Hubpages is so selective?

22 replies
Do you experience submitting article to hubpages? Do you think they're so selective? I think they do.

My article gets reviewed again and again, I think they expect more quality content.
#hubpages #selective
  • Profile picture of the author southerntrader
    I don't think they are very picky. The do look for duplicate content which they frown upon. Also, Hubpages really isn't an article submitting website. Each of their pages are really more like 1 page websites. At least that is how I look at it.
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    • Profile picture of the author BobAlou1026
      In my experience, submitting articles to directories won't get you nearly as much traffic as contributing that content to a popular authority site within your niche.
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      • Profile picture of the author mailey
        Based on their recent treatment by Google, they can forget about selectivity. In fact, they should shut shop and go home.
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        • Profile picture of the author pavionjsl
          Originally Posted by mailey View Post

          Based on their recent treatment by Google, they can forget about selectivity. In fact, they should shut shop and go home.

          Yes they have got one of the worse hits from the new changes by google, their ove all traffic has gone down drastically. Being selective and hard to work with days, well they can do what they want but squidoo is better now then hub.
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  • Profile picture of the author jushuaburnham
    Indeed, hubpages is so particular when it to comes to the quality and the uniqueness of your content.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lunatic13
      I've been posting pages on Hub Pages for quite a while now. I have never had one rejected or asked to to reviewed.

      Uniqueness is the game and don't post articles that are spun within an inch of their life. Gibberish is not a good look.

      A bit more time, but the link love is worth it.
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  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
    Originally Posted by visimedia View Post

    Do you experience submitting article to hubpages? Do you think they're so selective? I think they do.

    My article gets reviewed again and again, I think they expect more quality content.
    Based on Google's recent action, you don't think it's a GOOD think that these platforms are so 'selective'? Your post is written like you are disgusted with the fact that they try to ensure the quality of their own database.

    IMHO, they need to increase that quality control...
    Google Farmer Update: Quest for Quality - SEO-Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author hilaryaustin

    this are my 3 priority regarding contents. You can use them also if you have troubles in unapproved and denial post issues.
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  • Profile picture of the author mjarel
    I'm agreed, they are very choosy for articles.Don't know what they actually want.
    Maria Jarel
    Brand Partnership Manager| | The Art for Business
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  • Profile picture of the author Bacchus
    I have 160 articles on hubpages, and I have only ever had one rejected. If you write reasonably good content, check it for obvious mistakes, it will probably be accepted as long as it is original.

    Basically, they are looking for material as good as you'd want on your own site. In fact, I try to write better material than the minimum standard.

    If you are just posting for backlinks... don't: at the moment they are considered a bad neighbourhood and google may penalize you. I don't have any links from hubpages to my site.

    I recommend you don't either.

    And, personally, I would like hubpages to be more selective rather than less selective over what it lets into the stable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Prady N
    Originally Posted by visimedia View Post

    Do you experience submitting article to hubpages? Do you think they're so selective? I think they do.

    My article gets reviewed again and again, I think they expect more quality content.
    I have submitted some articles to hubpages..I don't think they are selective but in my experience they get more choosy for page which has affiliate links...
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    • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
      Originally Posted by yogk31 View Post

      I have submitted some articles to hubpages..I don't think they are selective but in my experience they get more choosy for page which has affiliate links...
      Yes, because it's in their best interest to safeguard the quality of their article database. As we saw recently, they were hit hard by Google, just like Ezine Articles. If they just allow you to throw up affiliate links anywhere, IM'ers would exploit the platform to the point of extinction.

      You have a sad face at the end of your post...but, it's actually a GOOD thing, in the big scheme of things, that they are beginning to control for quality like they are.
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      • Profile picture of the author Prady N
        Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

        Yes, because it's in their best interest to safeguard the quality of their article database. As we saw recently, they were hit hard by Google, just like Ezine Articles. If they just allow you to throw up affiliate links anywhere, IM'ers would exploit the platform to the point of extinction.

        You have a sad face at the end of your post...but, it's actually a GOOD thing, in the big scheme of things, that they are beginning to control for quality like they are.
        I totally agree with you. Squidoo is also taking such steps. I know its really in interest of people..The sad face was because newbies may get frustrated with this kind of review process...
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Agency
    I believe so, I failed many time post on hubpages quality issues. Hubpages is very particular in quality and duplication of content.
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  • Profile picture of the author MrDay
    Hubpages is actually a really awesome site! A well written hub ranks really well in Google in a short amount of time. Just make sure your hubs are good quality, beneficial to others, and make sure your keywords are in the title and url. Do a little SEO and your hubs can take on the most competitive keywords.

    Checkout and learn from some of the best Hubbers. Just get involved in the Hubpages community and forum, you'll quickly find out who they are. You can learn a lot from them and they make a ton of money from their hubs.

    You can make a lot of money from your hubs with Adsense, Amazon and etc.. But once you've gotten use to what kind of hubs do well and are popular, then you can start adding helpful affiliate links in your hubs too.

    Don't ever create hubs that are aggressively promoting affiliate offers and getting backlinks. Chances are other Hubbers will report it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sparhawke
    The thing with Hubpages primarily is that they want a story...they want some emotional connection with the reader rather than a load of crap so stop writing standard sales pages and start thinking up some original topics or observations...

    Anyone can spew out a load of rubbish about a dvd recorder they have never owned or even looked at...fewer people can write about the time they destroyed half their house by plugging in a vcr and watching the electric plugs blow up one by one or the time they knocked down a major load bearing wall and watched the upstairs bathroom fall into the cellar.

    Anyone can write about how long it takes to cook a turkey, fewer people can write about the time their dad put the turkey in the microwave and watched in stunned awe as it blew up leaving bits of crap falling from the ceiling for weeks after.

    Write about what you know, not what you think you know.

    Here is one of my hubs, it is not perfect and I never claimed it to be but this is the kind of stuff that they love. I have never been rejected from Hubpages once.
    “Thinking is easy, Acting is difficult
    And to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world ~ Goethe”
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