My Strategy for $800 in my first month
For one month I did the following every single day with $0 earnings until the very last few days of the month. At that point I made $800 in three days, but it took a month of prepartion and hard work.
Here's how I did it: $800 in my first month with Clickbank (works for any affiliate program though)
Week 1
Step 1: Create blog for free. Didn't even buy my own domain. Also install google analytics. Finally, submit the site to google for indexing.
Step 2: Write articles throughout week one and have them all qued up to go throughout the month. This way I don't have to worry about having articles appearing on the site and can focus on the marketing aspects. If you can't write one month's worth of posts (daily publications are best) in a single week then you aren't ready for this strategy.
Step 3: With each published article I submitted it to and linked to both the post itself and the blog.
Week 2
Step 1: Continue republishing articles to Modify the articles slightly to increase conversion rates and to appeal to the audience.
Step 2: Identify 5 blogs using google blog search in the same niche which you can write guest posts for. Get in touch with these authors and start writing guest posts.
Step 3: Get active on a forum related to your niche and create a signature that links to your site. Don't talk about your site, just chat it up in the forum and be helpful. Reuse the content of your daily postings (including ones that haven't been published yet) to increase credibility on the forum.
Week 3
Step 1: Some if not all of your guest posts should get published by the end of the week. Comment on these posts to everyone that replies with a question or thanks you for the post.
Step 2: Continue republishing articles to
Step 3: Review your google analytics and see where your traffic is coming from. Has the forum sent you anything? How about your guest posts? Has google found you yet? Focus on keywords now and adjust your prewritten articles to meet the keywords you want to hit. You'd like to get a handful of google hits per day now that you are becoming better known. Make sure you rank #1 to #4 for your exact title on google search.
Step 4: Identify a product and more importantly, a product author who you can contact and sell to your audience. Do an interview over email with the person: send them questions and ask them to fill it out as if it were a live discussion.
Week 4
Step 1: Prepare your audience with a post stating that you are interviewing an influential member of the community about a new product they are developing to make everyone's lives easier and do X well.
Step 2: Towards the middle of the week, release your interview and sell the product with your affiliate link.
Step 3: Oversell a little bit by releasing a post on how you are using the product successfully.
Step 4: Focus on writing ezinearticles which talk about reviewing the product and also have keywords like "interview with Author Name", etc.
Month 2
Repeat the process, write your posts for the month, find more guest posts, get another product to sell, etc.
This is how I made $800 in my first month of online marketing, with absolutley no knowledge of how the gurus did it or even how to properly use adsense.
Want an uncensored look into the life of an internet marketer? Check out my blog The Chronicle of a Dropout
specializing in SmartPhones , Internet security, high tech gadgets, search engines, tech shows, digital cameras.
Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
Invest in domains without the hard work !
Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com