan
    Hats off to you. I'm sure that your post will help a lot of people who are not seeing much success. You have put down the problems faced by almost every marketer and offered some great solutions. Keep it up buddy


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  • Profile picture of the author adeleadams
    This is a very helpful post and the most lovely part was the "Hope". I just loved that.
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  • Profile picture of the author mahal788
    Very true....
    Your wordings are hilarious!

    Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

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  • Profile picture of the author mattie77
    I am a total newbie and have gotten lost in other peoples hype and lies. I needed to see that to put me on the ground and give me direction again. Thanks RJ
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  • Profile picture of the author ibagayan
    Great post. thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Daonlydude
    Hey man, great post!

    It's awesome to hear you're doing good. I've just started IM, but I haven't really taken any action or anything. Thanks for the wake up call
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  • Profile picture of the author wendyloohoo67
    Great post. Thank you for sharing your insights with us. Some days I feel like I'm spinning my wheels and you've definitely pointed out some areas that I need to work on. Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jun Balona
    Awesome post man. I am mostly guilty on your 3rd (always thinking why on earth do they have that and I don't) and 7th (always hoping that buying this could change my financial woes).

    However, I have always been a believer of myself, and that's what drives me to not give up on IM.

    And I did slapped myself. Just don't ask how many times...

    ...ok, I exaggerated on that part. LOL.

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    • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
      Hey everyone thanks so much for the kind words. Its really appreciated.

      BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
    I appreciate this and I keep saying I need to do a 6 most important things list so I don't get distracted.... great info and advice.

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  • Profile picture of the author rcaffrey
    Wow - going back and reading all of it again - Excellant advice. As I can already get sites to top in Google - I just need now to get the right products to solve the problems.
    Like you I stay well clear of selling IM.
    Thank you for taking the time to share.
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  • Profile picture of the author bestitrix
    Awesome advice man. Thank you for pointing out some of the common mistakes IM doe on the daily basis. Its good to know what gives you motivation and what cause distraction. Knowing simple dos and don't goes a long way because when you eliminate distraction you become more productive on the daily basis.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dean Jackson
    A fellow Australian! G'day Mate!

    Ramone thanks for bringing this up... I'm so tired of seeing people who are too scared, complain about "information overload" (suck it up for christs sake), and constantly bitching about all the "scams" out there.

    What you need to do is go back to the basics and learn what marketing is at it's BASE.

    A solution to a problem (which you provide in exchange for $).

    All the rest is a way for you to do that.

    Over and out,
    NEW: CRAZIEST Copywriting offer ever offered on WF
    My top student WILL make your sales go BANANAS!
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    • Profile picture of the author Ben Armstrong
      Right click > Bookmark this tab > Awesome/Inspirational threads

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  • Profile picture of the author wingman7
    Nice thread, Aussies do know a thing or 2. As a Kiwi I thought we had all the answers!
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